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TWG XXVII: Trick of the Trade

Started by Mashi, January 28, 2012, 08:53:00 PM

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I like food.


Gogogo is Shadowkirby's catchphrase, Kman. Don't worry about it. :P

In case you were wondering the IRC Chat can be found here: Normally the discussion is in the channel #twg.

...not that there's really much we can discuss at this point.


Quote from: Mashi on January 28, 2012, 08:53:00 PMWrydryn was apprenticed about a year ago as a painter.  After a brief catharsis occurring about 3 months into his apprenticeship, he has been one of the fastest progressors in the Grove.  He has proven to be so consummate in his artistic skill that many apprentices wonder why he hasn't left yet.  There's some talk of him being a perfectionist, but some believe that he's just a bit weird because some dude punched him very hard before he came to the Grove.

Touche >.>



Quote from: irc(8:52:26 PM) NSMGuest85 [~NSMGuest8@4787AE1.FB54D973.E08E2875.IP] entered the room.
(8:52:29 PM) NSMGuest85: hola
(8:52:30 PM) shadowkirby: Hello
(8:52:33 PM) NSMGuest85 is now known as Raymondbl
(8:52:40 PM) shadowkirby: HAI RAYRAY
(8:52:48 PM) Raymondbl: hi
(8:52:53 PM) shadowkirby: :D
(8:52:57 PM) shadowkirby: Is you a wolf?
(8:53:05 PM) Raymondbl: of course not
(8:53:11 PM) Raymondbl: is wrydrn here/
(8:53:14 PM) Raymondbl: and who is magnesium
(8:53:46 PM) Raymondbl: I think the humans are very disadvantaged here
(8:53:53 PM) shadowkirby: Mastergamer_38, I believe.
(8:53:55 PM) shadowkirby: And yes.
(8:54:05 PM) Raymondbl: painters, two millers...
(8:54:18 PM) shadowkirby: ANd no blues!
(8:54:36 PM) shadowkirby: If i was the wolf painter, I would paint people blue for teh lulz.
(8:54:39 PM) Raymondbl: yep, though at least that makes the person with seering item dying not a problem
(8:54:44 PM) Raymondbl: lol
(8:55:00 PM) Raymondbl: good idea
(8:55:20 PM) Raymondbl: but it would probably give out that the person's probably human
(8:55:59 PM) Raymondbl: *starts suspecting shadow*
(8:56:12 PM) Raymondbl: Wry never talks on irc
(8:56:22 PM) Raymondbl: he just sits there and watches us talk
(8:56:28 PM) shadowkirby: I know!
(8:56:36 PM) shadowkirby: Why would you suspect me?
(8:56:45 PM) shadowkirby: suspect Kman96!
(8:56:46 PM) Raymondbl: ...
(8:56:57 PM) Raymondbl: yeah I kind of suspect kman
(8:57:01 PM) Raymondbl: but not really
(8:57:10 PM) Raymondbl: just his manner of speaking
(8:57:20 PM) Raymondbl: I haven't seen him outside TWG so I can't be sure
(8:57:51 PM) Raymondbl: personally I think anyone who mentions themself as a human should have their suspicion level raised 10%
(8:58:15 PM) shadowkirby: Well, he won't tell me if he's a human!
(8:58:49 PM) shadowkirby left the room (quit: Q:- NSM Chatroom).
(8:59:02 PM) shadowkirby [] entered the room.
(8:59:05 PM) Raymondbl: wha' happened
(8:59:13 PM) shadowkirby: internet sucks in alaska.
(8:59:20 PM) Raymondbl: alaska!!?
(8:59:28 PM) shadowkirby: yesh.
(8:59:30 PM) Raymondbl: I didn't see you there!
(8:59:40 PM) shadowkirby: that's where Kman's from too.
(8:59:41 PM) Raymondbl: in sfk's "where in the world is the NSM community" thread
(8:59:51 PM) shadowkirby: i'm there too.
(8:59:52 PM) Raymondbl: interesting
(8:59:57 PM) shadowkirby: (now, anyway.
(8:59:59 PM) Raymondbl: betcha got tons of snow
(9:00:15 PM) Raymondbl: we must have a total of 10 - 15 inches this year
(9:00:25 PM) Raymondbl: very little snow.
(9:00:49 PM) shadowkirby: guess what the temperature was this morning.
(9:01:01 PM) Raymondbl: 20?
(9:01:06 PM) Raymondbl: -10?
(9:01:13 PM) shadowkirby: -54.
(9:01:14 PM) Raymondbl: farenheit of course
(9:01:17 PM) Raymondbl: omfg
(9:01:32 PM) shadowkirby: Yeah.
(9:01:33 PM) Raymondbl: at los angeles it's 80
(9:01:40 PM) Raymondbl: positive 80 degrees
(9:01:42 PM) shadowkirby: is that where you are?
(9:01:45 PM) Raymondbl: worse than summer
(9:01:49 PM) Raymondbl: no I'm in ohio
(9:01:53 PM) shadowkirby: oh, ok.
(9:01:56 PM) Raymondbl: but my friend lives in la
(9:02:03 PM) Raymondbl: *los angeles
(9:02:09 PM) shadowkirby: oh ok
(9:02:32 PM) Raymondbl: right now it's around positive 30 where I'm in.
(9:02:48 PM) Raymondbl: in any event what do you think about jub claiming as seer?
(9:02:59 PM) shadowkirby: LIES HE'S A WUFF.
(9:03:02 PM) shadowkirby: idk
(9:03:08 PM) Raymondbl: hm...
(9:03:12 PM) Raymondbl: idk too
(9:03:17 PM) Raymondbl: very contradicting
(9:03:26 PM) Raymondbl: I've invented a rule
(9:03:40 PM) Raymondbl: "Anything can be contradicted."
(9:03:48 PM) shadowkirby: *like*
(9:03:50 PM) shadowkirby left the room (quit: Q:- NSM Chatroom).
(9:04:01 PM) NSMGuest09 [] entered the room.
(9:04:08 PM) NSMGuest09 is now known as shadowkirby
(9:04:11 PM) shadowkirby: GRAH
(9:04:28 PM) Raymondbl: ping?
(9:04:48 PM) Raymondbl: your ping is 1.142 seconds
(9:04:51 PM) shadowkirby: no, I accidentally reloaded the page.
(9:04:55 PM) Raymondbl: oh
(9:05:06 PM) Raymondbl: mine is 0.321
(9:05:16 PM) Raymondbl: annyways gotta go
(9:05:19 PM) [Wrydryn]: Huh?
(9:05:20 PM) Raymondbl: play piano.
(9:05:24 PM) [Wrydryn]: Did the game start?
(9:05:24 PM) shadowkirby: no, stay!
(9:05:30 PM) shadowkirby: Kman's coming!
(9:05:34 PM) shadowkirby: YES IT DID.
(9:05:35 PM) Raymondbl: lol you woke up wrydrn?
(9:05:38 PM) [Wrydryn]: Ugh
(9:05:45 PM) [Wrydryn]: I'm watching a movie with etf
(9:05:55 PM) Raymondbl: hm...
(9:05:59 PM) shadowkirby: where?
(9:06:01 PM) Raymondbl: gotta go anyway
(9:06:05 PM) shadowkirby: :(
(9:06:06 PM) Raymondbl: bye peeps
(9:06:17 PM) Raymondbl: see you dead tomorrow
(9:06:19 PM) Raymondbl left the room (quit: Q:- NSM Chatroom).
(9:06:28 PM) shadowkirby: Wry, stay and chat!
(9:06:31 PM) Kman96 [] entered the room.
(9:06:37 PM) [Wrydryn]: I was planning on it
(9:06:43 PM) shadowkirby: ok!
(9:06:47 PM) shadowkirby: hai kman!
(9:07:36 PM) shadowkirby: psst
(9:07:40 PM) shadowkirby: say somethinf
(9:07:44 PM) shadowkirby: *thing
(9:07:59 PM) Kman96: you are getting too weird... just cuz I know you doesn't mean you have to suck up every time I get on.
(9:08:09 PM) Kman96: ...but hi.
(9:08:26 PM) shadowkirby: What? I always say hi when people go online.
(9:08:30 PM) shadowkirby: Ask wry.
(9:09:00 PM) Kman96: ok.
(9:09:12 PM) shadowkirby: So
(9:09:14 PM) shadowkirby: Wry
(9:09:18 PM) shadowkirby: Are you a wolf?
(9:09:37 PM) Kman96: I thought we weren't supposed to tell anyone O.o
(9:10:12 PM) shadowkirby: I know, but it's an inside joke that mashi started a while back.
(9:12:05 PM) Kman96: whats an inside joke? I'm confused.... :(
(9:12:33 PM) shadowkirby: Asking people outright if they're a wolf.
(9:13:01 PM) Kman96: oh.
(9:13:12 PM) shadowkirby: yup,
(9:13:32 PM) shadowkirby: So
(9:13:33 PM) shadowkirby: TWG
(9:13:46 PM) shadowkirby: You've read the entire topic so far, right?
(9:13:46 PM) Kman96: yeah, I don't plan on telling mny people what I am...or if and what I have...
(9:14:08 PM) Kman96: no. what are you saying?
(9:14:31 PM) shadowkirby: Yeah, but if people ask, you should say you're a human.
(9:15:01 PM) Kman96: I AM A HUMAN.
(9:15:23 PM) shadowkirby: goo job!
(9:15:26 PM) shadowkirby: *good
(9:16:06 PM) Kman96: ha.
