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TWG XVIII: Adelaide's Impetuous Adventures of Inanity In the Macrocosm...

Started by SlowPokemon, July 18, 2011, 07:21:33 AM

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I like food.


Why do you choose to support my argument over Universe-X's?  Supply reasons and your own opinion.  This goes for everyone else that plans to (should) vote.


Well, mostly because I felt that it was a wolf who posted the tribune in an effort to appear human.
I like food.


You should join the chat so we can discuss things more easily.


14:37      *** Vera joined #twg
Host signups.
Topic set by Master_Gamer38 on Thu May 26 2011 02:32:37 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
14:37   Vera   !!!
14:37   Vera   SUPERFIREKIRBY!
14:37   Vera   TWG.
14:37   Vera   Discuss.
14:37   SuperFireKirby   ohaiyOKAY
14:37   SuperFireKirby   UMMMMMMMM
14:37   Vera   Do you have any suspicions?
14:37   SuperFireKirby   no
14:38   Vera   What's your opinion on the Cirno wolfing?
14:38   SuperFireKirby   I haven't rly been paying too much attention to the game
14:38   Vera   I've noticed.
14:38   SuperFireKirby   I should go read some posts
14:38   Vera   You should.
14:38   SuperFireKirby   i kinda slightly scanned through your super long posts and the irc convos
14:38   SuperFireKirby   so why U-X
14:38   SuperFireKirby   or should I go read that too?
14:39   Vera   It would probably be easier for you to read that too.
14:39   SuperFireKirby   alrighty
14:39   Vera   I quoted pertinent parts of the chat and explained more in depth about them.
14:39   SuperFireKirby   anyways
14:39   SuperFireKirby   ARE YOU A WOLF
14:39   Vera   ya
14:39   Vera   i meen
14:39   Vera   no
14:40   SuperFireKirby   I really want to post that in the twg thread just to see what happens
14:40   SuperFireKirby   
14:40   Vera   Go ahead.
14:40   Vera   You should make an informative post along with that while you're at it!
14:41   SuperFireKirby   pshhhhhhh
14:41   SuperFireKirby   WHO DOES THAT IN TWG?
14:41   Vera   Cool people.
14:46   Vera   brb
14:49   SuperFireKirby   oh btw I think Ux's post "Awesome tribune is awesome" just means he thought it was funny/clever. But I love your over analyzation  of it.
14:51   Vera   Okay.
14:52   Vera   I overanalyzed askalice23 two games ago I believe and guess what Role he was!
14:58   Vera   SuperFireKirby????????
14:58   Vera   I see you reading Post Your Thoughts Of The Moment Thread 2.
14:59   SuperFireKirby   yes
14:59   SuperFireKirby   just read all the posts in twg before tho
14:59   Vera   TWG.
14:59   Vera   Discuss.
14:59   SuperFireKirby   OKAY
14:59   SuperFireKirby   AGAIN
14:59   SuperFireKirby   I don't know
14:59   SuperFireKirby   ux does seem somewhat suspicious
14:59   SuperFireKirby   so does jub
14:59   Vera   Okay, then.
15:00   Vera   Opinion on the Cirno wolfing?
15:00   SuperFireKirby   and no one else is really doing anything(including myself) so its hard to accuse anyone of trying to fly under the radar
15:00   SuperFireKirby   oh Cirno getting wlfed
15:00   SuperFireKirby   not sure
15:00   Vera   What do you think the Wolves were thinking when they made the wolfing?
15:01   SuperFireKirby   maybe just done at random cuz they weren't sure who to wolf or they thought he was a good player
15:01   SuperFireKirby   usually how wolfing #1 works
15:01   Vera   I'm a bit skeptical in believing the latter possibility, since there are more experienced players to Wolf due to the Manti Rule.
15:02   SuperFireKirby   yeah
15:02   Vera   I'm thinking that the Wolf Team comprises at least one experienced or unexperienced or inactive player though.
15:03   Vera   However, inactivity may not apply in this case since the Wolves did wolf in the first place.
15:03   Vera   And I believe the Wolves sent in the tribune.
15:03   Vera   But we have to be open to the possibilities I suppose.
15:04   Vera   Okay, so.
15:04   Vera   Do you think the tribune sent was from the Humans or Wolves?
