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Chapter Two: A Spinoff

Started by SlowPokemon, July 21, 2011, 04:11:21 PM

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Yes! Write the rest of the story!
No! Move on to something else, I've had enough of this world!
I don't care! I won't read it even if you do!


The End

   The boy apprehensively approached the dock. He could see her there. She was hugging him while her friend looked away awkwardly. He tightened the straps of his backpack, taking a deep breath and plunging through the crowd just as the other boy boarded the ship.

   She was talking to her friend now with a faraway look in her eye. The boy gritted his teeth. It was now or never.

   He ran up to her quickly. She stopped midsentence, looking at him in a surprised way.

   â€œHi,” the boy said breathlessly, breathing hard.

   â€œHi,” she said, startled.

   â€œHi,” the boy repeated stupidly, staring at her and turning red. There was an awkward silence, she staring at him and he breathing hard. Finally as his cheeks returned to their normal color he continued. “I’ve decided to join the Sinnoh Elite Four.”

   She looked at him, her expression not changing much. “That’s…interesting,” she said dryly. There was another silence. “…Is that all?”

   The boy took a deep breath. “No,” he said with difficulty as he willed himself not to throw up. “I’m… doing this for you because I’m in love with you. I have been ever since I first laid eyes on you. You’re beautiful and kind and intelligent and…” the words were pouring out of his mouth now and there was no stopping them. “and…and…and if there’s no chance I could be with you even if everyone else on earth were dead…I…I…I…” he faltered, “…I just…wanted you to know.” He squeezed his eyes shut, turning painfully red. Why did he have to go red now? Why?

   She stared at him incredulously for a full thirty seconds. A full awkward, exceedingly uncomfortable thirty seconds. Finally, seemingly at a loss for words, she swallowed and he flinched as if expecting her to slap him. Instead, she uncertainly leaned forward and up and kissed him very softly on the cheek. He closed his eyes slowly. Then she leaned back and said with a small hint of a smile, “There might be some chance.”

   And with that, the boy gaped at her in shock, shouted gleefully, “HE WAS RIGHT!” and ran for the boat at top speed. He didn’t hear her finish her statement under her breath (more out of habit than anything), but I personally doubt even that could have dampened his spirits.

   And so it came about that Lucian, hungry for more fondness from Karen, the girl he loved, boarded the ship to Sinnoh, off to the next chapter of the story. Oh yes, this is still the same story. It’s just a bit of difference in…perspective, shall we say?

Chapter Two: a Spinoff

Chapter One of Chapter Two Coming Soon
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Oh god yes awesome.  ;)

...aaaaand he doesn't catch what she says after XD


Chapter ½

   â€œWait, what?” “Spinoff?” “What does he mean by that?” “Is this kid crazy?” “Is this guy serious?” “Why write a sequel?” “Can’t he just leave this alone?” “Why am I even reading this?” “Is there even a first one?” “Wait, this isn’t the Post Your Thoughts of the Moment Thread?” “Is this nonfiction?” “Who’s Lucian again?” “WHAT THE HELL?”

   These are some questions you may be asking yourself after reading the prologue of Chapter Two: A Spinoff. Now first I have a word of advice for you.


   Now, how many of you have read my epic masterpiece, The Will to Go On? Hmm? You? You, you, you? Good. You there. Yes, you. Staring down your monitor with half closed eyes, mouth hanging open slightly, a spot of drool hanging down dangerously close to your keyboard. You didn’t raise your hand. Why is that? Hmm? Ohhh! I see! You didn’t read my story! Ah. That makes sense.



   â€¦But I digress. So, are you back yet? Read the story? Yes? Good. Now go write at least ten paragraphs of feedback, first of all for disrupting the story, secondly because at this point I don’t like you.

   For those of you that need to have your “back cover” in order to truthfully get into a story (laaaame) then here is what the story will be in a nutshell:

   Since you have ALL read The Will to Go On at this point, you will recall all of the characters and how they are living at the end of the story. They did not just stop living there. That’s like writing an autobiography. It makes no sense. You cannot cover everything you have done simply because you haven’t done everything yet.

   Therefore, this will be a sort of mash-up of all the characters and what they’re doing with their lives. Rather than a measly four month’s worth, as in TWTGO, this story is set to cover a whole year, all the way up to the wrap up chapter in the Mahogany coffee shop, published a couple days ago.

   So KEEP READING! Stick with me, guys. I plan to make this better than The Will to Go On, keeping with the simplistic writing style but just stretching it out more.

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


Chapter One
I Did Not Write This

   Lucian ran up to the boat just as the gates slammed shut. He groaned and then approached the man standing near the gates. It was getting late; the sun was turning pink.

   â€œPlease!” he said. “I have to get on that ship!”
   The man pretended not to hear Lucian.

   â€œSir,” said Lucian impatiently. The man didn’t say anything. “Sir!” said Lucian a little louder. The man turned his head away. ”SIR!” shouted Lucian.

   Finally the man sighed deeply and slowly turned his head.

   â€œSir, Iâ€"” began Lucian.

   â€œNo passengers on ze boat after ze gates are closed, no exceptions whatsoever,” said the man in one breath, examining his nails in a bored way.

   Lucian took a deep breath. Being mean had never helped him in the past. Noâ€"if he wanted to get on that boat, he had to use his greatest asset: his mind. Only tact would save him now. He thought quickly and spoke.

   â€œSir,” said Lucian with a superior half-smile, “I know the real reason you won’t et me through.”

   â€œOh really,” said the bored man sharply.

   â€œOh, yes,” said Lucian. “It’s completely obvious.”

   â€œZen why don’t you…enlighten me,” challenged the man.

   â€œIt’s because you have neither the skill nor authority to open the gates,” laughed Lucian knowingly. It was a long shot; it was incredibly obvious what he was doing; but Lucian hoped the man’s massive ego would overpower his intellect and, by extension, his logic.

   The man’s nostrils flared. “Why, you leetle…” he exclaimed, then stopped and took a deep breath. “I’ll prove how wrong you are.” He inserted a key into a switch on the wall near him, then pressed a button underneath that. The gates creaked open.

   â€œHow eez zat for authority?” said the man triumphantly.

   â€œWow,” said Lucian, running through the gates, “you sure showed me!”


   Lucian made it on to the ship in time. He sank into a chair near the entrance, filled with relief. After a moment’s rest, he stood up and approached the receptionist nearby.

   â€œI’m here for my room number,” he told her.

   â€œYou must be Lucian,” the lady sighed. There was always a late guy. Always. “Room 314. Enjoy your stay on the S.S. Aqua.”

   And so Lucian went in search of his room.

   The S.S. Aqua was a magnificent cruise ship, extravagant but somehow off color. There was something odd about the place, and Lucian soon discovered what it was. There were three levels on the ship, but only the bottom-most level had rooms on it. So how did he get the room number 314? All of the rooms were randomly numbered, making it impossibly difficult to find one’s room. Finally he located room 314, between 712 and 423, then dumped his belongings on the bed and left to explore the ship. It wasn’t long before he heard a familiar voice.

   An intimidating boy, ridiculously muscled and, it seemed, dangerously angry, was shouting at a gangly boy, furious.


   â€œHe was just lost,” said the other boy defensively. “Weren’t you, Spinarak…yes you were…”

   Lucian almost laughed as the muscular boy returned to his room, disgruntled. Only one person he knew could coo at a writhing spider.

   â€œAaron!” he called. Aaron looked around, bewildered.

   â€œHello?” said Aaron, looking around.

   â€œAaron!” said Lucian, running up to him. “It’s me!”

   â€œLucian!?” said Aaron, shocked. “What are you doing here?”

   â€œI’m going to Sinnoh!” said Lucian proudly. “I’m going to join the Elite Four!”

   Aaron stared at him.
   â€œWell…uhh…congrats, I guess.”

   â€œWhat’s the matter?” Lucian said curiously.

   â€œOh…nothing,” Aaron said, grinning broadly to prove it. “Forget it. So what’s up?”

   Lucian stared at him oddly.

   â€œOh. Nothing. Just on a ship.”

   â€œI knew that,” scoffed Aaron. “What room are you in?”

   â€œOh…314,” said Lucian. Like that would help either of them know where he was staying. “What room are you in?”

   â€œ1211,” responded Aaron. “I think that means I’m on the twelfth floor,” he continued, frowning, “but I haven’t found my room yet.”

   â€œUmm…” Lucian said, looking at him weirder still, “…where…where’s your luggage then?”

   Aaron frowned again. “Uhh…good question.”

   Lucian closed his eyes exasperatedly.

   â€œWell…uhh…good luck with that, Aaron,” he said carefully, walking on past him.

   â€œThat kid,” he murmured to himself, “has some issues.”

   He consulted his map of the ship as he walked. “Let’s see…if I go this way …eventually I’ll end up…where?”

   He was so engrossed that he didn’t notice where he was walking, and slammed into a girl.

   â€œMy god, why don’t you just watch where you’reâ€"oh!” said the girl in surprise. “It’s you!”

   Lucian’s tongue was tied and his mind blank as he tried to think of somethingâ€"anythingâ€"to say. Finally he managed to stammer, “C-Cynthia!”

   â€œYeah!” said Cynthia, smiling. “What’s up?”

   â€œOh…nothing,” said Lucian, trying to get his thoughts together.

   Cynthia was an inch or two shorter than the lanky Lucian. She had long blonde hair and a flawless body that could distract any male human for, um, an incredibly long time. She had broken off of her group that consisted of her, Lucian, and Normanâ€"and Norman went along. Which was a real punch in the face for Lucian. Not to mention this made things way more awkward. Even more awkward, he could not for the life of him remember her looking so stunning. Something had changed. And now she was staring at him, waiting for him to speak. Why couldn’t he think? What was wrong with his brain? And why was he going red now? Why did that always happen?

   â€œAhh…” Lucian began, “so…why are you going to Sinnoh?” he managed.

   â€œOh, just sightseeing,” said Cynthia, still smiling. “I’ve been to a couple other regions now. My Pokémon are getting stronger. Sinnoh seems like a really neat place. Are you still going to join the Elite Four?”

   â€œYeah!” said Lucian, relaxing a bit. If he just let her do most of the talking, it wasn’t so bad. “It’s always been kind of a dream of mine.”

   â€œWow, that’s really cool!” said Cynthia, and she looked like she thought so. “I really admire that.”

   â€œYeah,” said Lucian.

   There was an awkward silence.

   â€œWell,” said Cynthia at last, “I better find my room.”

   â€œGood luck with that,” laughed Lucian.

   â€œI know, right?” said Cynthia reproachfully. “I’ve been through like five hallways and haven’t found it yet.”

   â€œWhat’s your room number?” said Lucian.

   â€œUmm…712,” she said, squinting at a piece of paper.

   â€œ712…” Lucian said, frowning. “Hey, that’s right next to my room!”

   â€œWow!” Cynthia said. “Kind of odd that you remember that.”

   â€œReally?” said Lucian, going red again (damn his adolescent body).

   She laughed. “No, I’m just messing with you. You always were really easy to mess with.”
   â€œYeah, I’m really gullible,” said Lucian resentfully, red as a tomato.

   â€œYeah,” agreed Cynthia, “but I think it’s because you’re just really trusting and…kind of sweet. On the inside.”

   Lucian frowned. “I thought you thought I was a jerk.”

   â€œI did,” said Cynthia, scrutinizing him. “But you’ve…changed, I think. At least a little.”

   â€œSo have you,” Lucian said without thinking, but luckily she didn’t hear him; she was still talking.

   â€œSo yeah, let’s go to your room,” said Cynthia.

   â€œWhat?” said Lucian, going bright red again.

   â€œIsn’t it right next to mine?” she said, puzzled.

   â€œOh…yeah,” said Lucian in relief.

   There was another silence.

   â€œUmm, don’t you want to lead?” Cynthia said pointedly.

   â€œYes,” said Lucian. “I’m trying to figure out where my room is.”

   Cynthia burst out laughing, and he gave a shaky, nervous laugh too, and led the way to his room.

   â€œThanks, Lucian,” said Cynthia, smiling again. “See you later, I suppose.”

   â€œThanks,” said Lucian. “Uhh, I mean, you’re welcome. Seeâ€"see you later.”

   â€œOh, and Lucian?” she called as he turned around. He spun around again and said, “Yes?”

   She hesitated and then said, “No hard feelings about what happened, right?”

   He didn’t say anything for a second. Did she know how upset she had made him? Did she have an inkling of how miserable he was after she and Norman had left? Did she even have any idea at all about how horrible it was for him?

   â€œNo hard feelings,” he lied finally, with a painful smile.

   â€œGood,” she said, relaxing. She made to hug him awkwardly as he started to walk away, then she pulled back as he held his arms out. Then they both laughed still more awkwardly and retreated to their rooms.

   Good thing he had patched things up with her, he thought as he got into bedâ€"wait. Why did he care?

   What did it matter if they were okay now? He loved Karen, didn’t he?


   Didn’t he?

   He just didn’t know anymore, but he really didn’t let him bother him too much as he drifted off into an exhausted sleep. It had been a long day.

Sorry about the awkward fest. I really could not resist. Seriously, the last couple pages literally wrote themselves. My hands wouldn't stop typing the awkward.

Even though it wasn't my idea, I must say I really like this chapter. :3 I'm so evil.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.




Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



Anyways, that part was... awkward.

But well-written awkward.  ;)

Also dat gatekeeper fell for the oldest trick in the book XD


I love those insanely awkward moments that make the read wince. xD

Like in the first part, where Aaron kisses Karen and "their teeth clacked together painfully"...I hope you all winced at that.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



I wrote the first half of the next chapter, but I'm unsure if I should finish this or save it for later.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.