
Local man invests life savings into turnips. When asked whether it was a wise decision he responded, "Eh. I'm sure someone will buy them."

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Clanker's Tale

Started by Clanker37, May 26, 2011, 05:21:34 AM

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How is Chapter 10?

Awesome :D


Well here it is. Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Dining on the S.S Anne

Lance rushed into the dining room. It was very noisy. 17 small, circular tables were scattered around the room. Some were full while some had only 2 occupants. A long table sat on the opposite wall and a similar long table sat on a small stage. Cynthia beckoned from this table. Lance walked over, noting that the seating was by type. Lance sat at the end of the stage table, next to Cynthia.
“Nice of you to join us,” she said.
“Well, I bumped into a guy. Does Gary or Blue have any children?” asked Lance.
“No, but it could be another Oak Grandchild” said Cynthia. “Samuel Oak has too many to remember all their names! He relies on Red’s relatives.” Lance chuckled. He looked down the table. He saw three trainers he did not recognise. One had bright white hair and clinging clothes and a hair-band. Another had a red cap with a Poke ball on it. He had a blue jacket and black pants. The last trainer had long, wavy brown hair. He wore a red jumper with white stripes and jeans that stopped just to reveal his hairy ankles. His hands supporting his head as he looked over the crowd, not blinking.
“Who are they?” Lance asked Cynthia, who had picked up a menu.
“I don’t know they’re not from Sinnoh” said Cynthia
“The one with the white hair is called Fingerz” cut in Steven. “He’s from Hoenn. He beat the League and boy did he give me a run for my money!”
“And that’s SlowPokemon” said Alder, across the other Champions. “He conquered the Unova league. He uses uncommon Pokémon seen in battle, but they are well trained”
“Then who could that be?” asked Lance. The Champions shrugged and returned to their menus. Lance’s curiosity was quickly distracted by the brown-suited man from Sinnoh.
“Looks like Dexter has something to say” said Cynthia, who diverted her attention to Dexter. Dexter raised his hands and the crowd fell silent and turned their attention to him.
“Welcome! As you all know, this is the S.S Anne which is the location of this year’s League Holiday!” He announced. Applause erupted from the crowd. A screen came down from the ceiling
“Now before we start our delicious meals let us get to business. For new trainers it will be new knowledge about the Pent-Region Tournament! Now this is a tournament played every year on the League Holiday. The tournament, though just for fun, can be a basis for Champions to adjust their League to be fairer.  Now no trainers are at a type disadvantage in the 1st round, but from the 2nd onwards it may be unavoidable. Here is the first round matchup!” said Dexter. The screen behind Dexter flickered on and a tournament setup appeared. All 78 trainer’s faces appeared on the screen, some with slashes through them where they’d double up, Iris and Drayden for example.
“Also may I introduce these three trainers alongside me? They are very skilled and have proven themselves in their region of origin. So of Hoenn, we have Fingerz!” Fingerz stood up and smiled. The hungry crowd forced applause. Winona clapped the loudest and waved at Fingerz. Fingerz subtly waved back. “SlowPokemonn of Unova!” announced Dexter. SlowPokemon did not notice. It wasn’t until Fingerz kicked him under the table until SlowPokemon stood up and received his applause. “And Clanker from Kanto!” the trainer with a red jumper jumped up. He was very tall and the front tables craned their necks to get a good look.
“Now please eat to your heart’s content! You all have a busy day tomorrow! The first round begins at 9 am sharp with Misty against Brawly” Dexter sat down and over eighty waiters burst from the Kitchen doors holding white plates with silver cloches on them. They all walked, briskly to their trainer and placed the plate down. They removed the cloche on each plate in total synchronise to reveal the trainer’s favourite meal. Drayden smacked his lips as he tucked into delicious Bagon Brains.
“So I hear you share the 8th Gym post” said Drake who was eating a Horsea soup.
“Yeah, I verse Whites while Drayden verses Blacks” said Iris, who was enjoying her Bouffalant Horns.
“That’s a bit racist isn’t it?” asked Drake.
“No, we are the same skill level” said Iris. Clair was eating her Dragonair Skin in silence and kept throwing furious looks at Iris. Meanwhile the Psychic tables’s conversation was stone cold. Will attempted a conversation while eating his Ralts Soup. Sabrina just stared furiously at him while she nibbled her Espeon tails. Lucian sat frowning at Sabrina while he ate his Gallade Drumstick. Caitlin dreamily ate her Mushurana Stomach and Liza and Tate glanced looks over their Xatu Wings.
The Roark was having similar problems. Every time his eyes laid on Roxanne his heart skiped a beat and he dropped a part of his scrambled Cranidos egg. Brock and Roxanne had a lovely conversation about Fossils over Brock’s Omastar Tentacles and Roxanne’s Nosepass Bogey Broth. Whitney and Lenora were having lots of fun at the Normal table. They both stared at Norman, happily eating their Boiled Watchog’s and Glasses of Moo Moo Milk.  Norman grew steadily red, eating his Fried Slaking Fingers. He suddenly slammed his fist on the table and yelled “Your freaking Miltank!” Whitney erupted in a fit of giggles.

