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TWG XXVIII: Pokémon Black and White

Started by SlowPokemon, February 15, 2012, 06:31:56 PM

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Wow... You'd think I'd have figured that out by now... :/ I just stick to telling the truth.

its ok. Y'all are funny :)
Party Hard!


Jub is being suspiciously inactive. Not only has he not provided any useful insights, like he usually does, (for those who don't know, Jub is one of the best TWG players on this site) but he also seems to make us want to think that an active wolf is framing an inactive human. Thus, he stays inactive to avoid suspicion.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


Quote from: Bird on February 21, 2012, 12:02:01 PMWe should use our seerings to find inactive wolves - active wolves, we should hopefully be able to locate with just our pro skillz.

That said, Jub3r7 has been even more inactive than usual.
Sorry, was playing a faction game where I pulled a Jar, aka messed up another team by failing miserably, therefore allowing an entirely different team to win.

I'll try to start being more active, although I'm sort of going to be in Savannah for the next few days. D:
Safety on Bird for now.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: Jub3r7 on February 21, 2012, 03:01:18 PMSorry, was playing a faction game where I pulled a Jar, aka messed up another team by failing miserably, therefore allowing an entirely different team to win.

I'll try to start being more active, although I'm sort of going to be in Savannah for the next few days. D:
Safety on Bird for now.
Isn't Bird a confirmed human? He got guarded and saved.
Bulbear! Blueflower999


I like food.


I've been referring to this log quite a bit recently, but was too lazy to cut it down.  This log is the main reason why I think Jub is a human.  It happened when I was pushing the Kman lynch.  I realize there's still a lot of fluff in the log, and that some of it got cut off due to Mibbit having a limit on words.

Basically, he seems legitimately investigating whether or not I'm a wolf.

Quote22:06   Verm   Okay
22:06   Verm   Locke said he thought that it was plausible
22:06   Jub3r7   You seem just as sincere about kman with your opinions on the wolfing.
22:06   Verm   but i think that plausible doesn't necessarily mean true
22:06   Jub3r7   plausible?
22:07   Jub3r7   Plausible isn't the right term.
22:07   Verm   that kman is a wolf and experienced wolf partners told him that they weren't wolfing
22:07   Jub3r7   It's not that your opinions seem plausible, it's that they seem sincere.
22:07   Verm   he used the word plausible
22:07   Jub3r7   Like you actually meant it.
22:07   Verm   well that's because i do, silly 
22:07   Jub3r7   And so did he.
22:07   Jub3r7   Like he actually meant it.
22:07   Verm   kman or Locke or...?
22:08   Jub3r7   Kman
22:08   Jub3r7   I mean, stating his opinion on things
22:08   Jub3r7   I actually haven't finished reading through yet
22:08   Jub3r7   But meh
22:08   Verm   kman's a tough read
22:09   Jub3r7   lol, I'm actually better at reading inexperienced players
22:09   Verm   his opinions make more sense if he's saying them as a human, now that i'm looking at it more
22:11   Verm   Kman's second post seems human-motivated and his third seems wolfy to me.
22:12   Jub3r7   Which posts are those?
22:12   Jub3r7   link to the third one.
22:12   Verm

