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TWG XXVII: Trick of the Trade

Started by Mashi, January 28, 2012, 08:53:00 PM

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1. Wolf Painter - Sends the Host a PM every Night Phase with the name of a Player and a Colour.  For that Night Phase, that Player will be seered that Colour.
2. Wolf
3. Wolf
4. Miller - Human seered Red.  Is told that he is Human.
5. Miller - Human seered Red.  Is told that he is Human.
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human

Item 1 - Seering Item
Item 2 - Guarding Item (Cannot be used on self)
Item 3 - Guarding Item (Cannot be used on self)

These 3 Items will be distributed to 3 random Players every Night Phase for the first 3 Night Phases (Wolves can also receive Items).  Afterwards, only Item 1 will be distributed to a random Player every Night Phase.  Items may not be saved to be used at a later Phase.


1. Saint Swooper
2. vermilionvermin
3. blueflower999
4. shadowkirby
5. Wrydryn
6. gzgregory
7. SlowPokemon
8. Raymondbl
9. xK-NiGhTx
10. Jub3r7
11. SuperFireKirby
12. Kman96

All PMs have been sent.

Human PM:
QuoteYou are a Human!  But remember, you may still be the Miller!

Item Receiving PM:
QuoteYou have received Item #.
(Number of Item takes place of #, evidently).

In the cold of December 15th, a young man named Saint Swooper walked towards a dark forest.  Towards a special place.  Trading Wernick's Grove.  It was an enchanted place where one could be taught the 'tricks of the trade'.

Of course, this was all nonsense and Saint Swooper was fully aware of that; he just wanted to become an apprentice and learn himself to become rich and be worth vermillion dollars like everyone else would want to.  He entered the grove and was greeted by a young man of similar age.

"Hi, I'm shadowkirby, Who are you, Doc?" the man inquired.

My name is Saint Swooper.  I've traversed many miles in order to reach her.  I have come to become your apprentice."

shadowkirby let out a hearty laugh.  "Oh, I am no master yet.  The master is running a few errands from afar.  I, myself, am an apprentice also.  There are 10 other apprentices, however.  Please allow me to introduce them to you." he said.  Before Saint Swooper could reply, he was dragged off of his feet and met the crew.

The first person he met was named vermilionvermin.  He was one of the newer apprentices that was only accepted a few months ago.  However, he showed great potential and is one of the most proficient apprentices there.  He's also a bit mysterious as well, in that no one knows what he specialised in.  He was somewhat intimidating to the other apprentices.

Next was blueflower999.  He was a nice, but clumsy person.  He was apprenticed about a year and a half ago and has progressed adequately.  Though, his clumsiness often made it appear that he was rather inept, he was simply misunderstood and was on his way to becoming a master metal forger.

shadowkirby himself was an apprentice in a newly developing field called 'laser pens from the future'.  Umm, you probably don't want to ask.

Wrydryn was apprenticed about a year ago as a painter.  After a brief catharsis occurring about 3 months into his apprenticeship, he has been one of the fastest progressors in the Grove.  He has proven to be so consummate in his artistic skill that many apprentices wonder why he hasn't left yet.  There's some talk of him being a perfectionist, but some believe that he's just a bit weird because some dude punched him very hard before he came to the Grove.

gzgregory arrived only about a half a year ago.  He is apprenticed as a carpenter.  He's pretty much the only normal guy in the entire Grove.  Well, aside from the fact that he decided to take on an apprenticeship in a grove.

SlowPokemon was less of an apprentice and more of a close friend of the master.  While in the Grove, he wrote a series of eminent novels and earned vermillion dollars.  The master would often discuss his writings with him and SlowPokemon would make amends to wherever he saw fit in his novels.  He's known for going into small bouts of depression and he often suffers from writer's block because of them.

Raymondbl became apprenticed about half a year ago.  He was initially met with resentment from the other apprentices after a particular incident, but everyone has warmed up to him now and they are all good friends.  He is apprenticed in piano playing while simultaneously playing percussion like this.

xK-NiGhTx was an aberrant apprentice.  Rather than specialising in a conventional field, xK-NiGhTx chose to learn to a variety of knightly endeavours because he hoped to become a knight.  He has only begun working with the master recently and is currently only a squire.  Many people seem to enjoy his company and he seems very fervent towards his future vocation.

SuperFireKirby is also rather aberrant.  A frivolous guy, he decided to apprentice in the universe.  And by that, I mean that he apprenticed in everything.  Many lampoon him, usually playfully, for his zealous goal, but many fail to notice how greatly he has fared.  He has thus proved to be proficient in a variety of tasks and may possibly become specialised in the universe.

