Arr. contest 2 - The grand dance! SCORES UP!

Started by Cobraroll, February 11, 2012, 02:16:57 PM

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Which is your favourite?

"Curly Swing" by Insaneintherain
3 (15.8%)
"Mad Monster Waltz" by Clanker37
0 (0%)
"Oceanic Museum Waltz" by Dahans
9 (47.4%)
"Mushroom Kingdom Folk Waltz" by MaestroUGC
1 (5.3%)
"Waltz on the Rails" by Olimar12345
5 (26.3%)
"Fairy Fountain Waltz" by Bespinben
1 (5.3%)

Total Members Voted: 19


The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Mushroom Kingdom as #1, Waltz On The Rails as #2, and maybe Oceanic Museum or Curly Swing as #3. The others were equally good besides Fairy Fountain which I personally didn't care for that much.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on March 28, 2012, 10:47:36 AMMushroom Kingdom as #1, Waltz On The Rails as #2, and maybe Oceanic Museum or Curly Swing as #3. The others were equally good besides Fairy Fountain which I personally didn't care for that much.

Waltz on the rails didn't work for me because of the lack of good percussion and beat. 
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Sometimes strings are all a piece requires for me. And that piece in particular, in my opinion at least, worked really well like that. The pizzicato strings gave it a light, bouncy feel. I understand where you're coming though. I'm slightly biased because I think strings are the most beautiful instrument. :P
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Sorry, I know this is a bit off topic... Is there any chance I could be a judge for the next Arrangement Contest? I don't have time to arrange for these comps, but I do have time to judge. XD
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


^Sure, no problem! Some day, we'll poll the enthusiasm for another contest, and potential judgrors can sign up if we decide to do it.

Results will be up later today, as I'm not sure if I have time to do it tomorrow. Is that OK for everyone?
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


A week ago would have been OK for everyone....
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Seeing the arrangements posted here, I won't stand a chance if I were to compete, so I might as well stay a judgror.
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


AAAAAND the stuff you've all waited for! The results!

Thank you all so much for participating, judgring or voting in this round. We had six amazing entries, five clever judgrors (one of which opted to leave the judgror panel, letting another take his place), nineteen voters and lots of fun. Right?

On to the good stuff: Technical details about the scoring system!
Each of the four judgrors had his say about every piece, except from the one judgror who had a piece of his own in the contest and therefore only rated the five others. Each category, as shown in the first post of this topic, yielded up to ten points. For each sheet, the scores in each category were averaged, and the averages in each category were summed to give a Judgrors' score from 4 to 40. In addition, the results of the poll were added in Mario Kart-style at the end. The piece with the highest number of votes was awarded ten points for popular vote. The second highest score got 8 points, the third 6, two got 4 points and the last one got 2. These score points were added to the Judgror's score, making the theoretical upper point limit 50 points, and the theoretical lowest 5 points (seeing as the sixth place in the poll would have gotten 1 point hadn't two shared the second last place).
Please note that there is one case of inconsistency between the poll and the scores: I got a PM from a guy who had voted for the wrong piece, this was fixed when the results were compiled and the points handed out.

Anyway, now you're probably hungry for the results, right?


In sixth place, with 30.5 points: Clanker 37 with "Mad Monster Waltz"!

Fifth place is given to a sheet with 35.5 points: Bespinben's "Waltz of the Faeries"!

Fourth place is awarded to, with 38.75 points, MaestroUGC's "Mushroom Kingdom Folk Waltz"!

Third place goes to, 41 points: Insaneintherain and his "Curly's Swing"!


Finishing Second, being the judgrors' favourite by a hair's breadth:

44 points:

"Waltz on the rails" by Olimar12345!



Pin dropped



With 45.75 points, Dahans' "Oceanic Museum Waltz"!


Please do note that the difference in points between the two first places is smaller than the point advantage Dahans got by winning the poll. Only a quarter of a point separated the top two entries before the poll was accounted for. That being said, Dahans won the poll by a small landslide.

Well done, everybody!

As we're all for transparency and such, here are the results as handed in directly from the judgrors. The poll results can be read just above this:

Quote from: Judgror_AWaltz On The Rails
1. Orchestration: 9/10 – While simplistic and limited, the use of only strings fit the tone of the piece wonderfully. The arranger used pizzicato well to change up the feel of the piece occasionally.

