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Clanker's Tale

Started by Clanker37, May 26, 2011, 05:21:34 AM

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How is Chapter 10?

Awesome :D


Yet another chapter. Also if you are reading the story, please comment! I’m debating whether or not to scrap this story.
Chapter 7

Rocky Dreams

Roark sat in his room. He wore his best clothes and sat on his bed, his hands sweating. ‘Is it too much?’ he wondered. A voice in his head said ‘Yes, you’ll seem desperate’, but another voice said ‘What other option do you have? A shirt down to your knees?’ He looked at his watch. 6:45. He’d better go; Roxanne was on the other side of the ship. He picked himself up and began walking to Roxanne’s compartment. He passed other trainers who glared at him. He passed Noland, who was talking to Brandon
“What d’you think for a first date?” he asked. Brandon swooned and began fussing
“Far too much! You’ll seem desperate!” A little voice in Roark’s head laughed , “ Come with me, I’ll choose something,” said Brandon who began walking to Roark’s compartment. Roark followed. Noland shrugged and followed as well. At Roark’s compartment, Brandon was looking through Roark’s wardrobe. Brandon tittered
“What on earth did you bring?” Brandon asked. Roark was about to answer when Brandon said , “No, no! These will not do! Come to my compartment! I’ll have something!” and he walked off. Roark followed. He glanced at his watch. 6:52. He was cutting it fine. When the got to Brandon’s apartment, Brandon reached in and pulled out a white shirt with thick blue lines and thin black lines crossing it at 45 degree angles. He then pulled out a pair of jeans and pointed to his bathroom.
“Change. Go,” he said. Roark changed. Brandon’s clothes fitted perfectly. Roark came out and Brandon nodded approvingly.

“Perfect,” he said
“Thanks, Brandon,” said Roark
“My pleasure. I’m only doing my job as a fashion Nazi,” said Brandon. Roark left, hastily. His watch said 6:58. Lucky Brandon’s compartment was closer to Roxanne’s than Roark’s, so Roark didn’t have to run. When he arrived, he knocked. Then he swore. He’d forgotten the flowers and the chocolates! ‘Oh, well,’ he thought , ‘It was to cliché anyway’ Roxanne answered and Roark’s heart skipped a beat. She was casually dressed and her hair was tied in an explosive bow.
“Hi,” he said shortly.
“Hi,” she replied, even shorter.
“Shall we go?” he asked.
“That would be nice,” she said and they walked together along the ship to the dining hall. While the sea lay calm and still, Roark’s brain had somehow made him think a billion thoughts at once. One screamed, ‘What should I say?’ another said, ‘Grab her arm quickly!’ while another quieter than the rest mumbled, ‘This isn’t going to end well’, while the rest sat in a corner, rocking silently. Roark was so dazed about these thoughts that he didn’t notice that they were standing at the dining hall door. They walked in and immediately a waiter guided them to a small table for two. The waiter bowed and rushed off to the kitchen. Suddenly a loud French voice called, “Get outz zere! Play zem zee lovely muzic!” and a skinny, young waiter was pushed out of the kitchen holding a Violin. He gulped. He approached the table. He put the violin to his neck and played a horribly out of tune version of ‘Mary had a Little Lamb’. His face grew steadily redder. When he had finished Roxanne and Roark clapped politely. The waiter bowed and rushed back to the kitchen. There was a lot of yelling and some French swearing before the waiter was pushed out again. He gulped again, but did not approach. Lorelei came up behind him and made him jump. She took the violin and approached the table. She put the violin to her neck and began to play. The melody filled the room and many eyes glanced at Lorelei. Roark and Roxanne stared at each other and began to talk. On a faraway table sat Byron and Wattson. Byron had his back to his son and did not realise that Roark was in the room. He quickly learnt otherwise. Berthat came up to him a whacked him on the back of his head.
“I thought you told him!” she exclaimed.
“Told who what?” asked Byron, rubbing his head.
“Told Roark about Roxanne!” she exclaimed.
“Yeah, it kinda...slipped my mind,” said Byron. Bertha hit him again.
“Slipped your mind?! You’ll wish I slipped your mind when I’m finished with you!” exclaimed Bertha.
“And what would Dad say about that?” asked Byron
“Your father is too busy digging holes in the ground to care about you! That’s why he left!” said Bertha.
“I thought it was because you slept with Drake,” said Byron. Bertha hit him again.
“Well, just tell him! Before it gets serious!” said Bertha and she stormed off in a grumpy rage.

