TWG XVIII: Adelaide's Impetuous Adventures of Inanity In the Macrocosm...

Started by SlowPokemon, July 18, 2011, 07:21:33 AM

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Okay, so since it's Night, I suppose I may as well try to give some tips to the Blues.

Okay, so Seer, if you seer anyone Blue, he's trustworthy and is either the Herring or Psychic, so claim to him and feel free to share anything and everything with him.  If you get any green results, the player is most likely Human (But we have a Master Wolf, so be wary of that), so if you don't trust your acumen, it would probably be best not to claim to him.  Though, it's highly probable that he is Human, so I would recommend that, for the moment, cross him off of your mental suspicion list and focus on finding people who are probably red Wolves that you haven't seered yet.  We can focus on the Master Wolf later, since it's usually the hardest role to discern a player from.

As for the Tribune.  If you seered anyone Red, I think it's evident that you should post it in the tribune.  If you seer someone Blue, don't post it in the tribune.  And if you seer someone green, it's up to you whether to post it in the tribune, though, I would recommend you do so, because it helps the Humans to try to find the Wolves as well.

Now, Psychic, you should focus on trying to correlate people with Wolves whenever a Wolf dies (Think of questions such as "Who defended him?", "Who was hesitant to vote for him?", "Who had an eccentric opinion about him?", "Who believed he was Human?", etc.).  When only one Wolf remains, you should claim to the thread and tell us who the other two Wolves were.  If it hasn't occurred already, the Seer and Tribune (If all 3 of you are miraculously alive) can claim to you and we can easily find the final Wolf if things go well.  For now though, try to stay put.

22:35      *** Vera joined #TWG
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22:35      +++ ChanServ has taken op from Vera
23:32      *** [Wrydryn] joined #TWG
23:33   [Wrydryn]   Psst
23:34   Vera   Whirrrrrrrrr.
23:34   [Wrydryn]   Link?
23:34   Vera
23:34   [Wrydryn]   Thanks
23:42   [Wrydryn]   I have a feeling you might get wolfed tonight
23:44      [Wrydryn] pokes Mashi
23:45   Vera   
23:45   Vera   Well, I suppose that's not too bad.
23:45   Vera   At least the Blues get to survive, since I'm Human.
23:45   [Wrydryn]   Unless the wolves seer the right person
23:46   [Wrydryn]   Unless that was U-X
23:46   Vera   If he were a Blue, I would hope that he be smart enough to state so.
23:47   Vera   Because to lynch a Blue would only exacerbate the situation most likely.
23:47   [Wrydryn]   Wut
23:47   Vera   Lynching a Blue =
23:47   [Wrydryn]   Iz tired, no brain work
23:48   Vera   ees oh kai i ken bee liek tat somtyms 2
23:48   Vera   That reminds me.
23:48   Vera   Whirr, you should draw more art!
23:48   [Wrydryn]   Most people use it as a get out of jail free card
23:48   [Wrydryn]   Lol
23:48   [Wrydryn]   You're funny
23:51   Vera   Pleeeeeeeeease?
23:51   Vera   What if.
23:51   Vera   I request something?????????
23:51   [Wrydryn]   Such as?
23:51   Vera   Mustachio'd Cyndaquil wearing a sombrero and monocle.
23:52   [Wrydryn]   That sounds fucking awesome but...
23:52   [Wrydryn]   It's more up etf's ally
23:52   Vera   Mustachio'd Whirr wearing a sombrero and monocle?
23:53   [Wrydryn]   A lobster wearing a sombrero and monocle?
23:53   Vera   Sure.
23:53   [Wrydryn]   My fishing trip ended with me being burnt
23:53   [Wrydryn]   So I'm red
23:53   Vera   
23:54   [Wrydryn]   Get it?
23:54   Vera   Are you alright now?
23:54   Vera   Yes.
23:54      [Wrydryn] slaps knee
23:54   Vera   
23:54   [Wrydryn]   Yah I'm fine
23:54   [Wrydryn]   It's only my one arm and I have a tan line from my watch
23:54   Vera   How did you get burnt while fishing anyway?
23:55   [Wrydryn]   Well you see
23:55   [Wrydryn]   I was on a boat in bay
23:55   [Wrydryn]   And it was a 3/4ths day boat
23:55   [Wrydryn]   7Am-2PM
23:56   [Wrydryn]   And I was lazy and didn't put sunscreen on until halfway through the trip
23:56   [Wrydryn]   And even then I only had it on the right side of my body really
23:57   Vera   You're so frivolous.
23:57   [Wrydryn]   Sure am
23:57   Vera   Was it your drawing arm?
23:57   [Wrydryn]   I also caught a rag because I'm so pro at fishing
23:57   Vera   A+++++++++
23:58   [Wrydryn]   Nah, my left arm
23:58   Vera   Yaaaaaaaaay.
23:59   [Wrydryn]   Wait, I mean totally my drawing arm
23:59   [Wrydryn]   It's like all mangled now
00:00   [Wrydryn]   I won't be able to draw forever
00:00   Vera   omg im so soree 4 u
00:00   Vera   That reminds me again!
00:00   [Wrydryn]   ?
00:00   Vera   I want to learn how to draw realism.
00:00   Vera   Can I do it?????????
00:00   Vera   y/n?
00:00   [Wrydryn]   Perhaps
00:00   Vera   Well, I'm going to buy a book and try to teach myself.
00:01   [Wrydryn]   That's basically how I try to draw
00:01   Vera   Or borrow one from the library.
00:01   Vera   Could I be as professional as you?????????
00:01   [Wrydryn]   But my drawings always turn up terrible if I don't really have an idea for what I'm doing
00:01   [Wrydryn]   And I'm hardly professional
00:02   [Wrydryn]   Actually, not at all
00:02   [Wrydryn]   I haven't earned a single penny for my art
00:02   Vera   Hahahaha.
00:02   Vera   You're still a professional in my eyes, Whirr!
00:02      *** Purple1222119 joined #TWG
00:02   Vera   Hi Mister Purple!
00:02   Purple1222119   Hello
00:03   [Wrydryn]   By definition I'm not
00:03   [Wrydryn]   Hey there purple
00:03   [Wrydryn]   Brb
00:04   Purple1222119   I don't want to be mean, but I think U-X was a good choice regardless of his role, because if I recall, he didn't want to play in the first place.
00:05   Vera   Probably, though, I'm still not 100% sure he's a Wolf.
00:05   [Wrydryn]   True
00:05   Vera   He had both Wolf and Human qualities to him.
00:05   [Wrydryn]   Ditto for that
00:06   [Wrydryn]   But it's better to lynch someone who isn't helping when you have no idea who a wolf is
00:06   Vera   Yes.
00:06   Purple1222119   Yep.
00:08   [Wrydryn]   Speaking of which, any leads for wolfs?
00:11   Purple1222119   I still think it's too early, plus, too many inactive members.
00:12   [Wrydryn]   Well any idea for who's going to be wolfed?
00:12   [Wrydryn]   And then ideas for who might be a wolf depending on the kill?
00:13   Purple1222119   Hmmmmm....
00:13   Vera   I think the end of this Phase will prove to be very insightful.
00:13   Purple1222119   Yes, I think the same thing.
00:14   Vera   We'll have another wolfing to speculate on and a tribune that will hopefully be sent by the Human Tribune.
00:14   [Wrydryn]   So what should we do if it's you who dies Mashi?
00:15   Vera   Be active!
00:15   [Wrydryn]   Besides that
00:15   [Wrydryn]   Who will post the massive logs!?!
00:15   Vera   i dunno lol
00:16   Purple1222119   I actually think it might be you Mashi, because you've been the most active and helpful so far.
00:16   Vera   have a giant chat unrelated to twg and pretend its the most pertinent info 4 twig everrrrrrrrr
00:16   Vera   There are some possibilities for tonight's wolfings.
00:16   Vera   The Cirno wolfing is still bothering me.
00:17   Purple1222119   Yes, me too.
00:17   Vera   It seems just too random, in my opinion.
00:17   Vera   Anyway, there are a few factors the Wolves may take into account for their wolfing.
00:17   Purple1222119   Random... TOO Random.
00:17   Vera   Random wolfing is one possibility.
00:17   Vera   Wolfing someone they know or suspect is a blue.
00:17   [Wrydryn]   Inexperience
00:17   Vera   Wolf using Manti Rule.
00:18   Vera   Yes, they may make an inexperienced wolfing too.
00:18   Vera   Hmm...
00:18   Vera   That kindled an idea in my head.
00:18   Purple1222119   Could you explain Manti Rule?
00:18   Purple1222119   After you explain your idea, of course.
00:18   [Wrydryn]   Go after the experienced players first
00:18   Vera   Manti Rule essentially means that experienced players are always wolfed first, because they're professional.
00:18   Purple1222119   Oh ok, thanks.
00:19   Vera   Anyway, I recall Concerto mentioning once before that he was unaware of the game starting.
00:19   Vera   Lets say two of the Wolves are inexperienced.
00:19   Vera   Due to lack of support from Concerto, they wolfed Cirno due to their inexperience.
00:19   Vera   Now, Concerto knows that the game is in progress.
00:20   Vera   So if the wolfing becomes more intelligent, it's possible that he actually had some input in the wolfing.
00:20   Vera   Though, this is all a bit too idealistic anyway.
00:21   Vera   I've based my suspicions on wolfings a few times before and it ended up being quite accurate, but facts can easily be altered to frame others.
00:21   [Wrydryn]   Still possible
00:21   Vera   Yes.
00:21   Vera   Still possible, but not the only scenario.
00:22      *** NSMGuest53 joined #TWG
00:22      *** NSMGuest53 is now known as shadowkirby
00:22   Vera   Hi shadowkirby!
00:22   shadowkirby   hihihi
00:22   Vera   I'm so proud of you all, coming into the chat.
00:22   Vera   shadowkirby, who do you think will be wolfed this Phase?
00:23   [Wrydryn]   But it's 12:23 in the morning for me
00:23   Vera   What does that mean, Whirr? :
00:23   Vera   *
00:23   shadowkirby   its 8:30 for me
00:23   Purple1222119   9:30 for me
00:23   [Wrydryn]   It's late and I'm on vacation
00:23   Vera   12:23AM for me.
00:24   Vera   So do you need to go to bed?
00:24   [Wrydryn]   I don't need too
00:24   Vera   Yaaaaaaaaay.
00:24   Vera   <3
00:24   [Wrydryn]   I just want to get up early tomorrow
00:24   Vera   
00:25   shadowkirby   So, mashi
00:26   Vera   Yes?
00:26   shadowkirby   you think people who have a life should be banned?
00:26   Vera   ya
00:26   Vera   Especially those who join a TWG without committing into it.
00:26   shadowkirby   I put time into it.
00:26   Vera   If a person doesn't have time to play, he/she shouldn't join in the first place.
00:27   Vera   You haven't given any input though.
00:27   Vera   Quality over quantity.
00:27   shadowkirby   trudat
00:28   Vera   I apologize if I was a bit rude with the threats though, I was trying to intimidate others into being active.
00:28   [Wrydryn]   Good luck with that
00:28   shadowkirby   That's okay
00:29   [Wrydryn]   Who's keeping track of phantoms by the way?
00:29   Vera   No one I think.
00:29   [Wrydryn]   Great
00:30   [Wrydryn]   I would do it but I only have my iPod
00:30   Vera   Though, if I'm correct, Jub3r7 and Concerto got Phantoms.
00:30   Vera   And maybe Mister Purple if SlowPokemon isn't lenient.
00:30   Vera   You're supposed to bold your vote, Mister Purple!
00:31   Vera   Anyway, brb for a few minutes.
00:31   Purple1222119   Sorry, I was going to fix it after I posted, but then I remembered that you said you couldn't edit posts.
00:31   [Wrydryn]   Doesn't matter that much
00:31   shadowkirby   k
00:31   Purple1222119   I didn't notice it 'til then
00:35   Vera   Okay, back.
00:35   [Wrydryn]   When do we expect any blues to step forward?
00:35   Vera   Not until at least one Wolf is alive.
00:35   Vera   Then Psychic will claim.
00:35   [Wrydryn]   Unless Psychic is dead
00:36   Vera   True.
00:36   Vera   We'll see how things play out then I suppose.
00:38   [Wrydryn]   Alright


With an apathetic expression, a young girl around 13 or 14 years of age strolled in a European slum in her home of Southampton, England.  She stared to and fro.  She could see dead people.  Cars crashing into each other.  Guns being fired from nowhere.  She could see demons running about, terrorizing civilians and lampooning their petrified expressions.  She could see her friends attempting to provide solace for her, but their presence was transient, for they would disappear when she cared to listen.

She stood in front of an ostentatious home.  The windows shattered as she approached and the door opened up immediately for her.  She tried to walk in, only to stumble back from what appeared to be a barrier between outside and inside the house.  The door shut.  She opened it again and walked in, with no hindrance.  She heard a thump from behind her as she stepped in.  She ignored it.

She climbed up the stairs and entered a long dusty hallway.  Torches were dimly lit and little light came from the windows.  She walked a bit and entered a room.  The shattered remains of a mirror were spread out everywhere.  Remnants of blood were distributed across the surface of nearly every shattered piece, as if they were broken individually.  Music could be heard in another room.  She exited the room she was in and walked down the rest of the hall.  As the music grew louder, the light from the lamps abated.  The hallway became sullen and dark.

After some time, she found herself in a room nearly identical to the previous room.  A piano which had not been in either room was now present.  Mozart's Concerto No. 20 in D Minor was being played, though, no keys were being pressed on the piano.  She walked over to it and proceeded to pressing a few pieces.  She arbitrarily began banging on notes and a cadence of such a mellifluous tone perpetrated her ears.  The piano disappeared and the music abated.

"Adelaide, dinner time." someone called.

A thump was heard on the ground.

Night Two is over. Concerto No. 20 in D Minor is dead. It is now Day Two. Day Two ends Sunday, July 24, 2011, at 9:00 PM EST.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


If no one really sent in a tribune due to inactivity, I hate the tribunes forever and ever.

Anyway, I would like to avoid what happened last Phase (The lynch on Universe-X was based off of plausible, but not extraordinarily strong evidence).  Despite it being Day 1, had people contributed, we could have accomplished a great deal more.

Anyway, the lack of tribunes is really bothering me.  Not sending in a tribune should not be a strategy considering tribunes are our only source of information.  I'm especially disappointed in the Human Tribune (Unless it was Universe-X (Though, I would expect him to have claimed his Role if he was), but I'm doubting it).

Actually, Mister Purple brought up a good point in the chat, if the Human Tribune is wolfed, is his tribune still sent in?  I would have intended all powers to occur simultaneously (For example, if a Vigi vigi'd someone and the Wolves wolfed the Vigi, both the Vigi's target and the Vigi would be killed.  Or at least, this is what would happen in my experience).  However, you're the Host, so it's your decision (And if he is the Tribune, Concerto's role would be revealed, which may be unfair to either side, depending on the scenario).

But anyway, people should get onto the chat to discuss the game, because we're already in a rough spot at the moment and we can't afford making any mistakes.


I completely forgot about tribunes especially considering NO ONE SENT ONE IN.

If the Tribune is wolfed, his tribune will still be published for that night.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


I edited in the first part of the story on Page 2 when Night 1 ended.  It's shorter than I had hoped, but I'll try to make the segments longer as I go on.  I apologize in advance if it's atrocious though; I'm not a writer. :(


Blah. I always die cause I lose Internet access when a twg starts. :<

Or maybe the wolves were liek "omg winter's the strongest, keel him"

Hell if I know. Have a good game I guess.



Well, I couldn't.

I was in San Diego for the day... it's epicness superseded my desire to go on the chat. 


I hid a lot of the stuff in the PM to protect the identity of the Blues. - Initial PM I receieved. - Concurrence with my idea of claiming Herring to the thread in order to unite the Blues with the Psychic.



Actually, I don't believe I've chatted with you at all in this game.  You, SuperFireKirby, and fingerz from the top of my head.

Anyway, the Seer's apparently not online anymore, so I'm not sure if I should reveal the other seering result.  In other news, the first Tribune sent was by the Human Tribune.  So I suppose that mean it's rather likely that Universe-X was a Human, so I apologize!

So Psychic should claim to me (Unless I'm not trusted for some reason.  If so, I'll try to substantiate my position.  Whirr and Mister Purple are both witnesses to me slipping up in the chat when Whirr arbitrarily decided to ask me if I received any claims).


You might also possibly be lynched due to your inactivity, since it appears that the Wolf Tribune is inactive.
Anyway, I understand that not much has gone in the game (Guess who's fault that is. D:< ), but I want every single player to come up with something.  If it helps, try correlating sets of 3 players together and see if that makes things easier.

Of course, if you're unsure about your list, you could always join the chat for some discussion.


11. Nakah
10. master_gamer38
9. Ruto
8. Saria
7. Nebbles
6. Hugomeister
5. JaMaHa
4. Roz~
3. Raymondbl
2. KefkaticFanatic
1. SlowPokemon
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


slowpokemon why isn't raymondbl at the top of your list?????????  r u sher yir not a wuff
