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TWG XVIII: Adelaide's Impetuous Adventures of Inanity In the Macrocosm...

Started by SlowPokemon, July 18, 2011, 07:21:33 AM

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Read this log, it has very incriminating information.
Anyway, I'm going to vote for Dude.  I really find the suspicion Dude has put onto himself very difficult to reverse, so my vote is very unlikely to change.

23:51   Vera   Sending a message Dude, hmm?
23:51   Vera   And to (ostensibly) shadowkirby_64?
23:51   Vera   How very interesting.
23:52   Vera
23:53   Vera   SOMEONE REACT.
23:53   [Wrydryn]   I can't zoom in
23:54   Dude   I was just questioning him about his thoughts
23:54   Vera   Why him?
23:54   [Wrydryn]   Why not him?
23:54   Dude   Well hasn't been active very much...
23:54   Vera   Because he's inactive.
23:54   [Wrydryn]   So is everyone else
23:54   Vera   Ma- yes.
23:55   Vera   Also, you confess to sending him a message.
23:55   [Wrydryn]   Just the people in the chat aren't
23:55   Dude   I was trying to give him a "Hey, get to the chat"
23:55   [Wrydryn]   Who does?
23:55   Vera   Doodle does.
23:55   Vera   So you questioned him.
23:55   Vera   And asked him to get into the chat.
23:55   Vera   When he wasn't online?
23:55   [Wrydryn]   You do it
23:55   Dude   I'm going to bed in 4 minutes
23:56   Vera   Okay.
23:56   Vera   Also, do what, Whirr?
23:56   Dude   Mom wants me to go to bed earlier ._.
23:56   Vera   Okay.
23:56   [Wrydryn]   Tell people to get on the chat
23:56   Vera   But why PM this one person specifically and why PM him when he's offline?
23:57   [Wrydryn]   Because there's no other way to communicate?
23:57   Vera   And he augmented to his story.
23:57   Vera   First he stated that he was questioning him.
23:57   Vera   Then he stated he was also inviting him to the chat.
23:57   U-X   -.-
23:57   [Wrydryn]   And then he told him to share his drugs
23:57   Dude   You do know I didn't send it to /just/ him
23:58   Vera   "I was trying to give him a "Hey, get to the chat""
23:58   Vera   You specifically stated a "him".
23:58   [Wrydryn]   You're the one who made it specific
23:58   Vera   Okay, lets make this easy then.
23:58   Vera   Screenshot.
23:58   Vera   Gogogogogogogogogo.
23:59   Dude   Me?
23:59   U-X   ofu4bgihj3boveranalyzingurbgfiu23bg5
23:59   Vera   Yes.
23:59   U-X   werjbgfxwbtgactingpretentiousrgjb34gb3
23:59   Dude   "[00:00:00]"
23:59   Dude   g2g
23:59   Vera   Universe-X, you're prohibited from speaking about the game.
23:59   Dude   I'll see ya tomorrow
23:59   Vera   Okay.
23:59   Vera   Byeeeeeeeee.
23:59   Dude   Also, I never save things to the sent folder
00:00   Dude   Because I always forget to check it!
00:00   Vera   Okay, I'll believe that.
00:00   Dude   It should be on by default imo
00:00   [Wrydryn]   I just never do it anyways
00:00   Dude   Anyway
00:00   Dude   Night
00:00   [Wrydryn]   Night
00:00      *** Dude quit (Q:- ._.)
00:01   Vera   So Whirr.
00:01   [Wrydryn]   Yah?
00:01   Vera   Let me give you a bit of background information.
00:01   Vera   Well, actually, let me just post the short log I had with Doodle.
00:01   [Wrydryn]   Tl;dr
00:01   Vera   Let me go to Chatzilla.
00:01   [Wrydryn]   9-9
00:02      *** Mashi joined #twg
00:02   Mashi   23:41   Vera   Okay, so I don't know when the Seer and Tribune are coming back online and Day 2 is ending tomorrow, so I'm going to act autonomously for now.
00:02   Mashi   23:41   Vera   You were seered Red Night 1.
