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The Great NSM Novel

Started by SlowPokemon, September 18, 2011, 05:08:49 PM

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These few hours seem likes months to me...
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


you havent watched melancholy, so i expect chapters 11 and 12 soon
like, in a few hours
godspeed and avanti


Slow, may I ask to be a part of this fine development? It looks exciting!
Party Hard!


You should totes work for me, then.
I like food.


Super update!!

Further Interrogations, Part III

Jub3r7 and Mashi, investigating together for the second time that day, walked quickly to Fingerz's place.

"What do you expect to find?" asked Jub curiously.

"Nothing, to be honest," admitted Mashi. "It's worth a try though."

"Oh, okay," sighed Jub. "Do you think anyone will ever get anywhere with this?"

Mashi paused, and glanced at his reflection in a nearby shop window. He adjusted his hair slightly so that he looked more professional. "Truly? No. I highly doubt that the culprit will be apprehended, and I also highly doubt Concerto will be discovered, alive or dead."

Jub stared at Mashi, slightly unnerved. "You're joking....right?"

Mashi smiled. "Of course I'm joking. And I certainly hope the mystery is solved. But you must admit, as a whole we make a rather incompetent police force."

Jub laughed. "Yeah, I suppose."

"None of us found any clues whatsoever," said Mashi. "But anyhow, let's go talk to Fingerz. He's always good for a conversation at least."

The walked up to Fingerz's door and knocked. The tall Australian boy answered the door. "Hey, guys!" he said, friendly as always, but with a slightly worried expression. "Have you heard the news? Concerto's missing."

"Wow, word's getting around, huh?" Jub said, biting his lip.

"Apparently," said Mashi suspiciously. "No one else we've spoken to has heard of it."

"What's with that look?" said Fingerz nervously.

"Mashi," scoffed Jub3r7. "Stop being suspicious of everybody. This is Fingerz. He can't be involved."

"Hmm," said Mashi, his piercing gaze making Fingerz more uncomfortable still. "How did you know about this?"

"Shado told me," said Fingerz. "But that was the first I'd heard of it, I swear."

Mashi stared at him for a moment, then said, "Okay. We're done here." Fingerz waved them off uneasily before closing the door.

"Where are we going now?" said Jub3r7 curiously.

"To talk to Shadoninja," said Mashi. "He can't be telling others. The city will be in a panic."

"But..." said Jub, confused; weren't they basically going around telling everyone?

"Don't argue, just follow me," said Mashi.

"Okay..." said Jub3r7 resignedly.

They started towards Shado's house, but it wasn't long before they found him outside Ruto and Saria's place. He was staring up at Ruto's window.

"What are you doing?" said Jub3r7.

Shado, startled, let out a yelp and stumbled backwards. "What business is it of yours?"

"Uhm...none, I guess..." said Jub3r7 uneasily.

"Actually, Shado, we're working under JaMaHa and the police force of NSM," said Mashi, showing Shado his badge. "You're required by law to tell us."

Shado sighed. "I'm looking for Concerto. A while ago, Slow challenged me to find him. And I accepted. But this is harder than it sounds."

"You haven't had any luck?" said Jub3r7.

"None," said Shado. "But..." he said, and he perked up suddenly. "I haven't checked the central district yet! I'm off!"

And with that, he was gone.

"We're a ways from the central district," said Jub, checking his watch. "We better start heading back."

"I think so, too," said Mashi. "Let's hope the others have gotten a lead."

Further Interrogations, Part IV and The Arrest

    Winter walked nonchalantly through the streets of NSM, accompanied by ETFROXX and Nebbles. Wrydryn's place was downtown, a small flat in a small building above a small Italian restaurant. The trio walked up the stairs outside the building and gave a knock on the door.

    "Wry!" called ETF.

    "What?" he shouted.

    "You home?" said Nebbles.

    "No!" said Wry firmly. "I'm out hunting zebras in Antarctica, for god's sake. Where do you think I am?"

    Winter leaned over to the girls and said fervently, "Guys, I think he's telling the truth."

    ETF rolled her eyes and opened the door. Wry was sitting at his computer. He didn't turn around to greet them right away, but his face was visible on one of the many monitors at his desk--his webcam allowed him to converse with the guests. There were at least six on the wall in front of him.

    "Hello, Winter, ETF, and Nebbles," he said, typing at a furiously fast speed and not turning away from his main monitor. "May I help you?"

    "Possibly, as a matter of fact," said Winter grimly. "Concerto is missing, and we've yet to find any leads whatsoever."

    "We've found no leads at all," reiterated Nebbles.

    "None," emphasized ETF. "Literally no one has found anything useful."

    "Good, good," said Wry, sighing and--with some effort, it appeared--wrenching himself away from his many monitors. "Well, what do you want from me?"

    "Good question," said Nebbles. "What can you offer?"

    "Nothing," said Wry flatly. "I don't know anything about the situation."

    "Hmm..." said Winter thoughtfully. "Two hours ago, I would have walked away from this, but I feel like maybe my problem is that I don't try hard enough. We walked away from Cobraroll after he had done nothing but tell us about his gnat hat book."

    "What's a gnat hat?" said Wry curiously.

    "Don't ask," said Winter impatiently. "The point is, I have a feeling you could really assist us in this case."

    "How, though?" asked Wrydryn exasperatedly.

    "When's the last time you saw Concerto?" Winter said urgently. "Come on, it might be important."

    Wry sighed. "I'm really not sure." Suddenly, his face brightened. "But....oh, wow!"

    "What?" said Winter eagerly.

    "I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier!" Wry said excitedly. He whipped around and began typing furiously and opening random programs.

    "What?!" said Winter, almost fainting with anticipation.

    "I installed a webcam on the lamppost in front of town hall a while back," said Wry. "Figured it might come in useful sometime. I haven't used it in ages, though... I hope it's still working."

    "So you can look back to the time of Concerto's disappearance!" gasped Nebbles. "Wry, you're amazing!"

    "I know," said Wry distractedly. "Alright, here's the night Concerto was last seen..."

    The camera showed Concerto walking--or, staggering, rather--into the Town Hall, late at night. Wry frowned.

    "Hmm....that's odd," said Wry. "He made it back to Town Hall."

    "Wait!" gasped Nebbles. "Someone's going in!"

    A figure walked into the Town Hall. Wry fast forwarded and about five minutes later, the figure exited--carrying Concerto's unconscious body.
    "That figure..." said Winter in disbelief.

    "It's unmistakable..." said Nebbles.

    "...TheLegend!" gasped ETF, clenching her fists. "That sick, twisted..."

    "Never mind that," said Wry frantically. "Where is TheLegend?"

    "Ummm...." Winter struggled to remember. "We might be able to find him in the east side of town?"

    "Might?!" ETF said furiously.

    "We haven't got time!" shouted Winter, and raced outside.

"You were excellent!" Nebbles said, grinning and following Winter.

    "Thanks for everything, Wry!" ETF shouted, kissing his cheek and dashing outside.

    Wry stared at the closed door for a moment before muttering "Weirdos..." and returning to his monitors, typing madly.

Winter surveyed the area and despairingly realized it was getting dark. "We'll never find him before 8:00!" he said, devastated.

"Hey, is that him?" Nebbles gasped, pointing.

Winter peered down at the figure.

"No way, it couldn't be that easy," he said dismissively.

"His face is covered in bandages..." said ETF.

"That could be anyone..." Winter said less confidently.

Nebbles rolled her eyes. "Oh my god, you're useless." She quickly ran down the steps and grabbed TheLegend by the arm. "TheLegend, you need to come with us."

TheLegend tried to escape, but Winter grabbed his other arm. "You're under arrest on behalf of the NSM police force," he said grimly, flashing his moderator badge. "Come on, guys. We're off to the Tinychat Bar. I have a feeling shit's about to go down." He glanced at Nebbles. "Not so useless after all, huh?"

"You just handcuffed ETF to TheLegend," said Nebbles.

    "Aaugh!" Winter groaned as he fumbled for the key.

