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my final message. Goodb ye

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The Epics of Nintendo

Started by Ragster2448, April 28, 2011, 06:04:07 PM

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      All I saw was black. Pitch black. Whispers were being spread throughout the room, but I couldn't make out anybody's voice or the words they were saying. I then heard the noise of the door being opened. The whispers stopped as the light began seeping through the ocean of black. Three people walked into the room, and I could tell by the silhouettes that they were toads.
   "Here we are, sir," one toad said.
   "Good. Can we get some lights on? I can't see anything in this blasted dark."
   "My apologies sir." The toad walked over to the side of the door and flipped the switch. My eyes were pierced by the light. I quickly adjusted them and looked ahead of me to see two guards and the toad military general himself.
   "Greetings, I am the general of the toad army, Adam J. Harolds. We have gathered you here to discuss enlistment's in to the toad army."
   "Excuse me, sir," one person asked, "I thought toads were only allowed into the toad army?"
   "Not exactly," the general responds. "Desperate times call for desperate measures."
   "Desperate times?" another person said.
   "Yes. Scouts have reported that Bowser is gathering up a large force to attack the Mushroom Kingdom. Only 1/5 of our population is enlisted in the army, leaving us roughly with 4,000 soldiers. That is why we need you to help us."
   "Yeah, what's in it for us?" a deep-voiced man replied.
   "As for an award, my hands are empty." Everybody started conversing.
   "I'm in it just for the fight," one guy said next to me.
   "Yeah, I don't need an award, just a reason to fight," I replied.
   "Alright, now then, let's get to enlisting," the general said, as he began pacing. I stood tall and straight, hoping that he'd notice me. A few seconds passed, then he finally stopped in front of someone to my far left.
   "And your name is?" the general asked. The person stood firm and replied to the question.
   "My name is..."


You can be in the story! Just post a reply here in the topic. In the message you must include the following:

NAME (Most likely will be your forum name)

SIDE (Princess Peach, Bowser) NOTE: IF YOU CHOSE TO BE ON BOWSER'S SIDE, YOU WILL COME INTO THE STORY LATER Scratch that last comment, I think I can get them in the next chapter.

PERSONALITY (Serious, Annoying, Shy, e.g.)

SPECIES (1 Min | 1 Max):
  • Just a regular person
  • Yoshi
  • Toad
  • Koopa
  • Other (Don't know all of them)

PROFESSION (1 Min | 2 Max):
  • Just a regular fighter
  • Pokemon Trainer (POKEMON)
  • F-Zero Pilot (F-ZERO) (Nothing special about you will change, probably will still just be a regular fighter)
  • Knight/Warrior (ZELDA/FIRE EMBLEM)
  • Arwing/Landmaster Pilot (STAR FOX)
  • Other (Don't know all of them)



NAME: Slow
SIDE: Bowser of course
PERSONALITY: Dizzy and a bit unreliable
PROFESSION: Pokemon Trainer. I need to have Spinda.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


SIDE: Bowser (DUH!)
PERSONALITY: Hilarious, yet Serious under pressure
SPECIES: Human (of Hyrulian nationality)
PROFESSION: Medieval Knight who knows how to fly a jet/fighter

This looks fun :D


Sweet, already got two! Oh, and another thing I should put:

I'll just post the next chapter when it is done, there will be no dead-line for each chapter, to much stress in trying to make it in time.
I will post in the topic when requesting is over for the next chapter. The requests posted after that will be put into the chapter AFTER the next. I will try my hardest to fit in all of the requests in the following chapter, but it isn't guaranteed.


Looks fun. Hope this finishes.
Name: Greg
Side: Peach (because you really need someone on the other side ;))
Personality: Intelligent and serious, but too arrogant for their own good
Species: Human
Profession: Pokemon Trainer (with Alakazam, just to be even more in character :P)


Name: Jerry.
Side: Peach. Usually.
Personality: Tries to work alone but enjoys helping others, no matter which side they are on.
Species: Human
Profession: Fire Emblem related?
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


NAME: Fingerz
SIDE: Peach
PERSONALITY: Naive but well meant.
SPECIES: Person (Byrne from Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks)
PROFESSION: Loco Guardian Apprentice, ninja!!!!
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Name: Ray
Side: Bowser
Personality: Determined, willing, but stupid sometimes
Species: Human
Profession: Kung-Fu Master (specialize in tai ji and taekwondo)
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


NAME: JFK (that's what I'm known as mostly, not fabbemannen :P)
SIDE: Bowser (Freelancer would be nice too ;))
PERSONALITY: Kinda like Shadow, works alone if I get to choose, but with more respect towards others. Well, like Falco actually
SPECIE: Human-style-starfoxfighter
PROFESSION: Good in sneaking and close-up battle ;D


Alright, all the requests up to this point will be in chapter 1. All the ones after this will be in chapter 2.


---CHAPTER 1---

   "...Greg," he answers.
   "Greg, huh? I can see that you are a Pokemon Trainer, am I right?"
   "Alright," the general responds, "Pokemon Trainers are always useful. Are you interested in joining the army? As you are aware, there will be no reward."
   "The only reward I need is the experience that my Alakazam will get from the fight," Greg replies back.
   "Very well," The general says as he begins pacing again. This time, he steps in front of a person to the right of me. Ugh, I think to myself, when is he going to get to me?
   "How about you, what is your name?" the general asks.
   "The name's Jerry, sir," he replies.
   "Jerry, huh?" the general says, then ponders for a little while.
   "Ah, yes, the skilled warrior, are you not?"
   "Yes, that's me," Jerry answers, "I have had personal training from Marth himself and I'm ready to see if it paid off."
   "Excellent, I'll see you on the battlefield, then." He begins pacing yet again. After a few seconds of walking back and forth, he finally steps in front of me and stops.
   "Let's see... Another Pokemon Trainer, huh?"
   "Yes sir," I reply.
   "And your name is?"
   "Ragster, sir, from the Johto region," I answer. Was that too much? He only asked for my name. Dang it, I'm ruining it, I think.
   "Well Ragster, are you ready to serve for the toad army?"
   "Willing and ready, sir," I respond.
   "Great, welcome to the club." I sighed with relief as he turns and begins pacing away yet again. When it comes to talking, I'm not number one on the leader-board. Thankfully, the chat was small, so I had less time to screw up.
   "Hey, you from Johto?" A guy next to me asks.
   "Yep, live in Cianwood City," I respond.
   "Do you happen to know a guy named Slow?"
   "Um... Can't say I do..."
   "Well, he does live in Blackthorn, which is on the totally opposite side of Johto from Cianwood," he says.
   "So, you are?" I ask.
   "Just call me Fingerz. With a 'z', no 's'," he answered. I than realized he wasn't wearing any type of weapon or Pokeballs, and was dressed in all black.
   "Uh, what do you do? You got no sort of weapon or anything like that," I ask.
   "Weapons? Weapons?! THESE, are my weapons!" he shouts as he holds up his fists. "Who needs swords or Pokemon when you got fists of steel, HEE YAH!" He shouts as he throws his fist on to the wall. Along with the banging noise that the fist made when it hit the wall, I heard also a few pops and cracks in-between.
   "YEE-OWCH!" he yells as he throws his fist back and forth.
   "Fist of steels, huh?" I say sarcastically.
   "Psh, Yee-owch is my battle cry. What? You thought I was in pain? Hah! Barely felt anything..." he replies.
   "Alright, recruits! Time to head on to the castle!" the general shouts. Everybody starts walking out the doors as I follow behind. When I walk out into the sunlight, I notice a giant jet air-liner sitting in the lot about a few hundred yards away.
   "When did that get there?" Jerry asked, scratching his head. When I walked into the lot, I notice a guy walking out of the jet's door.
   "Hello!  Hello!" he shouts, raising his hands like he is some kind of priest.
   "Hmm... Who's this guy?" Greg responds.
   "This is DrP, he's another new recruit here. he will be our pilot to Princess Peach's Castle," the general says.
   "Alright, come on! Runnin' on a tight schedule here," DrP announced. The crowd started moving up the stairs and into the jet. I walked through the door and down the plane. I sat down next to window number 17, where soon Greg sat down in the chair next to mine.
   "Ugh, finally I get to go to the castle," he says. I responded, not knowing if he was talking to himself or me,
   "I've heard that the castle is pretty amazing."
   "Ha! I don't care about the castle. I just want to get closer to the battlefield," he replies back to me.
   "Rule number 2, always know your battlefield before you even think about fighting on it. It gives you a tactical advantage."
   "Oh," I respond, "what's rule number 1?"
   "Never lose."
   "Ah, that's a good rule," I say back.

   "Hey! Get up! Stop sleeping, will ya? We got a job to run, you know," Ray shouts next to my ear. I stand up, stretch out and let out a big yawn.
   "Do we really have to? Patrol is SO boring... I'm still on my break, too," I reply back to him.
   "Your break ended two hours ago, Slow! So come on, I can't patrol the entire castle by myself."
   "Ugh... Fine..."
   I walk out the door and grab the spear laying next to the shelf. When I shut the door, I turn around to see JFK standing right in front of me. Oh, great. What does he want?
   "I'm not happy Slow. NOT happy."
   "Well, if I had to wear a suit that bad, I wouldn't be either," I respond. The look on his face told me that he was serious.
   "Four hour breaks, sleeping on the job, and... What is this?" he says, as he looks at the spear made out of wood that I was holding in my hand.
   "It's my spear!"
   "You had better improve your work, Slow, or you're out of here!" he shouts, stomping away down the hallway.
   "I don't need a spear! My Spinda is just as powerful," I say to Ray.
   "Slow, you never even bring him to work!"
   "Oh yeah... I don't, do I?"
   "Slow... I got a job to run. I'll see you later," he says calmly as he walks away.
   Ugh... Why did I sign up for this? I could have been the Pokemon Champion for all 6 regions by now! Er, wait... 5 regions! I stood there for about ten seconds, then dropped to the floor and fell asleep.

   Twenty minutes had passed since we first arrived on the plane. Over the horizon, I could finally see the castle. DrP came over the announcements to inform of our landing.
   "Is... Is this thing on? Testing, Test-Oh! Hello, party people! We will be arriving at the castle in roughly three minutes, so prepare to exit the plane. DrP out."
   "It's about time. I was getting tired of being cooped up in here," Greg says as he stretches out his limbs.
   I look out the window and see small mushroom houses, some toads out and about, and merchants selling fruit, vegetables and all sorts of foods and goods. In the middle of town square was a giant golden fountain that held a statue of the princess, nearly blinding me as the sun reflects off of it. We come up to the landing strip and begin flying low. I felt the plane bounce as we landed on the run-way and began slowing down. As we came to a stop, DrP came on to the announcements again.
   "Welcome to the castle! Please exit the plane in an orderly fashion, please remember to take all of your stuff with you, and PLEASE, have a good day. That will be all."
   I stand up and follow the crowd of people that starts leaving the plane. As I walk down the stairs, I noticed that I felt strangely lighter. I look down and noticed that my belt of Pokeballs was missing. Aw, crud. I probably left them on the plane. I walk back up the stairs and into the plane. When I walk by the pilots room, I overheard DrP talking through his comm.
   "Yeah, I'm right next to the castle right now. Yes sir. Yep. Oh yeah I did. Don't worry sir, you can count on me."
   Who is he talking to? I think to myself. I begin listening again.
   "Well, duh! Why would I go on the mission and forget to bring the Bob-omb?"
   What? Bob-omb?! What would he do with a Bob-omb?! I turn around and start pondering about what he said.
   "Can I help you?" DrP asks, standing right behind me.
   Crud! Busted, I think.
   "I... was just getting my Pokeballs that I left on the plane," I stuttered, "I wasn't nose-dropping, or anything."
   "Mmm hmm... Well that's good! Get your Pokeballs and let's get out of here."
   "Uh, Oh... Kay..."
   I walk over to my seat and grabbed the belt laying underneath it. I strap it back on then exit the plane behind DrP.
   What do I do?


I hope I got your personalities right. Just tell me if I should change up how you act.

Just to let you know, when you see a triple line break in my stories, it means the perspective of the story is changing from one person to another.



Very good!  The personalities aren't exactly nailed, but pretty close.  I think I'm a lot less mean. Maybe calm, with even disposition and win fights easily whether physical or mental (rarely falls for traps or fakes).  My best weapons are the metal staff and sword (I can't touch a spear, I'd accidentally kill myself in 3 seconds), and if none are available, open hand combat. All other weapons I'm only decent or clumsy with.  The cons about me are that my split second decisions aren't good, I'm a good rule - breaker, my underwater fighting is very bad due to my balance on the ground.  I'm OK at planes and wing fighters, know when and where to use weapons, but sometimes have trouble finding the controls :D

Other than that, great!  It's really hard to get a person's personality right, since you've never known them. Also, DrP's talent is being wasted :) 

Ignore drp, a story doesn't need to be funny. :P
The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


QuoteVery good!  The personalities aren't exactly nailed, but pretty close.  I think I'm a lot less mean. Maybe calm, with even disposition and win fights easily whether physical or mental (rarely falls for traps or fakes).  My best weapons are the metal staff and sword (I can't touch a spear, I'd accidentally kill myself in 3 seconds), and if none are available, open hand combat. All other weapons I'm only decent or clumsy with.  The cons about me are that my split second decisions aren't good, I'm a good rule - breaker, my underwater fighting is very bad due to my balance on the ground.  I'm OK at planes and wing fighters, know when and where to use weapons, but sometimes have trouble finding the controls  . 

Other than that, great!  It's really hard to get a person's personality right, since you've never known them. Also, DrP's talent is being wasted   

Thanks for all that! I'll definitely change up your personality in the chapters soon to come.

QuoteI can't touch a spear, I'd accidentally kill myself in 3 seconds


QuoteIgnore drp, a story doesn't need to be funny.

I don't think he meant it that way, I think he was saying that it WAS a little more funny, not that it SHOULD be a little more funny. But I mean, I could be wrong about that.


That's pretty good for a start.  ;D

I recommend you give the characters some background next chapter.