2. Preservation: 10/10 – Has great variations on the original song without ever becoming too radical.

3. Creativity: 9/10 – The arranger switches between bouncy and moody with great variation—none of it feels choppy or forced. There is great transitioning. He also did not simply use the instruments in the song.

4. Criteria: 10/10 – All criteria are met.

Final Comments:
I really enjoyed listening to this. The arranger was never boring. He showed great ambition and managed to make a piece go on for some time without ever becoming too repetitive or simple. The piece was not overdone, nor was it underdone. Aside from a purposefully limited orchestration, the arranger struck a great balance.
Overall (not an average): 9.5/10

Mad Monster Waltz
1. Orchestration: 9.5/10 – A broad and wonderful range of instruments. Mallets and pizzicato strings add playfulness, while the pipe organ was fantastically used. The organ, in particular, was not overused—the arranger relied on other factors to make the song "creepy." The violin I was never used, instead putting all violin notes on violin II.

2. Preservation: 10/10 – Has great variations on the original piece.

3. Creativity: 8.5/10 – Did not simply use the original melody—rather, he built upon and altered it. The piece was thoroughly enjoyable, albeit a bit repetitive with the brass parts. The tremolos with the mallets, in particular, made me smile while listening. The glockenspiel was a bit repetitive at times and other aspects of the melody felt "recycled" and was a bit repetitive.

4. Criteria: 10/10 – All criteria are met.

Final Comments: A well-executed piece that nicely reflected the original while also showing some ambition and creativity. I really enjoyed listening to this. My biggest complaint is that it was a bit repetitive—and it also repeated, making the song a lengthy five-odd minutes. I'd take out the repeat.
Overall (not an average): 8.5/10

Oceanic Museum – Waltz
1. Orchestration: 9.5/10 – A fantastic symphony of instruments. My only complaints here is that it seemed occasionally as though it was simply having some sections of the orchestra play separately rather than altogether at once, making it feel as though it was just a series of variations played by different, smaller ensembles; as well as the piano parts being extremely difficult. o_O

2. Preservation: 7.5/10 – It was a great, creative piece, but was very radical and even included a minor section, straying greatly from the piece at times. The original was supposed to be soothing, and this occasionally seems like a frenzied, powerful variation—great on its own but contrasting to the original.

3. Creativity: 10/10 – The arranger shows wonderful creativity and variety in this piece, making an already pretty piece even more beautiful, though at times dark.

4. Criteria: 10/10 – All criteria are met.

Final Comments: A wonderful piece. This was nearly awe-inspiring to see. The minor section strikes me as ambitious, but did not fit well with the rest of the piece. Indeed, my biggest complaint is that although the original theme is obviously referenced, half of the song was just too radical for me. It seemed as though the arranger was trying to outshine the original rather than reference it. That being said, it was a fantastic piece as it was in my opinion the most creative of the bunch.
Overall (not an average): 9/10

Zelda – Fairy Fountain Waltz
1. Orchestration: 5/10 – I'm fine with piano solos, but this would have been 10x better if it had had a piano alongside another instrument. The two layers on the right hand of the piano are practically impossible and don't complement each other that well. If the second layer had been altered a bit and performed by a violin or flute, for instance, it would have been more successful.

2. Preservation: 10/10 – It sounds nearly identical to the original piece.

3. Creativity: 5/10 – It sounds nearly identical to the original piece. In addition, it sounds quite similar to Ciela's Parting Words, a version of the same theme found in Phantom Hourglass which is already in waltz format. In this way, it doesn't really add much to the piece at all.

4. Criteria: 8/10 – It did take the original piece—but a version of the theme as a waltz already exists, as pointed out above.

Final Comments: This piece was not bad. It just was not outstanding. The second layer had some strange notes and got quite annoying at times. In addition, it didn't strike me as overly creative and I found myself skipping the second repeat and going straight to the ending.
Overall (not an average): 6/10

Quote from: Judgror_ASMRPG Waltz
1. Orchestration: 11/10 (10) – Amazing orchestration here. In total, a whopping 28 instruments. In fact, it was so many that it made my Finale freeze when it tried to play one of the sections. I was forced to export it as a midi and listen to that. And everything very effective.

2. Preservation: 10/10 – The original songs are quite obvious. And it all sounds quite nice.

3. Creativity: 10/10 – I don't even know if I need to say anything here. An amazingly talented person created this arrangement.

