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Clanker's Tale

Started by Clanker37, May 26, 2011, 05:21:34 AM

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How is Chapter 10?

Awesome :D


This might just be me, and not count for 99% of other people, but I prefer not to use established characters (in this case, Gym Leaders and Frontier Brains) when writing fanfics. They might be good for cameos, but I don't see that adding or removing character traits from characters introduced in canon is a good idea. It just doesn't seem... right... in my eyes to alter characters that their creators have had their own ideas for*.

Another advice: Don't fall in the "too many characters" trap. If you plan to give all of them much time in the spotlight, you'll struggle to come up with anything interesting after 20 or so. Don't believe me? Read Emergence...

I haven't got around to reading all of this yet, though, but I have to admit it looks better than my story. Keep going!

*Yes, I added a little footnote just in case anybody accuse me of hypocrisy, because I most certainly use established characters in my own way in Emergence. Though, I only add (or fail to add) personality to the Pokémon, which are species just like any other animals and therefore express great individual variety.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.


Quote from: Cobraroll on May 31, 2011, 08:54:29 AMThis might just be me, and not count for 99% of other people, but I prefer not to use established characters (in this case, Gym Leaders and Frontier Brains) when writing fanfics. They might be good for cameos, but I don't see that adding or removing character traits from characters introduced in canon is a good idea. It just doesn't seem... right... in my eyes to alter characters that their creators have had their own ideas for*.

Another advice: Don't fall in the "too many characters" trap. If you plan to give all of them much time in the spotlight, you'll struggle to come up with anything interesting after 20 or so. Don't believe me? Read Emergence...

I haven't got around to reading all of this yet, though, but I have to admit it looks better than my story. Keep going!

*Yes, I added a little footnote just in case anybody accuse me of hypocrisy, because I most certainly use established characters in my own way in Emergence. Though, I only add (or fail to add) personality to the Pokémon, which are species just like any other animals and therefore express great individual variety.
Thanks for the advice! But I usualy have many characters in my stories. The only problem is that it takes a really, really, really long time to write and read. If I get sick of writing I usualy finish it quickly with the problem suddently being resolved and it making little snce, but that will only happen if people arn't interested or if I rush. I'm taking it slow so as long as I have readers theoretically the story will be good.

I will take this time to announce that this may get VERY confusing. So many characters with all their own tales and charateristics it will get extremely confusing and interlocking at all times. So beware if you're just starting to read and I will try to explain what confuses you (Assuming I understand myself)


Chapter 3! This is looooonger than the last.
Chapter 3 Party in Kanto
The sun rose on a new day in Kanto. The sun reflected off the water to give a beautiful sight to behold in Vermillion City.    The city still had a sleepy feel to it, but people were out and about. Falkner talked to them as he passed
“I’ve been here 21 years and I’ve still got no money for a building!” exclaimed the Machop Man.
“That’s nice” said Falkner, pulling his blue hair out of his sight. He was in his usual clothing. A light blue jacket over a dark blue shirt. Shorts that finished and long white socks continued. He stood out on the jetty, looking for a ship. There were many, red cargo ships, cruise ships, fast speed boats and even a little dingy, but the grand S.S Anne was not to be seen. He sighed heavily and pulled out his Pelipper. It sat in the water and happily floated up and down with the waves.
“Pelipper!” it said happily. Tentacools looked eagerly above the water to see whether Falkner would get one. He didn’t. But an Emploeon swam up beside Pelipper and began performing impressive dives.
“That’s enough, Empoleon” said a female voice. Falkner turned to see Jasmine, another Gym Leader join him. She had waving brown hair that was stuck up in two places. She wore a white dress with a green tint and an orange bow. She smiled at Falkner.
“Any sign of the S.S Anne?” she asked. Falkner did not answer immediately.
“No” he said.
“Well it isn’t supposed to be until noon so…” she said. The Johto Gym Leaders had taken the Magnet Train over to Kanto to board the S.S Anne for their holiday. Falkner was enjoying the blissfully peaceful early morning. He sighed.  Soon he would be aboard the S.S Anne and trapped in the hustle and bustle of the ship. So many trainers! No doubt there were many battles. But it wasn’t Falkner’s idea of a holiday. He preferred to take it slow and smell the roses. He looked at Pelipper. He knew that Pelipper understood how he felt. Pelipper being not the fastest Pokemon on his team, especially when it had to compete with Pigeot, Staraptor and Swellow, liked to take it slow. Frustrating his opponents when Pelipper used Roost to heal damage. He smiled. He returned Pelipper to its Pokeball. As walked back to the lodge that they were staying in, people gasped and pointed. He ignored them, but felt like a Girafarig at the zoo, caged up for people to look and point at.

