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The Epics of Nintendo

Started by Ragster2448, April 28, 2011, 06:04:07 PM

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DrP fail. XD

Also nice chapter.


Well, apparently I'm the brunt of the chapter... it didnt end will, but I loved the fact that I was climbing through airducts, though I probably would get stuck. hahaha.


I put up a PDF file for Part I in the first post. Don't know why, just if someone wanted it they could.


Hehehe... DrP.
Well done Ragster! Wonderful job on the last two chapters. You're doing a great job at portreying my character. :)
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Quote from: fingerz on June 19, 2011, 10:44:01 PMHehehe... DrP.
Well done Ragster! Wonderful job on the last two chapters. You're doing a great job at portreying my character. :)

Quote from: drpamplemousse on June 18, 2011, 11:35:08 PMWell, apparently I'm the brunt of the chapter... it didnt end will, but I loved the fact that I was climbing through airducts, though I probably would get stuck. hahaha.

Quote from: gzgregory on June 18, 2011, 08:41:00 PMDrP fail. XD

Also nice chapter.

Quote from: Raymondbl on June 18, 2011, 07:44:37 PMlol'ed so hard.    PWNED

Love it! This story is turning out really good. Can't wait until next chapter!

Also Bowser might have to go hungry for a year :P

Quote from: fabbemannen on June 18, 2011, 03:30:14 PMDrP derped mister ‘guardian apprentice ninja’ :P
A nice part once again, didn't include so many characters, but it wasn't needed

Waiting for the next one! This is my favorite topic atm ;D

Again, thanks for all the feedback! I'll have the next chapter (which will include Dudeman) done probably in the middle of the week.


^ Lol, I've always been bad at estimating time. Oh, and Shado, I need all of your stuff before I put you in there.


---Chapter 5---

   I walk into the room and sit down on my bunk bed. Ray walks in and puts his spear down in the back corner.
   "What do you think will happen with General Guy?" I ask. Ray stands there and looks up at the ceiling.
   "I do not know... But we cannot get our hopes down. Hopefully Bowser will figure out something," he replies in a 'not sure' kind of voice. After a few seconds of silence, a voice comes on to the speakers.
   "Ray and Slow to JFK's room, Ray and Slow to JFK's room. That is all."
   "I wonder what he wants?" I say, as we both get up and walk out of of the room. When we reach the hallway, we could see JFK's head poking out of the door a few yards down. He waves, then heads back into his room. We finally enter the room, and find JFK sitting in a chair.
   "Alright guys. Got some important information," he tells us.
   "Oh, great! Is it about General Guy?" I respond.
   "Yeah, he's staying with us," he says, but does not act like he finished his sentence.
   "WOO-HOO!" I shout, holding up my hand for Ray to give me a high five.
   "Hang on! I'm not finished!" he shouts, "Bowser promised him 2,000 pounds of food and water."
   "What?!" Ray replies, "That's goods that our population needs, how does he plan to support that?"
   "Well, his plan was to double everyone's paycheck, but double everyone's work. Even triple."
   "Hmm, I don't know if I like the sound of more work," I reply back.
   "Well, it does not matter, he will do what he pleases. Now come on, he said that he wants to meet everyone in the courtyard," he says, walking out of the room, Ray following behind. I look down on the table to see a note folded up. I open it to see writing, saying, 'the time is ready, S.U.S.O'. JFK quickly snags the note away from me and throws it into his dresser.
   "That is nothing you should know about," he says, walking out of the room. I follow behind him, shrugging my shoulders at Ray.

   "Alright, do we all have the plan figured out?" the general asks. We all look around at each other nodding our heads.
   "We do, sir," Jerry replies.
   "Good. Phase one will start tomorrow at sunrise. We will rendezvous near the western yoshi village, where we will meet the yoshi's sergeant major Yoshitaka. He will aid us in the phase. You're dismissed, troops," The general says, as we all salute him. As he walks away, I stretch out and let out a big yawn.
   "Alright then. I'm going home, see you guys in the morning," I say, walking off.
   "Later Ragster. I guess I'll be going too." Jerry says, as they all dispatch off.