4. Criteria: 10/10 – Besides the "more than one song" thing, all criteria are met.

Final Comments:
A wonderful piece. At a crazily lengthy 12 minutes and 50 seconds, it was by far the longest piece, but it never felt boring. Every second of the music was worthwhile. I wholeheartedly enjoyed it. My personal favorite.
Overall: 10/10

Curly Swing
1. Orchestration: 10/10 – A bit smaller than other entries, but this is exactly what a jazzy piece needs. The vibes were awesome.

2. Preservation: 10/10 – As soon as I heard the opening notes, I knew what the song was. And, that song being one of my favorite game pieces of all time, it does the original a great reference.

3. Creativity: 9/10 – Great technique, but differs very little from the original composition.

4. Criteria: 10/10 – All criteria are met.

Final comments:
A fantastically catchy remix of an already great song. ^_^ Obviously a lot of effort went into it. I really think this arranger did a great job.
Overall: 9.5/10

And with this, I need to ask a favor. I hastily voted "Waltz On The Rails" in your poll before seeing your pm. I now wish to vote for SMRPG. Could you either reset the poll or just figuratively take away a vote for Rails and put it on SMRPG?

Quote from: Judgror_BHere's my judguroringasfkmp;kfm of the pieces:

Zelda - Fairy Fountain Waltz (Waltz of the Faeries)

1) Orchestration: 7. I feel that this piece is a pretty good choice for piano, but more could have been done with it.
2) Preservation: 9. It is very clear that its "Fairy Fountain".
3) Creativity: 1. Ever play wind waker?
4) Criteria: 5. Half credit since you waltzified it. More points would have been given if it was more original.

Final comments: I enjoyed it-it was a nice little solo, but again it's too close to that wind waker version.
(My guess is Brassman388)
Score: 22/40

Waltz_on_the_Rails - My piece

Mad Monster Waltz

1) Orchestration: 1. Very poor job, see my comments in the "Final Comments" section.
2) Preservation: 4. It did still sound like the original, at the least.
3) Creativity: 2. Nothing too out of the ordinary, the key changes were a neat idea, but the key choices were odd imo.
4) Criteria: 5. You "Waltzified" it. 5 for average, though.

Final Comments: Okay, there were LOTS of orchestration problems. I'll list them:
-Many instruments have only a very small part to play in the piece-Why pay that player for only a couple bars of playing?
-Anything below E natural cannot be played on a straight trombone.(Always assume that they won't bring a trigger) If you need that sound, write it for bass Trombone.
-The Timpani player(I guarantee) only has two hands. Triads and bigger aren't happening. (and quite frankly two rolls at once is kind of much...I've never seen that before...)
-The Glockenspiel only has a 2 and a half octave range...which you've managed to exceed.
-Your Trumpet tends to get up there, you're asking a lot in that ending...
-ONLY keyboard instruments can do rolled chords. That last measure is trash, basically.
-Your Violin II part is not going to happen. Triple stops aren't easy, and there aren't very many that are possible. You can't just honk out every chord as a triple stop... I guarantee that isn't going to be played.
-Is that pizz. part in the 1st violin part supposed to be there? *sees the arco* oh... 'cus I can't hold a plucked note for 5 beats...
-There are 81 extra measures. This is not acceptable!

nit-picky things:
-The organ has measures of rests that are notated weird(1&9).
-The flute's grace notes should be beamed together.
-Why does the organ have three staves? I don't play or write for the organ, and didn't count it against you, but is that normal?
-Key changes should have double bars.
-Measure 106 the flute & trumpet have a half note and an 8th rest. This makes no sense. (Measure 90 for the horn)
-Generally musicians don't like to read double sharps/flats. That doesn't mean they're bad, just try to avoid their excessive use.
(My guess is Clanker37)

Score: 12/40 and that's being generous.

Oceanic museum-Waltz

1) Orchestration: 6. For the most part, things worked. There are problems, though. (See "Final Comments")
2) Preservation: 9. It is clear that you have done the Ocean Museum theme. No question about it.
3) Creativity: 5. It seemed a bit too average to me...I dunno... It didn't leave an impression; It's almost like I completely forget it once the piece is over...
4) Criteria: 9. Not perfect, but damn close to it. You have "Waltzified" it.

