
Local man invests life savings into turnips. When asked whether it was a wise decision he responded, "Eh. I'm sure someone will buy them."

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The Great NSM Novel

Started by SlowPokemon, September 18, 2011, 05:08:49 PM

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I can magically appear in places where I was never mentioned before.

Kickass. :>


Yeah I didn't really have another chair or anything to put you in so I kind of slipped you in there out of nowhere. Sorry your role was kinda minor this chapter. You're kind of the main focus of a later chapter though, so it all works out.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Does anyone else feel like he has your personality pinned?


Quote from: Winter on September 20, 2011, 08:34:07 PMDoes anyone else feel like he has your personality pinned?
Oh absolutely.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


You nailed Mashi. ('s personality)


A Backups Plan

    "What?" Nebbles was the first to speak.

    "I said, 'Concerto is missing,'" said JaMaHa, a little annoyed that he had to repeat himself.

    "No, I got that," said Nebbles quickly. "I meant 'what' as in, 'I understand you but I cannot believe what you are saying.'"

    "Whatever," snapped Roz. "The fact is, we need to find him so JaMaHa can get back to what he normally does."

    "Like make backups," said Kefka rather pointedly.

    JaMaHa gritted his teeth; they were still bringing that up?

    "Anyway," pressed the mayor, "does anyone here have information on the disappearance of the city hall official known as Concerto No. 20 in D Minor?"

    Everyone remained silent. Everybody looked puzzled. No one knew anything. No one ever knows anything, thought JaMaHa grimly. Still, these were people he knew. He tentatively--though not completely--trusted that none of them had kidnapped (or...murdered) Concerto.

    "Okay, then," said JaMaHa resignedly. "In that case, I need your help solving this case. I really don't have time to wander around town. I have a ton of things on my plate without this mess. I have so much to do already--"

    "Like make backups?" said Dude.

    "Shut up!" JaMaHa seethed. Taking a deep breath, he then swallowed. "You guys. I really do need your help. I want you guys to be my makeshift detectives. I'm going to put you into groups based on multiple factors." He scanned the room. "First group... Kefka and Dude."

    "Okay," said Kefka.

    Dude glanced around the room. "Can I trade?" Catching Kefka's eye, he added, "Uh, just kidding. Of course."

    "Next group," JaMaHa pressed on, "is Mashi...and...Jub3r7."

    Jub made to high-five Mashi but missed and accidentally smacked his forehead. He grinned sheepishly as Mashi stared at him.

    "SlowPokemon and...ETFROXX," said JaMaHa after some consideration. "Wait. SuperFireKirby, you too."

    "Group of THREE!" SFK said, grinning. "I think we'll really ENJOY this, if you know what I mean."

    "Group of three?" Slow said in dismay. "I'm the third wheel often enough anyway...."

    "Guys, this is SERIOUS!" barked JaMaHa. "Deal with it. God."

    "Sir, yes, sir..." said Slow meekly.

    "Winter, you, Nebbles, and Roz work together," said JaMaHa.

    "That works," said Roz.

    Nebbles smiled, unable to hide her glee despite the seriousness of the situation. She did love to be included.

    "Mashi's group, you take the east side of town," said JaMaHa. "Kefka's group, the north. Slow's group, south. Winter's group, west. I want you to gather interrogations, investigations, and insights."

    "The three 'in's!" said Dude happily.

    JaMaHa sighed. "You wouldn't last in the service. Does anyone have any questions?"

    "I would like to ask--" began Jub3r7.

    "Good, no questions," said JaMaHa. "Well, get to it, then."

    "'s raining," said ETF in dismay.

    "Stop being such a girl!" JaMaHa scoffed. "Er...I wimpy. You need to take this challenge on. If anyone needs me, I'll be--"

    "Making BACKUPS?" said SuperFireKirby, a grin on his face.

    JaMaHa politely suggested that SuperFireKirby stick his own backups somewhere indecent.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I've been ostracized from the ostracized list XD Double whammy. (Probably because I only just found out about this thread right now).
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


This is awesome. Keep up the good work!

And also:

Quote from: SlowPokemon on September 21, 2011, 04:06:35 AM“Like make backups,” said Kefka rather pointedly.



xD You've got my personality down rather well, Slow. Well done.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel



Otay Slow, you be stalking me? Because I rarely use "if you know what I mean" jokes on the forums where as in the real world, I use them like 24/7.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


The odd thing is that the ostracized people are in a group.  :P

Also cool story.


Quote from: gzgregory on September 23, 2011, 11:03:06 AMThe odd thing is that the ostracized people are in a group.  :P

Also cool story.