   I was walking down the hallway, when I walked by the medical room, to see Fingerz sitting on the bed. I double-take, then see the doctor examining his head. I stop and peek inside.
   "Clearly your head has no damage," the doctor says, "I guess you are free to go, just refrain from hitting it!"
   "Yeah, yeah," Fingerz says, walking out of the room.
   "Hey, Fingerz!" I shout, him turning around to see me.
   "Oh, it's you, " he says, "Could you... keep a secret?"
   "Sure! I know some secrets right now as we spea- Oh, crap..."
   "Hmm... Good at keeping secrets, huh? Well, I'll trust you anyway," he says, reaching for his belt. He pulls up a Bob-omb in his right hand. I knew it the instance my eye laid sight on it.
   "Let me guess, you got that from DrP, didn't you?" he leans back with a how-in-the-world-did-you-know-that kind of face.
   "How did you know?" he asks.
   "I overheard him talking on his comm, saying he had brought a Bob-omb."
   "So it is true!" he says, snapping his finger.
   "He is a traitor! I just knew it!"
   "Mr. Fingerz, is it?" A nurse walks in and interrupts.
   "Uh, yeah, that's me... Is there a problem?" Fingerz asks.
   "Dr. Pierce would like to see you."
   "Wait, my head was cleared! The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with it!"
   "This doctor wants to make sure, the other doctor who viewed was but a recruit. We're just making sure."
   "Oh my gosh... Fine, but there is nothing wrong with it!" Fingerz says, as the nurse walks away.
   "Well, I have to go," I say, "hope your head gets better." I walk off, hearing Fingerz shout,

   I walk into the throne room, seeing all kinds of people. Koopas, hammer brothers, goombas... All of them. I then saw Bowser step up to the podium, taping the mic and saying 'is this thing on?' once or twice.
   "May I have your attention," he says into the microphone. Everybody just keeps chattering.
   "I said, may I have your attention!" he shouts louder, while everybody just continues to talk.
   "SHUT UP!!!" he furiously yells into the mic. Everybody goes dead silent, and stare up to the podium.
   "Ahem, now then... As you all know, the princess has ordered war against us. Not the other way around, for once. We all knew this day was coming, the day the princess and her toad army finally fought back. Well, I say, bring'em on!" Everybody starts cheering and whistling.
   "Yes, yes... Settle down... Now then, moving on to the plan. You always need to have a plan and a strategy to win a war. And, here to announce the plans, I would like to present you, the leader of the koopa army, General Wario!" You could hear the claps ten miles away from here they were so loud.
   "AH AH AH! Thank you, you're too kind!" Wario says, waving his hands back and forth.
   "Alright. You punks better listen up, because I ain't tellin' this plan twice! Now then, the first plan of action would be to wipe out any existing forces around the castle first. That includes yoshi's, toad's, anybody! We do not want any outside annoyances to become bothersome against our big strike. Once that's finished, we will move on to the castle, to begin the second act. As you know, DrP, one of our latest recruits, is at the castle as we speak. He will be the one to detonate a bomb beneath the castle, hopefully making it weak enough to be destroyed by General Guy's tank brigade. Phase three is particularly that, where we destroy the castle, and finish off the troops as the come running out. Then we will victory! ALL HAIL KING KOOPA!" He shouts, waving and walking away, while everybody begins clapping and cheering. While Bowser comes back on the intercom, I decide to walk over to a group of three people. I notice that one looked oddly familiar, so I decide to ask him.
   "Hey, you don't happen to be Slow, do you?"
   "No way, Dudeman?" he says back. We both perform our secret hand-shake. It's not much, really. Just fist bump once in the front, hit up, hit down, smack it left, smack it right, through the hoop, over the hill, under the rock and below the tree.
   "It is you! How'd you end up here?" he asks.
   "I decided to join his army just for the money, really. Right now, i'm part of transportation."
   "Yeah, I'm driving back and forth delivering goods and people to where they need to be."
   "Hmm, that sounds boring."
   "Boring? You don't know the half of it! Racing down Koopa Valley is most exhilarating!"
   "Racing? Why in the world would you race with passengers aboard?"
   "I don't know, 'cause it's fun."
   "Well, what do the koopas do when they get off?"
   "I don't know, they always seem to rush off to the bathroom. Maybe it's because they want to see why their face turned green. I'd hate it if my face turned green..."
   "That ends our presentation," I hear Bowser say, "all hail King Koopa!"
   "ALL HAIL KING KOOPA!" everyone shouts back.
   "Welp, I guess I'll see you later. Gotta get back back to work."
   "All right, see ya!" he says, as I walk off. When I reached my car, I noticed it was filled with koopas, ready to be transported back home. I get into my seat, strap up, and revved up the tires. I take off down the hill, racing over 120 mph.
   I love my job!