Final Comments: You had some orchestration issues:
-You need to put the number of instruments that are playing on a staff on the 1st page. (ex. Flutes 1&2, Horns 1-4). This is usually required. (helps gauge how many players you need)
-I'd recommend combining the triangle staff with the cymbal. It's common to do that for percussion parts and saves you paper.
-The Clarinet and Oboe tend to get up there. Just sayn'.
-Low flute parts won't be heard over the band-remember that.
-Key changes should have double bars.
-Fermatas need to be written in EVERY part. What happens when you print and pass out the parts? Only one person will know what you're doing, lol.
-Your piano part is hard-and it should be. Just keep it playable, though. Measures that look like 46 scare me...
-The 1st note in measure 90 is too low for viola. Ain't happenin.
-You have written your contrabass part too low. Their biggest string is E1, and on some occasions C1(and on fewer occasions, low B0). Yours is frequently down there, which isn't a problem, but all of those Bb's and A's aren't possible. (which is a problem)
(My guess is dahans)
Score: 29/40

Curly's Swing

1) Orchestration: 4. I'm a fan of the big band! Nice choice! However, you have crucial orchestration issues, which I will list in the "Final Comments" section.
2) Preservation: 9. You did fantastic! I can hear the original just fine. The ONLY reason you didn't get a 10 was because you didn't incorporate that last section of the song(My favorite part!). But don't change your piece just because of that-it's fine the way it is.
3) Creativity: 8. Very creative little jazz waltz! I liked how you fit the rhythms into 3/4. I absolutely loved the little trumpet solo! Nice song choice and well execution. 10 would have been awarded if everything wasn't a soli!
4) Criteria: 8. You have succeeded in waltzifying it, and stealing my heart! <3

Final Comments: Orchestration issues:
- Every melodic part was a soli-where are the harmonies? You always have all four saxes/trombones/trumpets playing in unison...
- Your score is...odd(PDF). It should say Alto sax 1, Trumpet in Bb 3, not just Alto Saxophone Alto Saxophone Tenor Saxophone Tenor Saxophone. (And why are the Trumpets names written bigger?)
-Usually I prefer to keep the original key signature of a piece, but this song would have been an exception... I would much prefer to read this in an easier key! I like my E's to be either natural or flat! Lol.
-I would recommend writing a fourth trombone(bass) and a guitar part. These are common for big bands.
-A few nit-picky things: Page numbers go at the top, you need a solid double bar line at the end, at times the bass guitar line collides with the copyright info, Title page seems more like just the missing top of page 1 than an actual title page, and I would write the last measure for piano with one fermata over the tremolo-two can cause confusion.
(My guess is insaneuntherain)
Score: 29/40

Mushroom Kingdom Folk Waltz

1) Orchestration: 10. Obviously you know your shit, which makes my job a hell of a lot easier. The instrumentation choices were fine and the orchestration was executed well. I'd recommend raising some of the tuba's part a bit at times, but I don't think it was too much of a problem. It all seems playable.
2) Preservation: 8. You've preserved the original pieces almost too well, which actually ended up hurting you elsewhere in the judging.
3) Creativity: 2. You set the piece up pretty well in the program notes, but it wasn't that fun to listen to. Out of the 772 measures, you only needed probably 350 of them. Catch my drift? You don't need to repeat every little part of the piece just because that's how the original went. For example: parts like 98-114. Did you really need to honk out that rhythm all six times? And if so, did you have to keep it the same rhythm? The answer to that riddle is no: this is an arrangement contest, not a transcription contest. State the melody and then entertain me with it. This is where I think you didn't do too well. I was not entertained.
4) Criteria: 3. It doesn't sound like a waltz to me. All I hear is a familiar song, shoved into 3/4 time. Where's the waltz feel? Where's the dotted quarter-eighth-quarter, "Waltzy" rhythm? To me it felt like just a piece in 3/4.

Final Comments: It was too long and didn't keep my(the audience's)attention. I often felt like I was waiting for the next song to enter rather that listening to what was musically going on.
(My guess is MaestroUGC)
Score: 23/40

Quote from: Judgror_CI'm done.  Here it is -

172314 "Waltz of the Faeries"
1)   Orchestration: 4 -  It would have been nice to have other instruments, but just piano also works.  You did some nice chord changes (love the bit of dissonance) but you didn't really do anything outside of chord changes and the two note groups.