The S.S Anne had pulled in and dropped its anchor. Rather than the Kanto and Johto Trainers board in a parade the trainers from Hoenn, Sinnoh and Unova were to come out and have a party. Tables of food and drinks lined the streets. Confetti already littered the streets. Balloons shaped like Pokémon were on sale. The Magikarp Salesman was setting up his wares; Ekans that looked like Rayquazas. Citizens were bustling around the place. The doors of the S.S Anne and the lodge opened. The Trainers filled out. Falkner followed by Bugsy, who as wearing green shorts and shirt, a yellow tie, his purple hair waving and with bug net in hand. Follow Bugsy was Whitney. Her pink hair bounced as walked. Her short-shorts and short-sleeved jacket would have caused great interest in the men; had she not beaten them harshly with her Miltank. Morty; long, white pants, dark jumper and scarf followed her. He moaned in pain as the sun light pierced his ghostly white skin. Bare-chested Chuck followed, he had especially groomed his facial hair for today. Jasmine walked in his wake, wearing the same clothes as this morning. Old Pryce followed her slowly. He wore a long white scarf over his marine jacket. He had to use his cane which frustrated Clair who was after him. Clair wore the lycra she normally wore: Blue with dragon patterns. Her long cape and hair followed.
The Kanto Trainers were already out. Whitney counted them off. There was Brock, orange shirt, green pants and his brown hair. He did not open his eyes though, which made Whitney wonder how he could see. See smiled as she saw an orange haired girl at the drinks table. She had a blue jacket over her blue swimsuit, with legs exposed. She wore sandals and was drinking heavily. Whitney smiled as she recognized Misty, who had recently celebrated her 18th birthday. Standing near the Pokemon Centre was a man wearing a tight green singlet, arm pants and boots. Dark sunglasses covered his eyes and his golden haired stood on end. Lt. Surge looked tough, but could be dangerously boring when he talked about the war. A lady, dressed in a one-piece dress with a flowery  pattern and dark hair with a red head band stood in the way of everyone. She did not notice. She stood there humming a tune that no-body could recognize. Erika always had a dreamy look to her face and a suspicious smoky smell to her.

A purple-haired young girl, who wore black clothing except for a bright pink belt, which matched her bright, pink cape talked, to an older woman. The older woman had long white jeans on, a purple tank-top and two large black wrist-bands. She flung her navy hair back as she laughed to a joke, Janine, the girl she was talking to, had just told her. Sabrina could be deadly serious or just as easy. Near the pier stood an old man. He had a maniac smile under his white moustache. He had long red sleeves from his white shirt and wore long brown pants. He was supported by a cane. His old man wore a hat to hide his bald top and his name was Blaine. Talking to him was an orange-haired trainer with similar brown pants. His black jacket over his white shirt was indistinguishable. He had an odd name, Blue, and he was the toughest Gym Leader in Kanto. He even once became the Champion.

