The Epics of Nintendo

Started by Ragster2448, April 28, 2011, 06:04:07 PM

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Ok I'll be a blue yoshi named winter on bowsers side. Everything else is up to him.



Welcome to the Koopa Troop, Winter!
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Alright, I'll make you an Articuno :D it'll be just like on the movie of Pokemon about when that girls dad was transformed into an Entei.



Quote from: Dudeman on July 27, 2011, 11:59:33 AMI was the bus driver, right? (Like I need to ask--SPEED!!=:))

Oh, sorry! Didn't see that post until now, yes that was you.


I sort of dragged this one out a bit, so it doesn't get very far.

---Chapter 8---

   As I stand up and walk over to grab a drink, Slow comes up to me with his Spinda on his back, acting like he just got up from sleeping.
   “Did ya hear the good news?” he says to me. What could possibly be good at a time like this? Oh well, better listen to it anyway.
   “No, what is it?” I reply.
   “General Guy said to Bowser that he will fight along with us, and that he has already prepared his tanks for battle!”
   “Well that is good to hear,” I respond.
   “I believe Bowser is holding a meeting in the castle courtyard tonight. I wonder what it could be about? Maybe we’re getting ready to go and fight!” He runs off after he was done. his Spinda falls off his back, then gets up and runs after Slow. I look up to the sky, and I could see something heading for the castle. It almost looked like a... A bird? No, a plane. Wait... That’s a Mushroom Flyer! Are they attacking early?
   I throw down my tools then run for the door. I quickly open it to find Bowser and General Guy talking with each other. Although I know I’ll regret interrupting, I must do it anyway.
   “Lord Bowser,” I say to him.
   “I am in the middle of an important meeting right now, Ray. Go bother me some other time,” he replies back to me.
   “But sir, this is important.”
   “More important than discussing the matters of war?”
   “Sir, this has to do with the war. A Mushroom Flyer just entered the castles boundaries.”
   “What?!” They both say in response. We all three run outside to see the plane approaching the castle. It was a few miles away, but we could tell that the castle was its target.
   “Get me access to the castle’s tower. Now!” I quickly run inside and grab the short-wave radio sitting on the desk. I hand to Bowser and he quickly begins talking into it.
   “Trooper!” he yells. I could hear snoring in the background, then a quick ‘huh’.
   “Get up from your sleeping! Look to your north, you worthless reptile!”
   “Oh!” he says. I could hear him begin talking.
   “Mushroom Flyer #908675, you have entered the territory of Bowser’s castle. Turn your craft around or we will have to use force.” I look up at the plane to see that it wasn’t turning around.
   “908675, turn your ship around immediately!” The plane wasn’t stopping, it kept on coming.
   “Lord Bowser, shall I prepare the anti-aircraft turrets?”
   “Do it,” he replies.
   “He-... Hello?” ssskkrrss... “Is ...his thi...g on?” ssskkrrss...
   “Wait sir! We’re getting something from the aircraft.”
   “Make it out, soldier!”
   “I’m trying sir, it’s gargled...” We all wait and watch the plane approach closer and closer to the castle. We could almost feel it on the ground now.
   “Sir! Sir!” I hear coming out from the speaker.
   “What is it? Who is it?”
   “It’s DrP! He’s returned!”
   “Are you sure?” he asks, as we all wipe the sweat from our faces.
   “Yes sir! His code matches.”
   “Alright. Good. Everyone, let’s head to the landing strip.” We all begin walking over to the landing zone. It’s been forever since I’ve seen DrP, hopefully his mission was successful...

   Noises... I could hear them again... Blackness... Fading... I rub my temples, open my eyes slowly, then look up to see that I’m laying in front of a large cavern. Soon later, two familiar people walk up to me... Oh yeah, it was those guys again. He reaches his hand out to me. I look at him like he’s crazy, and smack his hand out of the way. I get up on to my feet, feeling still a bit dizzy.
   “Why did you bring me here?” I ask.
   “Do you remember this place?” he says back.
   “Remember? Uh...” I start thinking about what this place could possibly be... Then it hits me, I DO remember this place.
   “Yes, I think I do,” I reply.
   “Then you know what’s in this cavern, do you not?”
   “Um, I think so,” my mind was still clouded from all the dizziness.
   “Maybe if you didn’t spray me I would remember.”
   “My apologies sir. Pre-cautionary acts had to be used, just in case you gave away our position.”
   “Who in the heck are you guys, some kind of secret undercover spy organization? Wait a minute... S... U... S... So that’s what it stands for!”
   “Sir. Back to the question.”
   “Oh ya...” I begin pondering again. I then realize where exactly I’m standing.
   “I got it! This is where the legendary Articuno lives!”
   “But not just any ordinary Articuno,” he responds.
   “Uh, what do you mean? A legendary is a legendary.”
   “You know him. Knew him, to be exact. Don’t you remember? Come take a look over here.” I slowly walk over to where the guy leads me. I then could see some familiar ruins that brought back some bad memories.
   “This... This is the place where I lost one of my teammates... We were in battle, when a Bob-omb brigade swarmed us. One hit right next to him, making him fall into these ruins. It collapsed, sealing him... Sealing him in...” I try to wipe my mind of the flashbacks.
   “And his name?” he says to me. I go deep into my thoughts, break through the dark clouds of the horrific flashbacks, and finally find the answer that he was looking for.