    Wry happened to glance up at one of his many monitors, which showed the surveillance camera tape from the night Concerto went missing. TheLegend was just exiting the building, but this time Wry noticed something he hadn't before. TheLegend was giving someone a thumbs up. But who?

    Wry frowned, utterly perplexed. He zoomed in slightly and looked at the corner of the picture. And then gasped. TheLegend wasn't alone; he was signaling an accomplice. And the figure lurking in the corner was utterly recognizable.

    "No way...." he said in disbelief.

Coming soon....
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Aw man, cliffhanger! But yay I was in a chapter!
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Oh boy, a double feature!

Oh goodie, goodie, goodie!
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


DAMMIT! I forgot to write you into Chapter 11! >:(
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


This is brilliant, Slow! Is the next chapter coming soon?
Bulbear! Blueflower999


You have 24 hours to write the next chapter.
But perhaps I'll permit for a protraction if you watch passed episode 2 of Melancholy!


Quote from: MaestroUGC on July 01, 2012, 01:18:32 PMThese few hours seem likes months to me...

its like that show, 24.

slow, i just read the whole thread. you are doing an amazing job. congrats.
Party Hard!



We're finally there. The moment we've all been waiting for.

Tinychat Bar, Part I

    JaMaHa and Kefka solemnly entered the Tinychat Bar.

    "Hey there!" said Shadowkirby, proprietor of the business. "You fellas look a little serious. How about a little something?"

    "Fine," sighed JaMaHa. "The usual, please."

    "I'll take whatever he's having," said Kefka wearily.

    "Are you sure?" asked JaMaHa.

    "Yes," snapped Kefka. "I'm sure I could handle it."

    "KMAN!" shouted Shadowkirby, running back. "Order up!"

    Kman returned a moment later with large glasses for each of them. Kefka took a sip and immediately choked and spat it out. "What hell is that?" he gasped.

    JaMaHa shrugged. "It's Finnish."

    Kefka glared at him.

    Dude and SuperFireKirby entered and immediately collapsed down at a table. SuperFireKirby ordered drinks while Dude closed his eyes.

    "You guys are back early," said JaMaHa. "I'm assuming that means you've found Concerto or arrested someone."

    "No," said Dude melodramatically. "I was obviously not important enough to discover anything. And this guy was annoying the hell out of me. So I decided to head back early, as I figured that the plot would be revealed by someone more important."

    "DUDE!" said SFK urgently. "You make your own fate! You write your own story! You're just as important as anyone!"

    "No! The author makes ALL of our fates!" seethed Dude in frustration. "Are you all that dim-witted? I think he gets a sick kind of joy from making everyone else oblivious."

    SFK stared at Dude. "Bro, you're batshit crazy."

    Dude looked up at the ceiling and said, "I hate you, Slow."

    Suddenly Slow himself walked in the door, accompanied by Roz.

    "So, did you guys see anything interesting?" asked JaMaHa hopefully.

    "Dahans's abs," said Roz after consideration.

    "But luckily, not much more of him," added Slow.

    "Though....we can't speak for Ruto," said Roz thoughtfully.
    JaMaHa started at them for a second. "So, basically, no."

    "....Yeah," said Slow.

    "Ruto?" said Kefka, looking crestfallen.

    Mashi and Jub came next.

    "Fingerz knew next to nothing," said Mashi.
    "And just what IS next to nothing?" said SFK curiously.

    "More nothing," sighed Jub, and sat down with Mashi at a table for two.

    Then ETF, Nebbles, and Winter entered.

    "Anything?" asked JaMaHa hopefully.

    "We've made an arrest," said Winter, feeling the tension growing. He reached outside and grabbed TheLegend, pulling him inside. "TheLegend here is responsible for Concerto's disappearance!"

    Everyone gasped.

    "We went and spoke to Wrydryn. And he had put up a camera in front of Town Hall!" Winter continued. "And, looking back a few days, we clearly saw TheLegend enter and come out carrying Concerto!"

    JaMaHa looked uneasily at Kefka, then turned to TheLegend. "You....what do you have to say for yourself?" he asked.

