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TWG XXVI: Doctor Who

Started by EFitTrainr, January 20, 2012, 02:53:53 PM

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Was wondering about seering results myself.

I agree with Whirr the gzgreg should probably be removed. It could be inactivity, simple as that. But inactive players always pose a threat, since you can never really analyze them well enough to where you can be firm one way or the other, regarding their role, and a the while the can pick off players at night. It's happened several times.

Got ninja'd by greg,(and others). I don't think disregarding the insta'ing is the correct choice, though I do believe it has, for the most part, been firmly analyzed. Results: Inconclusive. But it should not be the ONLY thing analyzed, that is for sure. That is why I believe we should all head to chat to expose the liars!

In case Shado ends the day sooner than later(since he doesn't feel like giving us specific times) I think I'm going to have to vote for Slow.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: gzgregory on January 24, 2012, 05:52:46 PMSafety on blueflower I guess.

Also we should remember that Mashi's ploy could easily have been an attempt to get silly wolves to claim to him. All in all it's more likely a human thing to do than a wolfy thing.

Umm, what? No. Mashi doesn't think any of us are THAT stupid. I don't see how any human who wasn't just being stupid would say that.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I have no idea when day is ending and I don't really want to die so with that I change my vote to gzgregory. That was a weird comment and you already have a vote on you.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Take the new players for instance.

Anyways I'm going to vote for you,SP, because you supported an insta a bit more covertly than Wry did and honestly, at this point I think Mashi was human.


gzgregory's busy being a public seer in another game, give him a chance, please.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quick log from IRC with SFK, myself, and Gzgreg

Seems like SlowPokemon is the best choice now.

