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Started by ETFROXX, February 06, 2012, 02:46:02 PM

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Yeah, one of those side effects being that one of your friends hates me now. ::)

All in a day's work.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


It's okay, I still love you <3
I like food.


I am totally a jerk though. But I'm a lovable jerk. You two-timing bastard.

OH so that girl I met at teh Reel Big Fish concert. Well, it turns out she's already in a relationship,unfortunately. Her girlfriend looks very pretty.

My life in a nutshell, basically.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Punch her in the face. That's how I get all the ladies. And some men too.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.



Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 10:34:49 PMPunch her in the face. That's how I get all the ladies. And some men too.


So yesterday I asked a girl to dinner for Valentine's day. She threw her Iced Tea in my face.


If it was unsweetened, I'm sorry bro. If it was sweet tea, maybe she wants you to be her sweetheart.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Don't complain about me posting too personal stuff - I used a damn spoiler-tag, so it should be fine...:

Jompa's Interesting Valentine's Day Story
Read about the girl, and how much I hate her
I think I've mentioned the girl I DISLIKE, earlier (page 37, I think).
The whole "bullying" thing has stopped, and now she's just clingy. And I mean clingy as fuck!!!!!!! It's awful!
I know I will sound like a horrible person, but this what I think about her:
She is a horrible person. Totally just the worst person in my class. She's so fucking clingy!!!!!!!!!! She's NOT-funny - like anti-funny... She's an annoying freak with nothing better to do on her spare time than stalking ME..

And her outer appearance is bad as well:
She just smells awful, all the time. She's not good looking in the slightest. She's short (for what that's negative).

And I really should mention (since I'm in a music high school and all):
She plays the Viola, and is probably the worst Viola player ever considering being serious about music.
She is worse than "normal non-musical" people in music theory!!!!!!!!! That is pretty critical!!!
She is CONVINCED that she can sing, but she is actually the worst girl I've ever heard, and the whole "convinced" part just complicated things. She is a terrorist with her singing...
She is incompetent on the piano, even though we all have to take lessons. She is what you call "hopeless".
And... she bought a saxophone, JUST so she could have me lecturing her about it privately.... D:
just... fuck her...

People do have a tendency to exaggerate.
BUT I ASSURE YOU: I am not exaggerating about all this.

There is no reason for me to even be tempted to like her. And with "like" I mean "not-dislike", not "like like", because atm I am close to slightly hate her.

Friends in my class obviously gets ideas. And I suspect that she's been going around spreading rumors that we're in a "complicated" relationship, because that's what I hear from people..
Pisses me off.

Every day for me is 40% about avoiding her! Yes, it's a part of my routine.
And her everyday-routine is 90% about searching for me!! It's true!!

She camps outside of school until I'm done with my classes, every fucking day.

Something she does that I just don't get is:
Since she always waits for me, we walk to the bus stop together, and take the same bus.
So we sit next to each other on the bus, where I actually have to hide my hands from her (CLINGY AS FUCK!!!!)
And then: After a couple of stops, 99% of the time I have to change bus, but she lives in the direction the bus goes.
So I have to get off, while she could just sit there, and get home quick and smoothly.
BUT NOOOO!!!!! She has to get of as well, so she can stay with me while I wait for the next bus D: D: D: D:
Jesus.... what's the point of that?!!

And all of this just because I helped her find her phone, the first day of school. After that she's obviously been in love with me.. D: Guh...

I have lots of love interests, but I'm not looking for a relationship AT ALL.
But when people (girls) get the wrong ideas, and think I'm with someone, they kinda start avoiding me.. Because you wouldn't want to have anything to do with someone's love-life right?
So even though I'm not going for any of the girls, it's still pretty sad to not be able to be friends with them.. The reason I'm not looking for a relationship is because of this..
So my world is to a great degree messed up, because of her..

Besides I wouldn't dare to get a girlfriend. I have some friends who would NOT accept that :P And my ex would be furious.

The story is in the other Spoiler-tag.


Now, the story:

read the stuff above

Lets call her "Girl X".

Girl X came to me this morning, in english class, and asked if I was done at school at 14:45.
And that is actually the time I'm done on normal thursdays, because I have saxophone as my last subject.
I was a bit surprised (though, she stalks me) that she knew such a detailed time, because 14:45 isn't a very normal time to end classes at my school, and I didn't even know when I was finished myself (I don't really pay attention to the time).

If you've read the stuff above, you know that a lot of my everyday-life is about avoiding her.

So what came out of my mouth as an answer, was "No".
I don't know why I lied, but I guess it has become a reflex for me.

I think we left that at that, because our teacher started talking.
Nothing else than "how did she know the time" crossed my mind..

[Important for the story]
The first thing my teacher did when she came in, and everyone was listening, was to bring up a letter.
The letter was from a girl that is in our class, but have only been at school for three days or so..
No one had heard from her since the day she stopped coming, and she haven't been answering any messages when we've tried to reach her..

The letter said something like this:
"Dear class.
Sorry I haven't been to school in a while.
I've had some issues in my life and therefore been unable to come, but I'll probably be back in a couple of weeks.
I hope you will enjoy these lollipops!"

Along with the letter, the girl had send 32 lollipops - one for each of us in the class.
So we all loved her for a moment, and ate the lollipops.
[/Important for the story]

Back to Girl X:

(In my school; we split up the school day in four "sessions")
Now, I didn't speak to Girl X much the next two sessions.
That was not coincidental - I had to run away from her when recess started between second and third session.
So I just played some saxophone in a rehearsal room. But I later found out that she was watching through the window from the outside...

After third session, which was math (and I don't have math with her), I started walking down to the rehearsal room where I have saxophone lesson.

So there we stood. I was just waiting for the fifteen minutes to pass, and she was just there....
Then she asked again: Wether or not I was done 14:45.
And I knew I were; since she had asked earlier..

This time I answered "yes", because I knew she would start investigating if I said I had some more classes or something - BESIDES: She would just camp outside for me anyways.... -.-

Then she said that she wanted me to wait for her until she was done 15:00.
Now, if I were to say "no" I wouldn't really be able to back it up with a reason (other than hating her), so I said fine.

Waiting to go into the room was awful, because I had to stand there with her, and every minute together with her gives me the creeps, and gives her pleasure..

Then some guy from our class walked by, and she started talking a bit to him, because they were apparently supposed to have their piano lesson together.
This was my chance!

I grabbed my sax, and walked behind her towards the room where I was supposed to have my lesson, and knocked on the door (even though I was still two minutes early, and probably pissed of my sax teacher, who were in the middle of lunch..).
As a sort of "notice" that I was going inside, I told Girl X "goodbye", while she was still in conversation with the other guy..

That's when:

She turned away from him, and said: "See you afterwards, right?"

I don't know about in English, but in Norwegian THAT IS A FUCKING WEIRD THING TO SAY!!

OF COURSE it didn't come as a surprise, since she's stalking me full-time and all, but that is a fucking weird thing to say, really..

"Yeah," I responded with half my body inside the rehearsal room. I was actually hoping to avoid keeping my promise, but that wasn't an option anymore.. I couldn't just "forget" anymore.

After my sax hour, I was prepared to meet her and walk/bus home with her. So I went outside the main entrance, and was now leaning towards a wall or something with my sax on my shoulder.

I took up my iPhone and went on Facebook, to see if there was anything new:
That's when I saw the notification that someone had posted a picture on the "1996 musicians on Foss"-page, which is the page where every music student in the first year are a members. We are two music classes (33+33).

The picture was of a boy and a girl in my class. And they were eating lollipops.
The picture came with text:
"Hah take that 1E (my class is 1F and the other class is 1E)!
We get to eat Valentine's Day lollipops sent from our beloved classmate, while you get nothing blah blah blah..."

That's when I realized:
The reason the absent girl sent us lollipops (which literally translates to "love" in norwegian), was because..

I am not an idiot. I understood that the reason Girl X, the girl that is in love with me, was so desperate to walk home with me after school, was because today is Valentine's Day, and she's the type to consider this day sacred, so I figured she wanted to express her feeling in a matter..

EXATCLY 15:00 I pressed "send" and sent her the message I had written.
It said:
"Come now, I have really really really bad time today! If you don't hurry, I'll have to leave without you." <-- in norwegian of course..

I was hoping she wouldn't turn up.
I decided to give her five minutes, and start walking exactly 15:05 if she didn't show.
I was praying inside that she wouldn't turn up.
But it's Girl X we're talking about here. She wouldn't miss out on this for the world.

15:01 she pushed the door open, and we immediately started walking.

The excuse I came up with to "have bad time today" was that a friend of mine was supposed to leave town and I had to hurry to fetch my Cornet that was lying at his place.

Normal routine from here on:
- Walking to the bus stop.
- Waiting for the bus.
- Sitting on the bus.
- Hiding my hands from her - though she managed to fetch my left hand when I wasn't paying attention.
- Departing from the bus - even though she lives where the bus is going.
- Walking to the stop across the street, and waiting for the next bus with her

When I was within range of reading what said on the electronic notice board above the bus stop, I could read when the next bus would come:

9 minutes!?
Why are there so few busses at this hour!?

Now, for what we've been waiting for:
She dragged me away from people, and over to a place where there there wren't any people standing waiting for the bus.

I'm not gonna start a detailed explanation of how it went down, but she super-formally confessed.
I think she was trying to make me feel like I had no choice.
She just told me that she had liked, no LOVED, me since the first time she spoke with me.
And after talking for a long time (four minutes actually, according to the bus-noticeboard-thingy), she was finished.
She made it very clear that she had some personal fantasies that we were already a couple, and wanted everything to be as they were, just a little more intimate.

I hadn't been saying anything during it all.
I had been trying to maintain a face that didn't "show" how I felt about it all.


I'm kinda expecting this to be a feature every girl has:
When you say: "No, I don't like you" --> They wanna know WHY!?


I'm not gonna go into detail about how she nagged me about "WHY?" after this, but...
I got a bit stressed out. I GOT PISSED!!.. could say.

And since I deep down straight up DISLIKE her;
I did the "foolish" thing of telling her how I really felt.

The phrase "I mildly hate you" came up more than it should have. Please don't judge me..
That is how I feel about her. I do mildly hate her.

She tried to touch me, so I backed up.
Then she tried to embrace me, so I grabbed her arms and held them away from me.

Now, at this point we were standing rather close to each other. Almost in an embrace.

I shouted right in her face: "Stop it!"
And tried to push her away, but now she had grabbed by arms, and again tried to embrace me.

I took control again by grabbing her arms the way I had before, and shouted more to her.
"Stop it! I don't like you, go away!"

Her subconscious monster awakened:
We were still standing very close SOOOO... She head-butted me!
Then ran off crying.
She probably hurt her head a bit, but when she hit my forehead she managed to get a direct hit on my only pimple, leaving me in intense pain, bleeding from my forehead. It still hurts really bad, and I think she might've left me with a small scar..

That's it..
That's how it went down.
I'm very relieved, finally being able to tell her how I really feel, since she's been having ideas and stuff, and I've had to keep it a secret.
I don't think of this as such a bad thing at all.
And the best thing about this is that I am actually HAPPY it all turned out like the crazy mess it did!
Because now I probably don't have to talk to her ever again.
So... *smiley face* :D

Call me an asshole if you must. Please.

Birdo for Smash


Holy fuck I don't know whether to cry or laugh

I almost cried and I also burst out laughing

That's a fantastic story, whatever comes of the situation. I doubt she's going to just leave you alone.

I would apologize for overreacting but also let her know you aren't interested. She did confess her love for you, even if you hate her you owe her that.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Oh my god. I. I dont even know what to say.

Are people actually that INSANE?


It is some story, huh? :)
I think she might come to me tomorrow being all like, "can we please stay friends" or something like that.
Slow, in my whole "explanation" to her about how I felt, I did apologize to her quite a lot, and made it very clear in an easy-to-understand-way that I don't like her, though some sharp words like "mildly hate" came up a lot.
I don't wanna sound mean (like I can go back now..), but the only reason the situation turned out like it did is because she was shocked and got pissed, and as I said, I'm glad, because this might mean she'll stay away from me from now on.. ..might... :P
Birdo for Smash


Cool story bro.

Laughed hard. XD


Quote from: shadowkirby on February 13, 2013, 10:22:33 PMMy good friends, it would appear that I have feelings for a girl. I do not know how to act upon these feelings, and therefore am feeling "butterflies" in my stomach. These feelings are also causing confusion, and a number of other unwelcome side effects. I really do wish that women were simpler.

but its not ayla right


it's someone who I think Kman used to like?
I like food.