    There came only a muffled sound from deep within the mask of bandages. JaMaHa glanced more uneasily still around the room. "We can't hear you!" he said a little louder. "I...I have to remove your bandages."

    TheLegend began shivering furiously, but being handcuffed, he could not struggle as JaMaHa tore the mask of piece by piece. And slowly, everyone recognized the face below.
    "Raymondbl?" gasped JaMaHa. "You're behind all this?"
    "I.....I don't want to be anymore," said Raymond, crying slightly. "It was an awful thing to do. I see that now."

    "It''s okay, son," said JaMaHa awkwardly. "I...I just need to know, though...what did you do with Concerto?"

    "He's still alive," said Raymond, and JaMaHa sighed in relief. His friend was still alive. The city still had a chance.

    "Where is he?" said JaMaHa urgently. "What did you do with him?!"

    "So much remorse!" Raymond cried out in despair. "I can't...I can't TAKE IT ANYMORE!" he screamed, grabbed a kitchen knife on the counter, and stabbed himself in the heart. He slowly faded away as everyone looked on in horror. "Sorry," he whispered, barely audible, as he faded to nothingness.

    "Deleted his account..." said Slow, awestruck.

    "DAMMIT!" shouted JaMaHa, slamming his fist on the table. "Now we'll NEVER save the city!"

    Kefka looked on in horror. The townsfolk started to murmur uneasily.

    "He means Concerto, right?"

    "What's the deal...?"

    JaMaHa closed his eyes. "There's no point in lying to you guys anymore." He swallowed. "Concerto was the only one who knew the password for making backups to the city. And....they're due tonight."

    The townsfolk were immediately in an uproar.

    "Who gave YOU the right to rest the fate of our city in the hands of one guy?!" seethed Roz.

    "You mean our town's going to be destroyed?" said Jub uneasily, looking at Mashi. Mashi's eyes were cold and hard and disappointed.

    "Guys, calm down!" shouted JaMaHa.

    "Calm DOWN?!" shouted ETF angrily.

    "Even I'M upset about this!" said Dude in anger. "And I know that in the end, everything will obviously work out great!"

    "That CRAZY boy is RIGHT!" shouted SFK.

    The townsfolk had gathered in a circle around JaMaHa and Kefka. Roz had grabbed the knife, and deftly wiped Raymond's blood off with a kitchen rag. She now advanced through the townsfolk towards them.

    "It's been a good run," murmured Kefka to JaMaHa sadly.

    "See you in a different life, my friend," muttered JaMaHa, squeezing his eyes shut.


    Everyone turned. None other than Wrydryn was running in.

    "What is it now?" snarled SFK. "We're TRYING to unleash vigilante justice here!"

    "I'm all for that," said Wry, breathing heavily. "But you're attacking the wrong guy! I looked back at the surveillance tapes and...TheLegend had an accomplice!"

    "WHO?!" screamed everyone.

    Wry paused and looked around the room. He found his target. "THERE!" he shouted, pointing at the culprit. And everyone gasped in horror, because he was pointing at none other than Jub3r7.

    "ME?!" said Jub in as much horror as everyone else.

    "You!" shouted Wry. He pulled his laptop out of his backpack and showed everyone the frozen frame. "There is no denying that's you, now, is there?"

    "I... what...." said Jub, eyes welling up in tears. The figure looked exactly like him. "It wasn't me! You guys HAVE to believe me!" He looked at Mashi pleadingly. "Mashi.... you believe me... don't you?"

    Mashi's eyes had the same cold, dark disappointment in them that had earlier been directed at JaMaHa. "How could you?" was all he said. It was all he needed to. The betrayal and hurt was in his voice.

    "What have you done with Concerto?!" shouted JaMaHa, lifting Jub up by his collar.

    "I DON'T KNOW!" howled Jub, starting to choke.

    Slow looked at all this in horror. How could this be true? Jub would never do something like that, would he? Slow looked around the room frantically. Jub legitimately seemed like he didn't do it... or, at least, he didn't remember doing it... That's it! Slow looked over at Mashi. There was clearly a betrayed, disappointed expression on his face. But...beneath the mask... was that a flicker of... glee? Joyousness?

