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The Great NSM Novel

Started by SlowPokemon, September 18, 2011, 05:08:49 PM

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I might not be relevant by then!
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


You're relevant?

I'll finish the story soon, promise.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Tinychat Bar, Part II

    Mashi's face remained calm, although Slow could have sworn he saw a slight flicker in his expression--he might have blinked his eyes. After a few seconds' worth of silence, he smiled. SlowPokemon flinched.

    "Me, SlowPokemon?" he said, amused. "Surely you can't be serious."

    "I am serious," said Slow, quoting one of his favorite movies, "and don't call me Shirley."

    "Hey, SHIRLEY!" shouted SuperFireKirby, grinning. "Heh, that'll show HIM," he whispered to Dude, who facepalmed so hard that he left a large red handprint on his face and screamed in pain. Slow and Mashi, briefly distracted by this display, stared at SFK and Dude only a few seconds before returning to lock gazes with each other.

    Slow was sure Mashi was behind Jub3r7's apparent guilt, but he had no idea how. How had Mashi managed to get Jub3r7 of all people to commit a crime? And what was more, Jub3r7 didn't seem to remember it, judging by his shaking, nervous body and tears threatening to drip from his eyes. Maybe Slow was just reading too much into--wait.


    And suddenly, SlowPokemon remembered something of interest that might be helpful. Last week, during a trip to the library, he had checked out at the same time as Mashi, and they had been in such an interesting conversation that their receipts were accidentally mixed up. Slow had gone home to find he had Mashi's receipt. Maybe there was some sort of clue in that.

    Slow reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, out of which several receipts were sticking. He rifled through them quickly until he at last came to Mashi's receipt from the NSM public library. He looked it over, and finally a small smile appeared on his face, albeit for merely an instant.

    "Well, SlowPokemon?" said Mashi impatiently. "Do you have any sort of evidence to back up your accusation? I hope you've realized this silly exercise is over!!!"

    "Not so fast," said Slow, his face trying to remain neutral while his eyes gleamed excitedly. "I think I do have some theories."

    Mashi sighed exasperatedly. "Fine then. I'm sure we'd all love to hear them."

    Slow began pacing briskly. This was an important deal, and he had to be sure to draw it out correctly. Finally, he stopped, turned toward the intrigued crowd, and spoke.

    "When Wrydryn said Jub3r7 was the culprit, I didn't think there was any chance," Slow pondered. "I mean, not only because he's Jub3r7, but did you see his reaction? He went white as a sheet, started crying, and begged us to believe that he didn't do it. That just doesn't seem fitting. One thing I've always admired about Jub3r7 is that, when guilty, he always owns up to his guilt. That led me to believe he was telling the truth."

    The crowd looked around and murmured assent. Mashi, however, at the front, simply looked on, his face stony and his arms crossed.

    "However," Slow continued, "when Wrydryn pulled up that screenshot from outside Town Hall, there was no question. That was definitely Jub3r7--not a single person here could deny that. Hell, not a single person who isn't blind could deny that!"

    The crowd began murmuring agreement again.

    "That was DEFINITELY him..."

    "Yeah, I'd recognize that random Pokémon GIF avatar anywhere..."

    "He even has the mullet..."

    "I'm not finished," said Slow a little loudly. Everyone stopped talking. "So here are the facts that I deduced from this ordeal: 1. Jub3r7 was telling the truth when he asserted he did not commit the crime, and 2. Jub3r7 committed the crime along with Raymondbl."

    The crowd couldn't stop themselves from muttering this time, confused as they were. Slow cleared his throat loudly and pressed on, raising his voice.

    "Allow me to clarify," said Slow. "When I say Jub3r7 was telling the truth, he was telling the truth as far as he knew. This is because..." Slow paused, and closed his eyes, walking away from the group. Suddenly, he spun around and triumphantly jabbed his pointer finger toward Mashi. "...Mashi had Jub3r7 under hypnosis! That's why Jub3r7 doesn't remember committing the crime!"

    The crowd gasped and turned to Mashi. There was no question--Mashi was definitely noticeably jarred this time. He took a moment and composed himself. "SlowPokemon, that is a ludicrous accusation!" he shot back, his voice slightly less calm. "That sort of thing only happens in the most contrived films! Besides, I'd like to see you provide evidence I hypnotized him!"

    Slow grinned. "I'm so sorry, my dear Mashi, but I can do just that." Mashi's intense gaze faltered, looking legitimately concerned. Slow pulled the receipt from his pocket, and held it up to NSM. "Everyone, take a look at this!" he shouted.

    No one reacted. Somewhere, a cricket chirped. Dude was the first to speak. "....Slow..."

    Slow looked over at the receipt, and immediately went scarlet. "Wrong receipt. Wrong receipt," he said, stuffing it back into his pocket shamefully. Recovering, he dug deeper in his pocket and grabbed the right receipt. "Look at this!" he shouted.

    There was a largely puzzled look on the crowd. "A receipt for library books?" Roz said.

    "Yes, indeed," said Slow, eyes gleaming once more. "It belongs to Mashi, and I accidentally took it home instead of mine on the last time we visited the library together. Could you tell me what the first book is?" he said, shoving the receipt toward the crowd.

    SFK squinted. "Fifty Shades of..."

    "SECOND BOOK!" Slow shouted.

    Roz grabbed the receipt from SFK and read aloud. "Hypnosis in Everyday Life: Practical Uses of the Art of Controlling Others..." she read, and looked up in awe at SlowPokemon. "You were right..."

    "No," said Mashi, slightly panicky. "Guys, of course I didn't--I mean, I'm simply interested in hypnosis as an art... I would never actually hypnotize someone! Besides, you can only be hypnotized with a lot of trust in the one hypnotizing you!"

    "And let me ask you this, Mashi," said Slow quietly. "Does Jub3r7 trust you?"

    "More than anyone."

Jub3r7 had finally spoken up, tears now streaming down his face. And for the first time, he looked on at Mashi with something other than awe or admiration--he was looking at him with sad, cold disappointment, a look of pure betrayal.

    The crowd was advancing on Mashi now, cornering him. Mashi was looking steadily more panicked, and finally screamed "There is no way you imbeciles can stop me!" and shoved through the crowd, darting out the door.

    "Go after him!" JaMaHa shouted, and his loyal citizens complied.

    "This is all pretty EXCITING, don't you THINK?" SFK asked Dude pleasantly as they ran out of the restaurant. Dude, who didn't want to say he was having fun but also didn't want to lie, remained silent.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Omg i cried a little.

So emotional.

Slow, you're a great writer. There were so many different emotions in this one chapter alone.
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Very good, but I'm still not in this.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.



Quote from: SlowPokemon on June 30, 2013, 08:11:30 AMSFK squinted. "Fifty Shades of..."

    "SECOND BOOK!" Slow shouted.

This chapter was pretty great.  I can definitely see how long you've been toiling over the past 11 months to write this.  I'm proud of you, SlowPokemon!!!

The update was a very pleasant surprise though and it was quite humourous too.  I'm glad to see this back; it's a fantastic novel.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on June 30, 2013, 10:27:01 AMVery good, but I'm still not in this.

stop saying that, please... you'll alert everyone to the surprise ending when you show up and kill everyone

Quote from: FSM-Reapr on June 30, 2013, 10:30:52 AMneeds more fsm

You didn't exist yet in the NSM I'm writing about.

Quote from: K-NiGhT on June 30, 2013, 08:20:06 AMOmg i cried a little.

So emotional.

Slow, you're a great writer. There were so many different emotions in this one chapter alone.

Quote from: Mashi on June 30, 2013, 11:20:32 AMlololololololololololololololololloololololololool

This chapter was pretty great.  I can definitely see how long you've been toiling over the past 11 months to write this.  I'm proud of you, SlowPokemon!!!

The update was a very pleasant surprise though and it was quite humourous too.  I'm glad to see this back; it's a fantastic novel.

Thanks guys!! ^^
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


A+ * infinity = this chapter.

I'm ecstatic that this is being continued. Thanks so much, Slow! :)
Bulbear! Blueflower999

Waddle Bro

needs more waddlin'



I missed the novel so much ;~;
I'm glad you finally wrote a new chapter! It's as good as the rest of the story :D
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


oh my god the novel is back! yay!
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel



Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


i'm pretty sure i didn't sneeze