The Kanto League was very confusing when it came to people. The Kanto League, or Indigo League, was shared with Johto. Both Regions submitted trainers to be on the Elite Four and there were many arguments about who was a member. One of their members had purple hair and glasses. He had purple pants and a dark jacket with large yellow buttons. He wore a white cravat and had a sort of Beethoven look. He talked with Aaron and an older woman. She had long silver hair and wore a yellow shirt that matched her heels. She had rolled up her white jeans up to her knees and talked heartily with Will and Aaron. Karen loved talking about their travels with them. On the embankment stood a woman with long, flaming red hair. She had a tight skirt with an equally tight shirt on. She wore glasses and was watching her Dewgong, Cloyster and Lapras play in the water. Lorelei smiled as Lapras sat happily on the surface of the water and she caused much excitement with the Tenatcools when she began to ride. Lapras swam out to deeper ocean but did not go far. Lorelei stopped it where two trainers were standing on Gyarados’. One wore a red cape and navy clothes. He had red hair that stood up. He was indeed impressive. The other had purple pants with a black shirt. He had orange hair and frowned a lot. His name was Gary, while Lance was the other.
“Well? Is this a good place for a battle?” asked Gary.
“Yes, let us begin” said Lance. Within seconds an Alakazam was fighting a Salamence. Alakzam floated above the water using psychic powers while Salamence flapped its massive wings. Psychic attacks and Flamethrowers were being shot everywhere as the two Champions battled it out. Lorelei had to step back as the battle was too fierce to be close. The battle had caught the eye of many people on land. A crowd formed and cheered on land, some riding water or flying types to get a better view. In the front of the crowd stood three people. An old woman whose name was Agatha. She had bouncy golden hair and an apron over her old-style dress. She had a walking stick and despite her motherly appearance, frowned quite a lot. Standing next to her was Bruno. Bare-chested with grey pants, his long hair tied in a pony-tail. He intimidated children to give the three trainers there spot. The last trainer had a scarf around his neck. His short green hair and ninja-like costume was also intimidating. Koga, the father of Janine, looked across at the battle. The water was flaming, because of a powerful Dragon Pulse attack. It was Gary’s Heracross again Lance’s Garchomp. They’s both lost two Pokemon each and the battle was peaking.
“Megahorn!” called Gary and Heracross flew at Garchomp, its giant horn a light, and whammed it with it. Garchomp staggered but shock it off.
“Dragon Claw!” called Lance, Garchomp’s claws were engulfed by a blue flame. Garchomp slashed Heracross with its claws causing massive damage to the Stag Beetle.
“Rest!” commanded Gary and Heracross settled down at Gary’s feet, on Gyarados and slept, recovering more than Garchomp could deliver to it.
“Swords Dance!” commanded Lance and Garchomp danced around a bit hitting its claws together. Garchomp looked even fiercer now.
“Sleep Talk!” yelled Gary and Heracross began to move, though its eyes were quite closed. It then flew at Garchomp and began punching it with its fists at blinding speed. Gary smiled as Close Combat took its toll on Garchomp. The land shark staggered and fell into the water, he had fainted. Lance recalled it and looked at Gary and his sleeping Heracross.
“Dragonite!” he said as he called a yellow dragon to the field. Taller than the average human Dragonite flew with its tiny wings. Gary gritted his teeth. Dragonite was a part flying type. None of Heracross’ attacks could do much damage to Dragonite, but he had to try.
“Hurricane!” called Lance, which broke Gary’s thoughts. Dragonite flapped its wings fiercely causing a large twister to appear. The twister got bigger, the winds picked up. It was huge the massive winds picked up litter and bits of wood from the jetty. The tide began to pick up and soon the Gyarados’ were struggling to keep their trainers steady. Then Dragonite released the Hurricane. It flew straight at the sleeping Heracross. Heracross flew up with it, taking huge damage from the attack. Heracross was soon just a blue dot in the sky, which had turned a depressing grey. Then Dragonite stopped it. Dragonite put up its hand. The winds returned to normal the sky was a bright blue again and tide was just a splash, to the Gyarados’ now. Heracross took was not to be seen though. It took a few hard seconds staring at the sky before
“Look!” said Gardenia as she pointed at a blue dot that was hurtling to earth. Gary look mortified. Heracross was screaming at the top of its lungs.
“HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCRRRRRRRRROOOOOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!”  it yelled and that was the last think that was heard before it splashed into the sea. Gary was bitter. He pulled out Tyranitar who hovered above the water thanks to Alakazam’s psychic field it had made.
“You heartless moron!” called Lorelei as she pulled out Dewgong. Soon the water was filed with Pokemon searching for Heracross. After three long minutes, Cynthia’s Milotic surfaced with Heracross constricted lightly with her tail. Other Pokemon surrounded her. Sabrina’s Mr. Mime made a stretcher out of Psychic powers as Caitlin’s Mushrana used Psychic to get Heracross onto the stretcher. Lance, who looked worried, had stopped the battle and had commanded his Dragonite to also look was relieved, but the nagging worry of permanent damage to Heracross in his hands was somewhat unnerving. Gary sat there saying “It’s too weak. It can’t survive a little wind” Lorelei, Liza, Wiona and Skyla threw him furious looks. Once the Heracross was in the safe hands of Nurse Joy and her Blissey the battle continued. A Sandstorm had been whipped up by Tyranitar’s Sand Stream ability.
