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TWG XVIII: Adelaide's Impetuous Adventures of Inanity In the Macrocosm...

Started by SlowPokemon, July 18, 2011, 07:21:33 AM

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Sorry meant to do that:

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Ok, so 9 PM EST.

Accounting for the three hour time difference to PST and the 1 hour forward to PDT, it should be 7 PM on the West Coast. (unless someone's math is wrong)

Thanks Slow


The wolves have no need to wolf me on the first night again because until I finish summer reading, I'm not going to be very active.
Plus I'm only an ordinary human. So Inactivity + No special role = not much of a threat to you.
So my advice is to put your priority on someone else who will be more of a threat.

Psychic, don't claim to anyone. No really, don't claim to anyone.
Even if you think they could possibly be a blue or a normal human, don't risk it.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


No offense, but what kind of advice is "put your priority on someone else who will be more of a threat"? o_o

lol, if you're gonna give advice to anyone, it should just be the blues.



Out in an open desolation, a little 10 year old girl was playing her games autonomously, with no one to be with...

"Skip, skip, skip!" Adelaide said in a jovial manner.  "One, two, one two, one, two, three!" she yelled as she gleefully hopped from stepping stone to stepping stone.

Suddenly, a rabbit appeared in front of her.  "That's odd", Adelaide thought inquisitively.  "Oh dear little rabbit!  If I may inquire, what could you possibly be doing here?".  The rabbit hopped towards her and stared at her with a clueless expression.  It glanced behind Adelaide and turned back.

"Oh, rabbit, please do stay!  I have no one to talk to!" Adelaide stated in a demanding, but gentle tone.  The rabbit ignored her apprehensive demeanour and left.  Adelaide, as persistent as she was, chased after the leporine creature with great vigor.  As she was crossing the river on the stepping stones to catch up, she slipped and fell.  The water's transparency abated and began reflecting Adelaide's cute countenance.  She fell through...

When Adelaide awoke, she found herself in her bedroom.  A shattered mirror was in front of her.  "Oh my!  Are any of my attendants near?  Please do tidy up this mess." she called.

A glimmering light encircled Adelaide.  "Hmm?  What could this possibly be?" Adelaide thought aloud.  The dazzling light came to a halt in front of Adelaide and in a flash, a petite blue haired fairy appeared in front of her.

"Are you my fairy god mother?" Adelaide exclaimed exuberantly.

"What?  No, eye'm Cirno and eye'm a genius!" Cirno exclaimed.

"Wow, I've certainly never met a genius as young and handsome as you before!  It's a pleasure." Adelaide said, while curtsying.

"Handsome?  Eye'm not male!  Eye'm a female ice fairy!" Cirno said while blushing.

"Oh, oh, oh dear, I didn't mean to offend you!  Please don't leave me." Adelaide stuttered with a worried disposition.

"Hmm, fine, Eye'll forgive you this once." Cirno said.

Adelaide rushed up to Cirno and embraced her vehemently.  A tear dropped across Adelaide's face.  She finally had an (ostensibly) endearing friend she could play with!

They played for what felt like hours and hours.  Well, it was hours and hours, but you know what I mean.

It finally came time to go to bed.  Adelaide gave out a yawn and she smiled as her serene eyes watched the already sleeping Cirno.  Her eyes became drowsy and Adelaide became weary.  She was fatigued by the playing, but due to her tenacity, she wanted to remain awake.

"Maybe I'll close my eyes for a few short moments..." she said, becoming dormant and falling asleep in mere seconds.

When she awoke from her deep and extensive rest (Which, to her, was only a transient moment passing by), Adelaide looked beside her, expecting to see the face of her new friend.  But instead, she found nothing.

She sprang up, looking to and fro the room for her beloved friend.  She mumbled effusive words and went into tears.

Night one is over. Winterkid09 is dead. It is now Day one. Day one ends Thursday, July 21, 2011, at 9:00 PM.

Only one Tribune was submitted, and it is as follows:

Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



Just to make a quick note, I'm on vacation right now so I won't always have immediate access to the game/irc.


My Youtube! Featuring Orchestrations of Nintendo music and more!
Latest Tracks: Super Mario RPG & Superstar Saga HD ReMIX


1. Mashi
2. Dude
3. SuperFireKirby
4. shadowkirby_64
5. winterkid09
6. drpamplemousse
7. Purple1222119
8. Wrydryn
9. Universe-X
10. Concerto
11. Jub3r7
12. fingerz




First two chat logs are between Jub3r7 and I; it would probably be easier to understand if you read the main log (Third log down) first.

23:25   Vera   If you're a Blue, be more prudent in what you say!!!!!!!!!
23:25   Jerry   I'm probably green, unless I'm the herring.
23:25   Jerry   or the red one.
23:25   Jerry   miller?
23:26   Vera   o rly
23:32   Jerry   Do you think wry is human?
23:33   Vera   Yes.
23:34   Vera   But I'm not making any rash assumptions at the moment.
23:34   Vera   My opinion of him is subject to change, considering there isn't very strong evidence supporting or refuting his humanity.
23:35   Vera   The reason I'm thinking he's Human is because he never checked his Role and is confused on the mechanics of the game.
23:35   Jerry   If he's never checked his role than nothing can be put against him or for him. :|
23:35   Vera   If he were a Wolf, I would presume that his Partners would urge him to PM them or something and at least discuss the wolfing and tribune they would make at least.
00:20   Vera   Are you fishing for a reaction, or do you really have trustworthy evidence pointing out that Universe-X is a Wolf?

00:29   Vera   Oh, no wonder you didn't respond, I sent my message to Jerry, whoops!
00:29   Vera   Are you fishing for a reaction, or do you really have trustworthy evidence pointing out that Universe-X is a Wolf?
00:30   Jub3r7   fishing for a reaction I suppose.
00:30   Vera   Okay.
00:30   Vera   I'm so proud of you, using Machiavellian tactics like a real TWGer!
00:42   Jub3r7   If he is human
00:42   Jub3r7   he would give an answer along the lines of, "so I don't accidentally lynch him"
00:42   Jub3r7   That's a perfectly valid reason, and if he can't figure it out...
00:43   Vera   Jub3r7, you're good at this, now I have to be wary of you!
00:43   Vera   So you had better not be a Wolf. D:<
00:43   Vera   Hmm...
00:43   Vera   Since we're trying to find Wolves anyhow.
00:43   Vera   We should probably prepare for future events while we're at it.
00:44   Jub3r7   Unless you're a wolf.
00:44   Vera   True.
00:44   Jub3r7   Wry does suspect you though.
00:44   Vera   Hmm?
00:44   Vera   Why?
00:44   Jub3r7   Something along the lines of how you included yourself in a list that was made in this irc
00:44   Jub3r7   Of who could be a wolf. It didn't include everybody
00:44   Vera   That's frivolous.
00:44   Vera   I explained why it couldn't be everybody though!
00:45   Jub3r7   But it did include you, and so he was like "yeah... idk about him"
00:45   Vera   I KNOW, BUT WAIT A BIT.
00:45   Vera   LETS SEE WHAT HE SAYS.
00:46   Vera   If he says something self-incriminating, it could be used as substantial evidence.
00:46   Vera   And we could be even more sure of him being a Wolf.
00:46   Jub3r7   Avoiding the question seems like evidence
00:46   Jub3r7   who do you think the seer seered?
00:46   Vera   Try accosting him with the question again.
00:46   Vera   No clue.
00:47   Jub3r7   How do you act when you're a wolf? I haven't played a single game with you when you were one.
00:48   Jub3r7   oh wait
00:48   Jub3r7   thinking back. I feel like I've read through a game...
00:48   Vera   My first game here, I was a Wolf.
00:48   Vera   And you were playing I think.
00:48   Vera   I forget.
00:48   Jub3r7   And you were analyzing everyone
00:48   Jub3r7   I read through all the twg on nsm so can't remember if I was playing or not.
00:48   Jub3r7   But I feel like I read one where you were a wolf
00:48   Jub3r7   But that was a while ago.
00:50   Jub3r7   I KNOW RIGHT
00:52   Vera   I'm posting the chat log.
00:52   Vera   Would it be alright if I posted this one too?
00:53   Vera   As in, this PM Chatlog we're having.
00:53   Jub3r7   don't post the part where I told you of wry's suspicion
00:53   Vera   Why?
00:53   Jub3r7   Cause it was in private message, where you supposedly wouldn't know about it
00:53   Jub3r7   I asked you about wry the same time I asked wry about you.
00:54   Vera   Ah, I see.
00:54   Vera   But I doubt it would be much of a problem, to be honest.
00:54   Vera   It's better if we're honest to the Human Team.
00:54   Vera   Humans can't win without candor!
00:54   Jub3r7   Is wry human?
00:55   Vera   It doesn't matter about his Role; in the ostensible scenario that we're both Human, we should both be candid always.
00:55   Vera   Also, this chat will be very awkward to post now that we're discussing being honest!
00:56   Jub3r7   you don't have to include the last part about being honest! xD
00:56   Vera   MAYBE I WILL ANYWAY.
00:56   Jub3r7   D:
00:59   Jub3r7   Maybe it's not pointless?
00:59   Jub3r7   What if the human tribune had some sort of strategy in that post?
00:59   Vera   That seems a bit deep; who do you think would hide meaning within something like that?
01:00   Jub3r7   meh, idk
01:02   Jub3r7   stop being a deceptive wolf
01:03   Vera   I'm not a Wolf!
01:03   Vera   mebbe ur a wuff tho!!!!!!!!!
01:04   Jub3r7   What if
01:04   Jub3r7   the tribune was using that post to make a correlation between this tribune and the next one?
01:05   Vera   That's plausible.
01:05   Jub3r7   So people know which tribune was the same one that spoke the previous phase?
01:06   Vera   Posting this log, okay?????????
01:07   Jub3r7   sure
01:07   Vera   Does NSM have a Spoiler Tag code thing?
01:07   Jub3r7   erm
01:07   Jub3r7   um
01:07   Jub3r7   uh
01:07   Jub3r7   idk
01:07   Vera   We should get one then.
01:07   Vera   Anyway, posting.

