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The "Fixing the Sheets" Project

Started by Shadoninja, October 02, 2011, 09:58:35 PM

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The Fixing the Sheets Project is an organized effort to bring each and every sheet of music on Ninsheetmusic up to the current standard. Most of the target sheets were submitted when the quality standard was non-existent.

A list of the sheets and their status can be found on the wiki

If I could get every arranger who is currently working on replacements to list all of their replacements currently in progress or currently not submitted so that we may get the editor sections up to date and then we'll be able to see which sheets are available.

Even if you can't arrange then you can help with checking sheets for errors so that arrangers have an easier job.

I'm not going to impose a limit but to maximize accuracy and keep the energy and momentum strong, I'm going to suggest only working on a few sheets at a time.


Quality Assurance:
The QA team checks the sheets for flaws in accuracy, notation, copyright information, composer/arranger information or formatting.

The arranger team will take the comments of the QA team or their own evaluation of a sheet and make the sheet the best that it can be.

PDF Converter:
the PDF Converter Team will assist any arranger who is not able to make PDFs.

If you would like to help, please sign up for one or more of these roles.

Team Members:
  • Shadoninja (Arranger)
  • WarioMan98 (Arranger)
  • Olimar12345 (Arranger, Quality Assurance)
  • Ragster2448 (PDF Converter)
  • fingerz (Quality Assurance, Arranger, PDF Converter
  • Sekter77 (Quality Assurance, Arranger)
  • Meta-Ridley (Arranger)
  • Winter (Updater, PDF Converter)
  • SlowPokemon (Quality Assurance)
  • Dude (Arranger)
  • pumpy_heart (Quality Assurance, Arranger)
  • spitllama (Quality Assurance, PDF Converter)
  • Jub3r7 (Quality Assurance, PDF Converter)
  • WiiMan96 (Quality Assurance, Arranger)
  • DekuTrombonist (Arranger)
  • JDMEK5 (Quality Assurance, PDF Converter)
  • starrgrl24 (Quality Assurance, Arranger, PDF Converter)
  • Clanker37 (Arranger)
  • xK-NiGhTx (Quality Assurance, Arranger)
  • MassiveMayhem (Quality Assurance)
  • Bespinben (Quality Assurance, Arranger)
  • SocialFox (Quality Assurance)

Fixing Their Own Sheets

Here is a list of arrangers who are revising their own arrangements. Please contact them before you start work on sheets with their name listed.
If you would like to be added to the list, then please send me a private message saying so and provide a full list of all of your sheets so that I may update the wiki with that information.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Here I will set a series(E.g. Mario, Zelda, Etc.) or a selection of games within a series (E.g. Super Mario Bros., Link to the
past, etc.) or an assortment from the "More..." section. These will be our main focus.

Please feel free to make replacements from other sections. If you would like to discuss replacement sheets from sections that are currently not being focused on please go to the Arrangement Discussion Thread.

Our current focus is:

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Links to the songs are provided for comparison. Composer and Copyright information is provided so that there are no differences between sheets. If the links or composer and copyright information are inaccurate or missing information please do not hesitate to tell me ASAP.
Note: When claiming a sheet, please list all of the sheets that you are claiming in the thread so that we may prevent confusion. please be as specific as possible.

Status Colour Codes: (I apologize to the colour blind)

This sheet is not being evaluated.
This sheet is being evaluated for quality.
The sheet has been modified and needs to be double checked
This sheet is not up to standard and requires modifications. all comments regarding the issues of the sheet shall be listed below.
This sheet has been fixed and is ready to be uploaded to the site
This sheet does not require any modifications

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Composer(s): Hirokazu Ando, Tadashi Ikegami, Shogo Sakai and Takuto Kitsuta
Copyright: HAL Laboratory, Nintendo © 2001"

"As the great majority of songs are remixes from original songs, then: "Original composed by [composer of the original song]",  (Below) "Arranged by Hirokazu Ando, Tadashi Ikegami, Shogo Sakai and Takuto Kitsuta" and (Below) "Re-arranged by [name of the arranger]" -WarioMan98

All Star Lobby (should be "All-Star Intro") - Bespinben
Balloon Fight - Jompa
Big Blue
Break the Targets (should be "Targets!")

Brinstar - Jompa
Classic Clear Kirby (should be Kirby's Victory") - Bespinben
Classic Clear Link (should be "Zelda Team Victory") - Bespinben
Classic Clear Mario (should be "Mario's Victory") - Bespinben
Classic Clear Marth (should be "Fire Emblem Team Victory") - Bespinben
Classic Clear Ness (should be "Ness' Victory") - Bespinben
Classic Clear Pokemon (should be "Pokemon Victory") - Bespinben
Corneria - Bespinben
Donkey Kong Victory (should be "DK's Victory") - Bespinben
Fever (should be "Dr. Mario") - Jompa
Fire Emblem Theme (should be "Fire Emblem")
Flatzone (should be "Flat Zone")
- Jompa
Fountain of Dreams - Jompa, Bespinben
Fox Victory - Bespinben
Hammer - WarioMan98
Hyrule Temple - Bespinben
Icicle Mountain - Jompa
Master Hand Battle (should be "Final Destination") - Bespinben
Menu (should be "Menu 1") - Bespinben
Ness Victory

Opening - Bespinben
Samus Victory - Bespinben
Together, We Ride! (should be "Fire Emblem")
Yoshi Victory


Check each sheet for any and all problems. (0/31)
Replace problem sheets.(0/0)
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


I can sign up for PDF converter...


I can probably convert PDF's now with my new computer.. Hmm.


Go winter! 8)

Cool! I'll start with the Metroid (the first game) songs and if I get them done, then I'll move along to anything else that hasn't been taken. :)

I have a question! If the actual song continuously repeats and the arranger hasn't put in the repeat back to the start, should I add it in or leave it out?
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn



ALRIGHTY! All the Metroid songs that weren't taken are done! I've got all the different file types in each ZIP. :)

Brinstar - Copyright info corrected, repeat to start added.
Escape Theme - Copyright info corrected, repeat to start added.
Item Found - Title formatting corrected.
Kraid's Lair - Repeat to start added.
Ridley's Hideout - Composer name edited, metronome marking added, song speed edited, second part to right-hand added

Next, Metroid Fusion!
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


I'm going to wait until Shado gives the 'ok' that the section is completed. and I'll take another look and upload them


I can quality check! I might have time to fix some sheets, too!
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Yeah, I've got some quality control notes/commentary on most of the pieces up through Prime. If you guys want to look at them I'll upload them. I can also take a listen at the rest of the songs and figure out what needs fixed on those.

As far as the songs I said I'd take, I'll get around to them.
Guitar and video games.


Yeah, go ahead! I'll take a look at 'em. :)
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


I'll be an arranger if you need me.


Quote from: fingerz on October 19, 2011, 08:55:41 PMYeah, go ahead! I'll take a look at 'em. :)

Cool. I'll double check them for clarity and upload them tomorrow!
Guitar and video games.


What is there to help with? I could do something ::)
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


I had to put my sunglasses back on.