The Bug table was a much happier place. Bugsy and Burgh listened intently to Aaron’s stories.
“And then Drapion got back up and used Cross Poison and defeated Volkner” he said proudly in between mouthfuls of Yanma Eyes lathered in Vespiquen Honey. Burgh and Bugsy looked impressed and ate their Scizor Claws and Venipede tails. Aaron’s eyes met Karen’s. He smiled and she smiled back. Karen turned back to her Houndoom Claws and listened to Sidney whose mouth was full of Cacturne Arms. Grimsley looked bored and his lip was very thin, but he politely looked like he was listening while eating his Bisharp Brains. Suddenly Bruno, Chuck and Marshal were on their feet.
“I’m ten times better than you!” said Chuck. Bruno snorted.
“Oh yeah? So you’d be an Elite Four then?” he retorted

“Neither of you are as better as me!” yelled Marshal. Maylene sat there her face in horror, while Brawly was quite intent of staring at Jasmine eat her Empolen Wings. Jasmine’s eyes met Brawly’s. Brawly ruffled his hair and gave Jasmine an upwards jerk of his head. Jasmine was shocked at this gesture and returned to listening to Byron. Elesa was observing this act and went bright red. She forced herself away from it back to her Zebstrika Steak.
“What’s wrong?” asked Volkner kindly.
“Oh, nothing” Elesa replied in a hurry.
“Wahahaha!” laughed Wattson who had also seen Brawly and Jasmine’s non-spoken conversation.
“We had something like that in the war. Nasty piece of business that Face-Burning Syndrome is” said Lt. Surge. Elesa rolled eyes; Volkner just looked at her with a worried look on his face and Wattson kept on chuckling.
“How did you treat this Face-Burning Syndrome?” Volkner asked Lt. Surge
“I’m fine!” yelled Elesa and she stormed out onto the deck. As she walked she bumped into Clay who was talking rapidly on his phone. Poor Bertha was left on her own. Elesa glanced back. She grabbed her Zebstrika Steak and pulled her bright yellow to the light brown table where Bertha was all alone. Bertha looked up and smiled. Meanwhile the Ghost table was alive with speech. Phoebe, Fantina and Shauntel were talking so much that their Banette Drumsticks, Mismagius Salad and Jellicent Rings were untouched. Morty did not mind. They were distracted from him slicing his skin with his knife.
“Don’t do that, stupid boy!” exclaimed Agatha. Morty gave her a look then continued. Agatha shook her head and looked at the Ice table. The Ice table was much more cheerful. Lorelei was absentmindedly tapping the fingering for a song on an imaginary piano.
“What are you playing?” asked Glacia, who knew of Lorlei’s famous musical ability.
“Mt. Blaze” answered Lorelei a dreamy look had captured her face.
“Oh” said Glacia, who had expected Frosty Forest. Her neck tightened and veins were popping which made her almost choke as she ate her Fried Speal. She glanced at the Fire table, where she thought Mt. Blaze would be more welcome. Chili was rocking back on his chair. Blaine had a mad look and a crazy smile. Flannery’s explosive hair fell behind the chair and waved as she talked.
“I believe your brother had remodelled his Gym, Flint” said Flannery
“Oh yeah. The Sunnyshore Council really hates it. They say it was the worst day for  Sunnyshore when the triplets were born” said Flint.
“Triplets? I thought Buck was younger...” said Flannery, who then scooped a mouthful of French Macargo into her mount.
“Oh yeah we have another brother, Cyrus. I don’t where he went, he’s really good with computers but one day he just left. He had big dreams and was very interested in the Sinnoh legend” said Flint who had finished his Infernape Broth. He jumped in panic when he saw tall blue hair, but it was just Wake’s mask. Wake had stood up in surprise when he had burned his bare chest with his Floatzel Bouillabaisse. He whipped it down with his napkin and returned to the Water table. Misty was swaying and she was on her 7th glass of champagne. Wallace ate his Wailord Sushi in silence and Cress was much too quite to utter a word. Wake sighed and ate his Floatzel Bouillabaisse in equal silence. He looked jealously at Gardenia, whose table was just as awkward. Erika had a very funny smell and Cilan was as silent. Gardenia shook her head and ate her Jumpluff Salad. Sudenlt Koga jumped up.
“Stupid girl! Look what you have done!” he exclaimed stretching out his shirt which had a deep purple stain. Janine was in tears and Koga hit her hard on her head. Winona cringed but nobody did anything as not many people noticed.
“That man should be put away for child cruelty” said Winona.
“He won’t. He’s too good a trainer. Lance always steps in and defends him and you can’t really argue with the Champion” said Falkner
“But surely someone would realise!” said Skyla
“They do, but they respect Lance too much” said Falkner. Winona shook her head.
“All this corruption and lies all in our own backyard! Someone needs to stand up to him. For Janine’s sake” said Winona. Falkner shook his head.
“I’ve tried Lance won’t hear a word against him” he said. Meanwhile the Brain table was alive with conversation.
“Well I do think that Shell Smash has improved Cloyster greatly” said Thorton
“On the contrary, but now Cloyster’s are everywhere! So naturally Conkeldurrs and Mienshaos seem to litter the battle scene today” said Palmer. They had finished their food and the waiters were now taking the plates back to the kitchen. Dexter stood up
“Well you are now free to roam the ship! Feel free to walk on the deck, visit the nursery or battlefield or any of the other things you can do as explained by the pamphlet on your pillow, but be sure to  get a good night’s rest; there are sure to be fierce battles tomorrow!” warned Dexter. The trainers left with much discussion of the following battles. Misty, who was exceedingly drunk, had to be supported by Wake who dumped her on her compartment floor, drooling. Most trainers went to bed, but Falkner walked to the stern of the ship. He gazed over the water. It was a clear night and the water reflected the sheen of the moon. Falkner could see shining lights of Kanto slowly drifting away. He sighed and walked back to his compartment where he two, would submit himself for sleep’s fate.

The waves were calm. The ship sailed smoothly in the sun’s rays. Then “CRACK!” and Caitlin woke in a sweat. It was dark and all was calm.
“Just a dream” she said to calm her nerves, but the dream pestered her as she fell into a restless sleep.


Hahaha! I feel sorry for Misty. Nice chapter Clanker. :)
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


You feel sorry for Misty because she's an alcaholic? Really? Or do you mean Janine who is abused by her father?


Getting dumped in her cabin. ;D
I never knew Koga was that bad! Poor Janine...
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Quote from: fingerz on June 20, 2011, 03:00:00 PMGetting dumped in her cabin. ;D
I never knew Koga was that bad! Poor Janine...
Well a lot more will be revealed. A LOT MORE. Also sorry about the lack of updates. Ocarina of Time 3-D came out and well...I've kinda fell in love with it. I will update soon. I hope


Ta-da! After much work I am proud to present Chapter five! Enjoy!

Chapter 5 Misty vs. Brawly

Misty awoke with a nasty headache. She had drunk her way through 2 champagne bottles the previous night. She walked, clutching her aching head, into the dining room and sat in the nearest chair. The table was already occupied by Liza & Tate and Spencer who didn’t mind Misty.
“What happened last night?” Misty groaned
“You were really drunk...”began Liza
“and Wake had to” continued Tate
“back to your”
“room where”
“you slept on the floor” finished Liza. Misty stared at them with red eyes. Very few people were used to Liza & Tate’s telepathic speech. Spencer shot Misty a toothless grin.
“You’re late” he said to Misty.
“For what?” she asked, dazed
“Your battle with Brawly” he said Misty scoffed
“I don’t have a battle with...”Misty broke off as Dexter’s voice filled her head. ‘The tournament will begin tomorrow with Misty vs. Brawly at 9 am sharp’. Misty checked her watch. It was two minutes past nine. She swore and ran to her compartment and grabbed the first six Poke balls she found and ran, full pelt, to the battlefield. She arrived, panting on the battlefield where Dexter and Brawly were waiting. Trainers were scattered randomly in the stadium.
“You’re late” said Dexter in a cold voice.
“” panted Misty
“Well, never the matter, you may begin” said Dexter. Brawly walked to the other side of the pitch. Misty and Brawly drew their Pokemon at the same time.
“Hitmonlee!’ called Brawly. A brown Pokemon with springy limbs was called onto the field. It had two eyes which gace the impression that Hitmonlee was wearing mascara and no mouth.
“Gorebyss!” called Misty. A pink serpent-like Pokemon took the field. It had curly eyelashes and had a fin sprouting from its head both on top and bottom. It wore clams on its under belly and it had a long proboscis.
“Hi-Jump Kick!” Brawly commanded. Hitmonlee jumped on one foot and propelled itself at Goarebyss with on foot extended. Gorebyss took a lot of damage when the sweaty foot made firm contact with her face. Misty was instantly eager to fight back.
“Psychic!” she yelled. Goarebyss’ eyes shone a deep pink. Hitmonlee was surrounded by a veil of the same colour. Hitmonlee started being swung around the room as if a strong man was swinging him around by the foot. Hitmonlee hit the ground, hard, his eyes firmly shut. Gorebyss had performed what is called a One Hit Knock Out or OHKO.
“Medicham!” called Brawly. A human-like Pokemon appeared. It had thin arms but its legs had large pink bags of muscles. Its head also had this bag and it had three points off it. It looked foolish standing on its tiny feet.
“Fake Out!” said Brawly. Medicham danced around a bit and, without warning, smacked Gorebyss on the head making Gorebyss so surprised it flinched and was unable to attack.
“Thunderpunch!” commanded Brawly. Medicham’s fist was flowing with electricity and he danced to Gorebyss and punched her in the face. After this move Gorebyss met Hitmonlee’s fate. Misty grimaced. She pulled out a different coloured Pokeball. Instead of a red top it had a black top and yellow stripes. It was an Ultra Ball.
“Tentacruel!” she called as the Ultra Ball opened and a huge jellyfish emerged from the light. It had fourteen long, poisonous tentacles sprouting from its black underbelly. It had red gems scattered around its body. A few people crinkled their noses at Tentacruel as they remembered their memories of Tentacruel’s previous evolution Tentacool which they weren’t so fond.
“Thunderpunch!” yelled Brawly. Tentacrule held tight as Medicham punched its body.
“Surf!” called Misty. Tentacruel stared directly at Medicham and did not blink as a gigantic wave picked it up and smashed itself against Medicham. The water disappeared and Medicham was standing there holding a sash with a flame pattern on it. Misty uttered a word so vile that it cannot be mentioned here. Medicham was holding a Focus Sash
“Psycho Cut!” called Brawly. Medicham smacked its hands together and a pink blade appeared. Medicham concentrated on the pink blade. Medicham suddenly released the blade. It shot at Tentacruel and when it made contact Tentacruel fell. ‘Critical Hit!’ echoed through the stadium which explained Tentacruel’s premature death. Misty swore loudly
“Vaporeon!” she cried. A four legged Pokemon appeared. It was completely blue and its physical features were much like a cat. Apart from the mermaid tail and a frilly neck.
“Thunderpunch!” Brawly called. Vaporeon took some damage but tried not to show it