18:48      *** Vera joined #TWG
Host signups.
Topic set by Master_Gamer38 on Thu May 26 2011 02:32:37 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
18:48      --- Vera is back
20:28      *** Master_Gamer38 quit (Q:- G'Night)
20:50      --- Vera is away (Auto away)
22:12      *** SuperFireKirby joined #TWG
22:12   SuperFireKirby   IM HERE
22:13      *** SuperFireKirby quit (Q:- ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 5.0/20110615151330])
22:13   Vera   Jerk.
22:13      --- Vera is back
23:10      *** Jerry joined #TWG
23:10   Jerry   wazzup
23:10   Jerry   vera
23:12   Vera   Yay.
23:12   Vera   I misplaced my SAT Vocab Book.
23:12   Vera   BUT ANYWAY.
23:12   Vera   TWG.
23:12   Vera   Discuss.
23:13   Jerry   Do you think the tribune will be convincing enough?
23:13   Jerry   And not give anything to the wolves?
23:13   Vera   It would depend on what the Tribune and Seer decide about it.
23:14   Vera   They may give out all the results the Seer received or they may even just give out Red results, while keeping all others discreet.
23:14   Vera   What I'm concerned about however.
23:14   Vera   Is whether the Seer and Tribune are active.
23:14      *** [Wrydryn] joined #TWG
23:15   Vera   The Wolves made a wolfing.
23:15   Vera   Hi Whirr.
23:15   Vera   And someone sent a Tribune.
23:15   [Wrydryn]   Hi
23:15   [Wrydryn]   Can you link me to the game?
23:15   Vera;topicseen
23:15   [Wrydryn]   Thanks, I don't even know my role yet
23:16   Vera   Speaking of the game, apparently I'm going to be writing a very poor TWG story!
23:16   Vera   A+ Whirr.
23:16   Vera   I think the Tribune that was sent was the Wolf one.
23:16   Vera   "Strategies are developing"
23:17   Vera   How can they have a strategy?
23:17   Vera   Day 1 just began.
23:17   Jerry   okay back
23:18   Vera   Hi again, Jub3r7.
23:18   Vera   Recent developments:
23:18   Vera   Whirr doesn't know his Role!
23:18   Vera   Mashi believes that the tribune sent this Phase was from the Wolves.
23:19   Vera   Mashi is probably going to write a TWG story!
23:19   Vera   It will have theme music.
23:19   Vera   So Whirr, what's your Role?????????
23:20   Vera   Hmm...
23:20   Jerry   cewl
23:20   Vera   Universe-X's post seems...
23:20   Vera   !!!
23:20   Vera   Hey.
23:20   Jerry   Okay trying to put ear phones in
23:20   Jerry   it's hard
23:20   Vera   Master Qew isn't her-, oh, that was an l.
23:21   [Wrydryn]   Alright, I'm caught up
23:21   Jerry   I'm not
23:21   Jerry   brb
23:22   [Wrydryn]   Just a regular human
23:22   [Wrydryn]   What about you?
23:22   Vera   Human.
23:22   Jerry   same, as said in my post
23:22   Vera   Anyway, as I was saying.
23:22   [Wrydryn]   Alright
23:23   Jerry   Have to go to bed in 6 minutes, sorry.
23:23   Jerry   so lets get talking
23:23   [Wrydryn]   So what's the deal with the tribunes?
23:23   Vera   Universe-X's post seems very useless and pointless to me.
23:23   Jerry   stupid earphoneeee
23:23   Vera   Complimenting a tribune, when we don't even know from whom it's from?
23:24   [Wrydryn]   Brb making a quick post
23:24   [Wrydryn]   Why weren't there two though?
23:24   Jerry   wolf tribune = inactice
23:24   Jerry   *inactive, or pretending to be inactive
23:24   Vera   Either the Wolf or Human Tribune didn't send it.
23:24   Vera   What.
23:24   Vera   Why do you assume that it's the Wolf Tribune?
23:24   Jerry   or human tribune, blah
23:24   Vera   Okay.
23:25   Jerry   why would a human forget? :|
23:25   Jerry   Why would a wolf forget? ...
23:25   Vera   Not even forget, it may just be inactiveness.
23:25   Vera   Which I find is very plausible.
23:25   [Wrydryn]   I think it might be the wolf tribune
23:26   Vera   Considering Whirr doesn't know his Role and Concerto didn't even know the game began.
23:26   [Wrydryn]   Since they work as a team
23:26   [Wrydryn]   A single person forgets easier than a group
23:27   Vera   Hmm...
23:27   [Wrydryn]   It's all psychological warfare
23:27   Vera   I still don't like what this tribune says.
23:27   [Wrydryn]   It might end up like pandorum
23:27   Jerry   Vera, are you human?
23:27   Vera   And Universe-X's response to it certainly doesn't help.
23:27   Vera   Yes.
23:27   Vera   But everyone's going to answer Human in this game.
23:28   Vera   Unless a Special goes suicidal I suppose.
23:28   Vera   But I hope that doesn't happen.
23:28   [Wrydryn]   Wait, is there a guardian?
23:28   Vera   Nope.
23:28   Jerry   nup
23:29   [Wrydryn]   This is going to be a slower game then
23:29   Vera   Whirr, you didn't even look at the game when you signed up, didn't you?