15:05   SuperFireKirby   could go either way
15:06   SuperFireKirby   its just some silly post that could just as easily be made by the humans as the wolves
15:06   SuperFireKirby   But a human would probably try to use the power with more usefulness, i suppose
15:06   SuperFireKirby   so probably a wolf made it
15:07   Vera   What would you say if you sent in a tribune as a Human?
15:10   SuperFireKirby   Ummmmm I don't know
15:11   SuperFireKirby   I not the human tribune so it doesn't really matter
15:11   SuperFireKirby   but actually I'd probably say something along the same lines
15:11   Vera   Hmm...
15:11   SuperFireKirby   except with more awesomeness injected into the statement
15:12   SuperFireKirby   now for every tribune after the first one I'd try to make usefulness with it
15:12   Vera   Hey, should I give bans to players like fingerz and shadowkirby_64 after the game, because they don't ever do anything?
15:12   SuperFireKirby   with whatever my lead suspicion  was
15:12   SuperFireKirby   as well as a summary of passed events maybe
15:12   SuperFireKirby   oh
15:12   SuperFireKirby   ummmmm
15:13   Vera   You have 300 characters though.
15:13   SuperFireKirby   don't know
15:13   SuperFireKirby   well
15:13   Vera   It would have to be a very abridged summary if you want it to be succinct.
15:13   SuperFireKirby   you can be very brief with the tribune
15:13   SuperFireKirby   while still covering those points
15:13   SuperFireKirby   I guess
15:13   Vera   I suppose.
15:17   Vera   so superfirekirby are you going to vote?????????
15:20      *** NSMGuest35 joined #twg
15:20      *** NSMGuest35 is now known as shadowkirby
15:20   shadowkirby   hi
15:20   Vera   Hi.
15:20   Vera   What is your opinion on the Cirno wolfing?
15:21   shadowkirby   winterkid?
15:21   Vera   Yes.
15:21      *** SuperFireKirby quit (Q:- ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 5.0/20110615151330])
15:21   shadowkirby   IDK. I hope he wasn't a blue.
15:22   shadowkirby   best case outcome he would be the miller
15:22   Vera   Do you have any suspicions aside from Universe-X?
15:24   Vera   shadowkirby?????????
15:25   shadowkirby   Idk.
15:25   shadowkirby   It's too early to really decide
15:25   Vera   Why did it take you so long to respond?
15:27   shadowkirby   Im on other websites and chats
15:27   Vera   Focus on here then!
15:27   Vera   Why do you think the tribune was written by a Wolf?
15:28   shadowkirby   Because it was cheering for the humans. It seemed to be an effort by the wolf tribune to appear human.
15:28   Vera   What do you think the Human Tribune would have sent in his tribune then, presuming the tribune sent this Phase was from the Wolves?
15:28   Vera   Or to word this easier.
15:29   Vera   If you were Human Tribune, what would you have said?
15:29   shadowkirby   Good point, but i only have like an hour a day to play TWG
15:29   shadowkirby   (meaning im not giving it too much focus)
15:29   Vera   What was a good point?
15:30   shadowkirby   Idk
15:30   Vera   Also, don't join a TWG if you don't have the time!
15:30   shadowkirby   Im not really paying attention
15:30   Vera   A+ TWGer.
15:30   shadowkirby   Look, I didnt know i would be busy.
15:30   Vera   You're like this in preceding games too.
15:31   shadowkirby   Yeah, This will be my last game for a while.
15:33   Vera   Hmm...
15:34   shadowkirby   ?
15:34   Vera   Just thinking.
15:35   shadowkirby   K
15:35   Vera   Okay, if Universe-X is a Wolf.
15:35   Vera   Who would his partners be?
15:36   shadowkirby   Maybe that mashi dude
15:36   shadowkirby   Jk
15:40   Vera   So...?
15:41   shadowkirby   I have no clue.
15:42   shadowkirby   what do you think?
15:43   Vera   I was thinking maybe Concerto, since Universe-X did mention him in the thread before, but players haven't given enough input for me to think of any scenarios with evidence supporting them.
15:43   shadowkirby   That makes sense.
15:43   shadowkirby   I have to go now, bai
15:43      *** shadowkirby quit (Q:- NSM Chatroom)