“Acid Armour!” Misty commanded. Vaporeon’s body began to shimmer and it was soon transparent, but only for a second. It then returned to its solid body, but it looked much more formidable.
“Thunderpunch” Brawly said, stunned. Vaporeon took less damage from Thunderpunch after the Acid Armour. Misty smiled
“Wish!” she called , she punched the air as she said it. A golden star erupted from Vaporeon’s tail and surrounded her in sparkles.
“Protect!” Misty called, gleefully. Vaporeon was surrounded by a large, transparent bubble. Brawly knew it was foolish to attack. The golden sparkles caused by Wish shone brighter and they soon enveloped Vaporeon in golden light. They all had to cover their eyes as Wish took effect. When the light faded Vaporeon looked like it had just popped out from its Poke ball and hadn’t endured Medicham’s attacks yet.
“Thunderpunch...” mumbled Brawly who had lost most of his hope of defeating Vaporeon with Medicham.
“Surf!” called Misty and a giant wave rocked the ship once again, this time knocking Medicham out. Brawly was saddened by he did not lose hope. He produced a Pokeball from his belt and sent out his next Pokemon with a determined face.
“Conkeldurr!” he called in an almost frightening voice. A hunched-over human-like Pokemon stood on Brawly’s side. Its body was brown, it had red nose and purple veins ran over its body like streets in a city. It held two massive concrete columns in its hand. Misty was instantly fearful. Conkeldurr was stuff of legend. It had muscles capable of tossing a Tyranitar across a field. Its legs were so weak, though, that it had to use the columns it held as support.
“Acid Armour!” Misty called franticly. Vaporeon emerged more tougher than before.
“Subsitute!” Brawly commanded. The crowd went into confused uproar.
“Subsitute?! Why wouldn’t he use Conkeldurr’s attack?” Maylene asked. Misty had similar thoughts racing in her mind as she stared at the green, plush doll that replaced Conkeldurr’s position.
“Surf” said Misty feebly, who was still bewildered by Brawly’s move. The wave knocked Conkeldurr’s Substitute away forcing Conkeldurr to reappear. It looked different. It was concentrating and its purple veins were bludging.
“Focus Punch!” Brawly roared and he punched the air and grinned. Conkeldurr dropped his columns and ran at Vaporeon. He pulled back his right hand a punched Vaporeon in the face. On contact a small explosion was caused and Vaporeon was blown back. The crowd was alive with mutterings.
“Substitute/Focus Punch combo. Brilliant” said Chuck. The dust cleared and Vaporeon was standing there severely weakened. Misty was shell-shocked.
“W-wish!” she stuttered but Brawly had commanded first.
“Mach Punch” he had said. Misty let out a scream as her Vaporeon hit the floor, lifeless. Sobbing, she recalled it and, with a furious face to match that of Ganondorf, pulled out her next Pokemon.
“Milotic!” she called. The Tender Pokemon instantly infatuated the crowd. Whether it was the sleek long body, or the tail that changed colours depending on which angle it was sighted, Milotic had been the love of all Contest Co-ordinators, the prize of a Pokémon collection to a collector and a formidable opponent on the battlefield for years.
“Hydro Pump!” Misty commanded. Milotic opened its mouth and a torrent of water shot out and hit Conkeldurr face on. The torrent of water stopped and Conkeldurr had not survived. Misty smiled as she remembered those lovely battles where Milotic had won if from an inch from defeat. Brawly recalled Conkeldurr’s lifeless body. Misty was a formidable opponent.
“Lucario!” he called. A blue, human-shaped Pokemon appeared. It had tall ears and had a single spike coming from its chest.
“Aura Sphere!” Brawly commanded. Lucario pulled back its hands and from its palms came a orb of yellow energy. The orb shot across the field and hit Milotic to Brawly’s plan. But Brawly did not Misty’s plan.
“Mirror Coat!” Misty announced. Miloic’s eyes shone a bright pink and a pane of glass appeared in front of Milotic’s body. The pane of glass held a reflection of Lucario. The mirrored Lucario copied the actions that the real Lucario had just preformed. The Aura Sphere got bigger and bigger in the glass before it took up most of the glass. The Aura Sphere exploded out of the glass scattering shards of glass across the field. The Aura Sphere hit Lucario who was sent flying backwards. Lucario did not move. Misty smiled. Lucario had been beaten with its own power. Brawly was furious. Milotic had taken two of his Pokemon with only a scratch. It was time for less strategy and more raw power.
“Machamp!” he called. Machamp was coloured a greeny-blue. It could be mistaken for a human very easily;except for the four muscular arms, the flat beak and the tall yellow lumps on his head.
“Recover!” called Misty. Milotic’s body shone a bright gold. When the golden sheen wore off Milotic looked like it had just been called from its Pokeball.
“Dynamic Punch!” called Brawly. Machamp used its extraordinary ability to see everything in slow motion to lock on Milotic and hit the slender serpent hard. When Machamp backed off Misty noticed little ducks swimming in Milotic’s eyes. Milotic had been confused.
“Hydro Pump!” she commanded, but Milotic heard “Hit yourself in the face!” and Milotic never disobeyed a direct order. Milotic began slapping itself in the face with its tail.
“Dynamic Punch!” Bawly commanded. Milotic took another heavy blow. It swayed a little.