22:12   Verm   is the third one
22:12   Jub3r7   I don't even understand that
22:13   Jub3r7   Post
22:13   Verm   it's weird
22:13   Jub3r7   I mean, I read it before you linked to it and stared at it for a minute
22:13   Jub3r7   It's a little weird
22:13   Verm   the only thing which is weird about it is that it sounds like he's the one doing the wolfing
22:14   Jub3r7   
22:14   Jub3r7   Oh, I see how you could see it that way.
22:14   Verm   The post before it makes it sound like we should talk so that we can derive meaning from the wolfing
22:14   Jub3r7   "Forgot the fact that the wolves know who the humans are?"
22:14   Verm   which makes sense
22:14   Verm   Nonono
22:14   Jub3r7   That's what he said. 
22:15   Jub3r7   In his third post.
22:15   Verm   that's not what jumped out at me
22:15   Verm   "Well it just didn't seem very proper to wolf anyone when they don't have a chance to guard"
22:15   Jub3r7   But this is before the day phase even started.
22:15   Verm   Right
22:15   Jub3r7   Yeah, I'm starting to see what you're saying here. o.o
22:16   Verm   then again, everything which i'm saying which makes him suspicious could also be a product of him not having a good understanding of the game yet
22:16   Jub3r7   That's the main reason why I /don't/ suspect him. d:
22:16   Jub3r7   oh no
22:17   Jub3r7   I think I got a phantom night phase one
22:17   Verm   
22:17   Jub3r7   To tell you the truth, I have missed a night phase wolfing before.
22:18   Jub3r7   But it wasn't intentional. XD
22:18   Verm   We can eliminate the combo of blueflower and accidental non-wolfing
22:18   Verm   oooh when was this?
22:18   Jub3r7   A while back, I believe slow was hosting that game
22:18   Jub3r7   I think. OR maybe he was playing. 
22:18   Jub3r7   I think I won, and apparently played a convincing wolf
22:19   Jub3r7   Although I felt like I was being a little obvious. XD
22:19   Verm   why did you miss it? was it forgetfulness or internet issues?
22:20   Jub3r7   Phase ended, like, 9:00 and it was 8:50
22:20   Jub3r7   "Oh I'll send it in a minute
22:20   Jub3r7   9:01
22:20   Jub3r7   Whoops
22:20   Jub3r7   "
22:20   Jub3r7   But it worked to my advantage. XD
22:20   Verm   anyways, you seem to be acting like a human and honestly so i'm going to say that you're probably human
22:21   Jub3r7   I'd actually like some reasoning. Plenty of wolves have said they trusted me before. d:
22:21   Verm   you're openly admitting that you missed a wolfing before
22:22   Verm   as a wolf, your sole objective is to hide information which incriminates yourself and your teammates.
22:22   Verm   I had no way to know you'd forget to wolf
22:23   Jub3r7   Your reasoning actually seems sincere.
22:24   Jub3r7   I guess I sorta trust you although your whole opinion of the missed wolfing seems like it could be a reverse psychology ploy. 
22:24   Jub3r7   reverse x ?
22:24   Jub3r7   Because you're experienced enough to do stuff like that. D:
22:24   Jub3r7   Okay
22:25   Verm   i would totally do that
22:25   Jub3r7   I know you would.
22:25   Verm   and then i'd use the same defense i'm going to use now
22:25   Jub3r7   Which is why I don't entirely trust you.
22:25   Jub3r7   I know.
22:25   Verm   which is that it would be stupid of me to skip a wolfing if i were going to convince people not to lynch inactives
22:26   Verm   and then i'd use that idea to lynch the active people
22:26   Verm   that's how i'd do this strategy
22:26   Jub3r7   You're very convincing, actually! XD
22:26   Verm   
22:26   Jub3r7   brb voting you
22:26   Jub3r7   lol jk
22:26   Verm   Kk
22:27   Jub3r7   That would be mein.
22:27   Jub3r7   I guess I make a convincing please. B)
22:27   Verm   its only mean because i'm not actually a wolf!
22:28   Jub3r7   I mean, it would be mein to vote you just because you gave an explanation of what you would be doing as a wolf.
22:29   Jub3r7   Although that's just as easy to pretend to do as a wolf. 
22:29   Verm   reverse psychology games yaa
22:29   Jub3r7   The only thing that's sorta convincing me is your sincerity.
22:30   Jub3r7   I don't really think it's okay to lynch you just because you're capable of doing something like that.
22:31   Jub3r7   And apparently Bird doesn't know that I defend mashi no matter what role I am / he is. d:
22:31   Verm   >:]
22:31   Verm   that smiley really does look evil
22:31   Jub3r7   That one time he was seered red, I was the only one who still believed he was the miller.
22:31   Jub3r7   And
22:31   Jub3r7   Guess what
22:31   Jub3r7   He was the miller!
22:31   Verm   i thought he was a wolf


I think I'm going to switch my vote to Gz.  In the chat we had earlier today (I don't have it but someone else might) it felt more like he was trying to prove that the inactives were wolves rather than having reached that conclusion through deduction.

