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Started by evilsqueaky, April 09, 2008, 01:39:34 PM

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Which of the following is your best school subject?

7 (30.4%)
11 (47.8%)
Social Studies
0 (0%)
2 (8.7%)
3 (13%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Voting closed: April 16, 2008, 01:39:33 PM


Please answer the question above. It's NOT based on grades or your favorite, but overall ability. *Language can refer to any English, foreign language, or literature class you take.

PLEASE tell me if there is something I'm missing. I am not counting any art or PE class. Remember that these are general topics so your class is most likely going to fit here. I do not want to get too specific.

I am doing this to find which class is easiest for people with an excellent music ability. This poll will last for 7 days.

My best class is math, but my favorite is history.



Tough one, I got a 90 in Business Studies, but also in English...hmm..

Well my overall ability?  Well, I think I have a way with words, I guess. Usually I can hand in something that I think is crap and HAS to get below 80% but it usually comes back 90% or around there...

So I guess Language/English...

I kind of want to be a video game reviewer, or a reviewer of some sort...maybe..


"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


I'm really good at Drafting. Like for engineering and such. So I picked the Technology/Computer one.

You gotta know this stuff if you want to be an architect or engineer.

Then again, I do speak fluent German...would that count toward the "Language?" Ah well, I'm sticking with Technology/Computer.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


language is my best (an A over 3 quarters in Spanish a B+ over the same in English), but history is my favorite. (technically it's a Civics class i'm taking this year and not history, but it has some history).

damn commies.



Language by far. I got high grades on Dutch, Engels, French and German.


It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


Science FTW

Lol, the tech classes are pretty much show-up-and-pass classes, so they don't count.

me irl


Quote from: gamer4251 on April 09, 2008, 09:24:25 PMScience FTW

Lol, the tech classes are pretty much show-up-and-pass classes, so they don't count.

Oh well. I've never taken a tech class so I don't know.


Hey....Tech classes here are either "You do every detail correctly and you get 100%" or "You messed up! Minus 10%!"

So yah, I think that they do count.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


I have a really high GPA b/c im a nerd  :P  :-[
but i chose math 
i like my Reading and History classes
b/c the discussions are hilarious

David Hauffe

I choose, none.

Band/Other Music Classes = My Forte (Pun INTENDED)

HugoMeister've missed the point of the poll....

The poll is about what musically talented students are good at (besides music). That's why it is a "study."

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


my goodness. that's why MUSIC isn't a choice.

damn commies.