(9:16:26 PM) shadowkirby: Who do you think is a wolf?
(9:17:01 PM) Kman96: tbh, you.
(9:17:13 PM) shadowkirby: what
(9:17:14 PM) shadowkirby: why?
(9:17:29 PM) shadowkirby: also
(9:17:31 PM) shadowkirby: post here
(9:17:32 PM) shadowkirby:
(9:18:43 PM) Kman96: ok, I did. what now?
(9:19:19 PM) shadowkirby: now people will probably respond and you will make new internet buddies and happiness will
(9:19:23 PM) shadowkirby: ensue.
(9:19:31 PM) Kman96: um. k?
(9:19:38 PM) shadowkirby: yes.
(9:19:41 PM) shadowkirby: yes it is.
(9:20:33 PM) shadowkirby: So
(9:20:39 PM) shadowkirby: Why do you suspect me?
(9:20:54 PM) Kman96: because its ust you.
(9:21:14 PM) Kman96: I would never go up to someone and just say "I am a human. I can help you."
(9:21:32 PM) shadowkirby: Fair enough, but it IS your first game.
(9:21:37 PM) Kman96: I am gonna hide my identity until the end, or if Im lynched or wolfed
(9:21:42 PM) shadowkirby: ok.
(9:21:57 PM) shadowkirby: But
(9:22:11 PM) shadowkirby: I wouldn't need to ask if you were human if I was a wolf.
(9:22:17 PM) Kman96: just know this- from what I can tell, the wolves are liars, and the humans are the ones telling the truth O.o
(9:22:28 PM) shadowkirby: yes, that is correct.
(9:22:54 PM) shadowkirby: All the wolves know each other, so I would know if you were a human because
(9:23:01 PM) shadowkirby: that is all the remaining roles.
(9:23:10 PM) Kman96: do far, I think I'm doing pretty good.
(9:23:15 PM) Kman96: so*
(9:23:29 PM) shadowkirby left the room (quit: Q:- NSM Chatroom).
(9:23:32 PM) Kman96: hmmmm...touche
(9:23:48 PM) Kman96: but that wouldn't stop you form asking me...
(9:23:55 PM) shadowkirby [] entered the room.
(9:23:57 PM) shadowkirby: back
(9:24:10 PM) shadowkirby: accidentally closed the tab :/
(9:25:00 PM) Kman96: did you see what I wrote?
(9:25:03 PM) shadowkirby: no, what?
(9:25:06 PM) shadowkirby left the room (quit: Q:- NSM Chatroom).
(9:25:20 PM) NSMGuest34 [] entered the room.
(9:25:30 PM) NSMGuest34 is now known as shadowkirby
(9:26:33 PM) shadowkirby: So what did you say?
(9:26:38 PM) Kman96: I said, hmmm...touche, but that wouldn't stop you from asking me...
(9:27:11 PM) shadowkirby: true.
(9:27:40 PM) Kman96: ha ha!
(9:29:16 PM) shadowkirby: yes.
(9:29:19 PM) shadowkirby: very funny.
(9:29:21 PM) shadowkirby: ha ha.
(9:29:39 PM) Kman96: I think I'm doing good on the whole "mind-games"
(9:30:02 PM) shadowkirby: yup,
(9:30:14 PM) shadowkirby: especcially for your first game!
(9:30:38 PM) Kman96: o who else is online?
(9:31:18 PM) shadowkirby: Wry, but he's being oddly quiet.
(9:33:01 PM) shadowkirby: so.
(9:33:05 PM) Kman96: oh ok
(9:33:12 PM) [Wrydryn]: What's up?
(9:33:18 PM) shadowkirby: hey
(9:33:24 PM) [Wrydryn]: I told you, I'm watching a movie
(9:33:37 PM) shadowkirby: you can still chat!
(9:33:44 PM) [Wrydryn]: Not really
(9:33:48 PM) shadowkirby: ok.
(9:33:49 PM) Kman96: yeah, shadowkirby, he's watching a movie!
(9:33:54 PM) shadowkirby: :(
(9:33:57 PM) [Wrydryn]: Doing homework at the same time anyways
(9:34:07 PM) shadowkirby: ok...
(9:34:11 PM) Kman96: oh, now thats tough...
(9:36:23 PM) shadowkirby: tinychat gogogo
(9:36:30 PM) Kman96: code?
(9:36:32 PM) Kman96: stuff?
(9:36:41 PM) shadowkirby: huh?
(9:36:51 PM) Kman96: whats the code to get int otinychat?
(9:36:58 PM) shadowkirby: concertoisawesome
(9:37:59 PM) [Wrydryn]: Oh guys
(9:38:08 PM) [Wrydryn]: Remember to post the logs when everyone is done
(9:38:34 PM) shadowkirby: yup.
(9:40:53 PM) Kman96 left the room (quit: Q:- NSM Chatroom).
(9:42:14 PM) shadowkirby left the room (quit: Q:- NSM Chatroom).