As a wolf, he would likely have been trying to carry out the goal that his partners came up with originally.

I'll probably switch back to Locke if Gz can give me a reason why he was arguing that inactives were wolves.


16:14      *** Vera joined #twg
This topic is outdated.
Topic set by Master_Gamer38 on Sat Feb 18 2012 19:46:18 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
18:14      --- Vera is away (Auto away)
18:28      *** NSMGuest75 joined #twg
18:28   NSMGuest75   Mashi
18:29   NSMGuest75   herro
18:29   NSMGuest75   <3
18:31      *** Blueflower999 joined #twg
18:32   NSMGuest75   hai
18:32   NSMGuest75   wait
18:32      *** NSMGuest75 is now known as shadowkirby
18:33   shadowkirby   herp
18:33   Vera   hi
18:33      --- Vera is back
18:33   Blueflower999   Hi everyone
18:33   Vera   im going to take a nap so brb in like 10 minutes
18:33   Blueflower999   OK
18:33   shadowkirby   kay
18:35   Blueflower999   Shadowkirby, are you a wolf
18:35      *** Verm joined #twg
18:36   shadowkirby   nup
18:36   Verm   hi
18:36   shadowkirby   herro verm
18:36   Verm   hi there
18:37   shadowkirby   how is you
18:37   shadowkirby   mr wolfy :3
18:37   Verm   just logically, we've got quite a few confirmed humans so we should be pretty good moving forward.
18:37   Verm   i'm no wuf
18:37   shadowkirby   xD
18:37   Vera   im wuff
18:38   Vera   still taking a nap btw
18:38   Verm   are you sleep-typing?
18:38   Blueflower999   I'm suspecting Jub
18:39   Verm   Why Jub over Locke?
18:39   Vera   yes
18:40   Blueflower999   He just voted for Bird
18:40   Vera   Safetied.
18:40   Verm   ^
18:40   Blueflower999   But he could have easily saftied on another non-confirmed human
18:41   Vera   Sometimes, Players safety on confirmed Players in order to make sure that their safety doesn't accidentally cause the lynch of another Human accidentally.
18:42   Verm   I think the fact that he safetied on a confirmed human is, at best, a testament to his humanity, and, at worst, a null-tell.
18:42   shadowkirby   you seem awfully defensive of jubby.
18:42   Verm   safetying on someone else leaves himself open to the possibility that his safety affects the lynch
18:42   Vera   Jub3r7 is Human.
18:42   Vera   Discuss.
18:42   Verm   I'm being defensive of him.
18:42   Vera   nuh uh
18:42   Vera   me!!!!!!!!!
18:43   Verm   Because I see no reason to lynch him over Locke and Jub seemed human in a log I'm about to post.
18:43   Vera   anything nighthawk does i can do more
18:43   Vera   why is locke suspicious again
18:43   shadowkirby   who's nighthawk, verm?
18:43   Vera   Yes.
18:43   Verm   That's me
18:43   shadowkirby   ok.
18:43   shadowkirby   thanks.
18:44   Vera   Other names include: abcd, Hugo, and Kitty Hawk.
18:45   Blueflower999   Mashi why is your name Vera
18:45   Verm   Last two don't apply.
18:45   Vera   Because that's my name.
18:45   Vera   omg this song is so great
18:45   Vera   also water u taking abowt kittyhawk
18:45   Vera   
18:46   Verm   mashi am i going to have to ask gt why you're vera?  he said he knows
18:46   Vera   yes
18:48   Vera   so guys what do i do
18:49   Vera   guysssssssss
18:49   Vera   omg nighthawk at llf twg
18:49   Vera   i wanted to phantom out
18:49   Vera   so that everyone would have to lynch someone else
18:49   Vera   lol
18:49   Verm   ?
18:49   Vera   but be would have given me a huge ban if i had done so
18:49   Vera   hes such a jerk!!!!!!!!!!
18:50   Vera   I was planning to phantom myself out the second time I was being lynched.
18:50   Vera   Like, before I was Insta'd.
18:50   Vera   That way, everyone would have to lynch someone else.
18:50   Vera   But BE was like nooooooooope.
18:51   Vera   so guys who we lunch tonight
18:52   Blueflower999   Tomorrow, actually
18:52   Blueflower999   Day phase ends tomorrow me thinks
18:53      *** shadowkirby quit (Q:- NSM Chatroom)
18:56   Verm   I forgot the other reason why I suspected Locke.
18:56   Verm   He seemed ambivalent about the Kman lynch.
18:56   Vera   hows that suspicious
18:56   Verm   I'll admit that it wasn't the best lynch
18:56   Vera   i would have been ambivalent too
18:57   Verm   but he was like "it's plausible" and then nothing else
18:57   Vera   btw guys im green
18:57   Vera   so i may be master wuff!!!!!!!!!
18:57   Verm   you were bloo
18:58   Vera   nop
18:58   Vera   that was a clever ploy
18:58   Vera   but i just realised that it wouldnt work