00:02   Mashi   23:41   Vera   Discuss.
00:02   Mashi   23:41   Dude   I guess I'm the miller then...
00:02   Mashi   23:42   Vera   Do you have any evidence supporting that stance?
00:02   Mashi   23:42   Dude   Well, I'm human
00:02   Mashi   23:42   Dude   I don't know what else to tell you
00:02   Mashi   23:42   Dude   I wasn't told
00:02   Mashi   23:43   Vera   Hmm...
00:02   Mashi   23:44   Vera   Well, I can't think of anything to elicit a response further.
00:02   Mashi   23:44   Vera   You weren't seered red last Phase, I was just testing for a response.
00:02   Mashi   23:44   Dude   ok
00:02   Mashi   23:44   Dude   Ah
00:02   Mashi   23:44   Dude   Ok
00:03   Mashi   23:45   Vera   Don't tell anyone though, okay?????????
00:03   Mashi   23:45   Vera   I'm going to try it with other players and see if it leads me anywhere.
00:03   Mashi   23:45   Dude   Sounds good!
00:03   [Wrydryn]   So was he Seered red or what?
00:03   Vera   If I were to take a guess, the contents of his PM to shadowkirby_64 probably included him warning him (And probably the other Wolf too) of the tactic I was planning to use.
00:04   Vera   No, I just said he was seered red to get a response.
00:04   [Wrydryn]   I honestly don't think so
00:04   [Wrydryn]   Not only you can question people
00:04   Vera   Then what do you suggest he was doing?
00:04   [Wrydryn]   No idea
00:04   Vera   Deciding to PM shadowkirby_64?
00:05   Vera   To 'question him'.
00:05   Vera   And then later stating he was also inviting him to the chat.
00:05   Vera   Despite him not even being online.
00:05   Vera   In fact.
00:05   Vera   I don't believe anyone else in the game was online either.
00:05   Vera   Let me check.
00:05   Vera   drpamplemousse was.
00:05   Vera   But that's it.
00:06   [Wrydryn]   "lol hey what do you think about this player?!?! R they a wulf? Also com 3 da chat so we can tlk moar!"
00:06   Vera   A normal Human would most definitely not capriciously do that.
00:06   [Wrydryn]   What about you?
00:06   Vera   I wouldn't.
00:06   [Wrydryn]   ...
00:07   [Wrydryn]   Well you bombard people with questions
00:07   Vera   But PMing is different, especially when you randomly PM someone something arbitrarily.
00:07   [Wrydryn]   He could've PM him earlier
00:08   Vera   I'm doubting that, considering they're both inactive.
00:08   Vera   And I'm sure Doodle would have stated that if it were so.
00:08   [Wrydryn]   So?
00:09   [Wrydryn]   Point is for me, a little suspicious but everything always is
00:09   Vera   A little?
00:10   [Wrydryn]   So I'm not really sure what dude might be
00:10   Vera   I think you're giving the situation too little credit.
00:10   [Wrydryn]   Really, if you want to over analyze it, go talk to someone else
00:10   Vera   Okay, I'm posting this in the thread anyway.
00:11   [Wrydryn]   Even you probably think I'm acting suspicious
00:11   Vera   And for once, I' not over analyzing.
00:11   [Wrydryn]   ...
00:11   Vera   Yes, I do.
00:11   Vera   Over analyzing is what I did with Universe-X.
00:11   U-X   .....................................
00:11   Vera   I'm basing everything off of complete facts this time; I don't need to stress any small details.
00:12   [Wrydryn]   Hnng
00:12      [Wrydryn] suicides
00:13   Vera   is that a confession!?!?!?!?!
00:13   [Wrydryn]   Over analyzing
00:13   Vera   Sure.
00:14   [Wrydryn]   :|


My computer is acting all like a bob saget. but i'll try to be super active anyways

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!



