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Started by spitllama, August 02, 2011, 08:25:05 PM

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:o Wow, thanks both of you! :D

Sure, I could make you one, just tell me how you want it and I'll get it done as soon as I can.


Quote from: Ragster2448 on August 12, 2011, 08:09:31 PM^ I tried making it the Super Mario Bros. main theme, I used the sheet on the site :P It was made by the Deku Trombonist, so it had to be correct.

There you go Nebbles!

Sorry Winter, forgot I had the Pokemon text, I can change it to that if you want.


but man, that one's epic


Quote from: Ragster2448 on August 12, 2011, 08:17:54 PMSure, I could make you one, just tell me how you want it and I'll get it done as soon as I can.
:D OK how about something with Glalie and it's evolutions? That would be awesome!


Quote from: Ragster2448 on August 12, 2011, 08:09:31 PM^ I tried making it the Super Mario Bros. main theme, I used the sheet on the site :P It was made by the Deku Trombonist, so it had to be correct.

There you go Nebbles!

Sorry Winter, forgot I had the Pokemon text, I can change it to that if you want.

I love it!
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Wow... these look amazing!!!! Great Job

Could I perhaps get in on this?


Absolutely, it may be a while though, I got school to worry about now.


I just found this thread xD

I'd like one, but when you have time, of course.


Okedoky, I got me to-do list then:

1 Clanker37
2 drpamplemousse
3 triforced1

Don't worry about rushing me, I enjoy making these!


Thanks!!! In advance!

Quilava is my favorite out of the three. But put in the entire chain please -- that is if you're going that route. if you figured something else, by all means do that instead!!!

I am really quite picky, but thanks again!

/made-to-order sig


hey ragster, can you make another siggy for me? It still needs to say Oritendo, but add some live into it, some mario or zelda action, I don't know. thanks!


^ Alright, I'll see what I can do.

I'm surprised you didn't ask for it to have Clanker or Gruntilda in it! Anyways, here you go.


Double post, sorry.

There you go drp!

Hmm... If you can think of something better, tell me.

EDIT: Oh, and triforced! If you could tell me how you want yours to look, that'd be great.



Did you use Photoshop or Illustrator to make these?


None of the above, actually. I just use Microsoft Paint for smaller editing, and Gimp (It's like a free version of Photoshop) for the larger editing.


I'd like something that has Link from the original Legend of Zelda holding up a piece of the triforce.