(8:49:02 PM) gzgregory [] entered the room.
(8:49:34 PM) gzgregory: Hi I'm going to stop being inactive now. ><
(8:54:57 PM) [Wrydryn]: Heya
(8:55:07 PM) gzgregory: Okay, so...
(8:55:10 PM) [Wrydryn]: I'll call everyone in here hold o
(8:55:11 PM) [Wrydryn]: on*
(8:55:18 PM) gzgregory: Right then
(8:57:10 PM) [Wrydryn]: Alright, just posted
(8:57:45 PM) [Wrydryn]: So, as you were going to say?
(8:58:01 PM) Vera [] entered the room.
(8:58:57 PM) [Wrydryn]: Hi Mashi
(8:59:06 PM) gzgregory: I was going to sy
(8:59:08 PM) gzgregory: *say
(8:59:15 PM) gzgregory: Why do you think Mashi said Verm
(8:59:18 PM) Vera: im ded kant tawc!!!!!!!!!
(9:00:13 PM) SuperFireKirby [~SuperFire@FE82D388.41E1A7A5.32812BCC.IP] entered the room.
(9:00:22 PM) SuperFireKirby: ohai peoples
(9:00:23 PM) gzgregory: Talking to wry ok mashi
(9:00:27 PM) gzgregory: sup sfk
(9:00:33 PM) SuperFireKirby: wutup
(9:01:10 PM) SuperFireKirby: so gz, why the vote on blueflower?
(9:01:12 PM) [Wrydryn]: Hi there
(9:01:47 PM) gzgregory: it's called a safety
(9:01:52 PM) gzgregory: Anyways
(9:01:57 PM) gzgregory: I'm kinda unsure right now
(9:02:06 PM) gzgregory: because honestly
(9:02:14 PM) gzgregory: people who instad mashi were probably scared of him
(9:02:25 PM) gzgregory: cuz he's too pro for the rest of us
(9:02:29 PM) [Wrydryn]: I'd think so
(9:02:55 PM) [Wrydryn]: And it's also confusing to tell what is the truth and what are the lies with him
(9:03:10 PM) SuperFireKirby: o
(9:03:18 PM) SuperFireKirby: didn't see safety
(9:03:19 PM) gzgregory: Obviously you'd think so since you instad him
(9:03:22 PM) gzgregory: :P
(9:03:42 PM) [Wrydryn]: Well yah
(9:03:46 PM) [Wrydryn]: Because really
(9:04:06 PM) [Wrydryn]: With Mashi we're damned if we do lynch him and damned if we don't lynch him
(9:04:48 PM) SuperFireKirby: Rule #1 of TWG: Mashi, no matter the circumstance, is a wolf
(9:05:06 PM) [Wrydryn]: Well he was the wolf even when he was the host
(9:05:11 PM) [Wrydryn]: So yah
(9:05:16 PM) SuperFireKirby: EXACTLY
(9:06:21 PM) SuperFireKirby: Slow, to me, seems like a good candidate for wolf
(9:06:41 PM) [Wrydryn]: He does but also seems to be in a similar position to me
(9:06:51 PM) SuperFireKirby: true
(9:07:09 PM) gzgregory: You're less wolfy to me
(9:07:12 PM) SuperFireKirby: honaestly the whole thing was just a big mess
(9:07:13 PM) gzgregory: because honestly
(9:07:19 PM) gzgregory: a wolf wouldn't cause an insta directly
(9:07:21 PM) [Wrydryn]: It was a big mess
(9:07:27 PM) gzgregory: Not a skilled wolf anyway
(9:07:30 PM) gzgregory: which Wry presumably is
(9:07:45 PM) SuperFireKirby: wolves don't want to draw attention to themselves
(9:07:55 PM) [Wrydryn]: ^
(9:07:57 PM) SuperFireKirby: wry did a hell of a job at getting it
(9:08:02 PM) [Wrydryn]: Oh yes I did
(9:08:18 PM) [Wrydryn]: But what I want is the seer report
(9:08:20 PM) SuperFireKirby: that is the number one reason you're not at the top of my list
(9:08:25 PM) SuperFireKirby: because I expect from from you
(9:08:31 PM) [Wrydryn]: Well that's good to know
(9:08:40 PM) SuperFireKirby: but you and slow both are high
(9:08:42 PM) SuperFireKirby: davy too
(9:08:54 PM) SuperFireKirby: on the list, that is
(9:08:56 PM) [Wrydryn]: I would hope so though
(9:09:06 PM) [Wrydryn]: Because if I wasn't then the humans are damned
(9:09:28 PM) SuperFireKirby: but gz
(9:09:39 PM) gzgregory: ?
(9:09:40 PM) SuperFireKirby: you might want to make a definitive vote
(9:09:44 PM) gzgregory: I'll do that
(9:09:50 PM) gzgregory: When does phase end again?
(9:09:55 PM) SuperFireKirby: as who knows when sk will decide to end the day?
(9:10:08 PM) [Wrydryn]: I think he said 8-10
(9:10:14 PM) [Wrydryn]: Or was it 8-12?
(9:10:15 PM) gzgregory: Today?
(9:10:19 PM) [Wrydryn]: Yes today
(9:10:20 PM) SuperFireKirby: also, what's up with xK
(9:10:24 PM) [Wrydryn]: No idea
(9:10:33 PM) SuperFireKirby: he's active, yet he hasn't given us the seer results
(9:10:36 PM) gzgregory: I'd like to see a seering result before day ends honestly
(9:10:47 PM) gzgregory: this is just really shifty
(9:10:48 PM) [Wrydryn]: This leads me to two conclusions
(9:10:50 PM) gzgregory: eugh
(9:11:00 PM) SuperFireKirby: unless he missed putting in a pm
(9:11:05 PM) [Wrydryn]: Either the wolfs killed the real seer and he was a proxy
(9:11:18 PM) [Wrydryn]: Or he missed the pm
(9:11:31 PM) SuperFireKirby: the latter seems way more liekly
(9:11:37 PM) [Wrydryn]: Yah
(9:11:38 PM) gzgregory: I think the wolves would have picked a more skilled proxy, yes
(9:11:51 PM) [Wrydryn]: Hmm?
(9:11:57 PM) gzgregory: I think I'm going to throw a vote on SP
(9:12:59 PM) [Wrydryn]: Hmm...
(9:13:25 PM) [Wrydryn]: I think Slow would be a better choice to vote than you
(9:14:49 PM) SuperFireKirby: you might want to start being more active gz
(9:14:57 PM) [Wrydryn]: Oh, I also want to point out
(9:15:01 PM) SuperFireKirby: your a very good player and we'll nedd you to win this
(9:15:13 PM) [Wrydryn]: Kinda odd that the Manti rule isn't applying
(9:15:40 PM) [Wrydryn]: But I think I explained that in my previous post
(9:16:11 PM) gzgregory: Anyways
(9:16:16 PM) gzgregory: I have to go
(9:16:18 PM) gzgregory: Bye guys
(9:16:22 PM) [Wrydryn]: Bye
(9:16:27 PM) gzgregory: I hope we're not making the wrong decision here
(9:16:28 PM) [Wrydryn]: I'll post the log later
(9:16:30 PM) gzgregory left the room (quit: Q:- ChatZilla 0.9.88 [Firefox 9.0.1/20111220165912]).
(9:16:42 PM) [Wrydryn]: Welp
(9:17:06 PM) SuperFireKirby: jerk
(9:17:07 PM) SuperFireKirby: leaving us
(9:17:11 PM) [Wrydryn]: :(
(9:18:13 PM) [Wrydryn]: Looks like it's curtains for SP
(9:20:24 PM) SuperFireKirby: yep
(9:21:11 PM) [Wrydryn]: Alright, I'll post the log then


 I seer'd Slow...he's green. But this was before this day phase when ppl started claiming to me :0
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Shadowkirby why are your day phases so short D:

Safety on Blueflower again. I'm going to rethink this.


Ouch. Four votes against me. Okay then.

