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Mashi's Guide to Inducing Others 1.0

Started by Mashi, August 23, 2011, 10:36:28 PM

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Have you ever been in a situation where someone under the alias of, oh, I don't know, Escape The Fate ROXXANNE maybe, concocted a dictation permitting an individual to create an acquaintanceship which would eventually lead to mutual doting between two amorous mates, yet, that frivolous young woman seems to be too indolent to continue writing it after the first segment?
I know I have.
This is a guide that will teach you how to induce such people to continue writing!

I. Flattery -
It's only natural for authors to provoke themselves to continue performing a specific task when classically conditioned with positive reinforcement.  To put it simply, authors will continue writing what you enjoy reading if they receive positive feedback.

If authors receive no complimentary remarks after posting their works, they will have no motivation to continue writing.  Ergo, they'll abandon whatever work they were writing about.  In some cases, a lack of support is what can give an early end to the the duration of a work, despite a stupendous inception.

II. Patience -
Once you complete Step 1 adequately, it's time to move on to Step II; Patience.  Of course, no one enjoys waiting, but this is a necessary step in most cases.  Authors can't just zap pieces of paper and magically create masterpieces, despite how true it may seem in most cases.

Depending on how well you accomplished Step I, authors will feel more motivated to write the more eulogies they receive.  In most cases, authors who feel successful will write better and more efficiently.  Many authors will announce a deadline which will estimate the time they will have finished.  If the authors aren't Extremely Tenacious For Reverence On Xilinous Xanthippe (I'll admit that I had to use Google for the last two words), then they will hopefully update with a nouveau segment.  If this is the case, repeat Step I.

Unfortunately, sometimes, authors can be lazy.  But you have to remember from time to time that they're humans too.  They don't think writing is always fun.  Shakespeare needed a break now and then, after all.  If, for whatever reason, authors don't update at the specified time they announced they would do so, then it would most likely be in your best interest to be magnanimous.  Continue being patient, if the author is super coll, they'll probably have a legitimate excuse and recompense soon enough.

III. Cajoling/Coaxing -
Sometimes, however, the author continues to fail updating.  Sometimes they'll say "I'll get on it soon, I'm not sure when it will be done though", leaving you only with hope that an update will occur sooner or later.  Sometimes, authors may feel that they've lost their drive or that they're performing inadequately when they write.  You have to keep their hopes up!  You have to remind then that they're good writers and that it's okay for them to have a few bad days.

This Step is quite similar to Step III, but in this step, it's more evident that the readers interested in the author's writing are supporting him or her so that he or she will write more.  Authors will be reminded of how their fans are supporting and looking up to them and will hopefully have the motivation to continue writing.  It's possible for authors to develop writer's block or something similar and they may possibly be as frustrated as you.  Some extra positive feedback may motivate them to really exert themselves into writing further to appease their fans.

IV. Impatience* -
So you've done Steps I, II, and III, but the author is still too indolent to continue writing.  So now what?  It's time to stop sweetening everything you say, you have to tell them the truth now.  "When's the next chapter going to be up?", "You said you were going to be done last week!", etc.  Authors will need to learn the truth sooner or later; they're being lazy and they need to start committing to what they promised to do.  Of course, don't be too surly in this Step, after all, an author may be going through many hardships at the moment and it may be possible that these difficulties have made him or her lax in performing his or her duties.

V. Affront -
Sometimes, it takes a bit more effort to get authors to continue writing.  By this point, it's possible that authors are just too indifferent to continue writing, but some people have hope.  Some people believe that the author can continue and is only going through some rough times.

So they post churlish, but candid remarks about the author.  "Ah mon dieu!  Tu devrais poster un nouveau épisode!  C'est dommage si tu ne le fais pas. :( " (Or something better if you speak French fluently.) or "I do believe that it is incontrovertible that your remiss towards your obligations as a writer has proved to be ignominious in the eyes of your once fervent adherents.  Such insolence is worth contempt by all who exalt you and exult your works.  You are reprehensible for your mendacity.  Your veracity is simply a notional allegation; does it truly exist?  Why have you failed to update, why have you been so abortive in pleasing us, your devoted fans?  Your manners in dealing with such affairs is reprehensible and worthy of vituperative condemnation.  So accommodate us to gratify us enough to continue enamoring you please. :)"

VI. Capitulation -
It's time to give up.  Every now and then, one will find that an author just has no desire to continue.  And if he or she does, he or she performs and inadequate job.  It appears that the author just doesn't seem to care about this specific writing anymore.  Perhaps it would be best to allow for say, a certain thread containing the writings of the author, to remain dormant, only to be lost in a sea of newer topics, until it's left in oblivion.  However, there are ways to make yourself feel better!

VII. Bubble Wrap -
Just trust me on this one.

VIII. Dress Up/Make Facial Expressions in the Mirror Reflecting Various Personalities One Can Envelop -
Like this

IX. Build a Turtle Fence -

† This topic was most definitely not made as a tacit and somewhat aggressive entreaty for a certain person to continue writing a certain other self teaching guide for the love challenged.
*You may possibly want to hold off on doing this step if the author is going through PMS.  Yes, Mashi is capable of making lascivious jokes. Well, I think.

I got lazy when I began writing the end of this.  Maybe I'll edit things later and actually make this guide legitimate!  Or maybe not, but who knows!

I have no clue if I'm allowed to make this topic, since it's mostly a joke, but if for some reason that's prohibited, then I am totally serious about the contents within this guide.


Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Build a turtle fence! Build a turtle fence! The more I drink the more this thread is making sense!

BTW this is awesome


Huge bump, but.

Has it really been a year and a half since you wrote this?! :O
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


OMG, back when everything Mashi typed used SAT vocabulary.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 29, 2013, 05:13:28 PMHuge bump, but.

Has it really been a year and a half since you wrote this?! :O
He wrote it on my birthday. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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