Quote14:39   SuperFireKirby   anyways
14:39   SuperFireKirby   ARE YOU A WOLF
14:39   Vera   ya
14:39   Vera   i meen
14:39   Vera   no

naw but seriously, that tribune could go either way but it really doesn't matter at this point except for whether one wolf is inactive or not. That's it. No other purpose in talking about it.


Mashi acused ux of wolfery. Now I'm not entirely sure I agree with him on that and it kinda seems like Mashi's pulling things out of the air to frame ux with. BUT it seemed like that in MAshi's epic battle with Askalice and what did it askalice turn out to be? wolf.

But still it doesn't seem to me that ux has done anything particularly wolfy tho. hm

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Maybe arguments could be more plausible if people were more active!
And went into the chatroom!
And actually discussed things!
And had an opinion!
So there could actually be more to talk about!
And I wouldn't reiterate everything I say!


Quote15:12   Vera   Hey, should I give bans to players like fingerz and shadowkirby_64 after the game, because they don't ever do anything?
It's not my fault I don't have 24-hour access to the internet and everything related to the word chat is blocked at school. >:(

I do have MSN though, if that helps. :)
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Mashi- banning people isn't going to solve the problem of activity. In-game penalties would be much more suitable.


If I'm not mistaken, 9 EST is 6 my time, which is half an hour from now. And I have to leave real soon. So, from what I've read, Mashi has been good at analyzing players and figuring them out, so I'm gonna go with universe-x. Now I know trusting a player is what made me screw over TWG II, but it IS only the first round, and I'm running out of time.
And Mashi, I'm trying to be active too, I swear!
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Bans should definitely not be given out, as while inactivity is annoying, sometimes it could be a sort of strategy, or they just don't know what to do.

And yeah day ends in eight minutes.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


"Cirno!  Cirno!" Adelaide called.  She rushed out of the room she was in and entered an austere hallway.  The walls were a vapid dull colour of grey and the few ornaments that hung upon them were a few dirty lamps dully giving a bit of light.

"My dear Cirno, wherever could you be?", her voice echoing across the hall.  "Maybe... maybe she's playing hide and seek... Yes, yes she must be!" Adelaide assured herself.  "Cirno!  Please do come out!  I'm quite worried about you.  Fun and games is one thing, but not if someone is hurt in the process." Adelaide called out, only to hear the sounds of her emitted voice echo back to her sporadically.

"Hmph.  Well, if you'll like to be that way, then I suppose I shall just condone your rude behaviour until you fancy up and behave in the correct manner of things." Adelaide said vexed.  "And don't think I'll care if you come back without an apology." she added.

Adelaide then began walking through one part of the hallway.  As she continued walking, the light from the lanterns began to perish in such an inexplicable way that it became putrid to look.  Any solace light would ordinarily have provided was dearth in the ambiance of the hallway Adelaide was in.  She looked to and fro, only to be greeted by walls.

Adelaide began humming a tune in her head in order to distract herself from the deleterious hallway.  It had been working well until she heard something thud to the ground behind her.

Adelaide quickly turned around, making sure to circumspect all that she could see.  She waited for what appeared to be a few minutes and continued walking, though, at an evidently quicker pace.

Finally, Adelaide approached what seemed to be the end of the hallway.  To her left, however, was a room seemingly identical to the one Adelaide and Cirno had been in.  The only difference was that there were no shard of glass from a broken mirror present.  Instead, the mirror was fully intact.  Adelaide entered the room and stared at her image in the mirror.  She looked quite different than she remembered.

"How peculiar, I could have sworn I was 8 years old." she said, twirling around to have a full view of herself.  "Hmm, I look as if I'm at least a year or two older now." she stated.  She looked at her countenance more meticulously.  Her face was pale and her expression appeared extremely abject.  Adelaide smiled, but the melancholic image ostensibly reflecting her image did not alter.  Adelaide waved her hand and the image in the mirror did so in return simultaneously.

An image flashed on the mirror.  Adelaide's disposition became frantic.  She smashed the palm of her hand into the mirror, shattering it into pieces.  "Oh, anything to be rid of such an atrocious enormity." she said, tears rolling across her cheeks.  She looked at her hand, which was bleeding after being scathed by a few broken pieces of glass.

She heard a thud behind her.

All she could see was black.

Day one is over. Universe-x is dead. It is now Night Two, Night Two ends tomorrow, Friday, July 22, 2011, at 9:00 PM EST.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Quote from: universe-X on July 21, 2011, 03:05:29 PMMashi- banning people isn't going to solve the problem of activity. In-game penalties would be much more suitable.
If a person doesn't care enough about a game to be active, he/she wouldn't care enough about in game penalties he/she receives.  Not to mention that to punish a single player for his wrongs would most likely be detrimental to the team he/she is on, which is unfair to said team.

Quote from: SlowPokemon on July 21, 2011, 05:52:44 PMBans should definitely not be given out, as while inactivity is annoying, sometimes it could be a sort of strategy, or they just don't know what to do.
This is a fair point, but TWG is designed in order to suppress inactivity (Hence why we have Phantoms, for example).  People are meant to converse in TWG in order to find the Wolves.  Inactivity does not help in the case and is hurtful to both the Wolf and Human Teams a majority of the time.  Rarely have I seen it used as a beneficial strategy.

But nevertheless, if the majority here would rather not give out bans, I'll acquiesce.

Also, fingerz, I sent you an invite (My MSN is, so be prepared for a massive amount of conversation between you and I!  Also, despite being unable to join the chat, you should still post frequently in the topic.  Just because I prefer chat rooms doesn't mean that's the only form of conversation permitted in TWG.


Oh, in case I wasn't lucid enough; when I said ban, I meant ban from TWGs for a certain period of time, not ban from the forum.  I apologize if I was ambiguous.


You weren't at all. We all know you don't have that kind of power, Mashi. ;)

Oh, is that so? ;)
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.