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The Epics of Nintendo

Started by Ragster2448, April 28, 2011, 06:04:07 PM

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Quote from: Ragster2448 on June 20, 2011, 04:06:57 PMOMG! I am so glad JFK did not read this, because I changed his name to FDR! Let me change that real quick...

LOL, did that for the third chapter too... All fixed.
I leave you guys for a couple of days and this happends -.-

Anyhow, amazing!
This gets more and more interesting for every chapter! I'm really happy with how my character turns out or am I? *sneakyeyes*
And it's about time somehow calls me "boss" ::)

You really make me curious over the next chapter!
Keep 'em coming ;D

EDIT: Since you said that you changed in the old ones I did some ctrl+f-ing on "JFK"
Most of them includes yells xd Ah, it's good to be the boss 8)
Best topic on the forum!


Quote from: Ragster on the other page.---Chapter 6---
My heart sunk into a dark-less pit. The only thing that I thought to do was run, run run run. My heart raced almost as fast as I did, my sweat was pouring down like a waterfall, and I could hear every single beat my heart made. I rush out the doors, feeling the ground shake. It was like I was walking on a trampoline. I take a quick glance back at the castle, or at least what remains of it. The towers had crumbled, the walls came down like they were made out of Lincoln Logs. All that remained was the stronghold, which was holding on by a thread. I shake my head, and turn around to see an endless line of koopa troopers. I stop, skidding my feet, my heart, falling into an even darker abyss. I could see the row of tanks lined up behind the troopers, and that’s when I knew... It was over. I could hear the general shout “fire the tanks”, as I fell to my knees. The thunderous clap of the tanks ringed over and over in my ears. The sound of the dying castle made them ring even worse... As I saw a Bob-omb fall right next to me, I did nothing. There was nothing I could do. We were finished. I fell to the ground, ready for the explosion to occur. I could hear it conversing with me, yelling “wake up”, “wake up”. My eyes. fading... Seeing black... I cannot hear the Bob-omb anymore, just a soft ring... The Bob-omb comes into my head again, still yelling, “wake up”, “wake up”, only in a different, more recognizable voice. My blood goes cold, my heart starts to race, and I jump off the bed. I take a few seconds to catch my breath, then I look up to see Ragster, Jerry, and Greg.
Don't you dare scare me like that again!! I almost cried when I read this and then realised it was only dream......... or is it?
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Lol, I won't. And yes, it was only but a dream.

And for fabbemannen, thanks for thinking that it's good, but best topic in the entire forum? I don't know about that ::)


Heh, I was on vacation and I missed the last few chapters.
Quote“Hey, you don’t happen to be Slow, do you?”
   â€œNo way, Dudeman?” he says back. We both perform our secret hand-shake. It’s not much, really. Just fist bump once in the front, hit up, hit down, smack it left, smack it right, through the hoop, over the hill, under the rock and below the tree.
Hee hee, my intro. I'm so giddy right now.  ;D
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


For that part, I tried making the hand-shake weird, so I just started typing down random stuff. Lol, I have no idea were that last section came out of my brain... ???


Quote from: Ragster2448 on June 24, 2011, 05:47:01 AMFor that part, I tried making the hand-shake weird, so I just started typing down random stuff. Lol, I have no idea were that last section came out of my brain... ???
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Sorry guys, I'm getting out of the whole writing thing again... It may be a while until the next chapter comes.


Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Quote from: Ragster2448 on June 26, 2011, 09:23:31 AMSorry guys, I'm getting out of the whole writing thing again... It may be a while until the next chapter comes.

See...something bad always happends when I'm away :-\


I can see a lot of people are starting to write now, and I just don't want this story to fall behind! I guess I have to start writing some more, or else that'll happen.

---Chapter 7---

   After a few hours of traveling, we finally arrive at the yoshi village. Standing at the gate of the village, was the sergeant major of the yoshis. He walked up to us and grinned. He started speaking some kind of strange words to us, mostly consisting of "yo"s and "yoshi"s.
   "How in the world do we figure out what this guy is saying?" Greg asks.
   "Don't worry, I can speak yoshi," the general responds.
   "You can? Wow," Fingerz replies.
   "He says that it's nice to finally meet all of you, and that he's heard a lot about you." The yoshi continues to speak his native tongue.
   "The yoshi army has been preparing to aid you on your journey." Again, the yoshi speaks.
   "He will send us with his most best and experienced troops to help us out. But for now, he must stay and ready his troops for the attack." The yoshi turns his back and waves back at us, as he walks off back to the training ground.
   "Most best and experienced troops, huh? Well, let's see ‘em!" Greg says, the general turning around to him.
   "These troops have been trained under the best fighter out of the entire Mushroom Kingdom, trust me, you won't be disappointed," the general replies back. Coming out of the training ground were four yoshis, each holding a different weapon from each other. They stop in front of the general and shake hands. The general starts speaking non-sense that I can't seem to make out. The yoshis all nod and start conversing their language with the general. The general turns around again, facing us.    "We are ready." I jump back in shock along with the other guys, Fingerz falling to ground and exclaiming,
   "Holy crap! You can talk?!" It was true. The yoshi spoke english.
   "Well yeah, we were trained to speak english. We don't want to have any problems trying to talk to you if the general isn't around." I shake the surprise off my face, and Fingerz jumps back on to his feet.
   "Well, what are we waiting for?" Ragster responds, "Let's go beat up some turtles!"

   I drive up to the bus stop and open the door to the few people waiting next to the sign. Everyone looked familiar in the front, the usual peeps, George, Susie, Billy, Sally and Terry, but one man in the background looked oddly different... Trench coat, bowling hat... And nice shades! I need to get me some of those. Everyone passes through the door and into there seats, the strange man walking slowly behind. He puts his head down as he walks by into the bus. Hmm... This guy doesn't get out the house very often.
   "Are we ready?" I say to everyone, all nodding back.
   "Then hang on!" I slam my foot on the gas, hearing the tires rev then blast off, the car shooting fire out of the exhaust pipe. Everybody seemed to ignore it, they're pretty much used to it anyway. Even though this weird guy just showed up, he didn't even seem to flinch when I took off. He just sits there, starring out the window.

   I came up to stop #1, seeing Susie and Billy stand up and prepare to leave the bus, the shady guy still just sitting there. As they leave they put there quarters in the box and close the door. I take off again, heading to the next stop.
   Stop #2. George and Sally get up off their chairs and grab their suitcases. They walk off the bus putting their change in the box.
   Well, on to the next, I suppose.
   The final stop. Terry gets up and leaves the bus, but the other guy just sits there. I look back at him.
   "Sir," I say, him turning to face me, "this is the last stop, I'm heading back to the compound. Are you gonna get off?" He stands up slowly and walks over to me. He looks around suspiciously, then reaches into his coat.
   "Oh jeez... You're a cop aren't you?! I didn't mean to do it! The vault was just open and the guards were on their break!" He curls his eyebrows in confusion, then slowly brings out a badge from his coat. On it, read S.U.S.O.
   "Suso? You're not a cop?"
   "No," he says in a deep voice.
   "Oh... Uh... Well, let's just pretend you didn't hear that..."
   "Sir, are you aware of what's happening?"
   "Uh, no...? Should I know?" He brings out a walky-talky from his left pocket.
   "Alright boys, let's rap this up," he says into it.
   "Boys?" I say puzzled. I hear the door fly open, then see three people suited up just like him walk in.
   "Code yellow forty-six hundred. Now," he says, another one responding,
   "Yes sir."
   "Wait, what?" I say in an even more puzzled voice.
   "The one brings out a can then sprays it one my face.
   "Ack! What was that..." I fall to the floor, seeing nothing but black...

   I looked up, still feeling a bit noxious. My head was pounding, it felt like a train just rammed right into it... I could see my brother sitting on a chair sawing logs. The princess was standing up, looking down with her hands cuffed. I couldn't tell if she was asleep or if she was just waiting. I slowly came to my feet. The princess seemed to notice.
   "Thank goodness you're awake. I've been trying to get Mario up for over an hour now!" she says to me.
   "Don't a'worry, I know how to get him up." I kneel down next to Mario.
   "Hey Ma'dio! Lunch is a'ready, we're having lasagna!"
   "What?! Really?!?!" He shouts, standing up on his feet.
   "Where... Where's the lasagna?" he says.
   "There is a'no lasagna you half a meatball! We're stuck in this room, and we've been trying to get you up!"
   "Oh! Right, now I remember... I was knocked down by those guys. What happened to you guys?"
   "I can't remember," I say back.
   "I don't either," the princess says after me. We all sit down and wait for anything. Anything at all. Then, we hear the door open.
   "You guys. Come on out," the guard says to us. We all stand up and walk outside. The sheer light beaming into my eyes blinded me for a second. I rub my eyes, then could see a tall guy wearing a black suit with two other guards around him.
   "Ah, the princess and the plumbers! How nice of you to join us," the tall one says to us.
   "Join? Your guys knocked us out and brought us here!" Mario replies.
   "They had no other choice, they were just doing their jobs. You did not agree to come with them, so they had to do what was necessary."
   "What for? Why did you kidnap us?"
   "Kidnap you?" the guys responds quickly after the princess's remark.
   "We just saved you."
   "What?" We all say to him.
   "Take a look over the horizon," he says to us, pointing his hand in the right direction.
   We all look at each other, then decide to walk up the hill.
   "Hurry now, you just might miss the show." We poke our heads over the hill, then jump on top of it. We could see a magnificent view of the castle. The sun was right behind it, glowing as bright as orange could get.
   "It's... It's the castle..."
   "Yes," he says.
   "What about it?" Mario responds.
   "Just keep watching, you'll find out." We all stare at the castle, waiting for something to happen. I could feel the breeze of air on my mustache, the grass shuffle beneath my feet. The ground... Shaking? Yes, shaking!
   "What's going on?" the princess says, "Are we having an... an earthquake?" I could see a shockwave blast off from the castle. Dust arose from the walls, shooting up miles and miles into the air. In the corner of my eye, I could see the princess cuff her hands around her mouth, Mario stepping back from the hill in shock. Debris came off the side of the walls, and the flags fell off the top of the castle, flying away into the wind. But then... From out of nowhere, an airplane came flying out from the dust. It headed off south, where Bowser's castle was located.
   "What... What just..."
   "Happened?" the man said, finishing the princess's incomplete sentence.
   "You see, princess, we just saved your life." I look at him in shock, and I could do was think to myself, Now what?



Nice, except my name is Jerry, not Terry... >.<

Everything else was pretty cool though.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Oh, whoops! I just noticed I used Greg as one of the random people, that wasn't you Jub, it was just some random guy.


I was the bus driver, right? (Like I need to ask--SPEED!!=:))
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Wait we're in the story? I want in!


QuoteYou can be in the story! Just post a reply here in the topic. In the message you must include the following:

NAME (Most likely will be your forum name)

SIDE (Princess Peach, Bowser)

PERSONALITY (Serious, Annoying, Shy, e.g.)

SPECIES (1 Min | 1 Max):

    * Just a regular person
    * Yoshi
    * Toad
    * Koopa
    * Other (Don't know all of them)

PROFESSION (1 Min | 2 Max):

    * Just a regular fighter
    * Pokemon Trainer (POKEMON)
    * F-Zero Pilot (F-ZERO) (Nothing special about you will change, probably will still just be a regular fighter)
    * Knight/Warrior (ZELDA/FIRE EMBLEM)
    * Arwing/Landmaster Pilot (STAR FOX)
    * Other (Don't know all of them)

It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]