23:29   [Wrydryn]   Or faster
23:29   [Wrydryn]   I did, I just forgot is all
23:29   Jerry   the tribune's purpose is to communicate to us normal humans
23:29   Jerry   since the guardian can't protect an announcer
23:30   Jerry   Vera, do you think the wolves or the humans would use pointless psychological warfare in the beginning?
23:30   Vera   Define psychological warfare.
23:31   [Wrydryn]   Point people in the wrong direction
23:31   Vera   How?
23:31   Vera   And why would Humans do that?
23:31   [Wrydryn]   Isn't there a wolf tribune?
23:32   Vera   Yes.
23:32   Jerry   Yes, and we have to discern between the wolves and the human tribune.
23:32   Vera   Wolf and Human Tribune.
23:32   Jerry   I was using your label, "psychological warfare".
23:32   [Wrydryn]   Exactly, so can't the wolfs use that to their advantage?
23:32   [Wrydryn]   50/50 chance it could be wolf or human
23:33   Vera   But Wolves are always going to do that!
23:33   [Wrydryn]   You sure?
23:33   Vera   Yes.
23:35   Jerry   Wry, have you checked your role yet? :|
23:35   Vera   He has.
23:35   Vera   He says he's Human.
23:36   [Wrydryn]   Yerp
23:36   [Wrydryn]   I hate how I only have 5% battery left
23:36   Vera   Charge your phone!
23:37   Vera   Or whatever you're using!
23:37   Jerry   phone irc? D:
23:37   Jerry   or is that something completely irrelevant
23:37   [Wrydryn]   iPod irc
23:37   Jerry   ah
23:37   [Wrydryn]   And I don't have a charger with me
23:37   Vera   
23:38   Vera   Well, you had better be prepared for some serious TWGing when you have the time then!
23:38   [Wrydryn]   My sister has the only one with her and I'm not about to go creeping in her room at 11:40
23:38   Vera   Creep in her room.
23:38   Vera   And get it.
23:38   Jerry   o.o.o
23:38   Vera   Right now! D:<
23:38   Jerry   o.o.o
23:38   [Wrydryn]   But...
23:39   Vera   Has Mister Purple played a game before?
23:39   Vera   Or is this his first one?
23:39   Jerry   I think so
23:39   Jerry   A long time ago
23:39   Vera   Ah, okay.
23:39   Vera   So he's still rather new?
23:39   Jerry   in a galaxy far away
23:39   Jerry   Nabu was under attack
23:39   [Wrydryn]   In a land far far away?
23:39   Vera   That reminds me.
23:39   Jerry   Okay but no really, brb imma check the first few twg's for his name
23:39   Vera   Wolfing Cirno is certainly an unconventional move.
23:40   Jerry   Unconventional?
23:41   Vera   Yes.
23:41   Vera   It's not following Manti Rule.
23:41   [Wrydryn]   So we don't have experienced players?
23:41   [Wrydryn]   Or just people not playing by that rule
23:41   Vera   The latter.
23:42   Vera   Hmm...
23:42   Jerry   I can't believe I got wolfed by Manti rule last time
23:42   Jerry   Made me feel special <3
23:42   Jerry   But dead.
23:42   [Wrydryn]   So inexperienced players then?
23:43   Vera   Not necessarily that either.
23:43   Vera   It could be.
23:43   Vera   But we don't have enough evidence from wolfings to reach that conclusion.
23:43   [Wrydryn]   We'll see
23:43   [Wrydryn]   Unless it's an obvious lynch
23:44   Vera   Okay.
23:45   Vera   Mashi shadowkirby_64 Purple1222119 Concerto Jub3r7 fingerz
23:45   Vera   These are the players that I believe would be most likely to choose to wolf Cirno.
23:45   [Wrydryn]   What about them?
23:45   [Wrydryn]   Alright
23:46   [Wrydryn]   Erm, why you?
23:46   Vera   My reasons being that they're either experienced, want to be creative, or are inexperienced and therefore unknowledgeable about Manti Rule and the like.
23:46   Vera   Because I'm not confirmed.
23:46   Vera   So I have to put myself there for consideration, despite myself knowing that I'm Human.
23:47   [Wrydryn]   Fair enough
23:47   Vera   Hey Jub3r7, are you there?
23:48   Jerry   yah
23:48   Jerry   Can't you hear me typing?>
23:48   Vera   Okay.
23:48   Jerry   Or is your volume down.
23:48   Vera   What are you typing?
23:48   Jerry   I'm typing I'm typing
23:48   Vera   
23:48   Vera   Okay, so.
23:48   Vera   Do you think the tribune sent this Phase is Human or Wolf?
23:49   Vera   You sure are a quick typer!
23:49   Jerry   Not really sure
23:49   Vera   typist*
23:49   Vera   Okay.
23:49   Jerry   hopefully he's human, because people seem to like him
23:49   Jerry   unless we have any girls playing this game?
23:49   Vera   I don't believe so.
23:49   Jerry   nup, all of the people on this list have claimed male.
23:50   Vera   What's your opinion on the Cirno wolfing?
23:50   Vera   Do you need to leave, Jub3r7?
23:50   Jerry   hopefully not
