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TWG XXVI: Doctor Who

Started by EFitTrainr, January 20, 2012, 02:53:53 PM

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Quote from: Wrydryn on January 25, 2012, 06:20:58 PMFor future reference for you guys. If someone uses a word with -smith at the end, it usually means they're a master/skilled at that.
I got the suffix, just wasn't thinking...i do that lots :P
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I-i-i-insta! Davy has been lynched.

1. Wrydryn
2. SuperFireKirby
3. xK-NiGhTx
4. Jub3r7
5. Slowpokemon
6. davy
7. raymondbl
8. Mashi

9. blueflower999
10. vermilionvermin
11. gzgregory
12. Dude
I like food.


Night phase ends within 20-ish hours.
I like food.


Be more specific please...

Anyways my suspicion is on Slow and SFK right now. Inclined to trust Wry since I've talked with him a lot and he seems to have legitimate suspicions, and Jub could not have expected his initial vote to lead to an insta.


I can't be specific, I'm grounded and it's rare for me to have access to a computer.
I like food.


You need to give a specific time. Leaving people to guess ruins the game for the players. If you are unable to host I will take over fully. But for now,

Night 3 ends at 11:00 PM EST on Thursday, January 26.

shadowkirby: If you can't get on at that time, I'll do the update. Send me the player roles as well, so I can do the update in your unexpected absence. If you get on after the time that I have said, and I have not yet made the update, feel free to do it.

For all players that have to do something during the night phase, send me the PMs as well.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Does 8:00 pm EST time work?
I like food.


For this time yes. Still, send me the players roles in the case of your absence.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 25, 2012, 05:44:37 PMAlso, Jub, don't act so innocent. You saw the insta before it happened and still kept your vote, right? Yah.
Wrong. XD
I /think/ I made the first vote, I saw somebody make a second vote, then I left.
I came back and he was already dead. :I

Then let us assume that the wolf/wolves would not have voted for Davy. Of the eight other players, five voted for him. Let's look at who did not.
1. xK-NiGhTx - Seer.
2. gzgregory - he seems like a pretty convincing human from what I've seen in chat, but anything's possible.
3. Dude - He has been awfully low-key. Assuming that Davy is a wolf means I assume Dude is a wolf, and so was Mashi, as greg and KN are fairly convincing to me at this point.
Just the way these people are insta'd is making me a little worried.
I voted davy thinking he was a wolf and as being the only one to vote him at that time, I felt like he had plenty of time to defend himself. The second vote seemed harmless too.

In regards to lynching davy without him giving defense, you're more suspicious then I am. :P
You can't say "Also, Jub, don't act so innocent. You saw the insta before it happened and still kept your vote, right? Yah." when you were able to see it more than I did, having been the third person to vote for him.

Then let us assume that the wolf/wolves would have voted for Davy. Of the eight other players, three people did not vote for him. Let's look at who did.
1. Jub3r7 - the one who started the voting. If I assume Davy is not a wolf, I must assume Jub3r7 is a wolf. His involvement in the game just strikes me as more than an inquisitive human at this point.
ASSUME I'm a wolf based on the fact that I had a suspicion on him and voted for him? :I
I know for a fact that I'm human, and you voted for me, does that make you a wolf?
According to your logic, it does, but honestly your logic sounds incredibly silly.

Quote2. SuperFireKirby - the next voter. He's been playing low-key like I said earlier and comes in to vote for Blueflower based either on Jub's vote or on his own reasoning.
Eh, SFK might just be playing us but at least he's /trying/ to let people defend themselves.

Quote3. SlowPokemon - I don't like analyzing myself
Because applying your logic that you accuse others with, you'd be the top on your suspicion list. XD
Quote4. Wrydryn - votes for Davy based on chat logs and his strange comments to Jub
Strange comments to me? ??? Did I miss something?
Quote5. Blueflower - basically says he knows that Davy might have a reason for hypocrisy (which I must have missed the evidence for anyway), but he doesn't want to give him a chance to explain himself. Either it's his inexperience, or he's a wolf.
I don't know about blueflower; he did help the insta in both day 1 and day 2, but the way he voted Mashi and davy made it seem as if he wanted to see their defense.

Seering suggestions: Dude for being inactive, Wry for being wolfy, blueflower for whatever, Me to prove human, etc.
I'm probably green but there's still a chance that I'm the miller. And no I'm not the master wolf either.

I'm getting a generally human feeling from gzg and x-K's posts/from the logs but I think I'm going to read back just to make sure.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Just to point out, Dude always plays low-key. And I mean always.

After doing some thinking, I think Blueflower most likely insta'd Davy by accident(seeing as he did want Davy to defend himself). Just an honest mistake , it seems like more than intentionally insta'ing Davy.

Listy listy list:
1. Wrydryn - insta'd Mashi 1st Day. Possibly set up Davy's insta 2nd day(as Slow mentioned). Giving me mixed feelings, as he does seem like he's trying to help the humans, but has made some poor choices.

2. SuperFireKirby - Sexy as ever.

3. xK-NiGhTx - Seer.

4. Jub3r7 - Most likely human in my opinion. Has been generally helpful. He may have started the voting on Davy, but I'm sure he(like myself) didn't intend on it becoming a total bandwagon.

5. Slowpokemon - Seer'd green. But could still be the master wolf. Which may be a possibility as he has given off very wolfy vibes. Such as pushing for Mashi's insta. Also, assuming Jub is a wolf because he voted for Davy. That mean's Jub, Me, Slow, Wry, and Blueflower are all wolves.

6. davy - Insta'd. Possibly a wolf(I think so at this point)

7. raymondbl - Wolfed. Human.

8. Mashi - Insta'd. Not sure if he was a human or wolf.

9. blueflower999 - Not sure. Did insta Davy, but once again, this seems like more of an accident than anything.

10. vermilionvermin - Wolfed. Human

11. gzgregory - Has seemed fairly human so far. Still not totes positive.

12. Dude - Not sure on you either. You haven't been all that active, so I can't really analyze you.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


night phase is now over. It is now day phase. Jub3r7 has been wolfed. day phase ends on Friday, Jan 27th at 8:00 pm EST.

1. Wrydryn
2. SuperFireKirby
3. xK-NiGhTx
4. Jub3r7
5. Slowpokemon
6. davy
7. raymondbl
8. Mashi

9. blueflower999
10. vermilionvermin
11. gzgregory
12. Dude
I like food.


Half-safety, half-vote on Slow

(Didn't he say he was getting grounded soon anyway? Just a thought.)


In any case


Seer results?


Oh god. My entire line of thinking has been upset.

Umm, I gave my two lines of thinking earlier, and it would appear my original one was wrong. Judging by my other line, which is possibly completely wrong because I'm playing really bad this game, the wolf would be Dude.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


guys i hope you find out Who the wolves are!!!!
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]