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Best computer for gaming?

Started by Ragster2448, June 17, 2011, 06:58:55 AM

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I was wondering what your guy's opinions were on a good gaming computer. I'm not looking for one that can play the highest graphics on a game and still get 60 fps, I'm just looking for one that can play every game on either low or medium graphics settings. Also, I don't what a high priced one either. Maybe something below $1,500. My XP crashed, so all we have is a MAC, and a Vista laptop. I have just a box full of computer games just gathering dust... Any suggestions?


The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Ummmmm, look for something with around these specs and you'll be able to play most games on a medium graphics setting:

Intel Core2 Quad-Core processor

512mb dedicated graphics card

4gb DDR2 RAM

Uhhhh.... probably at least a 500gb hard drive.

^Just the basic specs.

Also, Rayray, that's a full-on gaming laptop. He's looking for something a bit lighter, me thinks (even though that's an insanely good price for that laptop)

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I mean, heck! I'd buy a full-on gaming computer if it was lower than $1,500, sure!

EDIT: Is there a computer just like that one only with a smaller storage amount? I noticed that it was 750 GB, could I get somewhere around 250? Maybe to lower the price?


Your best bet for a good computer is to build it yourself, you can save a ton of money if you do it the right way and it's very simple too.

If you do decide to build one, get a good graphics card (I have integrated graphics in the motherboard, not the best), get 4gb RAM so you can run games well, and for the actual HDD you should buy what's affordable as you can as you can upgrade or add another at anytime.


I never thought about building one... My brother's good at that stuff, he could probably help me out there. Thanks for the idea.


Sure thing. It might take a little while to get all the parts if you want to wait for sales(which can be worth it in the long run). But always make sure each part you buy is compatible and it's worth getting. Don't worry about spending a few extra dollars on a piece that is much better than the originally planned one you would buy, it's worth shelling it out.


I shelled out lots of money for an iMac, which was kinda meh, but I like the all-in-one style... I will replace my MacBook with an HP Envy, hopefully the next gen one when they get SandyBridge (or even Ivy Bridge) processors and USB 3.0. I really can't wait.

A really great computer is one built and there is lots of stuff to help you. If you have the time and patience, do it... for me, Ill pay a little extra for stuff and then I'll do stuff to help it like wipe the Hard Drive, consolidate the partitions and build it from the ground up from there.


you want me to build you a computer pample?


If you want a gaming laptop the best quality and performance for the price is an Alienware, probably the M14x.  Like seriously.

I guess the main reason it's reasonably priced (~$1400 with the low end i7 and high res monitor) is because you only get a 14" screen as opposed to the 17 or 19 on some other gaming laptops but if you want to have a mobile gaming option then 14" is plenty plus you can always plug in an external monitor if you want.

But yes, otherwise build your own.

Basic spec recommendations:

ASUS or Intel motherboard
i7 Sandybridge CPU
8gb of whatever memory is rated well and priced well on newegg
ATI HD 5770 [Nvidia are better cards but much more pricey at the moment, you would want 460 or 480 at least]
40-80GB SSD (I would recommend 120 but I forgot they're really expensive :P) + a 1-2TB HDD

me irl


^ I was thinking about the Alienware computers, but there's like 7 different computers made by them, and I didn't know which one really to chose. Thanks for that, because I have heard a lot of good things about those computers.


Don't even think about their desktops though, they're horrendously overpriced.

me irl


:o Just looked up the price for them. Holy crap you're right. $3,500? Dang!


Quote from: Wrydryn on June 19, 2011, 04:10:27 PMyou want me to build you a computer pample?
Nah, my next computer is a laptop, and I'm going with a 17in HP Envy (or something around 1300 with a 1080p screen)


For the Alienware...

Just checked out this place, and the reviews look great! All the low ones are for all the customization problems. What the crap, you don't even need all that stuff, just as long as the computer runs the games well! Idiots...

For building your own computer...

I found this site and it gives me a tutorial on it. I'm really thinking about doing this, even though the Alienware looks promising.

Just wanted to post this if someone else was looking for a good gaming computer, just to sum it all up.