
See you space cowboy...

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Started by master_gamer38, June 10, 2011, 03:03:33 AM

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I'm relaying information on behalf of those who got it.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Another insta.

It is now Night 4. shadowkirby_64 has died. Night 4 ends on Tuesday, June 21st, at 11:00 PM CDT.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Time to find out if we've gotten two or three wolves. I'm hoping for three

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


I guess the sensor should do fingerz, because if we've gotten three, we'll know who the final wolf is...


Fingerz was my partner and we were green. You can have one of the blues confirm if you want. So we only got 2 wolves


1. winterkid09
2. drpamplemousse
3. gzgregory
4. SlowPokemon
5. MaestroUGC
6. askalice23
7. SuperFireKirby
8. Dude
9. shadowkirby_64
10. Jub3r7
11. universe-X
12. fingerz
13. Mashi
14. Super Zombie

If we are to believe that askalice and fingerz are green (which they probably are), then that only leaves 2 last wolves.

(I kept the blues green [besides the obvious ones] for anonymity reasons)


Unless you and SuperZombie are Wolves.

Except both of you seemed completely Human to me.

I am very confused by your list then. :(

But nonetheless;

1. winterkid09 - Human or Special
2. drpamplemousse - ???
3. gzgregory -  ???
4. SlowPokemon - Wolf
5. MaestroUGC - ??? (And before you mention it.  No, just because he's relaying information for the Blues does not mean that he's confirmed, unless he was seered Green or is a Blue himself.
6. askalice23 - Human
7. SuperFireKirby - ???
8. Dude - Guardian
9. shadowkirby_64 - Wolf
10. Jub3r7 - Guardian
11. universe-X - ???
12. fingerz - Human
13. Mashi - ???
14. Super Zombie - ???

Technically, this is how Roles are.  Unless the Seers seered people green and I'm unaware of it.


Whoops, meant to be just put the three question marks as question marks.  But the smilies make the post cool anyway.


If you have nothing to hide, who's your partner then, Mashi?


gzgregory; it has been known for a while.



Since, the PMs are all in. I'll end night early.

It is now Day 4. MaestroUGC has died. Day 4 ends on Tuesday, June 21st, at 11:00 PM CDT.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Et tu, lupī? Then fall, Maestro!
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


1. winterkid09 Seer
2. drpamplemousse Sensor
3. gzgregory
4. SlowPokemon
5. MaestroUGC Seer
6. askalice23
7. SuperFireKirby Sensor
8. Dude Guardian
9. shadowkirby_64
10. Jub3r7 Guardian
11. universe-X
12. fingerz
13. Mashi
14. Super Zombie

MaestroUGC and I kept in close contact for most of this game, the other day, I learned of who the blues were (sorry sensors if you guys still wanted to stay hidden).

Jub and Dude were guardians.

Maestro and Winter were seers.

SFK and DRP were the sensors.

Slow and shadow were wolves.

Me and Super Zombie are humans.

I'm gonna take askalice for his word and say he and fingerz were human.

That leaves Mashi and gzgregory.

However, if I'm wrong, and fingerz was accidentally wolved as a wolf, and askalice is the second wolf in the duo...

We'll lynch Mashi today, if a wolfing occurs after that, then we take out askalice. If no wolfing occurs, we take out gzgregory.

Sounds like a plan?


HOLD IT, if askalice was a wolf, then there would've been no wolfing. (sorry :P)

So Mashi and gzgregory are the definite last wolves xP