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The Epics of Nintendo

Started by Ragster2448, April 28, 2011, 06:04:07 PM

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Wow. It was not dragged out at all, it was just perfect! I love how you describe my movements :)


Oo! Oo! Me next.

Name: Spit

SIDE: Bowser


SPECIES: Use your gifted imagination ;)

PROFESSION: Pokemon trainer (shedinja please)

Thanks mucho mas
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Don't forget me!

Name: Clanker

Side: Peach

Personality: Depressed or Emo

Species: Birdo XD

Profession: Can I be a Mario Kart Driver? If not I'll be a normal person

I'd like to see what you can create from that! The strory is good so far!


Whoa! Two more, alright! xD It'll be hard fitting in all of these people, I may extend the size of how long each chapter is.


Does anybody want to take over as writer of the Epics of Nintendo? After school started, English class has had me writing like a story every week and reading a book every day. I have no time what so ever to write, and I don't really enjoy writing as much after I started English, sorry to say. If anybody really loves this story and loves to write, be my guest to start writing for it. I'll PM you what I had in plan as far as the story line goes. I really wanted to include Spit and Clanker, so I'd love to see someone finish this story.


Sad to hear :'(

So we got 3 possible ways right now:
1) Someone takes over (and that "someone" ain't me)
2) You continue on this in the future or just when you feel like it
3) You convince your teacher that you write this story instead of the on in school instead :P

Great story anyhow, and it would be really fun to see the ending


We'll see how the rest of this year pans out. If I have no holiday homework, you haven't started up again or someone else hasn't take over, I'll do it. I'm in desperate need of writing, actually. I've been reading but not practicing my writing skills. XD
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