“Recover!” Misty commanded. Milotic replied by whipping its tail wildly and exhausted itself. Milotic’s body flumped on the floor in a lifeless coil. It was a tough battle. Both trainers had, but two Pokemon left, but Misty still held the element of surprise.
“Gyarados!” she announced. A blue serpent was released from its small, but cosy home. It had a fierce look and a gapping mouth. Machamp cowered as Gyarados’s Intimidate abilty took hold. Machamp would be to afraid to hit as hard now. Brawly did not hesitate to re-call Machmp back to his belt.
“Hariyama!” he called. Hariyama was fat and resembled a Japanese sumo wrestler. It’s large orange hands could topple skyscrapers.
“Bounce!” Misty called. Gyarados sprung up into the sky. Brawly remembered his teacher telling him of an important rule
“The Pokemon Battle Rules page 358, paragraph 2, section 2B clearly states that if one trainer is to re-call their Pokemon, he/she is to wait one turn before ordering an attack, unless he/she is retreating to which he/she is to be laughed at and poked with sharp pointy sticks” said the echo of Mrs. Defibrillator, his teacher and coach. Due to this rule Brawly was forced to watch as Gyarados came plummeting back to the ship. Gyarados grew steadily larger and then ‘Thump!’ Gyarados came crashing down on the field causing dust to erupt in the air. When the dust cleared Gyarados was seen, but Hariyama was untouched. Bounce had missed.
“Rock Slide!” Brawly called with glee. Hariyama smacked its hands together and then punched the air. With each punch a large boulder came from his hands. The boulders hit Gyarados with amazing force. Hariyama stopped and the rocks faded away.
“Dragon Dance!” Misty commanded, but Gyarados was not enveloped in a blue flame. Instead Gyarados sat there with a dumb look on its face. Misty screamed in rage. Gyarados had flinched.
“Rock Slide!” Brawly almost sang. Gyarados could not take another pummelling and fell to the mighty rocks. Misty had just once single Pokemon left. One single glimmer of victory.
“Starmie!” she called. A prple starfish Pokemon appeared. It had another starfish attached to its back and a bright, red gem in its centre.
“Psychic!” Misty commanded and the gem shone with a bright pink light. Hariyama was also shone in pink. Hariyama was shaken around a bit and then dropped, faint.
“Machamp!” Brawly called
“Psychic!” Misty commanded and that was that. Brawly had lost the first battle of the Pent-Region Tournament but he was not the only loser. After three days the successors of battle were obvious. Wattson was defeated by Shauntel. Burgh beat Dahlia in a surprise twist which included a very lucky X-Scissor attack. Liza and Tate easily overcame Thorton who hadn;t really put much thought into his Pokemon selection. Alder completely whipped the floor with Erika who had randomly adopted an English accent. Flannery burst into tears when Caitlen’s Metagross threw her Torkoal across the room. Wake was shattered, but not surprised when Noland was victorious. To no one’s surprise Lucian obliterated Brock as Brandon did similar to Volner who sulked afterwards. Grimsely flashed a wicked grin as Falkner’s Pigeot fall. Fantina didn’t really try against Glacia, but she did enjoy a slow waltz with her Mismagius during the battle. Blaine’s Arcanine was easily overcome by Sidneys Absol and Aaron displayed similar success against Morty. Whitney had a very bad tantrum when she realised that Winona’s Pokemon were all females and there for immune to her Miltank’s Attract. Spencer won by forfeit when Clay took a very important phone call about gold prices. Maylene sighed heavily when Drake beat her. Gardenia was more concered about the non-environmentally lights rather than her fight with Norman. Fingerz beat Lucy who had expected nothing less from a trainer who had recently beat the Hoenn Battle Frontier. Lt. Surge was shocked to see Clair’s Kingdra defeat his Raichu. Bertha smiled as her Hippowdon overtook Sabrina’s Alakazam. Wallace beat Jasmine in an odd moment of grace and skill. Phoebe and Great battle hard until Greta lost her will to continue. Marshal easily defeated Elesa who seemed very worried about her hair. Tucker won in opposition to Byron despite having much difficulty against his Bastitodon. In a surprise twist Roark beat Janine by a narrow margin. Agatha was pleased to “Teach young Iris a lesson!” as she put it. Lance and Palmer had a elongated battle to which ended in Palmer’s Dragonite falling to Lance’s Dragonite. Lenora was furious when she was beaten by Will. Darach bowed gracefully when SlowPokemon’s Spinda beat his Staraptor with a terrifying Return. Blue was fuming when Cynthia defeated hmim with only her Spiritomb. There was much debate when Cress, Cilan and Chili all battled Roxanne at once to which they, Cress, Cilan and Chili, were disqualified. Bugsy was not surprised when Lorelei swept him a side like litter. Steven did not fight his hardest but still beat an eager Skyla. Gary scoffed at Candice when she lost at his feet. Karen and Flint battled fiercely but in the end Flint was victorious. Pryce was calm and collected when Koga defeated him, though not the same could be said for Chuck when he lost to Argenta. Brycen disappeared mysteriously when Anabel beat him. Bruno and Clanker were the last to battle. Bruno thought it was an easy victory at the start, but soon found that he could not win against the tall trainer.