   I strapped on my gloves, got my stethoscope, and walked out of the doctor's room with my white coat on. I saw Fingerz sitting on the bed, waiting for me to arrive.
   "Greetings, you must be Fingerz!" I say to him.
   "Hey, doc. Listen, my head is perfectly fine, don't worry about it."
   "Sorry, but I must see for myself before you can truly go." I begin looking around his head for any damaged spots. I noticed the Bob-omb strapped on to the back of him.
   "Sir, is that a Bob-omb I see on your belt?" I ask him.
   "Uh, yeah. This guy named DrP was about to use it to destroy the castle, so I wanted to show it to Mario as proof that he is a traitor."
   "Oh my," I reply, "and he must of tricked me into thinking that you hurt your head so we could take you away, didn't he?"
   "Here, I'll go show it to Mario this instant. You go get some rest, you got a big day ahead of you tomorrow, don't you?"
   "Thanks doc!" he says, as he hands me the Bob-omb. I take it from his hand and take a close look at it.
   "No... Thank you," I say, slamming the Bob-omb onto his head. He fell unconscious on to the bed.
   "Idiot! Dr. Pierce? You really fell for that?" I say, walking out of the door with the Bob-omb hidden behind me.
   "He just needs some rest," I say to the nurse, walking by me and giving me a thumbs up. When she's out of sight, I remove my doctor equipment, and head down the stairs.
   Now no-one can stop me!!!



Dr. Pierce.



Yeah, DrP did say that he was the "brunt of the chapter", so I wanted to change it up a bit, make him get even with Fingerz. :P


I knew there was going to be a downfall somewhere... :P
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn



OMG! I am so glad JFK did not read this, because I changed his name to FDR! Let me change that real quick...

LOL, did that for the third chapter too... All fixed.

EDIT: I took the liberty to edit the writing errors in the previous chapters, so there all nice and pretty now. :D

EDIT 2: Alright, PDF back. Everything's back to normal... :P


Can't wait for the next chapter Ragster! Keep up the good work. :)
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn




Lol, yes DrP, you are quite evil.

---Chapter 6---

   My heart sunk into a dark-less pit. The only thing that I thought to do was run, run run run. My heart raced almost as fast as I did, my sweat was pouring down like a waterfall, and I could hear every single beat my heart made. I rush out the doors, feeling the ground shake. It was like I was walking on a trampoline. I take a quick glance back at the castle, or at least what remains of it. The towers had crumbled, the walls came down like they were made out of Lincoln Logs. All that remained was the stronghold, which was holding on by a thread. I shake my head, and turn around to see an endless line of koopa troopers. I stop, skidding my feet, my heart, falling into an even darker abyss. I could see the row of tanks lined up behind the troopers, and that's when I knew... It was over. I could hear the general shout "fire the tanks", as I fell to my knees. The thunderous clap of the tanks ringed over and over in my ears. The sound of the dying castle made them ring even worse... As I saw a Bob-omb fall right next to me, I did nothing. There was nothing I could do. We were finished. I fell to the ground, ready for the explosion to occur. I could hear it conversing with me, yelling "wake up", "wake up". My eyes. fading... Seeing black... I cannot hear the Bob-omb anymore, just a soft ring... The Bob-omb comes into my head again, still yelling, "wake up", "wake up", only in a different, more recognizable voice. My blood goes cold, my heart starts to race, and I jump off the bed. I take a few seconds to catch my breath, then I look up to see Ragster, Jerry, and Greg.
   "You alright?" Jerry says, "you were dreaming."
   "I'm guessing a nightmare," Greg replies.
   "Yeah, you were freaking out!" Ragster also adds in.
   "Phew... I'm... I'm fine," I say, looking at the clock next to my bed.
   9 o'clock!? I gotta get ready! I think, seeing the time.
   "When are we heading off to the village?" I ask.
   "We'll be leaving around 10, so you need to get ready," Jerry responds.
   "Alright," I say, standing up and leaving the room. Although I feel oddly strange and have a massive headache, for the life of me, I feel as though as I am forgetting something... Oh, well. It may come to me later. I put my shoes on and walk outside. That had better of been a nightmare, not a vision...