18:58   Verm   rite
19:03   Verm   what do you fink of my log mashi
19:05   Vera   i began reading it
19:05   Vera   and then
19:05   Vera   i went to lostpedia
19:05   Vera   whoops
19:18      *** gzgregory joined #twg
19:33      *** Blueflower999 quit (Q:- NSM Chatroom)
19:35   Verm   greg, what are your thoughts on the game?
19:41   gzgregory   Um
19:42   gzgregory   Well
19:42   gzgregory   The wolfings are of interest to me, actually
19:42   Vera   im the wuff
19:42   Vera   thas y
19:42   gzgregory   k den
19:42   gzgregory   Vera
19:42   gzgregory   ANYWAYS
19:42   gzgregory   First they miss a wolfing
19:42   gzgregory   Then they go for Bird, who gets guarded.
19:43   Vera   sounds like dumb woffs to me
19:43   Vera   and a smart guardian
19:43   Vera   which is amazing
19:43   gzgregory   Either these wolves are bungling everything or they're pretending to bungle everything
19:43   Vera   we havent had one like that since liggy!!!!!!!!!
19:43   Verm   wait i thought i was best guardian!
19:43   Vera   lol no
19:44   Verm   did you even read tut's game
19:44   Vera   which one
19:45   Verm   the long one
19:45   Verm   rerolled
19:45   Vera   give me a name
19:45   Vera   o ya
19:45   Verm   Holy Rambunctious Rerolls
19:45   Vera   it was p. gud since tut hosted
19:45   Verm   anyways we're getting off topic
19:46   Verm   I'm not sure the wolves could have pretended to be stupid in wolfing bird
19:46   Vera   me neither
19:46   Verm   he wasn't an obvious guard or anything
19:46   Vera   meaning that we gave a smart guardian!!!!!!!!!
19:53   gzgregory   No, but it's the fact that they wolfed one of the best  players alive who wasn't under suspicion
19:53   gzgregory   wait, that doesn't tell us anything.
19:53   Verm   that's standard wolfing behavior
19:54   gzgregory   *headdesk*
19:56   Vera   hey nighthawk
19:56   Vera   wait nvm
19:56   Vera   Anyway.
19:56   Vera   gzgregory, do you have any suspicions?
19:56   gzgregory   Not atm
19:56   gzgregory   I'm wondering why Bird revealed you as blue currently
19:56   gzgregory   I doubt he would have done that normally
19:56   Vera   Because I'm Green.
19:57   Vera   duhhhhhhhhh
19:57   gzgregory   ...ah.
19:57   gzgregory   Totally did not think of that.
19:57   gzgregory   inb4 reverse psychology
19:57   Verm   It would be dumb of him to tell everyone a non-confirmed human was confirmed
19:57   Vera   Why would it be reverse psychology?
19:58   Vera   I asked Whirr to say that I was Blue.
19:58   Vera   Because then I would be wolfed next Night Phase.
19:58   gzgregory   Well, now you've just brought up the possibility you're Green.
19:58   Vera   And I would die and not need to play and I would help the Human Team!
19:59   Vera   And we agreed that if I didn't die, I would be revealed for actually being Green.
19:59   Vera   But Whirr told me that he wanted me to play and I finished Lost so then I was like 'omg fiiiiiiiiine'
19:59   gzgregory   Ah
19:59   gzgregory   Well then
19:59   gzgregory   I figure there's probably at least one inactive on the wolf team
20:00   gzgregory   and with Swooper down
20:00   gzgregory   I guess we should lynch inactives???
20:00   Verm   This doesn't make sense.
20:00   Verm   Swooper dies and the wolves get more active?
20:01   gzgregory   It's possible some of them didn't realize the game started, though
20:02   gzgregory   Pretty sure everyone posted during day phase
20:02   Verm   there were only three people who didn't.
20:02   Verm   one of them was you
20:02   Verm   another was k-n
20:03   gzgregory   I said DAY phase
20:03   Verm   oh
20:03   Verm   i meant night phase
20:03   gzgregory   anyways
20:03   Verm   why are we assuming the wolves are inactive?
20:03   gzgregory   Based on Night 1?
20:04   Verm   then we'd be basing it off night 1 activity
20:04   Verm   in which case we'd lynch you/shadowkirby and vigi the other
20:04   gzgregory   ...good point.
20:07   gzgregory   Has shadowkirby even posted once?
20:08   Verm   i think he posted today or yesterday
20:08   Verm   but not really other than that
20:11   gzgregory   Ah, he bandwagoned KN.
20:39      *** Verm quit (Q:- ajax IRC Client)
21:33      *** Winter joined #twg
21:33      +++ ChanServ has given owner to Winter
21:33      +++ ChanServ has given op to Winter
21:43      *** gzgregory quit (Q:- ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 10.0.2/20120215223356])