Saint Swooper

I can't get on the chat. Seriously, I've tried.


Yo swooper get on YIM and I'll explain it to you sometime because I'm really bad at doing it.  Otherwise, try  Read the next couple of posts because I get a little bit of it wrong in the original.


Or if you use mibbit, the server is and the channel is #twg.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


e: yeah what verm posted should work. :p
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


We've determined in the chat that second item seer SHOULD NOT claim.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


jub   What posts have swooper made?
23:07   Verm   Not a whole lot.
23:07   Verm   Let me check
23:07   jub   Oh yeah, was against seer/guardians claiming to the thread, I think?
23:07   jub   Or at least the guardians.
23:07   Verm   He also seemed to follow me pretty quickly in his first post.
23:08   Verm   If I wasn't so sure of my humanity, I'd consider the possibility that we were wolves together!
23:08   jub   Well
23:09   jub   It seemed like people were voting on whether or not to have them claim to the thread.
23:09   jub   Basically, it made sense for him to put his opinion there.
23:09   Verm   I think a YIM convo with swooper would probably help.
23:09   jub   The part I'm curious about is his opinion; what's wrong with having the guardians claim?
23:09   Verm   He seems to change positions.
23:10   jub   You seemed to change positions.
23:10   Verm   First he says it's bad, then he says he's cool with it.
23:10   Verm   Yes but I said I was changing positions.
23:10   Verm   He changed positions, and then used his first position to justify his own humanity!
23:10      *** StSwooper joined #twg
23:10   jub   Slow is a jerk for wording something I said completely wrong.
23:11   jub
23:11   StSwooper   hey cool it worked
23:11   jub   " "even if he wanted to wolf them, the items are just going to be passed around again next phase."" is what he said I said
23:11   Verm   We were just talking about you!
23:11   StSwooper   <3
23:11   Verm   What's your opinion on the whole having guardian item-holders claiming?
23:11   jub   But I said - "even if I were a wolf, wolfing one of them isn't going to stop the item from being passed around the next phase."
23:12   jub   Right herE:
23:12   jub
23:12   StSwooper   I see no reason for it really
23:12   StSwooper   but I guess we already got one claim
23:12   Verm   Why did you say you were against it here?
23:13   Verm   wait
23:13   Verm   *facepalm*
23:13   StSwooper   because the post I responded to said I was suspicious for being for it
23:13   Verm   nvm i'm being stupid
23:13   StSwooper   yeah
23:13   StSwooper   you sure are
23:13   StSwooper   its ok I still love you
23:13   Verm   I thought you said in your second post that there was no reason for them *not* to claim
23:13   jub   Let me explain why I'm having them claim.
23:14   jub   Having them claim lets me make sure that both of them are guarding the right person.
23:14   jub   If I were to tell person one to guard me and person two to guard someone else,
23:14   jub   And person one was a wolf, they would wolf me.
23:14   jub   UNLESS
23:14   Verm   I think I have a solution to this problem, but continue.
23:15   jub   Person two knew their identity and could report it to the thread.
23:15   jub   Wolves wouldn't sacrifice one player to prevent a seering, would they?
23:15   jub   *d:
23:15   Verm   Have K-N guard you, and have the person with the other item guard whoever they want.
23:16   Verm   What's most important is that one person's guarding you and the other person is guarding someone random.
23:16   Verm   And nobody knows who the randomly-guarded person is.
23:16   jub   Okay, that makes sense
23:16   jub   So it'd be obvious that kn was a wolf if I got wolfed.
23:17   StSwooper   exactly
23:17   StSwooper   I definitely see verm's point
23:17   jub   But not mine? D:
23:17   Verm   If we wanted, we could also have someone claim to have the second guarding item.
23:17   StSwooper   I see yours too okay jub
23:17   Verm   Even if the second guardian didn't use their item, it would be enough to deter the wolves if someone pretended to be a guardian.
23:17   Verm   *deter the wolves from killing jub
23:18   jub   But by having someone claim the second guardian, the second guardian should be legit.
23:19   jub   Because if there's a false claim and the real one comes out, we have enough inexperienced players that would think you were a wolf for false claiming.
23:20   Verm   But I like false-claiming
23:20   Verm   Anyways, I probably couldn't do it myself.
23:20   Verm   I've already said I'm in favor of having the second guardian claim.
23:20   StSwooper   You know what
23:21   StSwooper   I think I'm against it
23:21   jub   Explain?
23:21   StSwooper   If they don't claim then we can have them save the item
23:21   jub   ?
23:21   StSwooper   if they do claim, they could just get killed tonight
23:21   Verm   No we can't.
23:21   Verm   Items go bye-bye after one night, if I remember correctly
23:21   StSwooper   Do they?
23:21   StSwooper   hold on
23:21   StSwooper   let me check
23:22   Verm   These 3 Items will be distributed to 3 random Players every Night Phase for the first 3 Night Phases (Wolves can also receive Items).  Afterwards, only Item 1 will be distributed to a random Player every Night Phase.  Items may not be saved to be used at a later Phase.
23:22   StSwooper   Oh ok
23:22   StSwooper   never mind then
23:22   jub   Except I still don't really understand your logic
23:22   jub   What motive would wolves have to kill somebody who has a one-time use item?
23:22   jub   The item is already being used, killing him isn't going to stop it.
23:22   StSwooper   It still prevents a guard, right?
23:23   jub   I don't think so, and besides, preventing a guard won't do anything.
23:23   StSwooper   I meant that it didn't have to be used tonight
23:23   StSwooper   but it does so nvm
23:23   Verm   I think he meant preventing a killing?
23:24   jub   Killing a guardian would be pointless and wouldn't really matter if it prevented the prevention of the killing of the seer.
23:25   jub   Because after killing the guardian, guarding the seer is pointless.
23:25   jub   because a wolfing already went by????
23:25   StSwooper   why do i have to explain faulty logic agh
23:25   jub   excuse my faulty wording, sorry
23:25      *** NSMGuest07 joined #twg
23:26   jub   drumroll
23:26   NSMGuest07   Hey.
23:26      *** NSMGuest07 is now known as gzgregory
23:26   gzgregory   Oright oops.
23:26   jub   hello
23:26   gzgregory   Uh.
23:27   jub   So, your opinion on having the second item guardian claiming?
23:27   gzgregory   They should
23:27   gzgregory   So we can hold them accountable if something happens
23:27   gzgregory   Meaning nobody can pull anything
23:27   jub   We're planning to have k-n guard me and the second item can guard anyone else
23:28   gzgregory   Seems safe
23:28   jub   If I die, it would be obvious that k-n was the wolf.
23:28   jub   Any questions?
23:28   gzgregory   In that case, second person claiming is less useful.
23:28   jub   But I suppose it wouldn't really hurt anything?
23:28   gzgregory   Nope.
23:29   gzgregory   Oh maybe it would, actually
23:29   jub   ????
23:29   gzgregory   Then the wolves can target that person
23:29   gzgregory   wait can you guard yourself
23:29   jub   nope
23:29   gzgregory   yeah then
23:29   jub   Anyways, why would the wolves kill him?
23:29   gzgregory   Because it's a certain kill.
23:30   gzgregory   Otherwise they might hit the second person's guard
23:30   jub   GASP, logic
23:30   Verm   So then it would be good to have the second guy quiet
23:30   gzgregory   Mhm
23:30   StSwooper   now i am back to being against it despite my dumb logic
23:30   jub   Okay ty gzgregory
23:30   Verm   I'm against it too.
23:31   gzgregory   K then,
23:31   Verm   Does anyone have any thoughts about Raymond, Kman, and shadowkirby after their chat?
23:31   gzgregory   Not really.
23:31   Verm   I have a few, but want to see if anyone has any other observations.
23:31   gzgregory   Kman probably doesn't know what he's doing
23:31   jub   ^
23:31   StSwooper   I dont know them well, so none at all
23:31   gzgregory   Shadowkirby is sucking up to him for some reason
23:31   Verm   Apparently they know each other irl.
23:31   jub   shadowkirby and kman ^
23:31   gzgregory   Oh.
23:31   jub   yeah that
23:31   gzgregory   In tha tcase.
23:31   gzgregory   That would explain it.
23:32   Verm   What jumped out to me about kman was that he was unwilling to even say a human claim.
23:32   Verm   It could be a result of inexperience
23:32   gzgregory   He might just be being overly suspicious.
23:32   gzgregory   As for Raymond, he's acting like he was last game when he was human
23:32   Verm   but it could also be that he had overbearing wolf partners who told him not to claim after what happened with popo.
23:32   gzgregory   He likes to go off topic
23:32   jub   Was that before or after raymond said that people who mentioned being human are 10% more suspicious?
23:33   Verm   Oh, I'm not sure.
23:33   Verm   After, but kman wasn't there when he said that.
23:33   jub   Anyways, I'll post the log of what we have so far.
23:33   jub   Aka everything above this line:
23:33   Verm   Someone could have been relaying that chat to him, but it's unlikely.
23:33   Verm   kool
23:33   jub   _______________________________________
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