Very well done Clanker! Here's my favourite parts:

Quote from: Clanker37“Hydro Pump!” she commanded, but Milotic heard “Hit yourself in the face!” and Milotic never disobeyed a direct order. Milotic began slapping itself in the face with its tail.

Quote from: Clanker37“The Pokemon Battle Rules page 358, paragraph 2, section 2B clearly states that if one trainer is to re-call their Pokemon, he/she is to wait one turn before ordering an attack, unless he/she is retreating to which he/she is to be laughed at and poked with sharp pointy sticks” said the echo of Mrs. Defibrillator, his teacher and coach.
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


You have a decent story, it's enjoyable to read, but you need to work on your writing style a bit. You know, break things up, grammar errors, stuff like that.

Very good! So far I rate it 8/10.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Well done, Clanker! Nice stories, very interesting. The way you mix all the gym leaders and elite fours and even champions is certainly fantastic. :D


HOWEVER! I wouldn´t eat that food... Bisharp brains, Musharna stomach... argh!  :P


^thanks! I almost forgot about this, so thanks for reminding me!
Quote from: WarioMan98 on August 07, 2011, 01:47:11 PMHOWEVER! I wouldn´t eat that food... Bisharp brains, Musharna stomach... argh!  :P
Well real animals don't live in the Pokemon world so unless you're vegetarian you have to eat Zigzagoon Tails, Wailord Sushi etc. It's just the same as we eat lamb and cattle only they're Pokemon


Actually, if you remember some of the early episodes of the Pokémon anime in the very first season, when Ash goes to the Cerulean City Gym, the aquarium inside has real fish in it, thus there are actual animals in the Pokémon universe, but we don't see them much because they're population is very low due to natural selection, the Pokémon preying them, the far less powerful animals.
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


Quote from: Bespinben on August 08, 2011, 12:51:40 AMActually, if you remember some of the early episodes of the Pokémon anime in the very first season, when Ash goes to the Cerulean City Gym, the aquarium inside has real fish in it, thus there are actual animals in the Pokémon universe, but we don't see them much because they're population is very low due to natural selection, the Pokémon preying them, the far less powerful animals.
No they weren't real fish! They were ah...painted magikarp! Yes you see Misty's sister has a craving for art and loves painting her Magikarp all sorts of colours! Some are just coincidentaly fish looking! I'm totaly lying NOT LYING! I know because I saw a documentary once...


The beauty of denial...
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday


Chapter 6! Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 6 Gaining Friends
The afternoon sun reflected off the water to give perfect opportunity for sun bathers. The stern of the ship hosted these sun bathers as well as on lookers of the sea. Elesa and Brawly were chatting.
“I saw you battle today,” said Elesa in a babyish voice
“I saw you battle as well,” said Brawly in his deep throttle of a voice
“You were excellent,”
“But I lost,”
“I still think you were wonderful,”
“Still lost,” said Brawly which finished the argument. At that moment Jasmine came out in a black bikini. She made her way to a lounge and sat, in-between Phoebe and Cynthia who were sunbathing. Jasmine placed sunglasses on and lay back, letting her body absorb the sun. Brawly’s eyes were firmly planted on Jasmine’s body. Both Jasmine and Elesa noticed though only one showed it.
“C’mon let’s go inside,” said Elesa who didn’t want Brawly anywhere near Jasmine
“That’s OK, you go, I want to stay here,” said Brawly
“Oh, but I don’t want to be lonely!” whined Elesa
“Volkner’s inside, why don’t you talk to him?” Brawly asked
”But I want to talk to you!” Elesa went on.
“Well, talk to me here,” said Brawly, whose eyes had not moved from Jasmine’s body
“You’re just being difficult!” yelled Elesa, furious and she walked back inside. Jasmine smiled; she could practically feel Brawly checking her out and she enjoyed it.

Inside, Koga was talking with Janine in a private room.
“Your battle today was horrible,” began Koga. Janine said nothing. She knew what was coming
“You failed to hold up the Poija family name. You have brought disgrace to our family. When we arrive home, you shall get the Skitty-O’-Ninetails and you pay for your foolishness,” Janine began to silently cry.
“Crying will only make it worse, stupid girl! Your punishment will worsen if you do not stop those tears!” commanded Koga. Janine tried and wished for her tears to stop, but they continued for several minutes.
“Now, go. Tell no one of this conversation,” said Koga after Janine had stopped sobbing and Janine left the room. She bumped into Lorelei and Winona.
“Oh, sorry,” mumbled Janine who hurried passed the friends
“Janine, wait!” called Winona, but Janine walked faster, but Winona and Lorelei followed. Janine turned sharply, but Winona and Lorlei followed. Janine broke into a run and Lorelei ran after her, while Winona pulled out a Pokeball.
“Swellow!” she called and as large, blue bird appeared. It had gleaming red eyes and a red breast. It had two long spikes coming from its tail and large wings. Winona jumped on Swellow
“After Janine!” commanded Winona and Swellow sped off trapping Janine between Swellow and Lorelei. Janine looked around for an escape, then burst into loud tears.
“C’mon, let’s go to my compartment, it’s the closest,” said Lorelei who had her hands on Janine’s shoulder in a sympathetic way. They walked into a room which was blue all over. A blue carpet with a picture of the legendary Pokémon Articuno sat on the floor. Sheet music littered the drawers and made their way across the room. Lorelei sat Janine on the bed and offered her tissues. Janine accepted and began blowing her nose and whipping her eyes. Winona sat down beside her and Lorelei busied herself over at her built in kitchen.
“Tell us what happened Janine, we want to help,” said Winona. Janine shook her head.
“Come on, we want to help, we’re your friends,” said Winona. Janine thought about it, but she saw her father swear herself to secrecy. She looked into Winona’s eyes. She saw sympathy and understanding. Janine took a breath
“OK, but you mustn’t tell anyone, especially not my father,” she muttered
“Of course, we won’t breathe a word. Gym Leaders honour!” said Winona.
“Elite Four’s honour!” sang Lorelei who was busy making tea. Janine took a breath.
‘Well it all started when my mother died. She was an able trainer, though she liked Normal Types more, her Kangaskhan could destroy teams. Dad loved her. She loved him. It was a matchup made in heaven, though Dad had a busy work load being Gym Leader, but it payed a lot so we never complained” said Janine. Lorelei handed her a cup of tea and Janine drank. It was heavenly.
“Lapras water with Bellosom tea leaves” Lorelei answered to Janine’s facial expression.
“Oh, right. Well Mum got sick. Nurse Joy tried everything even the Triple Healing Wish but nothing could heal her. She died and dad changed. He was really, really depressed. He just mopped around the house and Gym. Then one day I walked into dad and Lance talking. Dad was smiling and I was so pleased to see him so happy. Then Lance got up and said he’d expect dad to be at the League on Monday. I then asked what was going on. Dad said that he’d been offered an Elite Four post and he’d accepted and that I’d get the Gym. I was so happy and dad was pleased as well. So dad went to the League, but a week later he came home. He was depressed again and I asked him what was wrong. He just s-said to m-mind my own b-business and then he...he...” Janine’s voice broke off. She erupted into fresh tears. Winona rubbed her back, but Lorelei pulled out her Lapras. At the sight of Janine Lapras opened its mouth. A beautiful melody flowed from its mouth. Janine’s tears stopped as uncontrollable happiness over took her.
“It was the first time that he hit me,” said Janine who was smiling even though she had just retold her worst nightmare. Lapras stopped singing. It looked horrified. The moment Lapras’ song stopped, Janine’s eyes stung with tears and Winona and Lorelei gasped. There was a moment silence before Janine burst into tears again and Lapras sung once more.
“It must have been horrible,” said Winona who had begun to grin
“Yes it was. Every time I lost a battle or dropped something instead of sympathising me he hit me,” said Janine whose teeth were showing through her smiling mouth.
“Well, stick with us. We won’t let Koga anywhere near you,” said Lorelei. Janine really meant the smile on her face
“Thank you so much. I’ve..I’ve never really had friends before so...” said Janine
“It’s OK we understand,” said Winona.