Quote from: vermilionvermin on February 21, 2012, 06:46:10 PMI think I'm going to switch my vote to Gz.  In the chat we had earlier today (I don't have it but someone else might) it felt more like he was trying to prove that the inactives were wolves rather than having reached that conclusion through deduction.

As a wolf, he would likely have been trying to carry out the goal that his partners came up with originally.

I'll probably switch back to Locke if Gz can give me a reason why he was arguing that inactives were wolves.
I was an inactive myself during Night 1. I wouldn't be arguing inactives were wolves unless I actually believed it.
Also with all these confirmed skilled humans, plus a lack of a wolfing N1, I think chances are at least one wolf wasn't paying attention.
On that note, shadowkirby for now.

Locke (Faux)

Can someone post the link to the chat, I've lost it


(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


I'm satisfied with Greg's defense.  Locke's on the other hand, isn't impressing me now.

Quote20:40   Bird   locke i want to lynch you
20:40   Bird   convince me otherwise
20:40   LockeBox   im human
20:41   Verm   who should we lynch instead
20:41   LockeBox   swooper
20:41   LockeBox   probably
20:42   Bird   swooper is dead
20:42   LockeBox   he is?
20:42   LockeBox   welp
20:43   LockeBox   I suspect Jub3r7
20:43   Bird   why
20:44   LockeBox   I tried talking to him in lltwg chat a couple of nights ago and he was avoiding it
20:44   Bird   doesn't he always act that way
20:44   LockeBox   idk
20:46   LockeBox   I tried asking him who he was suspicious of and he told me to leave him alone

I find it highly unlikely that Locke wasn't paying enough attention to know that Swooper had died, but knew what was going on enough to have two suspicions.  And coincidentally, his suspicion happened to be on the very same person who was basically the only person who was gaining suspicion from anyone!

Locke (Faux)

I didn't know Swooper had died because he had said something about this game to him in the LLF chat (whoops!) and I don't think he told me he was dead.

Locke (Faux)

I'm pretty sure he didn't tell me, it would have been something I would have noticed.