2)   Preservation: 8 -  You keep the melody and rhythm exactly the same, but you left out the beautiful arpeggios in favor of the two note groups, which would be worth a point.

3)   Creativity: 4 - Sorry for the low score, but I really feel that it was not very creative.  Every beat becomes a whole bar, which is easy to do, and then you replaced the arpeggios with two note groups, which was not overly creative since not much happened to the two note groups.  I like how you added the ending though. 

4)   Criteria: 9 - You met the technical criteria well enough, except for the beginning.   

Other Comments:  I like the dissonance in your chords, and your ending.  If you could've been just a bit creative I would've given you a better score. 

280268 "Waltz on the Rails"

1)   Orchestration: 6 – Pure strings, and no percussion, which might be because you don't know how to note percussion score (I don't know how either!)  Though, I feel it would've been better with percussion.  Of course, you added pizzicato, which the .mus score would not translate into sound.  Also, the melody was not very apparent at the beginning.  The strings you did nice though.  I feel like this might be a 3.5 instead of a 3, but don't want to complicate things.

2)   Preservation: 9 – You keep the melody almost the same, and the rhythm was changed, but that's not bad.  Also you didn't preserve the original mood – maybe you should've set the tempo faster.  However the mood might also have been affected by the no pizzicato, annoyance on Finale's part. 

3)   Creativity: 7 – The strings are good together, and the rhythm was adapted nicely. I think you had nice variation.
4)   Criteria: 10 – Yep.
Other Comments:  I think you did a good job on this one.  The only complaint is lack of percussive sounds and the resulting change of mood.  Gotta hate Finale for the pizzicato. 

005601 "Oceanic Museum – Waltz"

1)   Orchestration: 10 – Full range of instruments.  You made excellent use of most all of them.  Piano is beautiful.  It sounds kind of like a concerto.

2)   Preservation: 9 – You preserve the melody fair enough, and though you sometimes divert to another melody of your own making, that's not bad at all and I think you included just the right amount of original melody and your own things. 

3)   Creativity: 10 – no doubt about it.  Good orchestral score, nice use of the piano, I think it's awesome. 

4)   Criteria: 10 – Do you even need to ask?

Other Comments:  All around excellent entry.  No complaints at all.  Your use of brilliance, the top little flute things, and the piano, is very impressive.  Good job. One of the best entries.

006286 "Mad Monster Waltz"

1)   Orchestration: 8 – You used good orchestration, but you didn't have too many super-creative things.  I think it's good, but a little more "flair" would be nice.  I think you used three threads, the melody, the middle accompanying notes, and the bass.  I would have added one or two more, such as ones for embellishments or inner melodies. 

2)   Preservation: 7 – You didn't include some of the inner/in-this-case-outer melodies, but otherwise it's fine.
3)   Creativity: 7 – not too creative.  As far as I can hear there wasn't much more than what was already in the score, and some in the score you left out.  Sorry, but I'm an honest judgror!  Not that the others aren't.

4)   Criteria: 10 – of course. 

Other comments:   Not much.  I think you did good, but not good enough to be the best.

330994 "Mushroom Kingdom Folk Waltz"

1)   Orchestration: 10 – Fantastic orchestration,  pretty creative, and very symphonic.  Nice use of percussion,

2)   Preservation: 8 – To be honest, I didn't flip through the YouTube videos very much, but it seems alright from the couple of videos I've seen. 

3)   Creativity: 8 – I think you could've been a bit more creative in the bass line.  Also, while the score is itself deep, there isn't a lot of creative flair, which I guess is a setback for people arranging in this style.  It was still a good amount creative, but with preservation an issue, there isn't much melodic creativity you can indulge in, so again, a setback. 

4)   Criteria: 10 – Hm.....

Other comments:  I think this is one of the best arrangements I've seen in this competition.  If this doesn't win, I think it still deserves a prize, for the mostly deep score and a fair amount of creativity.  Great work!

206457 "Curly Swing"

1)   Orchestration: 7 – not a big orchestration, but for this jazzy-typish piece I thinkt here's not much else we can add.  It would've been hard to add other instruments, but I think it's possible. 

2)   Preservation: 8 – Melody is the same, rhythm is changed.  I don't think it sounds as good as the original, but it's still good, and you preserved it fairly well.