    And suddenly, everything made sense.


    Everyone turned to Slow. JaMaHa dropped Jub, who scampered to the corner.

    "Wry's right!" screamed Slow. "Jub DID assist in the kidnapping of Concerto!"

    "Slow? Where are you going with this?" murmured Jub3r7 nervously.

    "But he was being forced to--by someone employing both him and Raymond!"

    "He was?" said JaMaHa. "Who was it?!"

    "He's right there!" shouted Slow. Everyone turned and gasped yet again, because he was pointing at Mashi. And this time--finally--the uneasy look in Mashi's eyes told Slow that he was right on the money.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Ah, THERE's chapter one! must have misplaced it. Silly me. ::)

Three Days Earlier

           Jub3r7 never endured—rather, enjoyed—a storm alone. It was much more fun to be with other people during a storm. So as soon as he noticed the rumbling clouds in the distance, he immediately left his own house and looked around at all of the others. Who to visit... who to visit... Mashi? He always visited Mashi... meh... why not?

           Jub3r7 knocked on the door to Mashi's apartment. The door was answered quickly.

           "If it isn't Jubilant Jubert!" Mashi said, smiling wryly. He always had that same smile on his face. Like he knew something and wasn't about to let you in on the secret.

           "Hey... Mashi...uh, Vera..." said Jub3r7 awkwardly. "Can I...uhh... Can I come in?"

           "Of course," said Mashi politely. He widened the door and Jub3r7 hesitated before entering. Mashi closed the door.

Jub3r7 sat down awkwardly in a comfortable beanbag chair. Mashi sat down elegantly and effortlessly opposite him in a similar one.

"What's up?" said Mashi with a subtle yawn.

"Nothing much..." Jub3r7 said, inadvertently yawning himself after seeing Mashi yawn. He relaxed a little, sinking into his chair. "I came because I don't like being alone in storms."

"Ah, yes, I know what you mean," said Mashi. "Gives one an eerie feeling, don't you agree?"

"A bit," Jub3r7 agreed.

"Actually," continued Mashi, studying Jub3r7 closely, "not so eerie. More like...relaxing."

"Relaxing?" Jub3r7 said absently. "How do you mean?"

"The insistent pounding of the rain overhead... The distant purr of thunder... The bright, entrancing flashes of lightning..." Mashi said slowly, thoughtfully. "It's all very...calming, don't you find?"

"A little, I guess," said Jub3r7, stifling another yawn. "Excuse me, sorry."

"No, yawns don't offend me," said Mashi with that wry smile. "I can understand if you feel a bit tired."

"Tired..." muttered Jub3r7. "Yeah, a little..." he admitted. He sunk a little deeper into the chair. "This chair is comfortable," he said.

"Yes," Mashi agreed. "Just the thing to relax in during such a storm."

Suddenly, irresistibly, Jub3r7 was aware of the pounding raindrops on the roof: Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip. The sound seemed to align itself with his own pulse. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Drip. Thump. Drip. Thump.

Jub3r7's eyelids began to close. Just as they closed, they popped open again, with some apparent effort. Mashi was staring at him.

"Sorry," said Jub3r7, shaking himself slightly. "I don't know what's come over me."

"I do..." murmured Mashi to himself. "It's quite alright," he said more loudly. "I myself am close to slumber. I keep hearing that grandfather clock in the corner. It keeps on ticking...and ticking...and ticking...and ticking...and ticking..." Mashi droned, keeping perfect rhythm with the clock's pendulum, the pounding rain, and the heartbeat of Jub3r7...but not for long. The heartbeat slowed with every second, and finally became a consistent thumping, deep within the boy, who had seemingly fallen asleep.

"Can you hear me?" Mashi said quietly.

"Yes..." Jub3r7 mumbled.

"Good," said Mashi. "You are now in a hypnotic trance and as such are willing to comply with whatever suggestions I may make. You will remember nothing of this afterwards. Now, here are my requests..."
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.