kman and shadow seem to be pretty good friends, but maybe because they already know each other.  I think Kman's reaction when shadowkirby asked him if he was a wolf is worthy of some suspicion.  Kman just seems to be inexperienced on the whole.

Whenever I see people as "pairs" I think they must have something about them, like sfk and wry last game were wolves.  In this game, I find it's shadowkirby + Kman and Verm + Swooper. 

Quote from: Jub3r7 on January 29, 2012, 08:34:14 PM23:32   Verm   but it could also be that he had overbearing wolf partners who told him not to claim after what happened with popo.
what happened to popo?

and btw what does touche mean?
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Well, those pairings can honestly be explained by circumstances unrelated to the game. Shadow and Kman obviously know each other, and Verm and Swooper are both from LLF, so Verm is probably the person Swooper recognizes the most.


Quote from: gzgregory on January 30, 2012, 06:20:54 AMWell, those pairings can honestly be explained by circumstances unrelated to the game. Shadow and Kman obviously know each other, and Verm and Swooper are both from LLF, so Verm is probably the person Swooper recognizes the most.
Pherhaps you are right. 

However, some of the things Kman says still makes me uneasy, such as these

Quote(9:09:18 PM) shadowkirby: Are you a wolf?
(9:09:37 PM) Kman96: I thought we weren't supposed to tell anyone O.o
(9:10:12 PM) shadowkirby: I know, but it's an inside joke that mashi started a while back.
(9:12:05 PM) Kman96: whats an inside joke? I'm confused....
(9:12:33 PM) shadowkirby: Asking people outright if they're a wolf.
(9:13:01 PM) Kman96: oh.
(9:13:12 PM) shadowkirby: yup,
(9:13:32 PM) shadowkirby: So
(9:13:33 PM) shadowkirby: TWG
(9:13:46 PM) shadowkirby: You've read the entire topic so far, right?
(9:13:46 PM) Kman96: yeah, I don't plan on telling mny people what I am...or if and what I have...
(9:14:08 PM) Kman96: no. what are you saying?
(9:14:31 PM) shadowkirby: Yeah, but if people ask, you should say you're a human.
(9:15:01 PM) Kman96: I AM A HUMAN.

Quote from: Kman96 on January 28, 2012, 10:17:37 PMSounds like a great story guys...I think I'm lose. 

I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing... :/
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!



Also I must conclude Kman is a wolf. Likely Shadowkirby as well, but that's not for certain. That reaction was just...yeah he's getting my vote come day phase.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.