TWG XXII: Theatre

Started by Mashi, November 14, 2011, 07:01:35 PM

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TWG XXII: Theatre

1. Wolf Shaman - Wolf with the power of the Seer (Sends the Host a PM every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  Will receive a PM from the Host with that Player's colour).
2. Guardian - Sends the Host a PM every Night Phase with the name of a Player.  If that Player is targeted for a wolfing, he/she will not be wolfed.  Can guard self.
3. Traitor - Human counterpart of the Wolf.  Does not count toward the Wolf population.  Does count, however, to the Human population.
4. Human
5. Human
6. Human
7. Human

1. Jub3r7
2. askalice23
3. SuperFireKirby
4. shadowkirby
5. Wrydryn
6. davy
7. MassiveMayhem

PMs will be sent out shortly in a purely random order.

Theme Song
7 young audience members walk on the floor.
In awe of the stage, in view of the stupendous decor.
And suddenly, a mage pops up from a trap door.
One erudite in magics from many gossips and lore.

He bid them to him, to speak of a discourse.
With a Wolf and Humans, treachery all the while.
He warns, however, that it will bring remorse.
He bids them adieu, with a malevolent smile.

The Players agree and are actors on stage.
What a wonderful day to view such a play.

All PMs have been sent.  Night 1 has begun.  Night 1 ends Wednesday at 9PM EST/8PM CST/7PM MST/6PM PST/5PM AST.



1. Does the traitor send in wolf pm's and win when the wolves win or am I just absolutely confused about this?
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Er, I had a second question about the guardian's role because I misread something but I figured it out.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


The Traitor wins when the Wolf wins, but has virtually no power (Therefore, he cannot wolf anyone).  If the Wolf dies, the game is over and both the Traitor and Wolf lose.

EDIT: Also, I thought that I should also clarify, in case that it's brought up later, that the Traitor does not know the Wolf.


Guys, just remember, I might be the wolf.


Yes, we know that Wydryn.

Anyway, could anyone tell my how I have to enter the chatroom?
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Ok, I think I just came up with something.

As there are 7 players we will have only two days ('cause after day 2 there are 3 players left, and if one of them is a wolf he'll wolf one of the last humans) unless the guardian succesfully guards someone. As the wolf shaman has a very low chanche of seering the guardian this night allready I suggest the guardian just randomly guards someone. Then the first day the guardian should come out so that we have someone we can thrust (althoug, we have to be carefull for counterclaims). The next night the guardian should guard himself so that there is a 1 out of 3 chance we find the wolf in day 2.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


Actually the best thing for the guardian to do this night would be to guard themselves so they don't get killed night one. As for the guardian coming out day 1, it's a good idea but basically compromises the role unless the guardian always guards himself.

Also you mustn't forget, we have a traitor amongst ourselves. They count for our numbers but are ultimately trying to help the wolf win by throwing a cog into our plans.

The wolf does not know who the traitor is either so depending on the wolf's experience they might just seer night 1 and not wolf.

One more point, just because we can lynch doesn't mean we have to, sure it gives us a chance to get the wolf but just causes us to lose one more day of survival that could help us win.


Ok, you've got a good point that the guardian should guard himself this night.

Yes we have a traitor, but he don't know the wolf and the wolf don't know the traitor. That means the chance is pretty high that the wolf accidently wolves the traitor or the traitor accidently lynches the wolf.

Not wolfing is a bad idea for the wolf becaus he'll lose one turn. And searing only helps him find out who the guardian is, since the others (except for himself) are seered green (including the traitor).

And not lynching is not an option. As the rules say whenever someone doesn't vote they get a phantom would mean if we don't vote for lynching we'll get a phantom, and if everyone has a phantom, then everyone has 0,01 vote agains himself which would result in a KiaB so that a player dies anyway.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


I believe you can just say "No vote" to avoid a phantom.

Now wolfing actually can be used to wolf's advantage if applied strategically, I've done it before and it worked almost flawlessly if it weren't for Mashi.

As for the wolf killing the traitor, it's not that big of a chance, just as much of a chance as anybody else and accidents do happen. But for the traitor, there's no way for them to betray the wolf, they're trying to help them win by any means including sacrificing them self.


Now I'm confused. Does the traitor know who the wolf is or does he not?
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow
[davy]'s in a way different time zone so basically he pops in at like 2 AM and posts 500 words and wins the game


No, but their ultimate goal is to have to wolf win at all costs including sacrificing themself.


Hmmmm, we have a guardian, but no other blues to guard.

We can go about this two ways as I see it:

1. Guardian decides to guard someone they trust while remaining hidden, 1 in 7 probability of them guarding a wolf. 2 in 7 if you count the traitor.

2. Guardian claims, guards himself and acts as human team leader.


Also, I'll be in IRC later tonight. I suggest everyone does the same.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Just to clarify; Whirr, not lynching is not an option.  The "No Vote" option only applies to remove a vote in order to avoid an Insta.

Also, just want to say that I'm proud of the activity so far.  You're all super players!!!!!!!!!


Alright, thanks for clearing that up Mashi.

Seems like the guardian claiming would be the best route to take, so if they want to do that in the irc or right here go for it after this night.

EVERYBODY GO ON IRC TONIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT AFTER! It's important to game play, so do it!