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TWG XXVIII: Pokémon Black and White

Started by SlowPokemon, February 15, 2012, 06:31:56 PM

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Wait, don't you mean DAY ends tomorrow?
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I need another phase to prove it, but I'm sure I can prove my humanity.  Wry knows what I am talking about.  If nothing else, keep me alive if I'm right.

This comes down to how much stock Wry puts in what I've told him.  But I'm willing to bet that I'm right about it.


If you all can't find anyone to lynch, you can all just lynch me, so you don't lose anyone important.
Plus, I could watch more Lost!

Also, sorry, SlowPokemon.  Lost is too powerful. :(


This is so dumb, nobody is saying anything about the day phase at all.

I have made an extremely provocative accusation. I am saying that vermilionvermin, one of the strongest players here, is a wolf, and I want him lynched day 1. Yet still, nobody is saying anything. You're all making these wishy-washy statements about the issue, being inactive, or ignoring the issue completely. I think that vermilionvermin is a wolf - if you agree with me, vote for him. If you disagree with me, vote for somebody you think is more suspicious.

That is how TWG works. Get with the program, guys.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die

Locke (Faux)


@Verm's accusation of Kman:

All of those things could be either grammar mistakes or newbie mistakes. Kman was like this last game too, and he was human. I don't think we can make a judgement on him just yet.

And at least he's being fairly active.

Saint Swooper

I'm sort of being forced to lean toward a Verm lynch due to lack of options. I'm gonna put off my vote to give him a proper chance to defend himself. We've got until tomorrow, we don't need to rush our votes anymore.


Sorryman, but I gotta go with a Verm vote. If somehow, Verm you can actually Prove your humanity, I might reconsider...but we will see.
Party Hard!


I was going to keep this quiet but I think now's an opportune time to say it.

Swooper is a wolf.

Quotemmastersonabcd: whazzat pm you was sendin
Saint Swooper: just asking the host a question
mmastersonabcd: what was the question
Saint Swooper: I wanted to know for sure if self-guarding was a thing
Saint Swooper: Not that I'm the guardian
mmastersonabcd: ok
Saint Swooper: I just wanted to know if they could
mmastersonabcd: so if i happened to have told sauce i'd tell him what you said, what should i say now?
mmastersonabcd: because if he's a wolf and i told him you asked the host that then you're dead meat
Saint Swooper: which would suck, I'm not even the guardian
Saint Swooper: Tell him I asked some other question or something, idk
mmastersonabcd: what if he asks for the answer?
Saint Swooper: Make one up?
mmastersonabcd: it needs to be convincing
Saint Swooper: I don't know really, this is an awkward situation
mmastersonabcd: ok i'll look for something
mmastersonabcd: oh i know
mmastersonabcd: i'll say you asked if he'd tell us whether or not he'd tell us if the wolves intentionally skipped a wolfing
Saint Swooper: Um
Saint Swooper: sure I guess
Saint Swooper: kinda makes me sound noobish though :\
mmastersonabcd: no it doesn't
mmastersonabcd: it's a fair question
Saint Swooper: Alright, tell him that then
Saint Swooper: and then make the answer no
mmastersonabcd: well slow might not have gotten back to you yet
Saint Swooper: ok go with that then
Saint Swooper: he hasn't gotten back to me
Saint Swooper: so yeah
mmastersonabcd: ok
Last message received on 2/17 at 3:57 PM

There are some important things discussed in that log.  Namely, the issue of Swooper sending a PM.  That means that he's either sending a PM to the alliance, he's sending a PM to his wolf partners, or he's sending a PM to the host asking the host a question.

Obviously, if he's trying not to make me think that he's a special or that he's a wolf, he'll go with saying that he's PM'ing the host.

The question he asked is whether or not self-guarding is legitimate.  Which might have been a fair question, except for:

QuoteProfessor Juniper, a selfless individual, can guard one person, excluding herself, each night phase in the safety of her laboratory.

That's in the first post.

The other bolded part of his conversation is where he asks me to make up an answer for Bird to the question I told Bird he asked the host.  If he had really asked the host a question, he would know that he wouldn't have an answer already.  He wouldn't have to make up an answer.

I really don't think that he was sending the alliance a PM. If it had really been just his claim, he could have said so.


Saint Swooper has not claimed to me at all, but then again. Not everyone has either.


Removing my vote while we sort stuff out.

Why didn't you want to reveal this?


I thought he could be the guardian and not a wolf.

I think my handling of this is a testament to my humanity as well.  Were I a wolf, I would have been selfish and come out with this before I got confirmation that Swooper wasn't the guardian.


(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


K-N said he didn't have time for the game.


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*