Edit: ninja'd, down to three. I'm changing my vote to Jub as a half safety thing.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


K now that i've had time to think...and since my last seeing didn't do anything...Jub3r7
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


So slow is either a master wolf or no wolf at all; the latter might be more likely, but the former is still a possibility, too.

Also now there are two votes on me. :(

Listen, if I were a wolf, why would I have told you not to post the claims publicly with my reasoning as so the wolves won't be able to determine the guardian?

That's one thing, but slow placed a half-safety, and you usually don't bandwagon on a safety unless you're 100% sure the person is a wolf.
What's your reasoning for voting me rather than somebody else who doesn't have any votes yet? I'm human, you know.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Ugh i can't keep track of ppl claiming! So many messages D:

K i'm going to say...Wry.

Sorry. That's my FINAL answer.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Note to shadowkirby:

Day phases need to be at least 48 hours. Sometimes people cannot get on in just one day to talk to others. You also need to give a specific time on when the phase is ending. If you do not give a time players do not know how long they can discuss and end up being rushed.

As a result of the two things listed above:

I am extending the phase.

Day Two now ends at 11:00 PM EST, on Wednesday, January 25th.

If this time inconveniences you, I will count the votes and update it myself.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


I'm voting for Davy following the seering reveal.
Quote from: chatlog[19:23:37]   gzgregory   Erm.
[19:39:08]   [Wrydryn]   gzgregory
[19:39:13]   gzgregory   yes?
[19:39:45]   [Wrydryn]   What do you think
[19:39:56]   gzgregory   I... really don't know
[19:39:57]   [Wrydryn]   Should we follow xk's lead?
[19:40:14]   [Wrydryn]   He is the seer so I feel like it would be best to follow his lead
[19:40:32]   gzgregory   Huh
[19:40:35]   gzgregory   Why jub, though?
[19:40:52]   gzgregory   He provided zero reasoning for that vote.
[19:40:57]   gzgregory   I'm not sure.
[19:41:17]   [Wrydryn]   Well Slow sure as heck isn't a wolf
[19:41:25]   gzgregory   Mhm
[19:41:26]   [Wrydryn]   And I'm pretty sure you aren't
[19:41:30]   gzgregory   Kewl
[19:41:37]   gzgregory   My next suspicion was davy
[19:41:54]   [Wrydryn]   Davy is iffy
[19:41:57]   gzgregory   He said he didn't want an insta
[19:42:01]   gzgregory   But then what does he do
[19:42:05]   gzgregory   Leaves the vote on
[19:42:15]   gzgregory   And I think his reasoning is kinda not great
[19:42:17]   [Wrydryn]   Actually that's a valid point
[19:42:35]   [Wrydryn]   But we're going to get a KiTB if us two vote for Davy
[19:43:10]   gzgregory   We're just going to have to convince more
[19:43:17]   [Wrydryn]   And I need to switch my vote soon to save Slow
[19:43:26]   gzgregory   Switch to davy for now
[19:43:30]   gzgregory   Provide this log as your reasoning
[19:43:33]   gzgregory   I'll do so as well
[19:43:37]   gzgregory   We'll see what happens
[19:43:58]   [Wrydryn]   Oh derp
[19:44:01]   [Wrydryn]   I completely forgot
[19:44:11]   [Wrydryn]   Slow could be the masterwolf
[19:44:51]   [Wrydryn]   Uhm
[19:45:02]   [Wrydryn]   Now I really don't know what to think
[19:45:10]   [Wrydryn]   
[19:45:18]   gzgregory   ><
[19:45:25]   gzgregory   I think davy's a better bet than Slow though
[19:45:47]   [Wrydryn]   But we a KiTB with Jub, Slow, and Davy then
[19:45:53]   gzgregory   Eugh
[19:46:00]   [Wrydryn]   we get a*
[19:46:36]   [Wrydryn]   Hmm
[19:49:53]   [Wrydryn]   Based on what we already said I think I'm going to have to stick with Slow being the masterwolf
[19:51:34]   gzgregory   Huh.
[19:51:44]   gzgregory   That's fairly risky.
[19:52:28]   [Wrydryn]   
[19:52:40]   [Wrydryn]   But I feel less convinced on everyone else
[19:53:19]   gzgregory   I think I'm still going to vote for davy
[19:54:37]   [Wrydryn]   It's a good idea but unless we can get one more vote for davy I'd rather stick to Slow
[19:54:48]   [Wrydryn]   I don't want to risk Jub being lynched
[19:57:40]   [Wrydryn]   Try to convince Jub to vote for Davy then I guess
[19:58:14]   [Wrydryn]   pokes gzgregory
[19:58:25]   gzgregory   Hmm okay
Jub, no need to vote for Davy anymore since phase got extended and you now have only one vote on you. But it's something to think about.


Augh u guys are confusing me with the claiming! Idk who's telling the truth. I gotta go with someone who didn't claim i guess...gzgregory

Now i'm done :( i think.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*