Roark and Noland sat on one of the many white couches which sat in the lounge room which over-looked the stern of the ship .
“So how have you been?” Noland asked
“Oh, great. My Cranidos evolved into Rampardos which was awesome,” replied Roark. Noland suspected his mind was on other things.
“Wow a Ramparados. That’ll help you in the Pent-Region tournament,” said Noland.
“Mmmm,” Roark said in agreement.
“You really pulled off that Earthquake against Janine. Her Drapion didn’t stand a chance,” said Noland. Roark continued staring into space.
“There’s something on your mind,” said Noland
“Oh...yeah, maybe...” said Roark
“C’mon, you can tell me. How long have we been friends?” Noland asked. Roark thought about all the fun he’d had with Noland, when Noland still lived in Oreburgh.
“OK, but don’t tell anyone,” Roark began, “There’s this girl I like. She’s on this ship in fact. But I don’t know how to tell her. I’d really like to, you know, hang out without it being weird.”
“Oh, I see”, said Noland, who remembered that ‘hang out’ was code for when he was Roark’s age. “Well, just be yourself and act natural. I’d do it as soon as possible”. The door opened and Flannery and Roxanne walked in. Flannery was wearing a black tank-top and red short-shorts, her explosive hair typed up in a bun. Roxanne wore similar only a bluish grey. Both were swimming in sweat.
“Phew! Who thought Poke-tennis was so hot!” Flannery moaned and she flung herself on the leather couch next to Noland. Noland winced. Roxanne sat herself calmly next to Flannery.
“Says the Fire Gym Leader,” said Noland, who was staring in horror as Flannery pealed her skin off the couch. Flannery gave him a look that screamed ‘Know-it-all’. She sat up straight and faced him.
“Just because I train Torkoals and Macargos doesn’t mean I’m heat resistant,” she said
“Yes, but one would think that should one bathe in the Hot Springs each day they’d be more resistant against heat,” said Noland. Flannery’s eyes widened.
“Only my fans who read the Lavaridge Times know that!” she shrieked. She had expected Noland to look uncomfortable, but he looked as calm as ever.
“I just like to keep up with what my peers are up to,” he said. Flannery laughed.
“You lie!” she was going to continue, but hesitated.
“I do not and I can prove it to you. I also know that Roark found a large gold nugget in the Oreburgh Mine last month,” Noland said “, and Roxanne was recently appointed teacher at the Rustboro Trainer School”. Flannery just looked at him
“Is that true?” she asked Roark and Roxanne. They both nodded hastily.
“That’s really creepy,” said Roxanne who stared at Noland. She then turned to Roxanne.
“You never told me you were Trainer School Teacher!” she exclaimed. Roxanne panicked
“Oh well, the uh...time never uh...came up,” she said
“Bulldust! You could’ve just said ‘I’m the Trainer School Teacher now’,” said Flannery, “anyway congratulations! Are you going the same way as past teachers?” Roxanne looked confused.
“Wha-What do you mean?” she stammered.
“Are you going to attempt to replicate other teacher’s actions?” Noland asked. Roxanne’s face looked blank.
“What are you talking about?” she demanded
“Pokemon School Teachers are well known for their ah... strange acts,” said Noland. Roxanne sighed
“I knew they were all crazy! Why else would they choose to teach those little brats!” Roxanne exclaimed.
“Well yes they are crazy, but they also act on certain...impulses shall we say?” said Noland. Roxanne looked puzzeled
“Like what?” she asked
“Well uhh,” stuttered Noland
“They like to rape little kids,” said Flannery. At the moment she said it Volkner walked in and had heard what she had said.
“Well that’s just lovely,” he said and walked off in disgust. Roxanne was shocked at this
“ teacher... Ms. Turner...” she said
“She was the sane one. Well as sane as a teacher can get. A lot of the others were rapists in disguise. I remember Mr. Coapes. He tried to do me. I just attacked him with Torkoal and ran off,” said Flannery.
“Yeah and I swear Ms. Callarp was doing Greta. Or Tucker, which would explain a lot,” said Noland.
“Could we change the subject from rape?” said Roxanne. The room was silent
“You’re no fun,” said Noland, who got up and left
“I’ll go have a shower,” said Flannery who also left. It was now just Roark and Roxanne.
“Well , I smell horrendous. See ya Roark,” said Roxanne
“Yeah, see ya,” he said. As Roxanne left Roark suddenly exclaimed : “Wait!’
“What is it?” Roxanne asked, half way out the door.
“D’you want to umm... I dunno... hang out sometime?” Roark asked. Roxanne smiled
“I’d like that,” she said. Roark’s heart leaped.
“Great. What about tonight?” he asked
“Pick me up at seven,” said Roxanne. Roark’s heart continued it’s difficult gymnastics
“Yeah, OK,” said Roark and Roxanne left. Roark began punching the air and yelling in triumph. He stopped when he heard Roxanne giggling