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Around the Campfire - Story Telling Competition

Started by Ragster2448, August 29, 2011, 12:29:58 PM

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Tie breaker!



Around the Campfire - Story Telling Competition

This is fun way to see who can write the best story with the given requirements. We will be able to find out who the best story writers are, and we'll be able to vote on who's our favorite!

How it Will be Done:

1.) Submissions for stories will be held for two weeks, then we will have an extra week for voting, so one round will be three weeks.
2.) I will give you a genre, and you will have to write the story according to such.
3.) You're the judge, not me! :D Vote on your favorites every voting week and see who wins.
4.) The beginning of each Competition week is Wednesday. Mostly anything important will start on Wednesday.


1.) Please vote for your FAVORITE story, please don't vote for yourself just because it's your story. If you do vote for yourself, do it because you think yours is the best.
2.) You must stay on the given genre in your story. Off-genre stories will be disqualified.
3.) Have fun, please don't give negative feedback on people's stories (unless it's off-genre, then I don't care if you do :P). And please don't critique, we don't care what you think. Just play nice, even if the story does suck.
4.) Please post saying that you are entering the contest. I want to know who will be trying to enter the contest. Then you can post your story.

OK, round one! Let's see how well this turns out. Hopefully we'll get a whole lot of competitors.

The genre for this round is: Scary! Make me jump out of my pants!


I might enter if you post a deadline and it works for me. Also, the no voting for yourself rule is stupid. Why would we even vote if we had to vote for someone else? We should just all be allowed a vote; if we believe ours is the best, we should vote for it. Sure, in the case of some writers, other's pieces might be more appealing. But for the grand majority, no. If that was a rule and I was an author, I would either vote for myself anyway or not vote at all. :P that's me though

The game sounds like fun though.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on August 29, 2011, 07:13:11 PMI might enter if you post a deadline and it works for me. Also, the no voting for yourself rule is stupid. Why would we even vote if we had to vote for someone else? We should just all be allowed a vote; if we believe ours is the best, we should vote for it. Sure, in the case of some writers, other's pieces might be more appealing. But for the grand majority, no. If that was a rule and I was an author, I would either vote for myself anyway or not vote at all. :P that's me though

The game sounds like fun though.

Hmm... If you guys are honest enough not to vote yours just because it is yours, I guess you can if you think that yours is the best out of all the others. I just don't want an 8-way tie between everyone.


Kinda like Jub's competition but without the challenge and limits of a conversation at a table. Don't know if that's a good thing or a not as good thing but I would most certainly submit a story.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!



Can we use characters and settings already thought of? (e.g VG characters etc.) or must we use our own?


Sure, I don't mind if you do. Just as long as it's the right genre it's alright with me.


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Let's see... 2 Mondays away from last Monday, because each submission is 2 weeks long. So it would be September 11th... I think. But you don't have to post them right on September 11th, it can be before.


How about make it a 2 weeks from right now. You know, because some of us didnt even realize that we were supposed to start?

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Oh, sorry, did I not make it clear enough? OK, so the Competition weeks will officially start on Wednesdays.

Alright, START!


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Pathetic little story I made here, but I thought that I might as well play in my own game.

Night of the Beartic

   As I step through the snowy field, my feet felt like they were stepping on an endless stream of bubble wrap. I look ahead of me, seeing a dense forest, covered in snow and ice. Harold, the Toad walking next to me, stops and shoves his walking stick into the snow.
   â€œThis be it,” he says in his gargled voice. He slowly raises his shaking hand and points at the entrance of the deep, dark forest.
   â€œI ‘ill not be goin’ in there this time, sonny. You’re on yer’own,” he says, turning his back and walking away.
   â€œThank you,” I reply softly, turning my head to see the tall trees covered in shattered ice overlooking me. It was as if the trees were holding knifes, ready to drop at any second. I took a giant gulp, then slowly put one foot in-front of the other. I could hear several noises coming from woods... some not as pleasing to hear. I could only make out a few; Piranha Plants, Wolfos, Beartics... The others were not as understandable.
   After through thinking about wild-life noises, I finally reached the entrance. The ice covering the trees made it look like I was inside a cavern. I look ahead, seeing an endless path of snow and fallen trees. They told me it would be a rough journey, but I think it may be worse.
   There’s a reason I’m out here... and it’s not a very good reason. I made a bet, a bet that I could make it through this wasteland... alive. A story goes way back when two  local Koopas went through this forest. Everything was fine about the forest, people traded through it, people traveled through it... Anyways, they were walking through a very dense part of the woods, where they found a Beartic. The villagers always told them, stay away from those Beartic. They didn’t listen. The Beartic was currently shoving a tree and scratching at it violently when they showed up. The one Koopa decided to get closer to get a picture of it. He knew his friends would never believe him without any proof. As he approached, the Beartic scratched more violently at the tree, watching the Koopa slowly approach him. As the Koopa got out his camera, the Beartic made a final move of slamming the tree and cracking it in two. The Koopa standing away from the other with the camera tried to get his attention as the tree began slowly falling to the ground, right towards the other Koopa. The Koopa with the camera looked up as the Beartic ran off into the distance. As he slowly kept his camera focused on the Beartic, the crumbling tree was captured in his view. He quickly looked up to see it coming down right for him. He tries to jump out of the way, but it was too late. With a giant clap, the other Koopa jumps back in shock with his hands covering his face. As the aftershock fades away, he slowly opens his eyes to see the Koopa crushed under the giant 200-year old tree. Heart racing, he runs off to get help.
   Supposedly the Koopa’s spirit still haunts these woods... Even if it is just a silly bet, I want to know if there is really such thing.

   All around I could see glimpses of wild creatures, some small and some big, some fast and some slow. They are watching me... I guess they aren’t used to someone coming through this woods.
   I pull out my map with a marked location on it. The guys told me to come here and to get a picture of that spot so that I had proof that I had gone through the forest. As I come up to the marked location, I could see a massive tree down in the snow over the horizon. I get closer for a better view, then realize that this is the place, where “it” happened.
   As I walk up to the grounded tree, I could hear a faint noise coming from the left of me... It sounded like... scratching. I slowly walk in the direction of the noise, not knowing what it could possibly be. I reach the top of the hill and look down at the dense, tree-infested area. In the distance I could see some kind of movement. I begin walking down the hill to see what it was. The movement was coming in the same direction as the noises... It must be what’s causing it.
   The figure was clearing as I approached it’s location. I could see what it was now... A Beartic. Stunned seeing it scratch at the tree, I slowly walk closer and closer to it. I could hear something faint coming from the right of me... A voice. I could not make out what it was saying. Looking back at the Beartic, I quickly notice that my body has locked up. My heart pounding, I panic to find out what was holding me down. I could not move my arms or legs but was standing up... Almost like someone was holding on to me. I hear a giant clap, and look up to see the tree the Beartic has been scratching start to collapse. It was coming right for me. I was unable to move... My body was paralyzed... But then... as the tree began to fall faster, I could see a black figure come up in the right of my eye. I tilt my eyes to see a shape of a Koopa with bright white eyes.  He opens his mouth... Voices going into my hear... My head... Pounding....
   â€œSleep tight...” I heard come from the ominous figure. I look up to see the tree coming down right for me. Sweat falling down my head like my face was the Niagara Falls, my heart, racing faster than I have ever experienced. I think about my life and how that I should have lived it to the fullest... And... And... ... ...


Oh dearm completely forgot about this. I'll try to get a submission in but I got so much crap going on it might not happen.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!