23:50   Vera   Because if you do, feel free to do so, I wouldn't want to get you in trouble!
23:50   Vera   Okay, because you said "Hang on".
23:51   Jerry   It would be my fault.
23:51   Vera   No, mine!
23:51   Vera   D:<
23:51   [Wrydryn]   I think it could be a wolf tribune
23:51   Vera   Why is that, Whirr?
23:51   Jerry   Even if you left I would be in the same situation.
23:51   Vera   
23:51   Vera   I could talk to your parents.
23:51   Vera   And explain to them why you're up.
23:52   Jerry   XD, dad wouldn't care, he just wants me to sleep.
23:52   Vera   
23:52   [Wrydryn]   Groups are easier to keep active rather than one player
23:52   Vera   Tribune knows the Seer.
23:52   Vera   But I see your point.
23:53   [Wrydryn]   More likely one player forgot than the wolfs
23:53   Jerry   Update, u-x posts something odd.
23:53   Vera   Would Concerto use all caps?
23:55   [Wrydryn]   Perchance
23:55   Jerry   No, we don't need to know specific players, just whether that's human or wolf
23:55   Jerry   if we have any wolves present in this chat, we don't need to narrow down the list for them
23:56   Vera   True, but to make such a wild presumption is very arbitrary.
23:56   Vera   WHAT IF.
23:56   Vera   WE'RE ALL WOLVES.
23:56   Vera   ALL 3 OF US.
23:56   Vera   
23:56      *** [Wrydryn] quit (Client exited)
23:56   Jerry   battery out?
23:56   Vera   Nooooooooo.
23:57   Vera   Whirr.
23:57      *** [Wrydryn] joined #TWG
23:57   Jerry   And that wouldn't make any sense
23:57   Jerry   Oh hai
23:57   Vera   Universe-X had better still b-
23:57   Vera   Yaaaaaaaaay.
23:58   [Wrydryn]   Can someone post the last five lines or so before I left?
23:58   Vera   23:56   Jerry   battery out?  23:56   Vera   Nooooooooo. 23:57   Vera   Whirr.
23:58   Vera   Oh.
23:58   Vera   Whoops.
23:58   Vera   23:55   Jerry   No, we don't need to know specific players, just whether that's human or wolf 23:55   Jerry   if we have any wolves present in this chat, we don't need to narrow down the list for them 23:56   Vera   True, but to make such a wild presumption is very arbitrary. 23:56   Vera   WHAT IF. 23:56   Vera   WE'RE ALL WOLVES. 23:56   Vera   ALL 3 OF US. 23:56   Vera   
23:58   [Wrydryn]   The app just crashed is all
23:58   Vera   Then I said ""
23:59   [Wrydryn]   Oh god, we're all wolves
23:59   [Wrydryn]   D:
23:59   Vera   D:
23:59   Vera   Aww.
23:59   Vera   Jub3r7's computer crashed or something.
23:59   Vera   *
00:00   [Wrydryn]   My iPod is about to die anyways
00:02   Vera   HEY.
00:04      *** NSMGuest90 joined #TWG
00:04   NSMGuest90   I am here
00:04   Vera   Yaaaaaaaaay.
00:04      *** Jub3r7 joined #TWG
00:04   Vera   Concerto or Universe-X?
00:04      *** NSMGuest90 is now known as Concerto
00:04   Jub3r7   HA WHAT NOW SUCKAS
00:04   Vera   Yaaaaaaaaay.
00:04   Vera   Okay, so.
00:04   Jub3r7   Because
00:04   Jub3r7   I know my brother's password
00:04   Vera   Concerto, what is your opinion on the Cirno wolfing?
00:04   Vera   
00:04   Jub3r7   and he's an administrator
00:05   [Wrydryn]   2% and still alive
00:05   [Wrydryn]   Lolno
00:05   Jub3r7   I wonder what happens when I ping myself
00:05   Jub3r7   Jerry
00:06   Jub3r7   teehee
00:06   Vera   How about.
00:06   Vera   Lolyes
00:06      *** U-X joined #TWG
00:06   Concerto   What
00:06   Vera   Also, Concerto-
00:06   U-X   wat
00:06   Vera   Universe-X!
00:06   Concerto   I suppose I should check out the thread
00:06   Vera   Okay, interrogation time!
00:06   Vera   Concerto is A+ TWGer.
00:06   Jub3r7   Jerry
00:06   U-X   k
00:06   Jub3r7   So u-x, are you human?
00:06   [Wrydryn]   Lolno
00:06   Jub3r7   yeah I didn't think so
00:07   Vera   Do you believe this was from the Wolf or Human Tribune?
00:07      *** [Wrydryn] quit (Client exited)
00:07      U-X is human
00:07   U-X   and I would believe it's from humans
00:07   Vera   Why?
00:08   U-X   it sounds like something a human would say *shrug*
00:08   Vera   How so?
00:09   U-X   "lynch some wolf ass"
00:09   Vera   And why wouldn't a Wolf say that?
00:09   U-X   "strategies are developing" (made me think *Concerto*)
00:09   U-X   Cuz a wolf would totally lynch some wolf ass,
00:09   U-X   blah
00:09   U-X   idrc tbh
00:09   Vera   They would say that.
00:10   Vera   Oh yes, I had forgotten.
00:10   Vera   You said you would join if we needed another player and would probably remain indifferent to the game.
00:10   Vera   Ahhh, I've forgotten to take that into account.
00:10   Vera   But nevertheless anyway.
00:10   Vera   I think that the Tribune is a Wolf Tribune.
00:10   Vera   "Strategies are developing".