Kman96 had shown up only a day prior to Saint Swooper.  He's still waiting for the master to show up to begin his apprenticeship, which no one knows of yet.

Jub3r7 is the master totes not due to bias.  No one knows how he was able to specialise in so many fields, but it is rumoured that he was the first to garner the enchanted power of the Grove.

Finally finished with introductions, Saint Swooper decided it was a good time to get to bed.

And so he did.

It is now Night 1.  Night 1 will end January 30th at 9PM EST/8PM CST/7PM MST/6PM PST/5PM AST.


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Might be best if we got the person with the seering item to claim. Then they can be secretly guarded, and reveal what they got at the end of the phase.

Of course, they could be a wolf and lie about what they got, but then we can't trust results 100% anyway due to painters and millers.


I'm going to vote no on that plan due to the high probability that something goes wrong with it.  There's a 1/4 chance that a wolf has the seering item.  Based on the fact that a quarter of the players will be seered the wrong color, there's a large chance it leads us in the wrong direction.

I think relying on our own investigations will be more fruitful than the seering item.

Saint Swooper

I'm the main character in the story. Best be jealous. B)

In all seriousness, I'm going to have to agree with vermin. I mean, you bring up an issue of the plan within the plan!


Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


guys i flip-flop too much

I'm going to reverse my stance on the having seers claim thing.  Sure, it has a strong chance of going wrong, but it at the very least gives us something to go off.

It also allows the person with the seering item to organize those who have the guarding items.  The seer should NOT tell the guardians whom he/she is going to seer because there's a strong possibility one of the people with guarding items is a wolf.

And it makes sure the person with the seering item is not wolfed Night 1.

This should all be kept on the down-low because letting the wolves know who we're guarding would be really really bad.


Um, verm, I'm going to be selfish because since I know for a fact that I'm not a wolf, I have a chance of being wolfed, therefore I want to be guarded.
Also me being human = truthful seering results so yay.

Quote from: gzgregory on January 28, 2012, 09:05:15 PMMight be best if we got the person with the seering item to claim. Then they can be secretly guarded, and reveal what they got at the end of the phase.

Of course, they could be a wolf and lie about what they got, but then we can't trust results 100% anyway due to painters and millers.

I have item one.

I'd appreciate it if both item 2 and item 3 guard me; I was considering asking one of you to guard me and the other to guard someone else who has a good chance of being wolfed, but if the person who was supposed to guard me turned out to be a wolf, then they would wolf me rather than guard me. :(

On the other hand, the person with item 3 would probably report the identity of the person with item two if I were wolfed, so maybe I would be safe regardless.

Also, I don't see any harm in having item carriers 2 or 3 claim to me via pm; even if I were a wolf, wolfing one of them isn't going to stop the item from being passed around the next phase.

Although in case I missed some vital information that makes it so they shouldn't claim to me, I'll wait for people to give their opinion on this before we have them claim.

bleh, ninja'd by verm for a second time, but I pretty much have all of that in mind regardless if it seems like I don't.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]

Saint Swooper

I see no reason for the other item carriers to claim. As long as at least 1 is human and guards Jub, that's all that really needs to be done.


But I see no harm in them not claiming. :(
It also forces them to be active and gives us something to analyze later. XD
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: Mashi on January 28, 2012, 08:53:00 PM1. Wolf Painter - Sends the Host a PM every Night Phase with the name of a Player and a Colour.  For that Night Phase, that Player will be seered that Colour.
2. Wolf
3. Wolf
4. Miller - Human seered Red.  Is told that he is Human.
5. Miller - Human seered Red.  Is told that he is Human.
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human

Item 1 - Seering Item
Item 2 - Guarding Item (Cannot be used on self)
Item 3 - Guarding Item (Cannot be used on self)

These 3 Items will be distributed to 3 random Players every Night Phase for the first 3 Night Phases (Wolves can also receive Items).  Afterwards, only Item 1 will be distributed to a random Player every Night Phase.  Items may not be saved to be used at a later Phase.


1. Saint Swooper
2. vermilionvermin
3. blueflower999
4. shadowkirby
5. Wrydryn
6. gzgregory
7. SlowPokemon
8. Raymondbl
9. xK-NiGhTx
10. Jub3r7
11. SuperFireKirby
12. Kman96

All PMs have been sent.

Human PM:
Item Receiving PM: (Number of Item takes place of #, evidently).