That night, after Roark had brought Roxanne back to her compartment and Roark had stopped dancing in his cabin, the ship was calm. The ocean lapped softly at the boat, leaving little of its presence. Caitlin settled into her bed and slept comfortably. She awoke, mysteriously on the S.S Anne’s bow. A fierce storm raged around her, but the rain did not wet her. Black clouds filled the sky and darkness gripped the boat. She looked around. She saw a floating Pokemon. It was pink and pig-shaped. It had a pruple cloud erupting from its head. It was curled up and seemed to be sleep, but Musharna always look like that. Caitlin relaxed.
“Musharna! It’s me! Caitlin!” she called. Musharna came over to her master.
“What’s going on, Mushy?” asked Caitlin in a voice most used when talking to babies.
“Oh stop it! I hate it when humans treat us this way!” exclaimed Musharna, furiously. Caitlin jumped.
“Oh don’t look so shocked! I’m a Psychic type!” said Musharna. Caitlin relaxed a little, but still looked distressed.
“Where am I?” asked Caitlin.
“Do I look like I know?” said Mushrana, “You should know! It’s your dream!”
 â€œMy...dream?” Caitlin said in a fearful whisper.
“Yes! This is the Dream World! Haven’t you heard of Fennel’s Theroy?” demanded Mushrana. Caitlin had. Only a few months back, Professor Fennel from Stiation City, Unova, released a book called ‘The Universe, Arecus’ Playroom’. The book told of how Professor Fennel thought the universe worked. One chapter entitled, ‘Pokemon Worlds’ prophesised that the Pokemon World was surrounded by worlds of mystery and wonder. Professor Fennel wrote that ‘These worlds are everywhere and can almost be accessed anywhere at any time. Take Turnback Cave in Sinnoh, for example. I believe that through studying the ruins we may be able to access the Distortion World where legend says Giratina sleeps.’ Professor Fennel was going to use the money raised from the book to study Turnback Cave, but instead is arguing with Reverend Busybody on the topic of Pokemon origin. Caitlin had read this book.
“Fennel was right,” she said, distantly.
“Of course she was right! This is the Pokemon world! Vicious beast can be awakened using pixies!” said Musharna. Caitlin stared at Musharna, who quickly looked panicky(Which is quite a feat being asleep)
“Or so legend goes,” said Musharna hastily. Caitlin looked around. The rain still poured around her, and yet she wasn’t the least bit wet. ‘Why is it raining?’ she asked her brain.
“Because a significant event is going to happen here while raining,” said a voice. Caitlin turned. Two Pokemon stood beside Musharna. One was tall and had a green type helmet which covered most of its face. Its legs were hiddem by a long flowing dress. Next to Gardevoir stood a yellow Pokemon. It had a face like a pig and grew fur around its neck. It also held a small stone with a hole it in on a string. Its name was Hypno. Caitlin stared at the Psychic types in awe.
“How do you know?” Caitlin asked.
“Because I am very experienced in dreams. Your dreams seem to be signs from the future,” said Gardevoir. Caitlin was shocked.
“But...I’m not psychic,” she said.
“You might soon find out that you are,” said Gardevoir. Gardevoir looked at Hypno and Musharna and nodded.
“Show her,” she whispered. Hypno closed his eyes. Then his stone on the string started spining. Faster and faster the stone was soon a blur. Gerdevoir closed her eyes and pointed her hands at the spinning pendulum. Suddenly a picture appeared in where the pendulum swung. Caitlin saw a baby in a luscious cot. The room was white and filled with many things for a baby. Suddenly the white was interrupted by a green Pokemon. It was small. It had antennae coming out of its teardrop-shaped head. It was human shaped, except from tiny wings keeping it flying. It touched the baby’s head and disappeared. The image wavered. Hypno started to slowly stop the pendulum. Gardevoir put her hands by her side and turned to Caitlin.
“Well?” asked Gardevoir.
“That...child,” said Caitlin
“Oh well done. You can recognise yourself. That’s an achievement,” said Musharna, dripping with sarcasm.
“Hush, Musharna. Yes, Caitlin, it was you, as a small infant. Do you know the Pokemon that was there?” Gardevoir asked. In the distance Hypno muttered, “Once a teacher, always a teacher.”
“I remember seeing it in a book once...maybe...was it... Celebi?” Caitlin said cautiously.
“Yes, I believe that as a child, you were touched by Celebi and since that day you have been able to observe the future,” said Gardevoir. Caitlin’s head was spinning.
“When you say ‘touched by Celebi’ what exactly does that mean?” she asked.
“It means that Celebi made gave you some of her powers. Since Legendary Pokemon cannot breed they adopt other beings that have the same characteristics as they do. If they touch a being as a child, when the being has little knowledge, they share a bit of knowledge to that being. Through this they can also alter the being’s future,” said Gardevoir. Caitlin’s head was spinning. Questions like ‘Why did Celebi choose me?’ and ‘Why did was it Celebi? Why not Uxie or something?’
“Celebi choose you to save you. Your future looked glum and poor so Celebi took pity on you and saved you from a horrific life. And if Uxie had chosen you, you would be so overloaded with knowledge that your head would explode. Literally,” said Gardevoir. Caitlin suddenly felt very tired. Over the horizon the sun cut through the black clouds. Caitlin collapsed.
“She’s promising,” said Hypno.
“More so than Sabrina and Lucian,” said Gardevoir.



Oh, God no! Don't scrap it!
You're doing an excellent job with this story and it'd be a shame if it stopped, especially before we find out what's wrong with Roxanne. :)
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Quote from: fingerz on September 21, 2011, 05:17:27 PMOh, God no! Don't scrap it!
You're doing an excellent job with this story and it'd be a shame if it stopped, especially before we find out what's wrong with Roxanne. :)
Well if there was more interest...


OK, I'm bored and thinking of getting this back up. I've set up a poll so you can tell me what you think I should do. Your opinions matter to me, so be honest.


I hit the second option, but that wasn't really my answer. My answer is "yes, because it's fun to write and it's good for you, and easy to improve yourself"
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Well, I have considered your opinions (All three of them) and decided that I will be continuing this story as of now. I will also mention that I'm looking for an editor. Anybody who is interested, should PM me. Anyway this chapter, which I started last year, which is why it was finished so quickly. Also I have nothing else to do.

Chapter 8
Grimsley the bully, Wake the hero and Clanker the terrified.

Bugsy yawned as he walked into the dining room. He sat at a table where Burgh, Thorton, Gardenia and Maylene were sitting. Their breakfast sat either steaming or becoming soggy, but mostly eaten in front of them.
"Hey Bugsy," the greeted wearily. Maylene sounded the most tired.
"Hey guys," he said and sat down. From the moment he sat down he had a waiter asking what he would like in a heavy Sinnoh accent.
"What would you like? Ze Tepig bacon and Tailow eggz are ze most popular choice today," said the waiter.
"Just some Oran flakes, please. Oh and a glass of Pecha juice," said Bugsy.
"Miltank milk?" the waiter asked. Bugsy nodded. The waiter almost flew away as he went to told the kitchen staff. Within moments the waiter reappeared holding a black platter with a bowl and a glass of pink juice on it. He walked just as briskly to the table, but not one drop of Pecha juice or the milk on the Oran Flakes spilt.
"Your meal, sir," said the waiter. Bugsy licked his lips at the blue flakes floating in milk and began eating quickly.
"Slow down! You'll choke!" laughed Burgh. "Anyway, what were you saying Thorton? About Liza and Tate?"
"Well," said Thorton, "They are a very strong combination. They swept me aside like litter during our battle the other day".
"That's because you chose Toxicroak and Startaptor as your main Pokemon," said Burgh. "They didn't have a hope of defeating Lunatone or Solrock. Now if you had chosen a Scolipede, you would have had a small chance on using Megahorn before they moved." Thorton gave Burgh and ugly look. Just then, Caitlin and Grimsley walked into the dining room. Caitlen looked worried spoke to Grimsley very quietly. Grimsley had a worried expression etched across his face as Caitlen spoke to him. Grimsley and Burgh's eyes met and Grimsley. Grimsley grinned and walked over to the table. Caitlen hurried off out of the room, without breakfast. The group stared at Grimsley and Bugsy stopped eating, mouth full, a drop of milk ran down his chin.
"Burgh. How nice to see you, "sneered Grimsley, "Making friends, are we? That is a surprise."
"Bugger off, Grimsley," fumed Burgh, who was going red.
"Now, now. You don't want to show your worst side in front of your...friends." Grimsley grinned. Burgh went redder than ever. Thorton and Gardenia stood up.
"Mess with Burgh, you mess with us," said Thorton. Thorton and Gardenia's faces were menacing. Bugsy tried to look menacing as well, but he just spat milk all over the table. Grimsley smiled.
"Well, I wouldn't want to spoil your time with a real trainer," he sneered, "You may accidently learn how to battle."
"Get lost," said Gardenia, gripping her Roserade's Pokeball.
"Yeah, go play with your Purrloin," said Thorton.
"Yeah," said Maylene despairingly. Just for a moment, Grimsley looked hurt, but his face quickly changed back to the confident person he wanted to seem. He simply nodded and slinked off without a word. Gardenia and Thorton sat down.
"What a Sunkern," said Gardenia.
"Real Trainer," scoffed Thorton, "He couldn't train a Wurmple." Burgh was oddly silent.
Suddenly there was a message over the PA.
"Could Maylene please get HER SORRY BEHIND TO THE GYM NOW! Thank you," roared the message. Maylene got up, but she could hardly stand.
"That'll be Bruno. He's been hounding us Fighting type trainers to train more, but by using ridiculous methods. This morning he made us get up at 4 am so we could 'Learn to deal with the cold and darkness'. If I wanted to do that I'd go to Snowpoint and train there," she said. She stumbled out of the room.

Chili couldn't hold in his excitement.
"C'mon!" he said, "Hurry up!"
"Be patient, Chili!" called Cress, "I can't seem to find my swimming trunks anywhere..."
"You probably left them in the hotel room in Castelia," said Cilan.
"Here they are! They were caught up with my towel," called Cress. Chili groaned.
"Not your Tommy the Tender Engine towel!" he groaned.
"Tommy the Tender Engine happens to be an education program on trains," called Cress as he stepped through his trunks. He didn't here Chili mutter "Yeah for kids."
"Besides," went on Cress, "It's much better than Poopy-Droopy or watever it is you are obsessed about."
"Poppo-Drambuie is a quality game," Chili argued, "It's much better than Tommy the Tender Engine."
"Stop arguing," Cilan broke in, "you make me tired. C'mon let's go." But Cress was adamant and Chili was stubborn. They argued all the way to the pool, where other trainers were waiting in their bathers. At last the captain yelled. "We're here!" and she brought the ship to a steady stop. Dexter addressed them all.
"Now this is a special part of the holiday," said Dexter, "You are all going to swim in Hoenn's famous Gorebyss Reef. It's famous for its colourful aquatic plants and marine life. Be careful though, the reef is surrounded by the Deep Huntail Abyss. If you swim out there, you may be attacked by a Sharpedo." Dexter laughed.
"You may use Pokémon to swim, but lifeguards will be watching to make sure everything goes to plan," said Dexter, "Oh, and don't touch the wild Pokémon; they have a tendency to bite."

Cilan had a wonderful time. The water was clear and it was easy to see the water Pokémon swimming about in general randomness. He was shocked, though, when he saw an Octillery trap a Horsea in its tentacles and eat it. Chili and Cress were still arguing, but Cilan took no notice. He was used to it. His brothers were very proud, He couldn't understand it. He didn't care what anybody else thought of him; he was proud just to be himself. If someone didn't like him, well that's too bad, because he didn't care. His mother had said that he took after her mother. While the Cress and Chili took after his father's grandfather. Cilan didn't notice Alder looking out upon the water. He was smiling and hardly blinked.
"Beautiful isn't it?" asked Steven, who was passing.
"Yes they are," said Alder. Steven stared.
"I mean the water," said Steven cautiously.
"Oh yes! That's what I meant too!" laughed Alder, "Please forgive my clumsy speech; it's a curse from old age!"
"Right," said Steven, unconvinced. Suddenly there was a scream. Alder turned around and saw Witney splashing and struggling to keep afloat.
"Help!" she gasped as she frantically struggled to keep her head afloat. Cilan began a confident stroke towards her, but a Gyarados rushed past him. He saw a figure on the Gyarados. When the Gyarados reached where Whitney was last seen the figue looked frantically. Suddenly the Gyarados dived under the water, making an almighty splash.
"Everybody who isn't helping, get out now!" Dexter called. Cilan turned and saw three lifeguards call out their Pokémon. A blue Pokémon with red eyes and a yellow 'mask' around them held one up. It had a single antennae on which a yellow ball was perched, supported the first. Another was on a green frog-like Pokémon. It had a happy expression and had a single, long hair upon its head. The third lifeguard was on a brown, beaver-like Pokémon. It had a large tail and small paws. Its face was jagged and its two-front teeth peeped out of its mouth under its small, red nose. Cilan recognised them as Lanturn, Politoed and Bibarel, respectively. Everyone rushed out of the water, except those who had water types with them, who dived down after Whitney. There was silence aboard the ship. Only bubbles were the sign that they weren't staring at the sea because they were crazy. Suddenly Dahlia screamed and pointed. There where Whitney had last been seen, the water was no longer clear, but stained red. Below the waves someone, or something, was bleeding.

Lifeguards and trainers alike all surfaced for air every minute or so, but time ticked on. The chances of finding Whitney alive were growing slim. At last, the Gyarados which had swept past Cilan surfaced. In Wake's hands lay Whitney. She was unconscious and her pink bikini had been stained red. Everyone gasped either in horror or sympathy. The cause of all the blood was obvious now. Whitney's left arm hung by a narrow thread of skin and muscle. Her bone, which had been snapped, stuck out of her arm socket and where her arm socket should have met the rest of her arm. Dahlia threw up over the side of the ship. Misty threw up as well, but not for the same reason. When they reached the side of the ship, Wake's Gyarados extended its neck so Wake could walk on to the ship with Whitney in his arms. There was a brief moment of silence as Wake put her down, then a disgruntled Nurse Joy came bustling through.
"Make way! Make way!" she ordered. Behind her a Chansey and Gardevoir brought through a stretcher. Nurse Joy examined Whitney and tittered.
"What do you think did this?' she asked.
"A Sharpedo," said Wake, "We had to battle it before it let Whitney out of its jaws." Nurse Joy tittered.
"Swimming. Out here. What stupidity," she said under her breath.
"Gardevoir. Lift her on to the stretcher, please," she ordered. Gardevoir nodded and using its psychic abilities it lifted the lifeless Whitney on to the stretcher.
"You there," said Nurse Joy, pointing at Cilan, "Stop looking stupid and help Gardevoir take the girl to my quarters." Cilan hastily picked up the other end of the stretcher and Gardevoir lead on while Chansey followed, tending to Whitney as she went.
"Will she be alright?" asked Skyla. Nurse Joy gave her a withering look.
"Do I look like a fortune teller?" she said and hurried off yelling "Out of my way!"

Fingerz, SlowPokemon and Clanker sat in the lounge. They were discussing a particularly awesome website they had found called 'NinSheetMusic'.
"It just reeks with awesome," said Slow.
"Agreed," said Clanker.
"Everyone is just so full of win," said Fingerz.
"And the sheets, they're so good. Well most of them," said Slow.
"Those updaters must go through hell, sorting file from file and painstakingly correcting arranger's mistakes all so they can be abused by people complaining that they haven't updated in months," said Clanker. Suddenly the door opened and in walked Misty, Candice, Anabel and Erika laughing loudly.
"You're so funny, Candice! Hahaha," said Anabel. They all sat near where Fingerz and the others were sitting. Misty held a glass of wine in her hand. Fingerz and the others tried to ignore them.
"So I haven't seen gzgregory on in while," said Clanker.
"No, nor Concerto," said Fingerz.
"How mysterious," said Slow, "It is if they simply left us without saying goodbye."
"Perhaps they're having...?!" but whatever Candice was saying couldn't be heard over Misty throwing up. A fresh chorus of giggles erupted from her group.
"Don't think of what she might have said," Clanker, "It'll only scar you for life." They all remained silent. Fingerz suddenly squirmed.
"I see what you mean," he said.
 "Could you say that a bit louder?" called Erika, "I'm trying to listen to what you are saying!"
"They're not bright, are they?" said Clanker.
"Wouldn't say so," said Fingerz.
"What?" called Erika.
"Oh nothing!" said Fingerz. They heard someone get up. Erika came to them and announced, "I can't hear what you're saying, so I'm coming here," and she sat herself next to Slow.
"How are you doing?" she asked him.
"Err...good," said Slow, awkwardly. She smelled suspiciously of smoke.
"Erika? Where have you gone?" Asked Candice in a shrill voice.
"To hang with these hunks," said Erika. She stared at Slow and licked his cheek.
"Leave some for me!" called Anabel.
"Me too!" called Candice and soon Anabel, Candice and Misty were sitting with Slow and co.
Misty, who had quite enough to drink, sat next to Clanker.
"You want some, honey?" she asked him.
"Err...some what?" he asked cautiously. She then shoved her chest so that two very squishy things were in his face.
"Some of these, honey," she said. Clanker pushed her away. Her wine spilt all over the white couch making it pink.
"No thank you," he gasped. He looked horrified. Candice laughed loudly. Anabel, who had sat next to Fingerz, was staring at him in admiration. Fingerz looked very uncomfortable.
"Your name is Fingerz," said Anabel, who proceeded to stroke Fingerz's face.
"Yes, it is," said Fingerz, whose face screamed, "Get me outta here!"
"That's a funny name," said Anabel, now stroking Fingerz's chest.
"Well...err...umm," stuttered Fingerz. Anabel hand stroked a very private place for a boy and Fingerz jumped up.
"Well, I'm bushed, I think I'll be going to bed now," he said and raced out of the room Clanker and Slow also jumped up.
"Yes we're also tired, so we'll just go now," said Slow who followed Fingerz.
"But it's three in the afternoon," said Erika.
"Well, different timezones..."  but they could not here what Clanker was saying for he had already left the room. Clanker, Fingerz and Slow all met in Fingerz's room.
"That was horrifying," said Clanker, who was biting his nails.
"Agreed," said Fingerz, who's eyes were like two big coins.
"OK, let's agree never to speak of it ever again. Especially not on NinSheetMusic," said Slow.
"Agreed," said Clanker and Fingerz.
"Good this way we won't be a laughing stock," said Slow.
"Chicken stock?" said a voice outside the door. A familiar chorus of giggles filled the night air.
"They're going to rape us, aren't they?" said Clanker.
"Can't rape the willing," called Erika's voice.


I love how you took and made these characters almost your own. The relationships seem pretty intricate, too. And i love the "adult" changes you've made to some of their personalities... (lol)
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


How did I miss that chapter. That is freaking hysterical. And btw that's an incredibly accurate representation of perverted girls.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Holy shit! Comments! :D

Quote from: xK-NiGhTx on January 24, 2012, 04:10:10 PMI love how you took and made these characters almost your own. The relationships seem pretty intricate, too. And i love the "adult" changes you've made to some of their personalities... (lol)
Thanks :D. If I had stuck with their GameFreak personalities, they would be really boring. The most interesting thing I could do would be to make Misty a lesbian lol

Quote from: SlowPokemon on January 24, 2012, 04:16:27 PMAnd btw that's an incredibly accurate representation of perverted girls.
Really? I didn't mean them to be perverted xD Just really stupid/drunk


I haven't updated this in a while so here is the most recent chapter I've written! I'm still looking for a editor just to fix up gramatical and spelling errors. If you wish to be an editor please tell me either via PM or post a comment.

Chapter 9 The Twins' Power

It was the day before the beginning of the Second Round. All of the competing trainers were training hard. The second round was a Double Battle. Liza and Tate, who were the most feared to face in a Double Battle, trained lazily on the ship deck. They sent their Psychic Pokemon against one another, while Liza and Tate tried to confuse them with telepathy. At last Liza and Tate verbally called them back. They were bored. They'd spent the past few days training and now it was hard to be creative with it. Lance, who saw the grim look upon the twins faces, spoke quietly to Clair. Clair nodded and she and Lance headed over to the twins.
"Hey, how about a tag battle, with Clair and I?" he proposed. The twins were delighted.
"Oh course..." began Liza.
"We'd love to," finished Tate.
"Right, why not over there?" Lance pointed to a large space between the front of the ship and the dining room windows. The twins nodded in unison. They took their places; Liza and Tate with their backs to the dining room and Lance and Clair with their back against the sea.
"Hey, Steven!" Lance called, "Could you referee, this Tag Battle?" Steven nodded and came over. After some deliberation, a large crowd had gathered. Steven called out the rules: "Right, Tag Battle between Lance and Clair versus Liza and Tate. Two Pokemon out at once per team, three Pokemon per person, six Pokemon per team. The first side to lose all six of their Pokemon loses. Items may not be used. Instructions do not have to be called clearly."
"Begin!" Steven called. The air was filled with blinding light from the four trainer's Pokeballs. Liza had sent out a green, bird Pokemon. It had a long, yellow beak, two huse white wings, long, red feet and two long feathers erupting from the back of it's head. Behind its wings, two cat-like eyes stared at just above the wing-line. This Pokemon was called, Xatu. Tate had sent out a black floating Pokemon. It's head was like an upside-down spining top and it had several red eyes that went all around its haed. It had a plump body with two spikes serving as unnecessary legs. It had two arms with were similar shape to its head only smaller. It had two prominent, yellow nipples which had a white circle around them. Claydol, was this Pokemon's name.

Lance's Pokemon was human-like and green. It had a long tail and huge, axe-like tusks coming from its mouth. It was scaly and quite frightening. Lance's Pokemon was Haxorus. Clair's Pokemon was also green and floated in the air using wings. It had a long sleek body, with hair that looked as if it had flown too fast and the hair had become stuck in its pointed position. It had ballet-shoe like feet and a long tail which ended in three diamond-shaped tips. It had small arms which had three sharp claws on each hand. It had large diamond-shaped wings. It's eyes were covered in a red, bulbous film. Clair's Pokemon was a Flygon. Without warning, a white beam came from Claydol's hand. It hit Flygon dead on. Flygon screamed in the horrendous pain from Claydol's Ice Beam. Flygon barely survived the freezing attack.
"Flygon, Crunch that Claydol!" commanded Clair, but before Flygon could bite upon the Clay Doll Pokemon, Xatu, eyes glowing, made a  pink window of Psychic power, which made Flygon's attack weaker. Claydol shook Flygon's attack off with ease.
"Reflect!" Clair wailed.
"We'll soon stop that nonsense," said Lance. "Haxorus! Swords Dance!" Haxorus danced around the battlefield and looked quite ridiculous. When it had finished, it's claws and fangs looked more formidable. Liza and Tate were now concerned and were both talking like Tailows using telepathy. Suddenly, Claydol launched an Ice Beam towards Flygon again.
"Protect, quickly!" Clair called. The Ice Beam, hit Flygon's protective bubble and merely disappeared, leaving Flygon untouched. Xatu's eyes shone once again and another window of Psychic power, this one green.
"Haxorus, Night Slash, on Xatu!" Lance commanded. Haxorus slashed at Xatu using its axe-like tusks which were glowing a ghastly black. As the attack hit, Haxorus slashed threw a window which severely limited the attack's power. Nevertheless, Xatu was pushed back, his lifeless body hitting the floor which a loud thud.
"What?!" the twins exclaimed together.
"You Xatu is male, isn't it?" Lance asked.
"Yes, but..."Liza began.
"Why does that..."Tate continued.
"Have anything to do with..."
"A battle?" Lance smiled.
"My Haxorus' ability is Rivalry," he said proudly. The twins blushed and said nothing ensuring the long silence which followed.
"Wait. What in the flaming pits of Distortion does Rivalry do?" Candice asked. Drayden explained.
"Rivalry is an ability which raises the attack of a Pokemon by 25% should that Pokemon's gender be the same as the opposing Pokemon's gender," he explained. A long "Oh!" came from the crowd. Candice still looked confused.
"But..." she protested, but no one heard her whining over the subtle call of Liza's Pokemon. It was a small, floating rock. It was a boring brown colour and its small body was shaped like a cresent moon. It had a large beak and was dotted with small craters. Inside one of these craters was a red eye which was surrounded by black rock.
"Lu-na-tone," the Pokemon muttered in a dreary monotone. A see-through bubble appeared, in front of Lunatone; it was using Protect. Claydol stood very still and did not move. It seemed to be charging an attack. Lance was frantic.
"Claydol's using Explosion! Haxorus! Night Slash!" but Claydol was to tough. He endured the Night Slash, unlike Xatu. Claydol began shaking violently. Clair smiled.
"Flygon, Feint!" she commanded with glee. Flygon punched at Lunatone's Protect. It didn't do much to Lunatone, but it's Protect was in pieces. Suddenly Claydol exploded. Its arms and legs detached themselves and rammed themselves into Haxorus and Flygon. There was a lot of smoke and fire as Claydol's motionless body burned. The noise was tremendous and sent shock waves rippling across the sea. Everybody shielded their eyes from the blast and even though the explosion rippled through the crowd, only the Pokemon on the battlefield were harmed. A special instrument inside each Pokeball made sure that a captured Pokemon could do no harm to a human. However, humans were not invulnerable against wild Pokemon attacks. When the fire and smoke cleared, the result of the attack was clear. Flygon and Haxorus were both as immobile as Claydol. Liza and Tate had planned to have Lunatone take no damage during the explosion, however their plan was foiled by Clair's tactical move before hand. Lunatone, however had survived the blast, but was seriously injured and struggled to keep afloat. Clair, Lance and Tate all pulled out the Pokeball for their next choice of Pokemon. Tate's was similar to Liza's. It was a small rock Pokemon which also floated in the air. Instead of the moon, this Pokemon resembeled the sun. It's body was orange and eight yellow spikes stuck out of its body, all 45 degrees apart. Its body had small yellow lumps and it had big yellow eyes. It onlt saw through a tiny slit between the top and botton eye lid.
"Sol-rock," it muttered, as equally monotonous as Lunatone. Lance's Pokemon stood tall. It had a tall yellow body with small wings, a long tail and bulkty limbs. This Pokemon was Lance's infamous Dragonite, the very same Pokemon he had used to defeat Blue's Heracross in Vermillion. Clair's Pokemon was blue. It had no limbs, but instead stood up on its powerful tail. It had a plump stomach, a head like a horse and a large fin on its back. It resembled a seahorse. This was Clair's Kingdra, famous for spinning Misty's Starmie in fast circles using Whirlpool, at the Whirl Cup. Solrock's eyes glowed a bright yellow. Suddenly the sun seemed to grow in size and the temperature sharply rose several degrees.
"Sunny Day!" Clair wailed. This through her plan out the door, down several flights of stairs, out into the street and run over by several trucks, buses and a train which had lost its way. Clair then picked the plan back up, blew the dust off it and used it anyway.
"Whirlpool!" she called, but before Kingdra could launch the attack, it was hit by two golden and hollow rings which Lunatone had launched from its eyes. Kingdra fell to the ground, asleep.
"Hypnosis!" Clair wailed again.
"You know, we all kinda know what moves they're using. You don't have to shout them," Lance said.
"I know, I'm just narrating for the blind," said Clair. Lance shook his head and turned to Dragonite.
"Dragonite, Iron Tail!" he commanded. Dragonite's yellow tail glowed a bright white and grew several meters. Dragonite slammed its massive tail into Solrock. Solrock was blasted back, but it didn't faint. It was severely injured though. Solrock's eight spikes began to glow. It appeared that they were absorbing energy from its surroundings. The attack was easily charged and Solrock launched the Solarbeam at Kingdra, who was lolling on the ground. Kingdra's body was thrown backwards. It hit the deck with a massive crack. Even though Kingdra had been thrown several meters, he still slept comfortably, curling his body up so his tail wrapped around it proboscis. Clair was very anxious about Kingdra's welfare.

Lunatone's eyes glowed a dangerous red. Suddenly, a silhouette of Lunatone creaped across the floor. It swept its way to Kingdra's sleeping body. The silhouette stopped, and it slowly shrunk and disappeared into Kingdra's ear; as if it were a piece of sticky rubber being peeled off the ground. Kingdra's body began to shudder, violently. His body jerked violently. Clair screamed in horror and her Kingdra's erratic dance. After Kingdra's body stopped, Lunatone's silhouette, raced out and back to Lunatone. Lunatone's eyes stopped glowing and its body seemed to repair some injuries.
"What was that?" Clair asked.
"Dream Eater," Lance answered. "It eats the dream of a sleeping Pokemon and uses it to heal the Pokemon that used it. Oh by the way, recall Kingdra." Clair looked over and saw Kingdra's body lifeless and unbreathing. Its tail had relaxed and was now lolling across the floor. Clair, who's eyes stung, recalled it and sent out a long-blue snake Pokemon. It had a white underbelly, and its long tail ended in three dark-blue orbs, stacked upon each other. It had a small horn, red eyes and small wings on its head. An orb similar to the orbs on its tail sat under its neck to give the impression that it was wearing a necklace.
"Dragonair," it said soothingly.
"Dragonair?" Lance wondered. Dragonair was the pre-evolution of Dragonite and was much weaker than Lance's Pokemon..
"I have a plan," said Clair, winking at Lance and she quietly whispered it to her partner. Lance looked impressed.
"That's a good plan," he said.
"Rain Dance! " Clair called to her Dragonair. Dragonair danced gracefully across the battlefield. Long, elegant movements ended with a sharp crack of Dragonair's tail. At last Dragonair stopped. A huge cloud loomed overhead. There was a rumble of thunder and then the deluge began. Clair liked using Rain Dance. It was funny to watch the Pokemon become soaked, while the rain completely avoided every human leaving them bone dry. The only problem was that because of an unfixable glitch in the Pokeball, humans still felt temperature of Pokemon's attacks. They weren't affected by the attack themselves only the effect they have on the environment. Luckily, most buildings and landscape are invulnerable to powerful attacks like Earthquake and Surf because of their strong foundations and materials of which they are made.
"Aqua Tail!" Lance commanded his Dragonite. Dragonite flapped its tiny wings and launched itself at Solrock. Dragonite's tail was covered in about half a metre of water as if it was a centre piece of an aquarium. Dragonite hit Solrock with its tail of water. Solrock stopped levitating and fell to the ground, faint. Tate grimaced as he recalled his Solrock. Lunatone's eyes glowed once again. This time, two golden beams came from its sharp forehead and its pointed chin. The two golden beams met, centimetres from Lunatone's nose. Lunatone began shaking as it struggled to contain the power of the beam. For a split second the beam disappeared and Lunatone stopped shaking, but its eyes still glowed. Suddenly a thick beam of golden light erupted from Lunatone's nose. Directed at Dragonair, Dragonite threw itself in front of Dragonair just in time. Dragonite took full blast of the attack. Its head was thrown back and its body was kept in mid air by the force of the beam. Dragonite's appendages shook violently, but its torso remanded rigid. Lunatone was putting ever ounce of energy into the attack.  At last Lunatone stopped, exhausted. Dragonite fell into a clump on the ground. Both Pokemon breathed heavily. The Hyper Beam had taken a lot of energy to create and endure.
"Dragon Pulse, Dragonair!" Clair commanded. Dragonair opened its small mouth. A blue orb appeared and glowed inside it. Dragonair charged it for a while and then launched it at Lunatone. Lunatone was defenceless and easily fainted after the Dragon Pulse hit its already weakened body. Liza and Tate grimaced. They looked at each other and launched their Pokeballs in complete unison as if they had secretly choreographed it, which of course, they had.  Two more Pokemon appeared. One levitated a few centimetres above the ground. It was a strange looking Pokemon with a happy smiling face and short arms and stumpy bits of matter which could pass of legs. It had short ears and its face gave the impression of a teddy bear. But what was most strange about it was that none of its body parts were connected. They seemed to be all floating in greenish goo that stuck to the Pokemon and when it moved its arms dragged behind it. In fact, its hands were simple fingers of this green goo with its arms being dotted with yellow and red orbs inside the goo.
"Reuniclus!" the Pokemon said happily and it grinned showing its pleasure of being out on the battlefield. The second Pokemon was much less strange, but much more intimidating. It was human-like yellow Pokemon. It held a pendulum and had a thick white mane around its neck. It had a long nose and big ears. Te Pokemon had a face of sincerity and did not show any signs of emotion. It was quite an odd sight, seeing a happy, smiling Reuniclus next to a serious Hypno which gave the impression of a grumpy old man. All of a sudden, Reuniclus grimaced in concentration, its green hands glowing a deep pink. It stared at Dragonite and its eyes began to glow pink as well. Suddenly Dragonite called out in pain. Dragonite also began to glow and began shuddering like mad. Reuniclus began to lower its hands and as it did so, Dragonite, still fighting Reuniclus' Psychic attack, fell with it. With a faint 'Thud!' Dragonite fainted. Lance called his Pokemon back and called out his the last Pokemon to be called in this battle. The crowd gasped. It was a Gyarados, but this Gyarados was different. Instead of the aqua blue of a normal Gyarados, this one was an angry red. Its eyes seemed to be angrier than a normal Gyarados, indeed its entire appearance was enough for Candice to soil herself. Lance smiled to himself.
"I've been waiting to do that for ages," he said. "Waterfall!" he commanded his fresh Pokemon. Gyarados charged at Hypno and flew upwards, making sure to hit Hypno's head with its tail on the way. Hypno flew back, and it grudgingly got back up.
"Thunder Wave!" Clair called, and her Dragonair's horn buzzed with a weak jolt of electricity. The seemingly harmless volt of electricity made its way to Reuniclus anddid not harm him in any visible way, but everyone knew that Reuniclus was now paralysed. While still able to do some attacks, Reuniclus would now face the chance that he might not be able to move at some points. Hypno hit Dragonair with a weak Psychic and the battle raged on. Reuniclus did nothing except cringe menacingly. Gyarados roared and sent another powerful Waterfall at Reuniclus. Dragonair tried to  paralyse Hypno but the attack missed. Things weren't looking good for Liza and Tate. Both Hypno and Reuniclus were on their last legs and they were both one attack away from being knocked out.
"Thunder Wave!" Clair called once again. The small jolt of electricity zoomed towards Hypno but Tate quickly gave his command.  Hypno sent his pendulum into the air, spinning like a boomarang. The pendulum hit the electricity and absorbed it and glowed yellow, pulsing with electricity. The pendulum the swung around, controlled by Hypno's Psychic powers. It wrapped itself around Gyarados and sent the electricity pulsing through Gyarados' body. Gyarados roared in pain. The electricity's voltage had been magnitude by Hypno and Gyarados hated it. It was not long before the giant blue serpent came crashing down. Lance was shocked. He glanced at Steven who said: "It's legal." Fuming, Lance called back his Pokemon and went to leave.
"No!," called Steven, "You can't run from a Trainer Battle!" Lance went red in the face and promptly sat where he once stood, sulking. Clair was also surprised. Now she had to win against a Reuniclus and a crafty Hypno with a Dragonair. She began to go white. Reuniclus used Psychic to send Dragonair flying and that was it. Liza and Tate had won against a champion and an 8th Gym Leader and it sent a dangerous warning to Wallace.
"Good game!" they said in unison to Clair. Clair was disappointed, but gracefully accepted the loss. Lance wasn't as humble. As soon as Clair's Dragonair fainted, he ran off to his compartment.
"He's such a child," Clair said.



But good battle :0 i love your stories. The only request i have is that you add more NSM members. Namely, Nebbles, Shado, Bespinben, Roz, me, and EVERYONE else who plays pokemon shtuff here xD
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


Quote from: K-NiGhT on March 10, 2012, 06:09:23 PMBut good battle :0 i love your stories. The only request i have is that you add more NSM members. Namely, Nebbles, Shado, Bespinben, Roz, me, and EVERYONE else who plays pokemon shtuff here xD
8O That's like 20 extra people. On top of all the Gym Leaders, Frontier Brains, Elite Fours and Champions. :L Maybe later.


Quote from: Clanker37 on March 10, 2012, 06:48:49 PM8O That's like 20 extra people. On top of all the Gym Leaders, Frontier Brains, Elite Fours and Champions. :L Maybe later.
then maybe the ones i just named. that's only like 5 xD
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I wouldn't do it. Don't force them into the story. Odds are they'll feel forced and won't be as funny
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Maybe i'll make one then of NSM members :o
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*