00:11   Vera   What sort of strategies could possible be created by the start of Day 1?
00:11   Vera   possibly*
00:11   Jub3r7   idk, maybe they thought of some way for the humans to figure out which one is which?
00:11   U-X   Strategies are always developing the more games we play,
00:11   U-X   *.
00:11   Jub3r7   how to find the psychic? who to seer?
00:11   Jub3r7   what to tribute?
00:12   Vera   Yes, but they're speaking of strategies to find Wolves.
00:12   Vera   Nothing had happened when the tribune was posted.
00:12   Vera   And really, we have a Seer and a Tribune looking for a Psychic and Wolves.
00:12   Vera   You cannot do anything without input from the players.
00:13   Vera   So no strategy could have been created.
00:13   Concerto   Hhm
00:13   Concerto   Okay read the thread
00:13   Jub3r7   They didn't say anything about the strategies implying how to find the wolves.
00:13   Concerto   Seems like the Tribune was written by a wolf
00:13   Vera   Why do you believe that, Concerto?
00:14   Concerto   Seeing how there is no activity
00:14   Vera   Also.
00:14   Concerto   Maybe, I'll MAKE some activity
00:14   Vera   Universe-X, "Awesome tribune is awesome xD".
00:15   Vera   What's your reasons for making this post?
00:15   Vera   What are*
00:15   Vera   It lacks substance and seems to make too rash of an assumption that the Tribune sent was a Human one.
00:16   Jub3r7   If u-x was a wolf, it would make sense for him to assume the tribune was human if he was the wolf tribune and forgot to send anything.
00:17   Jub3r7   Or if he didn't send anything on purpose
00:17   U-X   Vera- it made me laugh? >.>
00:17   Vera   Why did it make you laugh?
00:18   Vera   Actually, now that you mention it, Jub3r7, it would be a very clever strategy not to send in a Wolf Tribune.
00:18   Vera   But do you believe Universe-X would be the type of person to do that?
00:18   U-X   Because of the multi-use of the word ass and allusion to the Antoine Dodson vid.
00:18   Jub3r7   antoine dodson? oh
00:18   Jub3r7   oh
00:19   Jub3r7   I knew there was a reference to something
00:19   U-X   and I'm a human.
00:19   Vera   Hmm...
00:19   U-X   fyi
00:19   Vera   Every single person in this game is going to claim Human though.
00:19   Jub3r7   U-x, you just revealed everything
00:20   Jub3r7   and somehow secretly revealed your wolf partners
00:20   Jub3r7   But u-x did save my life a couple games ago even though he was a wolf.
00:20   Jub3r7   u-x does play a good wolf.
00:21   Jub3r7   Okay, so why do you think they chose cirno?
00:22   Jub3r7   er, winterkid
00:22   U-X   How did I reveal anything other than "I'm a human"? -_-
00:23   U-X   and last game I played was me trying out some personal deception techniques I came up with.
00:23   U-X   this game, I don't really care.
00:24   Vera   What's your opinion on the Cirno wolfing, though?
00:25   U-X   It's not unexpected.
00:25   Vera   Why?
00:25   U-X   I have a real strong feeling that he's a blue, idk why ._.
00:25   U-X   Maybe that's cuz of my last game,
00:25   U-X   but idk.
00:25   Jub3r7   who, winter?
00:26   Jub3r7   u-x
00:26   Concerto   Aren't the wolves required to send in a tribune?
00:26   U-X   Jub- yeah
00:26   Jub3r7   Both were supposed to be required to send one in
00:26   U-X   Concerto- is there a penalty otherwise?
00:26   Concerto   That's what I'd like to know
00:26   Jub3r7   Both the human and the wolf tribune were supposed to send one in
00:27   U-X   There better be one ._.
00:27   Vera   "Btw, Tribunes and Seer have to/can use their powers this phase.  And yes, I'm making the Tribunes mandatory."
00:27   Jub3r7   Apparently they didn't send one on purpose.
00:27   Vera   ~SlowPokemon
00:27   Jub3r7   or didn't
00:27   Concerto   hhm
00:28   Vera   However, a tribune is missing.
00:28   Vera   And since he stated "Tribunes mandatory", I'm presuming he updated without receiving one of the Tribunes.
00:28   Vera   Though, Jub3r7 has stated that it's possible that a tribune was not sent purposely, but I feel that it's unlikely; it would probably do more harm than good.
00:29   U-X   Can I go now?
00:29   Jub3r7   no
00:29   U-X   k
00:31   Jub3r7   WRY SUSPECTS VERA
00:31   Jub3r7   Or he pretends to at least
00:31   Jub3r7   I SUSPECT U-X
00:31   Jub3r7   And
00:32   Jub3r7   um
00:32   Jub3r7   JERRY ALSO SUSPECTS U-X
00:32   Vera   Concerto - ???  Jub3r7 - Maybe Human, but I don't know, it's too early for me to make a decision  Universe-X - I'm thinking he's a Wolf, but as he stated before, he's indifferent to this game (However, if this were true, I don't think he would be concerned about being lynched)  Whirr - He seems to be completely aloof this game (Not knowing his role until toda
00:32   Vera   y
00:33   Vera   and forgetting game mechanics.  I would presume that if he were a Wolf, his Partners would at least give him some insight about some things about the game), so I'm thinking he's Human, but I won't be rash and believe he's Human until I have better evidence supporting him.
00:34   U-X   I'm not concerned about being lynched, lol
00:34   Vera   You're defending yourself though!
00:35   U-X   Cuz you guys are pressing me to.
00:35   Jub3r7   that's 100% trying to be indifferent.
00:35   Vera   Perhaps I may have accidentally looked to deep into the situation though.
00:35   Vera   But still!
00:35   Jub3r7   keyword trying.
00:35   Vera   So Universe-X, have you formulated any suspicions after this conversation?
00:35   Vera   Do you believe anyone is Human?
00:36   Vera   You don't need strong evidence.
00:36   Vera   But you should give us some input of to why you believe so.
00:36   Jub3r7   Is shadokirby in the twg?
00:36   U-X   Suspicions?
00:36   U-X   idk
00:36   U-X   Anyone that's human?
00:36   U-X   Me,
00:36   Vera   Yes, he is, Jub3r7.
00:36   Jub3r7   Oh
00:36   Jub3r7   he's in tinychat
00:37   Jub3r7   go get himmm
00:37   U-X   and I was gonna say Concerto, but idk now.
00:37   Vera   Why is that?
00:37   Jub3r7   Okay waitwaitwait
00:37   Vera   I mean, why did you change your opinion of him?
00:37   Jub3r7   you thought concerto was the human tribune.
00:37      *** NSMGuest20 joined #TWG
00:38   Vera   Yaaaaaaaaay.
00:38   Jub3r7   But you thought he was a wolf?
00:38      *** NSMGuest20 is now known as shadowkirby
00:38   shadowkirby   
00:38   Jub3r7   hai shadow
00:38   shadowkirby   hai jub
00:39   U-X   Mashi- cuz I thought he wrote the tribune,
00:39   U-X   but not anymore.
00:39   Vera   Why?
00:39   U-X   Then again, no one's probably gonna admit to it.
00:39   Jub3r7   u-x, why are you wondering who wrote the tribune if you think it's human?
00:40   U-X   I'm not wondering,
00:40   U-X   I made a guess
00:40   U-X   and I took it back.
00:40   Jub3r7   You've made multiple guesses.
00:40   Jub3r7   that's wondering.
00:40   Jub3r7   Concerto? nah Mashi? nah Yeah that's wondering.
00:42   Jub3r7   Again, why do you care who the tribune is if you think the tribune is human?
00:43      Jub3r7 pings u-x
00:44   U-X   oh
00:44   U-X   um
00:44   U-X   one sec lemme think
00:44   U-X   When did I say Mashi?
00:45   U-X   And here's my logic on the matter:
00:45   U-X   Concerto would write something like that IF he was human, judging from past games.
00:45   U-X   In that sense, I would pose him as human.
00:45   U-X   But, he's wondering who the tribune is now,
00:45   U-X   so idk.
00:47   Jub3r7   u-x, you didn't answer my question
00:47   Jub3r7   Why do you care who the tribune is, if you think the tribune is human?
00:49   U-X   I thought what I said would've made it clear, but anyways
00:49   U-X   that would strike out someone from suspicion of being a wolf,
00:49   U-X   i.e. Concerto,
00:49   U-X   but not anymore.
00:49   U-X   Comprende?
00:50   Vera   Why did it take you so long to respond?
00:50   U-X   Cuz I'm talking to other people too
00:50   U-X   facebook,
00:50   U-X   phone,
00:50   U-X   and I'm watching youtube videos
00:50   U-X   .
00:51   U-X   Yep,
00:51   U-X   whatever you say.
00:51   Vera   
00:51   Jub3r7   self-incrimination can be used as evidence
00:52   U-X   And evidence only.
00:52   U-X   Not proof.
00:52   Jub3r7   I was joking.
00:52      *** Purple1222119 joined #TWG
00:53   U-X   k
00:53   Vera   Mister Purple!
00:53   Purple1222119   Hello Vera!
00:53   Purple1222119   I like the idea of tribunes, they are hilarious.
00:54   Jub3r7   Do you think this tribune is wolf or human?
00:54   shadowkirby   wolf
00:54   U-X   Jub, what do you think?
00:54   Purple1222119   You know, I always looked at it as if it were human, but now that you say it, that is very interesting
00:55   Purple1222119   I'm still new at this, so idk.
00:55   Jub3r7   speaking of which, have you played twg?
00:55   U-X   *cough*
00:55   U-X   Jub, what do you think?
00:56   Jub3r7   human, probably
00:56   Purple1222119   I have, I was in TWG II
00:56   Purple1222119   That's it
00:56   U-X   kk
00:57   Jub3r7   Cause wolves wouldn't make a pointless tribune bashing themselves
00:57   Vera   Hey guys, I'm going to post this entire log in the TWG.
00:57   Vera   I think they would, Jub3r7!
00:57   Jub3r7   If they were going to bash themselves, it would have to have at least some important information
00:57   Jub3r7   They would only bash themselves if it had a purpose, right?
00:57   Vera   But what important information can be had by the start of Day 1?
00:57   Jub3r7   Exactly, which is why the wolves wouldn't bother bashing themselves on day 1.
00:58   Vera   Wolves want to seem as Human as possible.
00:58   Vera   If bashing themselves make them look Human, they're going to do it.
00:58   Jub3r7   It's pointless looking human if they don't have any information to share.
00:58   U-X   1) Obviously we can't determine if the post was made by human or wolf just from reading it.
00:58   Jub3r7   Does that make sense?
00:58   Vera   But then.
00:58   Vera   Why would Humans do that?
00:58   Purple1222119   The thing about that is that, tribunes are anonymous, so that doesn't really make sense
00:58   U-X   2)...
00:58   Vera   If it's pointless?
00:58   U-X   i forgot
00:58   U-X   And why not?
00:59   U-X   Oh yeah,
00:59   U-X   2) Who needs evidence to make a tribune like that?
00:59   Purple1222119   Think of it as sort of a starting pep-talk.
00:59   U-X   It could be made by any generic human.
00:59   Purple1222119   You know, like "Yeah let's win this thing" basically
00:59   Vera   Precisely.
01:00   Vera   Now I have to reiterate why I think it's a Wolf Tribune, aaaaaaaaah.
01:00   Vera   Okay, so.
01:00   Vera   "Strategies are developing"
01:00   Vera   This part doesn't suit my fancy.
01:01   Jub3r7   What if they were implying that there was strategy in that tribune?
01:01   Vera   What sort of strategies could the Seer and Tribune have concocted by the end of Night 1?
01:01   Purple1222119   Exactly
01:01   Vera   Exactly to Jub3r7 or me?
01:01   Purple1222119   What possible strategies can you develop at the very start of the game?
01:02   Jub3r7   
01:02   Vera   Anyway, they couldn't have created any, because the only strategies they could create would be strategies that would aid them in finding the Psychic and Wolves; which requires input from the players (Which was absent the entire Night 1).
01:02   Vera   Therefore, I would presume the Wolf Tribune was saying that in order to seem Human.
01:02   shadowkirby   exactly
01:03   Purple1222119   hmmmmm
01:03   U-X   Doesn't one of the blues know someone else or something?
01:03   Jub3r7   But seeming human would do nothing for them in the first night phase.
01:03   Vera   Yes it would.
01:03   Vera   Humans are going to discern which tribune is which.
01:03   Jub3r7   How?
01:03   Vera   Wolf Tribunes are always going to have to seem Human.
01:04   Vera   The same way as we're doing now!
01:04   Purple1222119   Really, I think the only thing we can do is wait until both tribunes are submitted to compare how they are phrased and such.
01:05   U-X   Can I go now?
01:05   Vera   Why do you want to leave?
01:05   Purple1222119   
01:05   Jub3r7   He's afraid of being found out
01:05   Jub3r7   but it's too late, u-x. We already have the chat logs. all of them
01:05   U-X   1) Cuz this is too much for me to comprehend with stuff going on right now.
01:05   U-X   2)
01:05   shadowkirby   Wut.
01:05   Jub3r7   also purple
01:05   U-X   idc
01:05   Purple1222119   yes?
01:06   U-X   3) I'm spitting into a bottle.
01:06   U-X   4) irdc
01:06   Jub3r7   I have all of the chatlogs. All of them!
01:06   shadowkirby   Then don't play.
01:06   Purple1222119   lol all of the references. All of them!
01:07   U-X   shadow- lol, people asked me to so yeah
01:07   Jub3r7   for the record
01:07   shadowkirby   Ohok
01:07   U-X   but I don't like accusations atm >.<
01:07   Jub3r7   that was a reference to a comic that purple and I read
01:07   Jub3r7   so people reading the logs don't get confused
01:07   Purple1222119   XD Ok
01:08   U-X   So, I can go now, right?
01:09   Vera   Fiiiiiiiiine.
01:09   U-X   kthxbai
01:09      *** U-X quit (Q:- NSM Chatroom)


In response to you guys, I couldn't wait any longer to update the phase. Do you think there should be a penalty or something if two are missed?

Btw that log was like the best thing ever.

Ok. Host out.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


No, it should be penalty enough if a Player doesn't use his power.

Anyway, although it's long, I highly recommend that all other players read the log.  The log contains information that could be pertinent to the game (Such as some people's views on each others, opinions on the Tribune, etc.), so it's very informative.