In the cold of December 15th, a young man named Saint Swooper walked towards a dark forest.  Towards a special place.  Trading Wernick's Grove.  It was an enchanted place where one could be taught the 'tricks of the trade'.

Of course, this was all nonsense and Saint Swooper was fully aware of that; he just wanted to become an apprentice and learn himself to become rich and be worth vermillion dollars like everyone else would want to.  He entered the grove and was greeted by a young man of similar age.

"Hi, I'm shadowkirby, Who are you, Doc?" the man inquired.

My name is Saint Swooper.  I've traversed many miles in order to reach her.  I have come to become your apprentice."

shadowkirby let out a hearty laugh.  "Oh, I am no master yet.  The master is running a few errands from afar.  I, myself, am an apprentice also.  There are 10 other apprentices, however.  Please allow me to introduce them to you." he said.  Before Saint Swooper could reply, he was dragged off of his feet and met the crew.

The first person he met was named vermilionvermin.  He was one of the newer apprentices that was only accepted a few months ago.  However, he showed great potential and is one of the most proficient apprentices there.  He's also a bit mysterious as well, in that no one knows what he specialised in.  He was somewhat intimidating to the other apprentices.

Next was blueflower999.  He was a nice, but clumsy person.  He was apprenticed about a year and a half ago and has progressed adequately.  Though, his clumsiness often made it appear that he was rather inept, he was simply misunderstood and was on his way to becoming a master metal forger.

shadowkirby himself was an apprentice in a newly developing field called 'laser pens from the future'.  Umm, you probably don't want to ask.

Wrydryn was apprenticed about a year ago as a painter.  After a brief catharsis occurring about 3 months into his apprenticeship, he has been one of the fastest progressors in the Grove.  He has proven to be so consummate in his artistic skill that many apprentices wonder why he hasn't left yet.  There's some talk of him being a perfectionist, but some believe that he's just a bit weird because some dude punched him very hard before he came to the Grove.

gzgregory arrived only about a half a year ago.  He is apprenticed as a carpenter.  He's pretty much the only normal guy in the entire Grove.  Well, aside from the fact that he decided to take on an apprenticeship in a grove.

SlowPokemon was less of an apprentice and more of a close friend of the master.  While in the Grove, he wrote a series of eminent novels and earned vermillion dollars.  The master would often discuss his writings with him and SlowPokemon would make amends to wherever he saw fit in his novels.  He's known for going into small bouts of depression and he often suffers from writer's block because of them.

Raymondbl became apprenticed about half a year ago.  He was initially met with resentment from the other apprentices after a particular incident, but everyone has warmed up to him now and they are all good friends.  He is apprenticed in wood carving.

xK-NiGhTx was an aberrant apprentice.  Rather than specialising in a conventional field, xK-NiGhTx chose to learn to a variety of knightly endeavours because he hoped to become a knight.  He has only begun working with the master recently and is currently only a squire.  Many people seem to enjoy his company and he seems very fervent towards his future vocation.

SuperFireKirby is also rather aberrant.  A frivolous guy, he decided to apprentice in the universe.  And by that, I mean that he apprenticed in everything.  Many lampoon him, usually playfully, for his zealous goal, but many fail to notice how greatly he has fared.  He has thus proved to be proficient in a variety of tasks and may possibly become specialised in the universe.

Kman96 had shown up only a day prior to Saint Swooper.  He's still waiting for the master to show up to begin his apprenticeship, which no one knows of yet.

Jub3r7 is the master totes not due to bias.  No one knows how he was able to specialise in so many fields, but it is rumoured that he was the first to garner the enchanted power of the Grove.

Finally finished with introductions, Saint Swooper decided it was a good time to get to bed.

And so he did.

It is now Night 1.  Night 1 will end January 30th at 9PM EST/8PM CST/7PM MST/6PM PST/5PM AST.
I understand my paragraph now...hehehe...Mashi u so hilarious.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I don't see the harm in having them claim both to you and publicly.  You can direct one of them to guard you and the other to guard someone random.

It's not like the wolves benefit any from knowing the identity of the guardians.  What's most important is that the wolves don't know whom you're seering or whom they're guarding.

I really doubt that the wolves have the gall to sacrifice one of their own to stop one seering.


Vermillion Dollars should become an NSM inside joke.

Just saying.

Also, there are more obscure references and jokes coming soon, xK-NiGhTx!


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Sounds like a great story guys...I think I'm lose. 

I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing... :/
Party Hard!