pumpy_heart's Submissions - 7/16 Professor Layton & the Diabolical Box- Puzzles2

Started by pumpy_heart, April 19, 2008, 08:17:44 AM

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Yeahhhh really catchy. I'm working on the original Famicon version now too. Really good tune from the series.


Hey! There is 1 links wrong!  :o
The "Boss Battle" in the Zelda CD it´s the "Start" song from Dig Dug!  :)


Ahhh thank you for pointing that out. However, I lost the original .MUS from my old laptop. I'll have to rearrange it.
I'll download all the stuff not in my mediafire account now. Won't have this problem happen again.

EDIT: Fixed the problem by deleting the link. I'll rearrange the song sometime soon. All the songs are now under my mediafire account. Sorry about this.


I thought you just forgot about my request, but I see you're working on it.
Thanks, I can't wait to see the arrangement :)

"They say money makes the world go 'round. And what goes around, comes around" ~Rover


I'm actually done with it. Shall be uploaded later tonight or tomorrow.


The arrangement sounds awesome.
I'm not very good at playing grace notes, but I don't really think it's very necessary.
I need to print this out... Printers these days.

"They say money makes the world go 'round. And what goes around, comes around" ~Rover


I'm glad you liked it. Wasn't sure if you would, to be honest haha.
Printers stink always.
Also, glad to see a AXA member on these forums. Didn't know if there was another. I'll get back into the swing of things as soon as the 3DS version gets a bit more hyped.


You're an AXA member? :o

The 3DS version is looking good. I really want to see what it will be like.

"They say money makes the world go 'round. And what goes around, comes around" ~Rover


Yeahhhh. Old timer. Back from 06. Left when City Folk was announced for some pretty obvious reasons. I liked the GC version a ton too, but adding the city just was dumb.
Can't wait for it to be portable again.




Nice. It's great to see some appreciation for Donkey Kong Land 2!
There's only a few issues. I think the bass notes should drop in measures 7-8 and 11-12 and there's another 2 measures before the repeat that are pretty similar to measures 13-16. Lastly, the tempo is a bit too fast; it should be around 127, not 140.

I don't have a copy of Bug-Catching Contest though, sorry. I hope someone can find it for you.
Guitar and video games.


Ahh I see what you are talking about with the tempo. Forgot to check this one with the original. That can be fixed.
However, I don't hear a bass drop in measures 7 or 8. I can add the other two measures though. Easily.
I'll update it later tonight, hopefully.
Been busy with Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Logged 16 hours over the past 3 days =3


Thanks! I guess I was hearing the bass wrong there. Oh well, no worries.
I've never played a Golden Sun game, but I've heard good things about them. However, I didn't know they were that addictive.
Guitar and video games.


Well, I'm a pretty big fan. But I was addicted to them even on my first play through.
Not as bad as this though haha. I have to know how it ends. It's like reading a new book.