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Is WoW overrated?

Started by Dude, April 15, 2008, 06:55:38 AM

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Is WoW overrated?

31 (81.6%)
7 (18.4%)

Total Members Voted: 34


it's definitely overrated, but it's overly addicting too.. even if you don't like it


I played a private server once, no reason to ever go back to it, though.


Screw WoW. Diablo III is where it's at and it doesn't have monthly fees.


Quote from: Mike on June 28, 2008, 10:40:16 AMScrew WoW. Diablo III is where it's at and it doesn't have monthly fees.

aah i heard diablo III was coming and my friends said that its even better than previous parts


Quote from: noxus21 on July 04, 2008, 05:07:58 AM
Quote from: Mike on June 28, 2008, 10:40:16 AMScrew WoW. Diablo III is where it's at and it doesn't have monthly fees.

aah i heard diablo III was coming and my friends said that its even better than previous parts

how would your friend know it's better? it's not even out!


there are allways video's you know where you can see a sort off demo


and since when are videos enough to judge if a game is better than another?


in videos you can see if the gameplay improved or new attacks or magic or better graphics


you could think it the gameplay has improved but you dunno until you play it ;P


i dont know it anyways (dont start insult me plz) cuz i dont realy like diablo so i personaly dont know i just think why he says its better


This game is garbage...No offense JaMaHa...


ok, here's something i feel very strongly about, so im going to make a long-ish post.

Ok, yes. Yes WoW is most definately overrated AND overpriced. The Graphics are good, but not great, so i can look at em and like em, but not very well. If you were looking to pay the same money, look up Lineage 2, amazing graphics, balanced game-play and its the only MMO i have ever seen/heard of that has a storyline :o . you actually have quests that protain to a storyline! but im diverging from my origins. Ok, so, yeah, its overrated and unbalanced like HELL! If you've played, you know the following to be true. If your a rogue, you win, if your a mage you matter what. If you are anything in between, well, you're not screwed, but your not off to a good start either. Now, i quit playing right before Burning Crusade, but i've read enough to discern this from the newest expansion pack (not the lich king, its not out yet). But the Blood Elves have a race-specific that does the following. It silences a huge area as well as heals your energy or mana, whatever you use. SO, that unbalances it even more, so if you are a Blood Elf Rogue, you will most definately win. THEN, and im so very amazed that Blizzard is doing this. The Final Talent of the Rogue coming out in the Lich King is something called ShadowStepping. Now, before i tell you about this, i have to give you a little background into the rogue. Rogue use Energy to fuel their attacks, and to work their most powerful ones (I.E. ambush) you need their ability which is called stealth. How stealth works is if you are a fair ways away from your target, you turn totally invisible and can walk up to your quarry and do an attack, in this case i'll use ambush again. Well, after you've done ambush, you are obviously no longer stealthed, and you have to run away to stealth yourself again and run back into the fight. Well, thats time consuming but sort of kept the rogue in check. Well, shadowstepping allows you to shadowstep 3 times in a row, which means, run up Ambush, then you are immediately stealthed again, Ambush, then you are immediately stealthed again, the kill anything with the third Ambush because a rogue can already kill anything in 2-3 hits so that means that Rogues are now Gods and utterly unbeatable because you cannot be targeted, so thus attacked while stealthed. Totally overrated and amazingly unbalanced. Go for stuff like Lineage for the same price (with balance and better graphics and a storyline) or play something like GuildWars (or even better, the Diablo series) for a one time price and much better graphics. if i were you, i would stear clear of WoW and its cronies.


Quote from: PianoMasta7 on July 08, 2008, 07:19:34 PMThis game is garbage...No offense JaMaHa...

None taken. It's not like I care about anyone's opinion anyway.

Also, Gooch, sounds like a typical whining post.

1) In TBC, they introduced resilience. In competitive PvP, Rogues can't 2-shot anyone.
Shadowstep  10 Energy   25 yd range
Instant   30 sec cooldown
Attempts to step through the shadows and reappear behind your enemy and increases movement speed by 70% for 3 sec.  The damage of your next ability is increased by 20% and the threat caused is reduced by 50%.  Lasts 10 sec.

I fail to see how that allows you to restealth. They have Vanish, though, instantly allowing them to restealth. However, it's on a 5 minute cooldown. And if you know there's a rogue nearby, why don't you spam Arcane Explosion (Rank 1)?

Every class has a class which has an easier time beating the other. I play a Feral Druid. I laugh at rogues but detest Warlocks. Deeply. But do I whine about them? No.

Posting one quite accurate quote here:

Dear Blizzard,
Nerf Scissors, Rock is fine.
Thanks, Paper


QuoteDear Blizzard,
Nerf Scissors, Rock is fine.
Thanks, Paper

ahh the circular motion
you are better at beating the one in front off you but there is allways someone behind you too


Extra, Extra read all about it, WoW is overpriced as Hell! Now let me give a little info if YOU are planning to buy World of Warcraft. Two words 15 dollars a month! :-\ No wait that's hmmm let's see... 1...2...3.. okay six words.Plus you have to buy the damn game whch is twenty dollars. Then in order to keep up with the game you need to buy the thirty dollar expansion and devote at least eight hours every week to playing it. So a year of WoW costs $230 of your money and 416 hour of your life. :o Imagine what you could do with all that by not buying WOW. You could buy Diablo III ;D( when it comes out). :(

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!