   We all poke our heads up over the bush. Over on the other side of the hill, we could see a few small tents along with a fire pit.
   “This is our first place to attack. A recon base. This is the only thing in-between us and Bowser’s castle,” the general says.
   “Why don’t we just go around?” Ragster asks.
   “There are more of these bases surrounding the castle. This is the weakest and smallest of them all, this should be our best chance.”
   “Yeah, well, what do we do when we get there? We don’t have an army,” I say back.
   “We will make a path for the army to cross unnoticed, then we will have a surprise attack.”
   “How do you want us to go in?” Fingerz asks.
   “Easy. Be quite and swift.”
   “Hah! This will be easy! I’m the most quite one her!”
   “Shut up,” I say, pulling him down below the shrubs, “they’ll hear us!”
   “Oops. Sorry,” he says back.
   “Take them out one by one. We’ll split up in groups. I’ll go with Yoshitaka and Yoshilan. Ragster, Fingerz and Yoshikar will head in from the back. Greg, Jerry and Yoshihuso will get the ones on the right side of the third tent. Got it?” We all nod, then split up into groups.
   I begin walking over to the bush where the general directed us to, Jerry and Yoshihaso or whatever his name was following behind. I could see the two koopas standing guard next to the tent. We all look at each other and nod. We move in to position, ready to knock them out cold. I take my first few steps behind the troopers, Jerry and Yoshihaso getting the other two. Jerry holds out three fingers... Two fingers... One finger... Bam! We all knock the koopas out with one strike. We could see the other teams successfully take out there koopas also. After all the koopas were down, we gather up in the middle.
   “Good. I’ll call in the army now. It shouldn’t be long until we have won this war.” He grabs his headphone and puts it on.
   “This is the general. Call in the army on my position.” I stood there and waited, but heard no response.
   “Repeat. Over. This is the general speaking. The path is clear, bring in the army.” Again, I heard nothing but silence. I was becoming anxious. If they were going to attack, they had better do it now.
   “Can you read me? Troops! Respond!”
   “Did something happen to the army?” Jerry asks.
   “Oh... Oh no...” the general says, taking off his headphone.
   “What? What is it?” I ask.
   “In the background... Our security system was going off... Code red...”
   “What’s code red?” Ragster asks.
   “It means... evacuate the castle. Immediately.”



New chapter = AWESOME!! There's so much suspense! You have some great writing skills, Ragster. (Love the Yoshi names. :P)
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


My scene was epic xD thanks!


Thanks you two, right now I'm just typing what pops up in my mind. I know how the story is going to end, I just can't seem to come up with stuff to get there. I'll figure out something.


Chapter 7 & 8 are awesome Ragster! Keep writing! :D
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Thanks Fingerz! Man, I'm not getting anywhere. I don't know whats coming on with me, I just can't think of anything right now. Well, it may be dragged out, but here's chapter 9:


---Chapter 9---

   “So you were successful?” I say, barely even remembering DrP. It’s been almost a month now, after Bowser sent him off on his long journey, I thought that I’d never see him again.
   “Everything went accordingly as planned. The Bob-omb was detonated below the castle, damaging every single part of it,” he replies.
   “Bwa ha ha! Excellent work, DrP. This war will be over sooner than I thought,” Bowser says afterwords.
   “Alright guys, meeting in two hours in the castle courtyard. Don’t forget!”
   “We won’t sir!” I say, as Bowser walks away.
   “It’s nice to see you came back with your skin intact,” Ray asks DrP.
   “What did you expect, I’m the great DrP!” What great modesty he has, I think.

   “So, what’s Winter have to do with Articuno?” I ask.
   “Are you aware of the Unown?” the man says in response.
   “Well, no, if it’s unknown, then I wouldn’t.”
   “No, not that unknown. The Pokemon.”
   “Oh, yes, I know a little about them.”
   “Do you know that these Pokemon can transform living beings into something else?” he asks.
   “Wait, what does this have to do with anything?”
   “You’ll find out soon enough,” he says, walking into the cave. I quickly follow behind him to figure out what all this nonsense he’s been talking about truly means.
   “Here it is,” he says, stopping in front of a giant door with markings written all on it.
   “This is the door that leads to Articuno. Are you ready to see him again?”
   “Again? I’ve never seen him before.”
   “That’s what you think,” he says, reaching into his pocket. He pulls out a rock that appeared to be made out of solid ice. He puts it into the door, and it begins to open. The ground shook as the giant rock begin moving out of the way. I could see in the wide open room a small, bright, light-blue glow flashing in the distance. I could see it coming closer and closer, resembling more and more like a bird after every second. Once it had gotten close enough to us, it steadily landed on the ground.
   “Who dares disturb my slumber?” I jump back in both shock and fear, thinking that my ears had just deceived me. But they didn’t, Articuno talked.
   “It is us, the Secret Undercover Spy Organization.”
   “The who what now?” Articuno responds, tilting it’s head.
   “Suso, remember?”
   “Oh yeah, you guys again. What do you want?”
   “We brought a guest,” he says, pointing at me. Articuno moves his eyes onto mine.
   “Ah, Dudeman, so you have come to see me? I thought that you forgot about me.”
   “W-What in the world? H-How do you know my name?” I say, feeling my teeth shake.
   “It’s me, Winter! Remember, I was your squad leader with those other three guys.” My brain nearly stopped working when I heard him say that.
   “But how, uh, you were, I didn’t, er, I thought you were-”
   “Dead? Hah! I’m alive and well actually,” he says, finishing the sentence that I was trying to get to.
   “You see, when I was trapped in the ruins, I didn’t know what to do. I tried digging my way out, but it kept collapsing whenever I got so far. So, I just headed down the tunnels to see what was down there. When I reached the bottom, I found a giant, chasm, of some sort. But in the middle, was a ball of mysterious figures. Each were shaped like different letters.”
   “Unown,” I respond.
   “Yes, they were the Unown. When they saw me. they quickly swarmed. I could feel my feet being lifted up from the air, then... Then this happened. I was instantly transformed into an Articuno. After a few months of being an Articuno, the Unown politely asked if I wanted to change back.”
   “You can understand the Pokemon language?!” I say surprisingly.
   “Well yes, I’m a Pokemon! Of course, I denied the offer.”
   “What?” I say, “Why did you do that?”
   “Because being an Articuno...” he says, looking up to the ceiling then back to me, “ awesome.”

   I drop to the ground and just stare at the pile of rubble that used to be the castle. How could of this had happened? Castles don’t just blow up. Someone had to be responsible for this.
   “You understand now that we are your allies, not your enemies,” the tall man said. I could see Mario get up and grab him by the collar.
   “How do we know that you weren’t responsible for this, huh?”
   “Mario,” I say, him looking back at me. He puts the guy down then steps back.
   “Well, I guess your welcome. You would have been in the same situation as your castle if me and my team weren’t around.”
   “Just who are you?” Luigi asks.
   “Well, you can call me Brolly, I am leader of the Secret Undercover Spy Organization.”
   “The who?”
   “Just call us Suso, it’s easier that way.”
   “How in the world did you know that this was the fate of the castle?” I ask Brolly.
   “You see, we know everything. You may not even know it, but half of your people are a part of this society.”
   “What? How come we weren’t informed?”
   “Did you miss the first word in our title? We don’t wait for people to come to us. We come to them.”
   “So, what happened to all of our troops?”
   “Remember, I said half of your population is part of our team. If they played their role correctly, everyone made it out safely.” What a relief, I think.
   “Do you know who did this?” I ask.
   “We know for sure that it was one of Bowser’s minion.”
   “Why that little... He’ll pay for that!” Luigi shouts, raising his fist to the sky.
   “Wait, who’s side are you on, exactly?”
   “We do not have sides to pick, we are a side.”
   “So I’m guessing that you have some of Bowser’s men in your team as well.”
   “Like I said, we do not pick sides, we are one group formed for all people, koopa and toad alike.” We all stand there and think for a while.
   “Well... I guess I can say thanks, for saving our lives,” Mario says.
   “Are you gonna catch the minion of Bowser that did this?” Luigi asks.
   “We do not interfere with business that we mustn't handle. You are the one to counter-attack Bowser. We are just the middlemen. Alright boys, let’s get out of here,” he says, turning his back on us.
   “But wait! What are we supposed to do?” I ask.
   “That is not my fate to decide. Figure it out on your own,” he says, throwing down a small ball onto the ground. Smoke rose that covered up all of them. Once it cleared, they were all gone. We all look at each other, not knowing what to do now.
   “What’s the plan, princess?” Luigi says.
   “We head back and do a head count. That is priority number one.” We all move down the hill and head towards the castle, the sun lowering and the sky turning dark.



Too late now, but there's a small Pokemon continuity error: the Unown didn't transform the girl's dad into an Entei, they made an Entei that she believed was her dad. But your way is more 8).
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


CRAP!!! Oh well, It's alright.


The story really goes in a nice direction (even though you say nothing is happening, except for some thing, like that a castle exploded, the mystery of how legendary Pokemon is created gets solved etc).
I also got a hunch on how my character will evolve in the story, Dude's story also became interesting here

Keep 'em coming!
Quote from: Ragster2448 on July 29, 2011, 11:43:46 AM“We do not have sides to pick, we are a side.”
That sentence will get stuck in my head forever. Epicness defined


Thanks, and I keep forgetting to put you in the chapter! I need to do that for the next one. Sorry about that.