If it's possible, you should join the chatroom.


I really think you should reread part of that log. And as a side note, you didn't leave anytime in-between your questioning.

However I won't disagree that Dude isn't suspicious, but people still do use PMs to communicate. It's not unheard of, especially useful in a game as inactive as this one.

Also, due to events tomorrow I might not be able to make it on. Safety on pamplemousse again(no offense).


SuperFireKirby's in the chat because he's a cool kid.  He brought up a good point, asking about whether others received a message from Doodle, as he claims:
23:57   Dude   You do know I didn't send it to /just/ him

If anyone received a PM from Dude at ~11:50PM EST of June 23rd, please say so.




I like food.


Well, Mashi and I have been discussing in the chatroom. And I think I agree with everything he's said. So my vote is for Dude. The PM to shadowkirby is suspicious, as is the fact that shadowkirby abruptly left the chat when questioned about it. So there is my vote.
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Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Well, my internet has been acting up for the past few days... ugh, so I have to tether my mom's phone (cause it's Android, and WP7 [even Mango] can't tether). I still have to fix a few things.

Dude it is.



Holy shit the person in that picture almost looks exactly like me except I'm a bit less nerdy.[/off-topic]


I like food.


Adelaide walked out of the room and headed for what ostensibly would be the dinner table.  Upon reaching her destination, she was greeted by the face of a bizarre man.

"Hello!" said the man, bowing his top hat.  "We have a wide selection of dinner options, please, do take a look at our menu and choose whatever you would like!" he said, circling Adelaide.  "And please do take a seat!" he said, pushing Adelaide into a chair.

"Peculiar, that wasn't present before." Adelaide thought to herself.  The moment she had begun thinking this, an extensive dinner table had appeared in front of her, already set with any accessories required to dine.

"Your menu, madame." the man said, handing her a menu and a teacup, filled with what appeared to be cold earl grey.  To not appear rude, Adelaide took a sip, despite its horrid taste.

"What an eccentric man." Adelaide stated to herself, almost contemptuously.  "And who might you be?" she said aloud to the man.

"Who am I?" the man said, glaring at her, as if her innocuous remark was one of which constituted the most vituperative censure any one statement could possess.

Emphasizing each word, "Who am I?" the man said.

"I AM ZUUL!" a disembodied voice bellows with tremendous volume from the air around you, completely out-of-sync with your the man's soft whisper.

The shopping basket menu slips from her Adelaide's limp arm hand. The commotion near the front of the store suddenly stops.

“WATCH ME SOAR!” you the man declares, and cast a spell you’d he'd prepared in anticipation of ship-to-dragon boarding actions- Jump. You He springs towards the ceiling, clearing the astonished maid Adelaide by a good three feet, and land near the back door, which you he dashes out of. "I AM ZUUL" and onward to here was taken from here:


Adelaide can spare no words.  "Hmph, any my mother fancies me crazy when such choleric madmen run freely as if anything is their own business.  How categorically churlish." she whimpered to herself as the menu bopped onto her head.  It opened up as it fell to the ground.  Adelaide picked it up.

"Tea, tea, tea... is there nothing else?  I should have suspected as much from a man who appears to be dearth of any intelligence in his cranial head.  No matter, I was never in the mood for dinner and this nonsense certainly has not changed that." Adelaide said to herself, about to exit the house, that is, until it appears that she has crushed something.

"Oh dear, the tea cup has shattered." she said to herself indifferently.  She stared at the tea that had spread across the floor.  Her reflection could be seen, in all of its lurid luminescence.  She could see the enormity of all actions as the vices of humankind implemented Adelaide's scrying. 

She should have been petrified.  But she stood dormant.  And as she exited the house, she heard a thud on the ground.

Day Two is over. It was a really close call, but Dude is dead. It is now Night Three. Night Three ends tomorrow, Monday, July 25, 2011, at 9:00 PM EST. Also, any remaining Tribunes should get tribunes in to me. Or I will maul you. With a bear.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.