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Started by ETFROXX, February 06, 2012, 02:46:02 PM

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Quote from: spitllama on February 07, 2014, 10:30:11 PMNot sure what the point of that was, but my school has a "ring by spring" tendency so all of my friends are getting engaged ;_;
Omg already two of my "good" friends (I say good because they were good friends, but they moved quite a while ago so I haven't seen them) who are a grade above me just got engaged, and it makes me go bonkers because they're only about a year or two older than I am...I thought it would be a while before this happened, but now that only means that...THEY are coming...

First comes love...
Then comes marriage...
Then comes...a baby in a baby carriage.
Party Hard!


People who even think about marriage before they're 25 are cray-cray. There's so much shit that happens during your 20s, you don't know where the hell you'll end up and long-term commitments are just begging to be broken.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


That's crazy. I don't know how people can get engaged for years and manage to save up for a wedding at that age (right out of high school/college). I'm just saying that because a wedding reception (not the ceremony) costs about $50,000+.

I personally see it like you're throwing a sack over her head but not quite running off in your horse yet. I knew one guy who got engaged suddenly and then called it off a few months later. It's sad but then what do you expect if you wait so long from engagement to wedding? Also they are probably rushing into it for sex.

If they're dissatisfied with their relationship, they's start looking around >__> but don't you have any friends that have friends that are single? A lot of my friends are XD but I don't know whether you'd be interested or not since they're all older than you and live in New York or Boston xD

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


My parents got married when they were 18. 25th anniversary is this year, so I really try to not make presumptions about early engagements unless I know them really well.
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There's no right or wrong age for marriage, because it ultimately just takes effort from the people involved to make it work. Also, what kind of reception are you having that costs $50,000?

My wedding reception is just going to be in a warehouse that's painted solid white and only have a single table that only has unmarked cups of various colored drinks on it. No chairs.

Total cost, couple hundred bucks, maybe more for the painting.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 08, 2014, 10:41:40 AMThere's no right or wrong age for marriage, because it ultimately just takes effort from the people involved to make it work. Also, what kind of reception are you having that costs $50,000?

My wedding reception is just going to be in a warehouse that's painted solid white and only have a single table that only has unmarked cups of various colored drinks on it. No chairs.

Total cost, couple hundred bucks, maybe more for the painting.
Maestro: efficiency expert of the year
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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Chairs are for the weak.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 08, 2014, 10:41:40 AMMy wedding reception is just going to be in a warehouse that's painted solid white and only have a single table that only has unmarked cups of various colored drinks on it. No chairs.

Total cost, couple hundred bucks, maybe more for the painting.

Lol that sounds fun xD Must be an azn thing to have a super expensive reception then. Basically you'd have 20 tables (small receptions, 50 for large ones), 10-12 people per table, with an 8 course dinner that includes steak, lobster, sharkfin soup, duck, roast pork, vegetarian stuff, stir fried dishes, fried rice, and an open bar and bottles of champagne for every table, dessert, wedding cake, an MC, photographer, space rental...the bride would also change into several different outfits for the night like one of those super elaborate traditional dresses and some Western ones, wedding photographers...etc. Plus if you're closely related to the bride or groom's family, expect to give her gold jewelry or jade.

I knew a few people that got married that young lol. But they're way out in the country and didn't go to college, so there was less pressure to get a real career and more to start having kids. I honestly don't know what you would do in the country for a job, but it doesn't work in the city. There's the college degree, master's...yeah you'd be busy enough with that. Someone I talked to today said being married while you're in school is a bad idea since you'd feel like you can't do both, even without kids -.- The guy that broke off his engagement went to med school so I don't blame him at all. Also he was kind of awkward.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Of course there may be some situation where it isn't exactly bad to have a super early marriage, but I would argue that in general it is unwise as unless you have some sort of funky remote-marriage going on it immediately puts constraints on your living and working situation to a much larger extent than you would have had in previous stages of the relationships.

I guess for some hicks that know nothing besides some barn and a field, sex and kids and a family is pretty much the only clear thing in mind, but there really is much more to do in the world that everyone should at least attempt to explore when they're young.

me irl


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on February 08, 2014, 03:25:51 PMsome barn and a field sex and kids and a family

xD what's a field sex

Also gold diggers. Gold diggers are cool with it. Except that after a while they get disillusioned and want to go do something else in their lives except gold digging. It's tougher to start when you have a bunch of crying kids, then some teenagers and then a bunch of twenty year olds that are all in college studying subjects you didn't know existed or working and earning a lot more than a drug store cashier. I got part of that from "Malcolm in the Middle."

I should also add that I don't think it's a really, really bad idea but it's incompatible with most lifestyles I know in the city. Without a college degree or better, you'd only be able to get a working class income. If you're a woman and you marry right after your college degree and have kids, your husband is stuck paying off the degree for a few years, or your parents are. Most colleges I know cost money, and not the kind of money that you can make working as a cashier or receptionist. If your parents just shelled out $100,000 for a degree you're never going to use, they would definitely be resentful now or later. And you're going to be a decent person and help them out when they need it, right? I think in that case, the parents wouldn't want you to go to college at all.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.




i accidentally a punctuation

me irl


It's okay lol I thought it was a new thing.

But what kind of job can you do without college that can support a family? Some people say a high school degree is all you need but every kind of school has different standards, so there are at least a few I would think that would graduate students that are barely literate ._. which is one of the major reasons for people needing college anyway.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


A lot of trade schools and shiz I suppose. Some don't give college degrees and just train you in whatever career you're planning on going into. College is becoming an slowly archaic system in the US anyway, but there's nothing in the forefront to replace it so people will just keep on going because it's "expected" of them.

But marriage is dumb. I don't know why, but I can easily see myself in a lifelong, committed relationship but I just can't see myself getting married. If I did get married tho, I'd do it in a forest. It'd be cheapo and whey coller than some stuffy old chapel.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


That's the more modern thing people are doing... not getting married, but being in a life-long relationship.... and they still have kids and do whatevs. It's mostly what's happening in Scandinavia now.

It makes it easier if there's a divorce-like circumstance and it just makes more sense a lot.

And personally, being 21, I have no idea where my life is going to lead me, whether it be a marriage with kids, a life-long relationship or even just living the high life on my own (though i'd still want someone to travel with)... It all depends on what's gonna happen.

Also, America puts too much emphasis on getting a college degree. It's been like this since the 70s and expected, but before, all you needed was a high school diploma and some trade school for a year or two. It makes much more sense and it's a lot cheaper.