TWG XXVIII: Pokémon Black and White

Started by SlowPokemon, February 15, 2012, 06:31:56 PM

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After thinking about it, I'm more of the opinion that the skipped wolfing was intentional.  There are about six or seven players whom I'd trust never to accidentally skip a wolfing because I've played with them enough.  I doubt the wolves are all in the rest of the players.

I'm going to remove my vote for now.  I realize that I'm probably the most suspicious person if we're assuming that the wolves skipped a wolfing on purpose, seeing as how I've done it in two different games.


Well that's interesting...but hey, the more people, the merrier, right?!
Party Hard!


The more I talk to people, the more certain I'm growing that this was a framing.  What happened this game could very well be similar to what Bird, K-N, and I did last game.  The wolves only need to whittle us down to six if they manage to stay intact.  In other words, direct three or four kills away from themselves and make two night kills.

The best way to do so would be to frame the inactives.  They're less likely to defend themselves as a symptom of their inactivity.  All it takes to frame the inactives is to skip a night killing.  Then we would, naturally, lynch and vigi those who would be most likely to skip a killing--the inactives.

I realize that I do stuff like this pretty much every game I'm a wolf, and I wouldn't blame the humans for mislynching me today.  I'm going to try to generate a little bit of discussion by voting for the person I think is most likely to do something like this--Swooper.

This will likely change once I get the chance to talk to him, but Swooper's, in my opinion, the person most likely to do something like this.  I think in some previous chat I had with him a long time ago, he mentioned that he should do something like that.

I think we're dealing with a very talented and strategic wolf team here.


People who think that the missed wolfing was intentional:
Locke (Faux)

People who think that the missed wolfing was an accident:

People who haven't stated their opinion on the matter:
Saint Swooper

* * *

We need everybody's opinion on this ASAP. It'll help us decide who to vote for. Also if you haven't claimed to Wry, do so now.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Well I guess I hadn't been clear about it, but my posts basically inclined that I thought the missed wolfing was intentional, because personally, I wouldn't have wolfed anyone if the only thing I had to go off of is the knowledge of who Isn't a wolf.

That's just what I think. My wifi flubbed up last night so I was unable to post much last night :/
Party Hard!


...and remind me again, why are we claiming to wry?

I'll read the back posts, but I don't remember that in there anywhere...
Party Hard!


HA! I got it...I'm so dumb. Wry's the seer! That's why...the only problem is, could he really be the human seer? Or the wolf seer?

...crap I just sent him a message -__-
Party Hard!


There haven't been any counterclaims so we're assuming he's the human seer.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]

Saint Swooper

Well, I'm flattered you think I'd have that kind of a plan Verm, but I honestly probably wouldn't have thought of that. That being said, I don't know the people here all that well, but I'd imagine that a team of three people wouldn't slip up and miss a wolfing on accident.


Come on Swooper, don't sell yourself short. It's not that clever of a plan to come up with, I'm sure pretty much everybody in this game would consider if it they really thought about wolfing.

That said, I'm not sure why verm's investigations led him to conclude that Swooper was a wolf. I know my previous suspicion of verm (that he didn't overlook N having his power Night 1) might sound silly, but he dwells on it a lot in our IMs. It just strikes me as odd.

Plus this is something verm does all the freaking time.
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


i think it's funny that right after you tell me i'm a bad reader i stop having any ability to read well.

Anyways, as I said in the post I voted for Swooper, it's not a solid, set-in-stone suspicion.  It's mainly because a lot of the other people I've been talking to have seemed human and I imagine Swooper would come up with something like this.  also i call bs swooper would totes do something like this.  And it looks like it generated at least a little bit of discussion.

In my own defense, I think I was probably the first person who thought that this not-killing thing was intentional.  Were  I a wolf, I could have tried to sway the humans' opinion to lynching inactives.  It also doesn't make any sense at all for me to skip a wolfing on purpose and then try to convince people that it was intentional.  The benefit of skipping a wolfing would be to get people to lynch inactives.  The plan doesn't really work if I convince people not to lynch inactives.


hey swooper what message were you sending


I think it was totally intentional. Trying to throw people off guard.

Also verm, I <3 teddiursa!
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Yeah, I think the missed wolfing is way more likely to be a frame rather than an actual miss. Most people in here are too active and smart to miss a wolfing on purpose and would try to frame someone else.
Quote from: Bird on February 17, 2012, 03:03:48 PMCome on Swooper, don't sell yourself short. It's not that clever of a plan to come up with, I'm sure pretty much everybody in this game would consider if it they really thought about wolfing.

That said, I'm not sure why verm's investigations led him to conclude that Swooper was a wolf. I know my previous suspicion of verm (that he didn't overlook N having his power Night 1) might sound silly, but he dwells on it a lot in our IMs. It just strikes me as odd.

Plus this is something verm does all the freaking time.
I sort of doubt that Verm is a wolf right now, because why would he bring back up his techniques from previous games that seem to be being used in this one? That wouldn't be smart if he was a wolf, reminding us of things like that.

Quote from: Saint Swooper on February 17, 2012, 02:19:57 PMWell, I'm flattered you think I'd have that kind of a plan Verm, but I honestly probably wouldn't have thought of that. That being said, I don't know the people here all that well, but I'd imagine that a team of three people wouldn't slip up and miss a wolfing on accident.
I'm pretty sure that you would have thought of that, Swooper. It's really not that good of a plan. It sort of sounds that he's playing dumb, and I hate to bandwagon, but I don't have that much more to go off of. So Swooper
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Verm is definitely a strong enough player to reverse psychology us all by pointing out that inactives were probably being framed. Also somebody else undoubtedly would have pointed it out eventually, and Verm must have known this and could have taken advantage.

Also I feel like Verm is way more likely to do this kind of thing than Swooper.