3)   Creativity: 8 – Good creativity with the melody, and decent with the instruments. 

4)   Criteria: 10 – yeah....

Other comments:  You did great, I think it's perfect for the style of piece this is.  The only thing holding it back is that it's not very "big," as in a big long piece with slightly virtuosic elements, even with the jazzy style.

My favorite is the Oceanic Museum - Waltz. 

Quote from: Judgror_DCurly's Swing

1) Orchestration: 10 (Definitely fits the jazzy style of the original, with appropriate instruments.)
2) Preservation: 10 (It sounds like every note from the original has been included.)
3) Creativity: 9 (Added riffs on the trumpets and saxes give it some originality, but pretty basic.)
4) Criteria: 10 (Jazz waltz--I see no problem here.)

Great overall feel; would perfectly suit a jazz dance.

Mushroom Kingdom Folk Waltz

1) Orchestration: 10 (Nice use of different styles of instruments for each section of the medley.)
2) Preservation: 10 (Nicely done, with excellent expansion on the original instruments.)
3) Creativity: 10 (Reading this arranger's text file really showed how much thought was put into this. Not to mention the above instrument expansion.)
4)Criteria: 10 (It's a waltz...that's all the criteria there is.)

The first time I heard this, I thought, "wow." Great job to...ID No. 330994!

Mad Monster Waltz

1) Orchestration: 7 (Great creepy feeling, but some instruments are questionable for the feel. Also sounds a bit too close to the original.)
2) Preservation: 10 (As said before, pretty close to the original.)
3) Creativity: 5 (Not much expansion from the original, if any.)
4) Criteria: 10 (It's in 3/4...)

More could've been done on this arrangement, but it's good nonetheless.

Oceanic Museum-Waltz

1) Orchestration: 9 (Very waltz-y and relaxing, like it should be, plus it's more than the original. Although I object a little to the piano solos thrown in at random.)
2) Preservation: 10 (Nicely preserved and very recognizable.)
3) Creativity: 10 (Nice breaks from the original theme.)
4) Criteria: 9 (Only making it 9 because the first few measures of the original are in 3/4.)

I have a pretty good idea who made this one...::)

Waltz on the Rails

1) Orchestration: 8 ( could be a bit more full. A string quartet isn't quite enough for this piece's feel in my opinion.)
2) Preservation: 10 (Nicely done with the conversion from 4/4 to 3/4.)
3) Creativity: 10 (Although I may object, he did pretty well with just a string quartet.)
4) Criteria: 10 (Can't this category be a bit harder to judge?)

Love the original, and 280268 did very well converting it.

Waltz of the Faeries

1) Orchestration: 9 (It's just for piano (downside), but it retains the magical feel of the original.)
2) Preservation: 8 (Main melody is nicely kept, but the left-hand alternating chords just don't sound right.)
3) Creativity: 8 (Left hand chords as stated before, but that's just about it.)
10) Criteria: 10 (For obvious reasons.)

Is it just me, or does this remind me of World 3 from Super Mario Bros. 3?

I've even compiled it into an Excel sheet for you. Here you go!

Thank you all for participating, on some level! Discussion about future rounds can take place in the Brainstorming Topic.
Dahans can contact me to claim the prize.

And now: The epilogue that nobody reads!

Toadsworth lifts his conductor's baton, and turns towards the orchestra gathered on the podium. The strings of Slateport Philharmony begin playing a version of the city museum's anthem, which itself was based on a melody from an advert for cruises with the SS Anne. To the tune of salty sea and calm waves, the video game characters dance into the evening. Happy belated new year, video game characters!

You may now discuss.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.



Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Maestro deserves a higher place than 4th imo. The point margins between each place were fairly small though, so I guess it really just boiled down to popular vote :/
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


I can't believe that there are so many 10/10's in the judging. I only gave out 1 perfect rating in one of the categories, out of ALL of the pieces. Were things that perfect, judgrors? 6/10 is above average, 8's and 9's are fantastic, but 10/10 should be perfect(meaning flawless)...
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


On top of the list of things to fix for an eventual next round - more well-defined "criteria" scoring. Most of the judgrors gave close to straight 10s all over.

As well as bonus points for creative titles. We should implement that somehow, so that not everything ends up being named "X Polka" or something similiar.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.