Ganondorf's Arrangements (Last Updated 6/15/09) Helmaroc King in proccess

Started by NasiDe, April 22, 2008, 05:50:57 PM

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Tell you what. I've changed measure 17. I've updated the link. Tell me if there is anything else you want changed you believe I can change to make it correct.


I've updated again and have three new songs.
Phantom Ganon
Puppet Ganon First Half
Puppet Ganon Battle (Spider Mode)



PM7 shut up
everyone is ignoring you
he didnt copy directly from midis you idiot
i checked on some of them because you were constantly complaining


Quote from: PianoMan on April 24, 2008, 07:17:05 PM
Quote from: Ganondorf on April 24, 2008, 10:26:14 AMThank you, PianoMan!

GCN? Wouldn't that become Game Cube Nintendo? Hmm... If that's the official abbreviation for Game Cube and not NGC, then I'll change that.
I really don't get it either. I've just only ever seen it as GCN or GC. This is the first time i've seen as NGC. (I think it might stand for GameCube Network)

I know that it is not game cube network... It is Game cube Nintendo, they just wanted the GC before the N, and there isn't a network on the game cube... that is what the wii is for.

Oh by the way... great arrangements in your que.
Without percussion, the world would have no heart beat.


Thank you Percussivedave. Took me quite awhile to do that.  ;D

I also leave my thanks with Sirus for making looking into that. ::)



Woah, that's a crap-load of Queue.

You should concentrate on the submission ones first and make them perfect before making more...


By the way, I actually updated that submission link because I changed the song a bit. If there's anything else I should change, do tell me.


pm7 i probably have more friends than you  ::)
and i actually have a life and i dont go checking every single one of those songs if theyre copied or not
you know why dont tell one of the admin instead of make a big deal out of it and pissing everyone off  :P


guys guys guys...knock it off...or else someone will be banned...stop acting like kindergarteners and act like civilized men!




That reminds me of something from a comedy show I watched once...  ;D
It was entertaining while it lasted. ;) Just kidding. :P
People should really try to get along... But for some reason, wherever I appear people start arguing with each other. 8)


Sirus: Are you fuckin kidding me!? I have WAY more of a life than you! If you've been on the chat you've seen that...So, I have more of a life than you'll EVER HAVE. Bet you don't even have a girl. :P


PM7!!!!!!! I just told everyone to stop arguing...and then you post a comment that clearly continues the argument....stop it or i WILL report you