   So, first patrol, now this... Working endlessly to grow food and gather water. My troops are already exhausted from all of the work, I'm sure that they are sick of this, too... But Bowser made a promise, a promise that we must help him on. I reach into my dresser and grab the note that Slow happened to stumble across.
   Time will only tell when it happens... I'm sorry guys, but I just can't tell you the truth until that said time has came. I hear Ray walk into the room and sit his spear down in the corner of the room.
   "Hey, boss," he says to me.
   "Boss? Haven't heard you call me that in a while."
   "Well, I mean, you are my boss," he replies. I hear the phone ring next to the table. I grab it and answer it.
   "Hello?" I say into the phone.
   "JFK. This is Brolly."
   "Oh, hey, uh... Hang on a sec," I respond, covering the phone with my hand.
   "Business call. They want me to go check something," I say to Ray.
   "Oh, alright, see ya," he replies back. I walk out of the room and head into the armory.
   "Yes, this is agent JFK. What is it?"
   "You received the note, didn't you?"
   "Yes sir, I did."
   "Then you are aware of what's happening. Come to the meeting area in oh-four hundred hours."
   "Alright. I'll be there," I say, hanging up the phone. I walk out of the room, looking around to see if anyone saw me or not. The coast was clear, so I started to walk down the hallway. If this plan succeeds, it will end all of this sense-less violence.

   I sit down in the chair, watching the clock, mourning to myself that 10 o'clock would come faster. I want to get on with the fight, so we can finally show Bowser who's the real boss around here. 9:23... 9:24... 9:25... Ugh, hurry up... 9:26... When it's around 9:27, I see Jerry pick his phone up and answer it. He says a few "Yeah"s and "OK"s, then stands up.
   "Business call. They want me to go check something," he says, walking out of the room. Ragster and Fingerz are preparing, when they should have been prepared hours ago. Can't they realize that this war can cost us the entire Mushroom Kingdom? Of course, I'm part of the toad army, so I highly doubt anything bad will happen to us. I'm gonna pulverize Bowser's army and his castle.

   9:43. It's almost time to go. Jerry comes back into the room and sits down. 9:44... 9:45... Ragster and Fingerz are finally done preparing. 9:46... 9:47... 9:48... At 9:49, the general finally walks in.
   "You guys ready?" he says.
   "I've been ready 2 hours ago," I reply back.
   "Oh, don't listen to him, he's just a bit tired," Jerry said.
   "No, don't worry. I'm sure I've kept you all waiting all a little bit too long."
   A little? I think.
   "Come on, we're ready to set off." We all walk out the door, and out the castle.

   I sit in the chair viewing the endless amounts of plans for the attack. I could see my brother talking to Toadsworth, probably about our new tank model. The princess was answering phone calls and writing some information down. I let out a big yawn, and flip the page of the book.
   "Aye! Mad'io!" my brother shouts at me.
   "Come here!"
   "Okee-dokee!" I respond back, getting up and walking over there.
   "Master Luigi and I were discussing the idea of having two barrels on one tank, is that possible?" Toadsworth asks.
   "What we a'talkin' about? Two barrels on a'one turret, or a'two individual turrets?"
   "Two individual turrets."
   "Well, seems a'possible, if we were to increase the size of the chassis."
   "Uh, what if we a'-" before Luigi could finish his sentence, a loud bang was heard in the room. We all look at the direction it came from, and saw the door open with two people standing in front of it.
   "You all are coming with us."
   "Whoa whoa whoa, you ain't taking these guys anywhere!" one of the toad guards reply. The two men take out the toads with a few fancy punches and kicks. In five seconds, no, less, both guards were laying on the floor knocked out.
   "Like I said. You're coming with us."
   "Stand a'back, everyone, I got this," I say, stepping up to the two guys.
   "Who are you? You're a'Bowser's men aren't a'you?" I say to them.
   "You all have to come with us. Now." They talk like there machines. Enough of this. I quickly throw a punch at one of the guards, but without hesitation, he quickly grabs my fist and throws it out of the way. That started the fight. The one guy threw a kick at me, which hit my gut. I stood firm, and entered combat with both of them. I was blocking kicks and punches while throwing them too. The guards were tough, no doubt. I gave them my old fashion fire fist, which knocked the one person to the floor. He quickly got up and began throwing hits again. Very rarely would I land hits on them, and very rarely would they land hits on me... It was an even fight. But one of us will have to break eventually. I quickly grab one of the guys by the collar and throw him out of the way. But, when I looked back to see the other, the only thing I felt was his fist pounding into my face. I was knocked to floor, and before I knew it, all I saw was black...



Woah, they knocked out Mario.

Is that even possible? O_o

Also, Jerry and JFK :P