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TWG XXVII: Trick of the Trade

Started by Mashi, January 28, 2012, 08:53:00 PM

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If the wolfs wolfed Shadowkirby in order to frame Kman, it wouldn't make sense because he was Seer'd green and the wolfs would have probably painted him read. Whether we had a human giving us truthful information or a wolf, they would both tell us he was green. UNLESS, of course, the wolf painter was being too inactive to paint in time. This leads me to to suspect Dude and K-N, because they're usually on the forum, and there's no reason why they shouldn't be posting in TWG as well. While Slow is being a little suspicious to me, I'm going to have to vote K-N just because of what I just said and so people won't be all like "Oh Blue he's only voting Slow because Slow voted him"
Bulbear! Blueflower999


The log's below, but what I think the general consensus of the chat was is that killing Shadowkirby was an attempt to frame Kman.  The biggest problem with this theory is that Kman was green.  Why would the wolves go to all the trouble of framing someone without painting them?  Simple.  That wasn't the plan.

The wolves probably wanted to paint Shadowkirby but couldn't.  Why?  It comes back to inactivity.

I don't know what affect this has on the lynching, but I thought I should throw this out there as a theory.

Quote15:58      *** Verm joined #twg
Night 1 has ended. shadowkirby has been wolfed! It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on February 1st at 9PM EST/8PM CST/7PM MST/6PM PST/5PM AST.
Topic set by Master_Gamer38 on Mon Jan 30 2012 18:58:44 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
16:02   Blueflower999   Hey Verm
16:03   Verm   hi
16:04   Verm   Why do you think the wolves wolfed Shadowkirby?  It's been bothering me.
16:04   Verm   I feel like I'm missing something.
16:05   Blueflower999   I know...
16:05   Blueflower999   It
16:05   Blueflower999   's kinda weird
16:05   Blueflower999   And I keep hitting enter instead of aprostraphe...
16:06   Verm   It strikes me as ood that they'd go from wolfing shadowkirby to wolfing Jub.
16:06   Verm   *odd
16:07   Verm   Shadowkirby's wolfing makes sense if the wolves are straying from killing people who might be guarded.
16:07   Verm   But Jub was the person I'd expect most to be guarded here.
16:08   Blueflower999   Someone could have easily wolfed Shadow to try and frame Kman
16:08   Blueflower999   Or it could be Kman himself with inexperience
16:08   Blueflower999   Either one
16:08   Verm   Then why was Kman seered green if he was framed?
16:09   Verm   Wouldn't the wolves have painted him red if they wanted to frame him?
16:09   Blueflower999   That's a good point
16:10   Verm   I think Raymond mentioned some theory on why the wolves wolfed shadowkirby earlier
16:12   Verm   "I think the wolves were trying to frame me by wolfing Shadow.  In irc, I said "see you dead tomorrow."  directed to Shadowkirby.  Just a thought."
16:13   Verm   that was raymond's theory
16:19   Blueflower999   Was that log posted in the thread?
16:20   Verm   the log in which he predicts shadowkirby's death or that post?
16:20   Verm   I think I remember that log with shadowkirby's death predicted
16:20   Verm   yes wry posted it i think
16:20   Verm
16:21   Blueflower999   Well then that doesn't really help us that much if everybody can see it
16:21   Verm   i found it
16:21   Verm   (9:06:06 PM) Raymondbl: bye peeps (9:06:17 PM) Raymondbl: see you dead tomorrow (9:06:19 PM) Raymondbl left the room (quit: Q:- NSM Chatroom).
16:21   Verm   wait
16:21   Verm   he doesn't even address shadowkirby
16:21   Verm   he says that to the group
16:22   Verm   which includes more than just shadowkirby
16:25   Blueflower999   Was he predicting his own death?
16:26   Verm   He could have been.
16:26   Verm   Either way, I don't think it's why the wolves wolfed shadowkirby.
16:28   Blueflower999   I suspect framimg of Kman
16:29   Verm   But his color doesn't agree with that!
16:29   Verm   Maybe there's someone else they tried to frame.
16:32   Blueflower999   Maybe they weren't smart enough to paint him
16:33   Verm   Or they were too inactive.
16:33   Verm   That would support Dude being the wolf painter.
16:33   Verm   With the switching from Swooper to dude, he might not have had time to paint.


gzgregory: KN
Kman96: Dude
SlowPokemon: Blueflower
Blueflower999: KN
Bird: Dude
Vermilionvermin: Dude
xK: Jub3r7
Dude: vermilionvermin
SuperFireKirby: no vote
Jub3r7: KN

Dude has 3 votes: (KMan, Bird, Verm)
KN has 3 votes: (Jub3r7, Blueflower and gzg)

so... uh... kn means xknightx right? And why are people voting for him besides 'i don't wanna kill dude'?
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


BlueFlower, you be flipflopping like a mad man. I sounds to me like you're taking your vote off Slow simply to avoid suspicion. WHERE'S YOUR BALLS MAN? Defend that vote! Show Slow why he's the wolf. Give some justification and a stern facial expression!

