pumpy_heart's Submissions - 7/16 Professor Layton & the Diabolical Box- Puzzles2

Started by pumpy_heart, April 19, 2008, 08:17:44 AM

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I did some Fixing the Sheets before. Seemed like it stopped though.
Maybe thinking of quitting. I mean, when was the last time I really tried and put a ton of effort into it? Skyward Sword? Those were too simple to really count. And even then, it was only 3-4 pieces.
All my arrangements will still be on the site =D

I'm not done, still got what's left in my first post to finish. But after that, it'll be hard to continue. You guys have all grown up; your work is far better than when you first began. Peeps like you will keep NSM growing. I can leave in peace at any time knowing who you all stand for and seeing your passion for arranging. :)


Quote from: pumpy_heart on June 23, 2012, 09:15:30 PMI did some Fixing the Sheets before. Seemed like it stopped though.
Maybe thinking of quitting. I mean, when was the last time I really tried and put a ton of effort into it? Skyward Sword? Those were too simple to really count. And even then, it was only 3-4 pieces.
All my arrangements will still be on the site =D

I'm not done, still got what's left in my first post to finish. But after that, it'll be hard to continue. You guys have all grown up; your work is far better than when you first began. Peeps like you will keep NSM growing. I can leave in peace at any time knowing who you all stand for and seeing your passion for arranging. :)

FtS did basically stop. As Project Manager, I take full responsibility.

I don't think anyone should be doing something on their free time if they don't enjoy it. I won't try to change your mind since it seems you've already made a decision. I'll support you in whatever you decide to do, Pink Ranger.

Of course, you're always welcome back if you decide to.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


I'm not too decided. It's almost like it's already happened though, you know? My new things got very sparse. And when I did, quickly got pushed back a few pages due to all the new stuff really happening.
If something needs to be arranged, I'll probably do it. But to say I've even remotely tried in a year or so just wouldn't be the truth. I enjoy it when it's something I want to arrange real fast. Never going to lose that feeling. But composition is far more enjoyable and far more important now to me.

The Deku Trombonist

Oh, this is a bit of a shame. I'm not going to try and talk you into arranging if you're not enjoying it anymore, but we are going to miss you  :(

Will you consider still hanging around to solve our music theory woes?  :P


Haha guys. I'm not leaving. Stating that I don't arrange as much as I used to really doesn't mean anything. If people hadn't noticed it before, now they can.
Finishing 20th Century Analysis really makes you view tonal music in a new light. Game soundtracks must be more than random nice songs, they all have to fit. Which is why I might try to hammer out the rest of the R/B/Y soundtrack real quick before the summer is over.
But to answer your question Deku, of course. :)

The Deku Trombonist

Quote from: pumpy_heart on June 24, 2012, 03:52:50 PMHaha guys. I'm not leaving.
Errr.....whooooooooops :P

20th century analysis sounds like fun! As it is, I've only just finished up with Classical theory, moving on to Romantic next semester.


Just not arranging nearly as much. Which is obvious, if you look at the activity of the past two pages and the dates XD
I'll finish what I said I'll finish. The rest will end up being bonuses.
Romantic is one of my favorites, if not favorite. I guess we had a stage of Neo-classics. A lot of composers are neo-romantic these days. Soon we'll have neo-serials if we don't watch out.


As long as you'll still harass me about my musical grammar errors I'll be happy. Thanks for the hard work you've put into arranging thus far.
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Some new Pokemon RBY stuff.

[GB] Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow - "Trainer Defeated" - Thomas Wilson MUS Midi
[GB] Pokemon Red/Blue/Yellow - "Wild Pokemon Defeated" - Thomas Wilson MUS Midi

Gonna finish up this soundtrack. If you would, please check out the question asked here and let me know what you think. I have the music for it done, so really there's only 2 tracks left: Pokemon Sound Effects and Victory Gym Leader. Then that OST is ready for the site.



Celadon City is already on the site, but definitely the Trainer Encounter themes. Was counting those haha.
We're close!


Quote from: pumpy_heart on July 03, 2012, 05:19:23 PMCeladon City is already on the site, but definitely the Trainer Encounter themes. Was counting those haha.
We're close!

Yup, but I've already made a replacement. The one on site has wrong key signature and tempo. The bass part is an octave higher too.


One more down.

[DS] Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box - "Puzzle" MUS MIDI


Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


You can do one of two things--this song is nearly identical to the song "Puzzles" from the first game, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, so you could change the game name. However, there are subtle differences, so if you find it's really closer to the Diabolical Box, the official soundtrack name is "Puzzles 2." Anyway I'm posting from my phone and nowhere near my computer, so I'll look at this Wednesday or so. Glad to see more Layton arrangements besides my own cropping up lately ;D
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.