“Dragon Pulse!” called Lance. A bright blue orb of energy appeared in Dragonite’s mouth. Dragonite released it and on contact with Tyranitar, made dozens of smaller orbs appear. These orbs touched the water and re-ignited the fire around the battlefield. Tyranitar staggered but stood firm.
“Stone Edge!” called Gary. Tyranitar stomped up to Dragonite, fists made of rock, and karate chopped him upwards, just as Sawk had done. Dragonite took a heap of damage, but still survived.
“Safeguard” said Lance. Gary laughed at Lance’s stupidity as a thin veil surrounded Lance’s team. Safeguard did not stop Tyranitar from making Dragonite faint with another Stone Edge.
“Altaria!” announced Lance. A Bird that had wings that looked like clouds appeared. Apart from the fluffy, white clouds, Altaria was blue. Altaria let out a beautiful song. Gary just laughed
“That?! HA! HA! HA! That’ll never defeat ME!” he said.
“Earthquake” commanded Lance. Altraia landed on the sea, wings outstretched with a furious look on her face. The sea began to shake waves became tidal and Trainers quickly left the ocean and ran in-land. The massive swell rose to 10, no 15 meters high. Tyranitar was being hit by waves twice its height. Gary held onto Tyranitar as to not be swept away. But not even Tyranitar could stand in now 35 meter waves. He lost his footing and was pushed away by a 37 meter wave. Altaria stopped. The waves turned back to normal and Lance was quite dry, standing on Gyarados, who had not moved an inch. He and his Pokemon were protected by Safeguard against the waves. On shore Gary was soaked. His face in the sand. He quickly got up. His Gyarados and Tyranitar were there too. They had fainted. Gary screamed in rage. He had one Pokemon left and it was useless against Lance.
“Venusaur” he said calling the large dinosaur with a huge flower on its back to the field. Gary was angry. Venusaur only had one attack that could be used against Safeguard.
“Giga Drain” he said. Transparent green vines shot out from Venusaur’s flower. They grabbed Altaria and sucked the life out of her. Altaria cringed, but was not badly hurt.
“Sky Attack!” said Lance. Altaria was engulfed in a blue falme, her eyes a dangerous red. She let out a piercing scream which Altaria’s did not normally make. Altaria sat there, alight, charging up the attack when CRACK. The veil that surrounded Lance’s team had a massive crack in it. It took seconds for the veil to fall to pieces, like broken glass. The shards faded when they reached the water. Gary smiled at his luck. Now Venusaur’s attacks weren’t useless.
“Sleep Powder!” he called. From Venusaur’s flower came dark green spores. Venusaur shook it about, took give the spores more air. Altaria had a scared look on her face, but could not move due to the Sky Attack charging period. Her eyes became heavy. She was asleep within seconds of the powder touching her. The flame around her was extinguished. She was a sitting duck.
“Leech Seed!” called Gary and from Venusaur’s flower came seeds that attached themselves to Altaria. A green connection was made through the two Pokémon. Altaria’s energy was sapped ever turn and given to Venusaur, but still Altaria slept.
“Substitute!” called Gary. Venusaur started to fade, when he had faded completely a lovable toy took his place. Altaria kept on sleeping and her energy was still being sapped.
“Giga drain!” called Gary and the transparent green vines attached themselves to Altaria and sapped her energy some more. This continued for some while up until Altaria’s body was limp and floating in the sea. Lance grimaced. He had one Pokémon left. And he was standing on top of it.
“Gyarados!” he said. The great blue, serpent rose out of the water. Venusaur cringed under Gyarados’ Intimidate ability. Lance hopped onto the jetty, while Gary stood on near Lt. Surge’s Gym.
 â€œIce Fang!” called Lance. Gyarados lurched forward, its mouth foaming with ice and bit Venusaur’s Substitute. The Substitute faded and Venusaur was back in the flesh.
“Leech Seed!” called Gary and the connection was made with Gyarados as it had done with Altaria. It started sapping instantly.
“Ice Fang!” announced Lance and this time Gyarados hit Venusaur. Venusaur was shocked by the hit. He shook it off like it was nothing, but he was still badly injured.
“Sleep Powder!” announced Gary and Gyarados was soon sleeping like Altaria had.
“Giga Drain!” called Gary and Venusaur started to steadily regain health.
“One more Giga Drain and he’s finished!” said Gary proudly. But then he saw it. Gyarados’ eyes flickered. He blinked and he saw Gyarados’ body rise up, fully awake. Gary was enraged.
“Ice Fang!” said Lance trying not to show his happiness. Venusaur took massive damage, but Giga Drain and Leech Seed combined had recovered his health. Gary flashed a horrible smile.
“Giga Drain!” he commanded. Venusaur did not move. No transparent vines erupted from his flower. It wasn’t until Gary noticed Venusaur’s glassy eyes did he realize that Venusaur was frozen. Gary was furious. His anger only increased when Gyarados knocked out Venusaur. He returned the dinosaur to its Pokeball and walked off. He boarded the S.S Anne in a rage. Lance was shocked to find all the Gym Leaders, Elite Four Members, Champions and Frontier Brains all ready aboard the ship. He scurried onto to the ship and bumped into a Trainer that looked at lot like Gary. He paused a moment and stared at him. The trainer was sulking like Gary, but he wasn’t as old as Gary. Lance shook his head and walked onto the ship.