But yeah, after Slow became suspicious of you, you suddenly decide to change your vote to match that of our only confirmed(or at least 95% confirmed) human, Jubbyjubjub. Siding with Jub, you hope to make yourself seem more human while saying something about kman being painted red and then voting for xK- Knight.

You seem to be getting more wolfy by the hour.


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


As I said earlier, I would much prefer a blueflower999 lynch to a Dude one, and now that that's an option... blueflower999. Also, I kind of like to think that a wolf wouldn't just give up on the game the way Dude did. Maybe that's too idealistic of me!
(2:19:33 AM) Tutan: i don't know how to twg anymore
(2:19:46 AM) bird: its easy you just yell at someone til they die


Dude gives up on every game. And I mean every game.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: SuperFireKirby on February 06, 2012, 04:55:55 PMDude gives up on every game. And I mean every game.
It's my thing. :3

I'll probably go to No vote till I can think things through.


It seems I'm deciding between k-n and blueflower at the moment.

It's close between the two of them.  K-N has been largely inactive, and Blueflower's been behaving strangely.  Both are suspicious.

But in the end, I think I'm going to vote suspicious behavior over no behavior at all.


The phase ends in an hour or so.  I'll be in the chat, but I'll be multitasking so ping me if you want to talk to me.


Aaaaah phase is ending and super tired, so safety on SFK cuz totes a wolf.


Hey SFK, Blueflower actually voted for a pretty much confirmed human before. I think he's just a confused human, and at least he's provided some measure of reasoning for his votes.

Sticking with KN. At least one of the wolves is almost certainly inactive.


1. Wolf Painter - Sends the Host a PM every Night Phase with the name of a Player and a Colour.  For that Night Phase, that Player will be seered that Colour.
2. Wolf
3. Wolf
4. Miller - Human seered Red.  Is told that he is Human.
5. Miller - Human seered Red.  Is told that he is Human.
6. Human
7. Human
8. Human
9. Human
10. Human
11. Human
12. Human

Item 1 - Seering Item
Item 2 - Guarding Item (Cannot be used on self)
Item 3 - Guarding Item (Cannot be used on self)

These 3 Items will be distributed to 3 random Players every Night Phase for the first 3 Night Phases (Wolves can also receive Items).  Afterwards, only Item 1 will be distributed to a random Player every Night Phase.  Items may not be saved to be used at a later Phase.

Day 2 has ended.  blueflower999 was lynched!  It is now Night 3.   Night 3 will end on February 7th at 9PM EST/8PM CST/7PM MST/6PM PST/5PM AST.

1. Saint Swooper Dude
2. vermilionvermin
3. blueflower999
4. shadowkirby
5. Wrydryn Bird
6. gzgregory (Phantom x1)
7. SlowPokemon
8. Raymondbl
9. xK-NiGhTx
10. Jub3r7
11. SuperFireKirby (Phantom x1)
12. Kman96 (Phantom x1)

Story will be edited in later.


Okay, tonight I think nobody with an item should claim.

Instead, Item 2 should guard Jub, and Item 3 should guard Bird.

In the late game having two essentially confirmed humans alive is a huge asset.


Both guardians should claim to me and Bird (but not publicly) so if we don't get guarded we know who is responsible; if one of us dies, the other will reveal the guardian that was supposed to be protecting us to the thread.
I guess it wouldn't hurt to have the seer on board either?

Also guys. I believe there are still three wolves left!
Let's take a look at the people who voted blueflower:

Did I miss anybody? :/
Anyways, Bird is a confirmed human. Slow was exacting the exact same way last game.
That sort of leaves SFK and verm, just like in my earlier examination of every player.

k-N, my other top suspect, placed a safety on somebody?
Someone should go to irc.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


As long as you don't reveal them to each other.  :P


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]