They weren't to begin with, I added them after people started complaining. You can be on it too! Thanks, hope you keep reading it. :)

So new chapter. It's prolly my least favorite so far but it's kind of crucial to the story. I don't really include stuff that's not important to the story. :P I promise, this is going somewhere eventually. Also sorry about this just being dialogue pretty much. Most of my stuff is dialogue, I'm beginning to notice, with a bare minimum of necessary description here and there. And as a final note, I hope these chapter titles are making you either laugh or groan in exasperation.

Dude, Where's my Clue?

    "So...the north side," said Dude, checking his map of town. "Specifically, the most boring part of town. Seriously. Does anyone even live up there?"

    Kefka shrugged. "There's bound to be someone. And if everything is abandoned, it would be a good place to keep Concerto prisoner. Or store his body."

    "Store his body?" Dude snorted. "Seriously? You're delusional. Concerto got completely drunk and passed out somewhere a minute away from his house."

    "Maybe," said Kefka, not smiling. "JaMaHa doesn't seem to think so."

    "Yeah, I guess so," said Dude doubtfully as they began to walk into the north area. "Still, JaMaHa is stressed out. He could be really distracted."

    "JaMaHa doesn't think so," Kefka repeated firmly. "When JaMaHa asks us to do something, we do it."

    "Whatever," sighed Dude melodramatically. "Which area are we going to investigate first, the abandoned and creepy park, the abandoned and creepy apartment building, or the abandoned and creepy elementary school?"

    "You'll find out when you get there," said Kefka, unmoved.

    As they walked by the abandoned apartment building, a wild laugh from inside startled Dude.

    "Who is that?" Dude said uneasily.

    "Whoever he is, it can't hurt to interrogate him," said Kefka.

    "Who's there?" demanded the voice.

    "Kefka and Dude," called back Kefka, and he motioned for Dude to come inside.

    "Why does your name get to be first?" grumbled Dude, but not so Kefka could hear him.

    The inside was filthy. Dust coated everything. A blind man's eyes would water from it. Cobwebs were everywhere. Spiders lurked in corners, scuttling around at a far-too-fast speed.

    "I hate spiders," shuddered Dude. "Are you sure I can't just wait outside?"

    "Yes," said Kefka firmly.

    "Who are you?" shouted the voice, making both of them jump. In the shadows, on a dust-coated couch, a young man in his twenties or so lurked. He didn't appear to be in his right mind. He was smoking something out of a pipe--the air smelled vaguely lemony.

    "Like we told you," Kefka said. "I'm Kefka. He's Dude. Who are you?"

    The man laughed maniacally. "Name's Harvest. That's what everyone called me."

    Dude gasped. "Harvest... what happened to you?"

    He was still vaguely recognizable, now that they knew who it was. He wasn't the same though. Dark circles shadowed his yellowed eyes. He was pale beyond belief and a bit thinner than they recalled. And his eyes--those yellow eyes--they were the eyes of an insane person.

    "Nothing wrong..." mumbled Harvest. "Nothing wrong..."

    "Do here?" asked Dude uncertainly.

    "Live...We all live in a yellow submarine," sang Harvest suddenly, badly off pitch, his eyes closing. "Yellow submarine...yellow submarine..." He took a long puff of whatever he was smoking and his eyes popped open. He blew the lemon-scented smoke into Kefka's face, laughing like anything.

    "Do you think we can interrogate him while he's like this?" asked Dude uncertainly.

    "We can try," said Kefka grimly. He brushed away the smoke. "Do you know who Concerto is, Harvest?"

    "Concertoooooo," sang Harvest drunkenly. "Can't say I do... wait." His eyes focused for one brief second and the smile faded from his face. "What did you say?" he whispered.

    "Concerto," said Kefka firmly, looking directly into his eyes, which were struggling to remain focused. "Concerto. Do you know him?"

    "Con...certo..." whispered Harvest. His eyelids drooped and he fell over, snoring. The pipe clattered to the floor next to him.

    "Hello?" said Dude. "Hello?!" he demanded, shaking Harvest.

    "Give it up," said Kefka, exiting the building. "We're not going to get anything out of him. Let's head back. This part of town is too creepy for me. I bet he's the only person living here."

    "You think it's okay leave him like that?" Dude said.

    "I think so," said Kefka sadly. "You see, there, he's only harming himself. Bring him into town, he's a danger to us all."

    Dude walked in silence, then started singing softly under his breath.

    "We all live in a yellow submarine...yellow submarine...yellow submar--"

    "Shut up," said Kefka angrily.
    "But It's stuck in my head now!" cried Dude.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.
