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TWG XV: Perils of Saffron

Started by SlowPokemon, April 26, 2011, 06:57:36 PM

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My vote remains a safety for now. Could change depending on askalice's actions.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


i do not have a msn or the likes. I have aim however im rarely on. Now jub you safetyed on mashi where as i voted for him officially. Your safety did not affect my decision i would have voted him regardless.

Mashi are you a good player yes. Are you alive yes. Mg is he a good player yes. is he dead yes. A good player died night one.

I cannot reveal the information it would put the humans in a bad position. If you were a human with this knowledge than you would understand.

I just feel the whole please dont lynch me was fishy. You can tell me it was a scapegoat and all that but to me it was you trying to make sure the whole world knew you were human. Which raises the question of why would a human be so set on proving himself that much? Everyone else  did not take that route and i dont suspect them as much.

I just dont see a normal human player pushing that much on the 1st night. I could be wrong i will admit that but its just my opinion. And im not the only one who viewed it that way.


I've been saying this a countless number of times.  One of the reasons I was posting so arbitrarily was to try to get activity (And if you take a look, it's working quite well, no?).  You're also saying that the reason I was entreating the Wolves not to wolf me was to appear Human.  As a Wolf, don't you think I would have realized how silly that would be?  And if you say I would use the reasoning I'm saying now as an excuse, I'll just tell you, once again, this is infinite reverse psychology.  My behaviour for Night 1 can go both ways, in proving that I'm a Human or a Wolf, so it can't really be used as evidence.

Also, I highly doubt that unless you're the Guardian (Which I suppose is also unlikely, because you wouldn't be telling other players this), then there's an infinitely small chance you could have any information that could lead to Human destruction.  Therefore you have absolutely no reason to hide whatever's in the contents of the PM (Which, according to Jub3r7, are your reasons for suspecting and if so, then it's ridiculous for you to hide them; I have no chance to defend myself.  If secret PM's prove anything at all, it's only that you're desperate to lynch me).


The guardian... stupidly pmed me who he is. Luckily i am a human but that person should NOT do that again unless he/she know for 100% truth someone is human.


And is there any particular reason you haven't informed gzgregory about this?
And why are you telling anyone at all about the identity of the Guardian?
And why would the Guardian have any reason at all to claim to you?


yeah i sort of dropped the ball on the whole telling jub my mistake.
guradian shouldnt claim to me at all which was why i said they should never do that.
and yeah didnt even think about confirming it with gregory.


What I would like to know is why you told Jub3r7.
And I also want you to inquire the Guardian to respond to why he/she claimed to you.


they did tell me why ad i understand it now. I cannot however reveal that info. I trusted jub thats why i told him.


And for what reasons do you trust Jub3r7?
Also, since gzgregory is the confirmed Seer, I highly advise you tell him every little secret you have.  That way, we can have a confirmed Seer decide these matters.


I did contact gregory and i will now no vote untill matters are squared away.

It was a gut feeling on trusting jub. Probably a bad idea but if he is a human which i think he is, the wolves will be much easier to catch. If the guardian dies next night phase then we can easily narrow it down to 2 people that could be wolves.


Oh btw mg, could I get this topic stickied?
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Quote from: master_gamer38 on April 28, 2011, 08:37:13 PMThou shalt be done.
wait, isn't that "you shall be done"

? according to gzgregory, the guardian hasn't claimed to him yet. 
Now, I see a potential triangle - askalice, jub, and the supposed guardian.  However, little evidence there is, so on mashi stays the vote. 

I am starting to get crazy suspicious of askalice, though...

Mashi:  you said somewhere that the wolves should've wolfed you the first night.  And they didn't, and see what happened now?  Well now is exactly what they want - confusion and total chaos and conflict between humans while the wolves are sitting with their legs crossed and waiting for us to kill each other.  Which is what strengthens my suspicion. 

The purpose of life is to survive.  Deal with it.


ok ray your right... let me bring up the pms you sent me then. Trying to turn it on me. Nice try Ray


Quote from: Raymondbl on April 28, 2011, 04:25:15 PMdude wtffff you almost gave me away darn I almost got messed up trying to give me away fuuuuuuu dang damnation *sputters, at a loss for words* 

why the heck did you post that?  If I said shhhh I obviously wanted you to not say anything, and it was because of you saying did something give you away?  Is that why you edited it?  Yes, something almost gave me away?  You wouldn't want your guardian dead, would you?  aaaaargh I'm trusting you not to be a wolf!   if you are please don't tell anyone and I will love you forever. 

*runs out of breath*. 

Quote from: Raymondbl on April 28, 2011, 04:35:10 PMdo you recommend me to guard myself or gzgregory since the wolves are bound to be suspicious about me now.   and they are bound to know the guardian will guard the seer. 

Quote from: Raymondbl on April 28, 2011, 07:42:11 PMif I didn't pm you then you would keep it up and either I would be lynched or the wolves will guess I'm the guardian and attack me the night after this day.  I had to do it and take the risk.  Call it stupid if you might - this is my way :) 

Quote from: Raymondbl on April 29, 2011, 04:22:47 AMnow I realize something - you said that the guardian was stupid enough to pm you claiming.  Who else playing TWG is stupid enough to do that?  Everyone would suspect me as guardian now.  good job.  now my plan with gzgregory is dead.  Can't be used.  NEVER MENTION ANYTHING ABOUT "GUARDIAN!" I will most likely be wolfed on your actions unless either I am very lucky or the wolves are stupid, which I doubt they are.  It may still be amendable, but please, don't mention anything about it! 

Now i see it. you only contacted me so that id remove my vote from you. Which you stated  in one of your oms but i didnt think anyone who wasnt guardian would do such a thing.