Liked it a lot. :D lol "suspicious smoky smell"
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Settle on a very concrete lesson, objective, or plot. Then name it in a similar fashion.


"Contemporary Competition: a Pokemon Fanfic"?
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


YAY! I have to read this chapter. :D
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


You've done a wonderful job with this chapter Clanker! I loved the epic battle between Lance and Gary and how you managed to keep it intense.
I have a questions though. Isn't Blue the same person as Gary, just from different games? I'm interested to see how you keep this story up and I can't wait for Chapter 4. :)
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Er, actually Blue is Gary's game counterpart. Gary is from the anime.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Quote from: fingerz on June 07, 2011, 03:22:11 PMYou've done a wonderful job with this chapter Clanker! I loved the epic battle between Lance and Gary and how you managed to keep it intense.
I have a questions though. Isn't Blue the same person as Gary, just from different games? I'm interested to see how you keep this story up and I can't wait for Chapter 4. :)
Technicaly yes, but in this case Gary's the Kanto Champion and Blue's the Kanto 8th Gym Leader. Also you mioght have to wait for Chapter 4. My hard drive impolded(not literaly) and now it needs to be sent to Melbourne so my cousin can get my files off it and send them to me in an email and Chapter 4 and a bit of Chapter 5 was on there :/ Don't worry, Chapter 4 was a bad Chapter so I'll just improve it now


Melbourne? I live near Melbourne...
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Yep. Frankston to be exact. :)
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn