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Composer #40's Arrangements (Updated 7/10) It's a Miracle Matter!

Started by Composer #40, April 19, 2008, 03:26:10 PM

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Composer #40

Quote from: mantis985 on July 18, 2009, 02:17:35 PMHow long have you had your Sonic 2 boss battle up?  I added mine a few months ago, but I didnt see it on the site.  if yours was on first then I'll take mine off.

My Sonic 2 boss was there since the 14th. However, my old arrangement was on the site before the site crashed but was crappy anyway. That's why I decided to fix mine up to look and sound better. You need to fix your arrangement up because there are noticeable mistakes around the beginning and the end with the chords. Take yours down if you want but I'm leaving mine.

It happens Every. Day!



Just letting you know I'll be checking those sections you PM'd me about later today or tomorrow and hopefully adding them today or tomorrow as well.  Anything to help clear up your backlog!


I'm sure there's a nicer way to write that climbing part in the O2 arrangement.  Those little doublets or whatever the hell you're supposed to call them look messy.

me irl

Composer #40

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on July 24, 2009, 09:25:28 PMI'm sure there's a nicer way to write that climbing part in the O2 arrangement.  Those little doublets or whatever the hell you're supposed to call them look messy.

One way is to turn them into dotted eights and sixteenths but that looks confusing. Another would be to change the time signature to 3/4 time but then that turns the bass to triplets in which the current 6/8 time was for.

In regular news, small updates but most of the efforts have been into fixing my sheets. Final Fantasies 4-6 have been updated and some of them have changes. "Kefka" I hopes is better and "Battle with Gilgamesh". If it concerns anybody, the last movement in "Dancing Mad" really needs to be examined by a time sig specialist. Most of it is inconsistent with the current time sig and makes it look terrible. If anyone knows how to fix this please tell me.   

It happens Every. Day!

Composer #40

Megaman 7 songs are here! Rate, judge, just let me know. Megaman 8 will be next.

It happens Every. Day!

Composer #40

I fixed Dancing Mad's last movement. I tried to make it in the correct time signature but Nobuo Uematsu likes to mess with music. (3rd movement ::))

If you're wondering why I put Hiatus on my subject is because I'm going to but my sheets at the mercy of my professors, so everything I made has to be up to a new layout and playability standard. Just what I needed, more homework

It happens Every. Day!


Dancing mad what.

*goes to download finale reader*

EDIT: Eh, it's alright.  It would have had to beat the Fantasy Reborn version for me to really like it though.

me irl

Composer #40

Okay, I have returned with seven new songs. :) I also see we have new members and our updaters are as lazy as I am!
What the subject header says is true. Besides the new songs, some stuff, like the Final Fantasy songs, have sat on my thread for more than a year. :'( Well hopefully, I'll do some more Nintendo classics (I know Dragon Quest is by Square Enix) when I get the inspiration to do so. Anyway enjoy DQ and an usually overlooked game.

For those curious about Tetris Attack.

It happens Every. Day!


Well, Tetris Attack, I used to play that all the time, so my opinion.

Water Stage came right back, as far as I remember, it's like perfect. Easily makes me want to go play the game again.

I only faced bowser once or twice, so that one doesn't remind me of much, I do recognize one melody out of there though. :)

The Forest Stage comes right back too :)

Good work!
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.

Composer #40

I finally updated, but only in parts. Right now I am uploading from a school computer that had Finale 2011. I had to use it to make the sheets I just posted. I hope to upload more during the week.

Also can anyone figure out how to have "Commander Yammark" swing in sixteenths so the beat doesn't have to be in cut-time.

It happens Every. Day!


*stops working on his version of commander yammark*

I would double the note durations with a tempo of around 200. an easy way to double durations is to select the entire score, go to utilities -> change -> note durations -> 200%

 if you want to use 16ths you could try this
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman

The Deku Trombonist

I believe in the Time signature pop-up box there is an option to set a different time signature for display. So you make it in cut time, but have it display as 4/4.

Composer #40

Quote from: Shadoninja on January 17, 2011, 01:36:58 PM*stops working on his version of commander yammark*

I would double the note durations with a tempo of around 200. an easy way to double durations is to select the entire score, go to utilities -> change -> note durations -> 200%

 if you want to use 16ths you could try this
Quote from: DekuTrombonist on January 17, 2011, 03:07:48 PMI believe in the Time signature pop-up box there is an option to set a different time signature for display. So you make it in cut time, but have it display as 4/4.

What I'm really looking for is to cut the note durations in half so sheet doesn't take up so many measures for the sake of swing. For some odd reason Finale did not want to swing the eighth notes when I assigned the tempo to the quarter note, no matter what I did. It only worked when I assigned the tempo to the half note. I'm going to have to try your advice tomorrow.

Now on the real subject: I've decided to post my Megaman X6 stuff. It needs some retcon before submission however. Part three is hopefully the some Final Fantasy VIII stuff that need attention.

It happens Every. Day!

Composer #40

Okay, I updated again and the new songs posted are why I needed Finale 2011. Have fun with 10/8. Meanwhile, it will take longer than I though to fix a few of the sheets I posted yesterday. "Commander Yammark" will break itself if I try to use the editing tool so sit tight. "Infinity Mijinon" had a repeat error I fixed and "Bilzzard Wolfang" need some staff crossing in the first measure. This is what I know so far. If you find any more mistakes, please tell me.

It happens Every. Day!