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I'm thinking on buying a laptop.

Started by Dude, May 13, 2011, 04:01:47 PM

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What should I get?

Should I order online, or buy an in-store one?

I need it for schoolwork, and Stepmania. I need it to be cheap, but not too cheap. I'm horrible at buying computers, as I have no idea what I'm doing.


I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject of buying computers, but you should try looking into netbooks.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


Netbooks have too small of a screen for me...


price range? 

Do you need lots of power?  As in, for heavy gaming, or are you only using it for schoolwork/regular browsing?
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


Something like this.

I just don't know about that company or if it's any good.


Lenovo took over IBM. They are known for strong laptops that are good to last. I'm actually surprised that you can get one that cheap, well it only has 2 GB of memory (when most new laptops have between 4-8) and it has a Pentium processor = slow speeds and HORRIBLE battery life.

My recommendation would be a HP Envy, however, since you're looking into budget things, check Samsung or Toshibas. Samsung manufactures things like HDDs and RAM, so itll be a little bit cheaper since theyre OEM.

What specs you might be looking for:
Intel Core i3 Processor at the minumum (Core 2 Duos are the past), im not sure if you can get i5s for less than 500 dollars
around 4 GB ram
about a 500 GB HD
a 512 MB Graphics Card (I doubt youre looking for that if youre in for cheap)

Perhaps something like this or this

The Computer sweetspot for laptops in the midrange on the PC side are between 500 and 800 dollars


I own a pentium processor laptop right now and for regular browsing it's OK but for gaming it's HORRIBLE and as I said in the 3DS thread, battery life is about ten minutes.  It's an HP.

maybe something along the lines of this?

So far I haven't seen a good i3 laptop under 450 dollarrs.  If there is no possibility of affording something more expensive, I think there's no choice but to get a computer with Pentium
Online shopping is great for value, but you might want to go to a store if you can't afford an i3 laptop - I think some stores still sell laptops with core 2 duo. 
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


But once you find a computer you like... buy it off Amazon. You usually dont have to pay sales tax and you get a little larger discount.

I got my MacBook Pro for like 1400, when it was 1499 on the Apple store (not including tax)


I got a Toshiba that is almost exactly what you guys posted and I haven't checked the site until now. XD

I'm glad I got it though. It'll be shipped to the store on the 21st.


Quote from: Dude on May 13, 2011, 05:28:53 PMI got a Toshiba that is almost exactly what you guys posted and I haven't checked the site until now. XD

I'm glad I got it though. It'll be shipped to the store on the 21st.
Do they have the same specs?   Hope you enjoy your laptop!
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


idk, I didn't look at the website very hard.


Quote from: A dude with the same situation on May 13, 2011, 04:01:47 PMWhat should I get?

Should I order online, or buy an in-store one?

I need it for schoolwork, various software that I may need to use, and video games.
Would like very good wifi connection so I can use internets anywhere.
I'm planning to save up around around a thousand for this, more or less.
Also dude beat me in beating this topic. :P
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Im due for a new computer mid to late next year... im totally going for an HP Envy 14 (or its successor)

But I dont know because I have a China trip to save up for, then Im going to try and get a car, but if I have a job, it shouldnt be a huge problem


Just buy your computer in China. Bazillions cheaper

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