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Nebbles can write! [Fanfiction thread]

Started by Nebbles, July 22, 2011, 12:47:44 AM

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Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


[ This is my all time favourite pasta. I never get tired of it - there's just something about the way I wrote it that makes me love it so much. Anyway, enjoy!]

Three years ago, much after Team Rocket broke apart, the rumored hauntings in Lavender Town came to a halt. No worries about Pokemon Tower, no Pokemon being killed, nothing of the sort.

Shortly after things were normal â€" well, as normal as that town could be â€" foreigners moved in. From another region named Johto, where different Pokemon roamed. Customs were different; there wasn't a town there to respect the deceased. Not even a memorial.

Quite rude, the people would call them. They talked about setting up a radio tower, to fit in, supposedly. But Lavender Town was so tiny, snuggly built into the side of a mountain. It wasn't very populated; why build a tower? Where would it be put?

Much to their disgust, the manager decided to tear down their tower. When asked, he claimed, "Oh, it was old and falling apart!" Or some nonsense similar to that, anyway.

Construction workers came in, tearing their beloved tower to pieces. Graves were moved to a smaller memorial home. It wasn't the same â€" cramped, crowded and awfully humid. No spirits would want to rest in here.

The tower finished its completion, much to everyone's dismay. DJs seemed to flood the town, moving into new houses and setting up their shows.

But we all knew this story, didn't we? Yet a few weeks after the radio tower finished its completion, the rumors picked up again.

They were more gruesome, more horrifying than last time. People said that DJs were found dead, wires tightly wrapped around red-stained throats. Rooms were left a mess, papers and records littering the carpeted floors.

With rumors come disbelievers. They scoffed, claiming that their town was known for silly stories. It was to scare people, to uphold the tradition of how "creepy" it really was. So what if one ghost appeared? It was three years ago. Not like it mattered anymore.

No one else took much of it. A few remained wary, keeping their eyes on the tower into the late hours of the night. They looked for anything odd â€" flickering lights, murmurs, whispers, any signs of angered spirits.

To some people's surprise, the rumors didn't stop. Due to the town's size, it spread like wildfire. Each one got more disgusting, the mental images burned into their minds. Some even leaked out into other towns, stopping all incoming trainers, who ended up taking another, longer way around Lavender Town.

More asphyxiation due to wires. Long, deep gashes caused by shattered glass. A few crushed under filing cabinets. Some rooms have the nasty odor of burnt flesh â€" somehow, electrocution has played a part as well.

DJs that are still alive claim of seeing odd things. Some have said loud, ear-splitting screeches have filtered through the headphones, nearly deafening a few. Rooms have gotten colder, with that horrid feeling of two eyes following you, wherever they went. Noises, faint hissing, had been heard as well. 

But of course, the manager laughed everything off. Hauntings? What a joke â€" dead Pokemon can't do anything! So what if he destroyed a tower? The graves got moved. That made everyone happy, right?

His staff had diminished to the point where there's only a few left. Others have left, insanity taking over, fear of being killed by angered spirits.

For a while, things remained calm. Maybe the ghosts were satisfied? The people have heeded their warnings and visit the grave home every day, giving their respect and condolences to their trainers. 

Weeks later, the tower was closed, caution tape covering every door and window.

The three remaining were found inside, dead, blood staining the walls and carpets. Believers give a smug grin, telling others that they knew it was inevitable. Spirits were never meant to be disturbed.

Disbelievers say otherwise, of course. They see nothing wrong, and say that it was just a dangerous tower, hastily built and lazy in construction.

And others just pass it off as another legend to be passed from generation to generation. Perhaps a tale to tell at night around the campfire or at sleepovers to scare their friends â€" whatever worked for them. Then there are people who do believe, warning others to not disturb the spirits anymore. Everyone believes a different story.

Whatever you believe, it's entirely up to you.

It is Lavender Town, after all.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



That was awesome! Doesn't need to be scary for me to enjoy it. Well done Nebbles! :D
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn



Oh, it doesn't have to super scary. >3> Just a touch of creepy.

Thanks for the comments! :D
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Quote from: Nebbles on August 12, 2011, 03:51:02 PMConstruction workers came in, tearing their beloved tower to pieces. Graves were moved to a smaller memorial home. It wasn't the same – cramped, crowded and awfully humid.
I just wanted to post that this was probably the best part of the story.

"God damn jerks, this place is so humid."
"I'm more concerned with the disrespect they've shown us, but why do you care about the humidity?  You're a ghost."
"It makes my aura all frizzy.  Anyway, brb gona kil dem"

... Well, it was funnier when I thought about it in my mind, at least.


Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


No that was definitely still funny Mashi xD


Quote from: Mashi on August 13, 2011, 08:41:20 AMI just wanted to post that this was probably the best part of the story.

"God damn jerks, this place is so humid."
"I'm more concerned with the disrespect they've shown us, but why do you care about the humidity?  You're a ghost."
"It makes my aura all frizzy.  Anyway, brb gona kil dem"

... Well, it was funnier when I thought about it in my mind, at least.

Lol you're so full of win
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


[I've decided as a little present, every once in a while between Fridays, I'll upload little drabbles! C: Since they aren't huge blown out fics, I think it'll be a nice read between every week.

So here's a little Distortion World related thing that I wrote~]

It had been long banished from the world, forced to reside in dark, cold isolation. It was only accompanied by barren, torn landscapes. Rocks were suspended in mid-air, light blue fog swirling all around this so-called home.

Such a long time it had been down here. It longed to be the regular world. Often, it’d try and desperately find its way out. But there was no escape - for the longest time, it sat in the shadows, waiting.

And for the first time in years, there was light. Giratina rose, seeing a bright, glowing light. It was being summoned - allowed back into the world. No more of this Hell it was banished to.

As the light grew brighter, the size of the portal increased, allowing Giratina to start climbing through. Its body was covered in pure shadow, black anti-matter splattering over the broken columns as it spread it wings wide. As it gave a mighty roar, the ground rumbled, pebbles and dust blowing in its wake.

Black clouds began swirling around the mountain, more of the anti-matter dropping off its body, sizzling and eating up any rock it had touched. More pillars and columns crumbled, some even rolling off to the ground below. Giratina curiously stared down at the ruin below it, red eyes focusing one human being only. The one that allowed the normal world and the underworld together - allowed this beast to break free from its Hell.

And Cyrus could only grin at the beast he had awakened. 
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Chilling. Makes me want to play Platinum again.


[This isn't super scary as a creepypasta, but it's definitely got some disturbing undertones if you read deep enough. Enjoy!]

You always wonder, what happens to lab rats, failed experiments? Are they left in a cell to rot, or killed off for the sake of its uselessness? Or do they try and try again, to make it better?

In science, or at least here, giving up is never an option. You keep trying and trying again, hoping for a better outcome. Anything to keep you from being a laughing stock. It's almost futile, but whatever works is practically the phrase they identify themselves with.

Maybe what you're doing is a little… odd. So what? The world they live is odd, isn't it? You could capture the most powerful Pokemon on earth and easily control it like a puppet. It'll obey you no matter what. It's a strange, strange world out there. And there are so many mysteries.

Mysteries that need to be solved, for the sake of knowledge. For the sake of knowing more of this world and all who inhabit it. Perhaps experiment after experiment isn't the right way, but they don't care. Pokemon have been man-made before. And, it's about discovery, right? Finding new Pokemon to fill up the Pokedex. More Pokemon to benefit trainers.

So, of course this practice isn't wrong.

"Subject X is another failure. Doesn't work right."

"W-why haven't we gotten it by now? We've made so many…"

"Yes, we have. There's room for improvement as always, no? Dispose of it."

A small whimper. "I-I…" They condoned harsh experiments, perhaps illegal ones, but not killing. How ironic of them. "Okay."

A shrill is heard, after much thumping and whining, there's silence as the failed experiment is tossed.

"Y and Z… if we run out of letters, what will we do?"

"Stop at Z. Whatever Z will be like, it'll be the best we can do."

Y was another failure. Perhaps it was closer to what they were looking for â€" but not enough. It was disposed of. The scientist frowned, wondering â€" what were they doing wrong? Why on earth couldn't they get this right?

'See this? Dubious Disc? Don't use it. It's corrupt beyond belief. It does wacky things to the computers. Burn it, throw it out, just… get rid of it.'

The curious person he was, the scientist didn't get rid of it. He kept it, thinking he could either fix it or use it for something else. It had to be pretty bad if Silph. Co didn't approve…

But, at the same time, it could be the very thing they needed.

"This should be perfect. Get me another Porygon."

It was sleek, shiny â€" odd looking eyes â€" but it was the best yet. It looked normal, just like another version of Porygon 2. It was going to surpass it, and be able to contact all sorts of life forms â€" and maybe even talk. A revolution! He had created a scientific revolution!

"Perfect! Just… perfect! We are done! No more!" It look so long to get here. Porygons A-Y were a bust â€" all mutated, weird versions of Porygon that would make them look bad. But this one â€" oh, trainers would just want to eat it up.

"Get the professor on the line! We've discovered a new Pokemon."

As the scientist turned his back to his subject, it began shaking erratically, its mind hearing nothing but static and glitched, warped speech.
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel