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Started by evilsqueaky, April 09, 2008, 01:39:34 PM

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Which of the following is your best school subject?

7 (30.4%)
11 (47.8%)
Social Studies
0 (0%)
2 (8.7%)
3 (13%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Voting closed: April 16, 2008, 01:39:33 PM


:P Well, it was done anyways. It appears that musically talented students are best at math!


Even though i didn't vote, i'm best at math.  I still get A+'s in my math class, even though it is an honors course that is 2 years ahead.  So basically, I will be taking calculus in 11th grade.


i'm also 2 years ahead in math, but it's not what i'm best at. (i'm also 1 year ahead in Spanish, and i said language was my best type of subject.)

damn commies.


I'm taking spanish, and I'm learning japanese with rosetta stone.  It stinks that my high school only offers mandarin chinese, and not japanese, as another language option.  The even offer sign language, but not japanese!


even though i didn't vote my best subject would either be science or history... i have an 99 average in history (i'm getting the history award in my school but history teacher doesn't know my name... and 10 more days till school ends.. =/). Although i really only know alot about wars for history... i have a 96 average for science but i'm good at alot of differnet types of sciences ( physics and physcology being my highest points). so i don't know... although i know one thing... it's not english... cause my grammer and knowledge of the english language truly suck... only thing i'm good at in english is writing... i don't even like to read fiction books.. i only enjoy non fiction =P
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<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

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Quote from: razer84 on April 26, 2008, 05:28:09 AMi'm also 2 years ahead in math, but it's not what i'm best at.
me too,im best at social studies - its... its... beautiful!


I'm three years ahead in fact my high school ran out of math classes I could take...haha...but math isn't my best subject.
I've been in painting and drawing classes since I was 12 along with music so it's no surprise that my hands are very dexterous.
I do extremely well in English school only offers Spanish and French as foreign language but I do speak Gaelic.
My best subject is science...also my favourite. (Except music and painting of course.)
Mairéad Murphy-Irish extraornaire fiddles on the roof and where ever she damn well pleases. ^_^


Heh, and what would 3 years ahead be at your school?  (What class did you take as a freshman, sophmore, etc.)

I'm good at math, good as in I can do whatever the hell I want in the class and still get As because it's ridiculously easy.  Of course I've only done Geometry so far. (and a bit of Trig)

Science is great, its actually interesting so I want to put some good effort into it so I will get As and such. Currently in Biology with an AWESOME teacher.

Lit and History classes suck because of all the damn things we have to write in them.  Since I fail at creativity and thinking up what to write, it takes me ages to do one essay.  I only get As in those because I have to :-/

Japanese is awesome because it's Japanese.

Since I fail at art, I'm going to ask all you artsy people to keep your crap in the art section because you've already lowered by art-skills self esteem past the limit.

I've never taken a real music class, but I don't know if I want to because I'll probably have to take the first level ones which will just be boring crap I learned in first grade.

me irl


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Math FTW!
A+ in Algebra II also FTW!




Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever