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TWG XXVII: Trick of the Trade

Started by Mashi, January 28, 2012, 08:53:00 PM

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Saint Swooper

Some unforseen circumstances are making it so I won't have stable Internet for a few days. I hate to do this, but I have to Drop Out. Maybe another time, sorry Mashi.


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


gosh, I was expecting at least one person to have voted for me by now.

sry I haven't been active, like, at all. I'll be on irc for a bit tonight if anyone wants to discuss junk.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: Saint Swooper on January 30, 2012, 06:28:04 PMSome unforseen circumstances are making it so I won't have stable Internet for a few days. I hate to do this, but I have to Drop Out. Maybe another time, sorry Mashi.
Nooooooooo. :(


I'm pretty sure we said no IRL discussions. IRL is in person, not skype or a type of voice chat.
If you want to talk about things like this go here: TWG Suggestions, Comments , and Questions

Also it sounds like him just saying that he was just human was another way of saying, "I'm not talking about the game"

On another note, sorry for not being active in irc so far, I was busy last night and was sleeping for most of today.


Seering notwithstanding, I don't think Kman is a wolf, because of the shadowkirby wolfing. Shadowkirby, of course, was pressuring Kman in real life (not allowed but he couldn't know this), and if he were a wolf, undoubtedly he would want to kill off shadowkirby. But there are three wolves, and in all likelihood considering the skill level of these players, at least one wolf would recognize the danger of targeting shadowkirby and make sure the wolfing went to someone else.

I think this could possibly be an attempt to frame Kman.


What'd I miss?

And safety on SFK because he's totes a wolf.


The only way he could be green and still be a wolf is if he or a partner painted him red.
I mentioned that I had someone else in mind in my seering in hopes to throw off the wolves, and I don't see any reason why it wouldn't have worked.

Quote from: Jub3r7 on January 30, 2012, 02:54:50 PMIf we announce to the thread who I'm going to seer, they're going to be painted red.
I have someone else in mind, anyways.

We also have to keep in mind that they could be one of two millers.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Jub you shouldn't have seered Kman.

Even if you did say that comment about seering someone else, Kman is the most suspected suspect right now and in my opinion it was very obvious that you were still going to seer him. I think he was painted. 

Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 30, 2012, 06:17:26 PMHis judgments on people are strange.  It seemed random and baseless for him to say that Wry was probably a human because of the story (which is irrelevant).

Ok now I'm really starting to suspect you.

I think Wry was a human because there is a wolf painter, and Wry is portrayed as a painter in the story, and it would be exeedingly strange/wrong/ridiculous if he was both the wolf painter and portrayed as a painter in the story.  That would... ruin things up, to say it simply.  If you didn't understand what I was getting at though...

Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 30, 2012, 06:17:26 PMThen he tried to throw suspicion on Jub, myself, Slow, and Swooper because we all supported having the people with items claim.

I did not try to throw suspicion on them/you. 

1. I just think that a wolf would like to have more information and have people claim so they know who's who and who has what, if they just want to wolf people with items or whatever. 

2. Therefore, a wolf would definitely want people to claim, and at least one of you four must be a wolf.

3. I also thought, at the time, that people claiming to the thread would have no harm.  However, there are some people that don't think that way, and I think those people are not wolves.

4. I was not throwing suspicion, just using that information as a base for other things to stack up onto it, forming my acutal suspicions.

I know my wording is kind of strange.... but just don't want to be misunderstood, which happens alot to me.

And now, Vermillion, I am starting to suspect you, because wolves typically don't support wolfing their own comrades and they try to change everyone's thoughts to a different direction.  As you said -
Quote from: vermilionvermin on January 30, 2012, 06:17:26 PMI'm going to go in a little bit of a different direction here.

Wrydrn did a good job of it last time.  He directed everyone's thoughts to davy.

And plus I don't think many people would misunderstand what I said in those posts, so you may be doing it on purpose.   


Verm - is trying to change everyone's direction and "misinterpreted" my "suspicions." Result?  Second on my suspect list. 


Kman - is inexperienced and said some things that sounded almost like an accidental slip, like in the irc.   I think he isn't enjoying the game right now, and maybe we should wait a phase or two to make sure.  I still think he's a wolf though.

Verm - stated above.

No other real suspects. 

BTW - I think the wolves were trying to frame me by wolfing Shadow.  In irc, I said "see you dead tomorrow."  directed to Shadowkirby.  Just a thought.  gzgreg, that's a possibility, the wolves typically like to frame people or least suspected people so that other people can be finished off by the humans.  I still think that there is a high possibility that Kman was painted. If Kman was not a wolf, he would have been painted red. 
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Quote from: Dude on January 30, 2012, 07:01:01 PMWhat'd I miss?

And safety on SFK because he's totes a wolf.

What aren't playing? You should take Swooper's place though now that he quit.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


So I had a quick chat with Kman (and Wry and gz, but Kman's more important) and I'm going to stick by both my earlier sentiments.  Kman seemed very human in the chat, and I found no reason not to suspect Raymond.

Beginning with the stuff about you not suspecting Wry, I understand what Raymond said.  But the fact that something irrelevant to the game changed his opinion on whether or not Wry was a wolf is certainly concerning. 

A Wry-Raymond-Someone else wolf pairing makes a lot of sense.  Wry's basically skirted the Raymond issue, which is one he as an experienced player should have an opinion on.  It would make sense if he were a wolf trying to push this issue under the table because he's trying to protect his wolf partner.  Conversely, Raymond decided that Wry was likely a human based on a name-drop in the story.  Based on my skimmings of his other posts, I haven't seen him conclude that a player besides Wry is a human.

Now on to the argument made by the numbered points:

The wolves generally have more information than the humans.  The wolves thrive when people are confused because their knowledge allows them to know what's going on.  Thus, the less knowledge the general public has, the greater the advantage the wolves have.  I'm not sure if your third point was a step back saying you agreed with me then or not.

I guess the main point of my argument is that Raymond was suggesting that a lot of people could be wolves on Night 1 but seemed to assume that Wry wasn't for a reason that I hold no stock in.  This is compounded by the fact that Wry doesn't seem to have any opinion on whether or not Raymond's a wolf.  This is an advantageous position for a wolf to take because it allows him to avoid suspicion from both those who think he is a wolf and those who think he isn't.

The log I mentioned earlier's coming in my next post.


Quote19:12      *** Verm joined #twg
Night 1 has ended.  shadowkirby has been wolfed!  It is now Day 1.   Day 1 will end on February 1st at 9PM EST/8PM CST/7PM MST/6PM PST/5PM AST.
Topic set by Master_Gamer38 on Mon Jan 30 2012 18:58:44 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
19:12   gzgregory   If you were wolfed, on the other hand, you would be confirmed human and everyone would look for a different target
19:12   gzgregory   O hi verm
19:12   Verm   hi
19:12   Verm   what are we talking about?
19:12   gzgregory   whether Kman is a wolf
19:12   Verm   did i walk in on a sekrit wuff meeting????
19:12   gzgregory   oh fudge
19:12   [Wrydryn]   Yah
19:12   gzgregory   I have to go ><
19:13   Verm   kewl
19:13   [Wrydryn]   Later then
19:13   gzgregory   Yeah, bye
19:13   Verm   gr8est wuff-finder evar
19:13   gzgregory   gj verm
19:13   Kman96   oh, I'm still iffy on the term usage
19:13      *** gzgregory quit (Q:- ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912])
19:13   [Wrydryn]   <- Gr8est wulf-evar
19:13   Verm   hey thats not what i said
19:14   [Wrydryn]   Wait, what terms Kman?
19:15   Kman96   "lynch" and "wolfed"
19:15   Verm   oh
19:15   Verm   lynch means day-killed
19:15   [Wrydryn]   lynching is when the players vote to kill someone
19:15   Verm   wolf means killed by the wolves
19:15   Verm   wry's explanation is better
19:15   [Wrydryn]   Wolfing is when the wolves/red players kill someone
19:18   [Wrydryn]   I'm going to take a shower and finish up my essay
19:18   [Wrydryn]   later
19:18   Verm   k
19:20   Kman96   so of what importance are the millers?
19:21   Verm   They're humans, but they are seered red.
19:21   Verm   They don't know that they're millers though.
19:22   Kman96   oh, so they're on the wolf team?
19:22   Verm   Not really.
19:22   Verm   They're on the human team, but it looks like they're on the wolf team if they are seered.

19:23   [Wrydryn]   Would be better if there was also a traitor too
19:24   Verm   In this game?
19:26   Kman96   oh, thanks guys, I gtg
19:26      *** Kman96 left #twg
19:27   Verm   I think Kman seemed human.
19:30   [Wrydryn]   Yah, seems fair enough to match up with the human seering then


"The wolves generally have more information than the humans.  The wolves thrive when people are confused because their knowledge allows them to know what's going on.  Thus, the less knowledge the general public has, the greater the advantage the wolves have."

I agree with vermilionvermin. It does appear that they have more information than the humans, but then think about this:

Wolves know who the humans are. Humans don't know who the wolves are. HOWEVER. I've claimed I'm human many times(as I still am), but although many were confuddled by my revelation, those who attempted to question me directly seemed to doubt me the most (take shadowkirby for example).  Therefore, those who have questioned me about my claim to be human didn't know I'm human, thus being other humans, and those who didn't (you know who you are)...

...are wolves. you didn't ask me any questions because you had no reason to doubt me; you already knew I was human!  there is, unfortunately probably a smart wolf or two who already thought of that, and asked me questions, so this theory is not totally eye-opening. you clever ones out there can figure it out for yourselves.

there's my two-cents.
Party Hard!


I like food.