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Made mah day.

Started by ETFROXX, April 14, 2011, 01:54:43 PM

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Well I suppose if it's helping people strive for excellence in arranging, then it's done some good ^^


MY GOD, THAT BLEW OUT OF PROPORTION, FELLAS. I go away for a weekend and what happens? You lot have unleashed hell in the thread... O.o

Anyways, I'm glad SOMEONE got what I was on about. Kefka was right; of course I was making fun of the kiddies who change their gender on the forum. It just sprang to mind when I was reading Bloop's comment. No harm intended, I assure you! :)

Besides, I couldn't give a damn some of you were sexually orientated towards the same sex! If that's how it goes for you, that's fine with me. After all, you're all amazing arrangers and I love every single one of you! I don't get time to post often now, and I might come across as bitter or cynical at times because it really frustrates me that I can't participate in this wonderful community as much anymore... :(

But yeah, I apologise to you, Bloop, if it sounded like I was mocking your orientation. It was another one of those moments that sounded funnier in my head... XD

Besides, if I wanted to hurt someone, I had a chance to do so when Slow posted about telling his dad. I didn't. I was actually proud of him! I have no idea how hard that must've been for him, but I'm in awe of his courage. ^^

So, to sum up, I'm very sorry if I came across as rude to Bloop - it wasn't intended that way. You have my sincerest apology. And my apologies to everyone else... I know I've been a little shit as of late.  :'( I'm sorry and I'll make up for it one day with a trillion arrangements!
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Daww it's alright ^^ I didn't really mind your post, but at least you're not (somewhat) homophobic :p Still thanks for the explanation! :D

I don't know how to respond on this stuff ;_; did I do well?


Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn



Quote from: fingerz on August 12, 2014, 10:43:21 PMI'll make up for it one day with a trillion arrangements!

The pact is sealed.

In other news, yessssssssssssssssss both episodes of MGSV are being released on Steam, now I won't need to buy a PS4 :>

me irl


Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on August 13, 2014, 04:24:32 PMreleased on Steam, now I won't need to buy a PS4 :>

Praise GabeN!

My budgie just started trusting me enough to let me scratch/cuddle with her >_<
She wanted to return the favour by gently rubbing her beak against my finger. Made mah day.


goddam this website has some characters
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Waddle Bro

I just got an email from Nintendo with the free download code of Wind Waker HD that I've been waiting all summer, and tomorrow I'm heading to an EDM festival which too, I have been waiting for all summer to go see some of my favourite artists~

So excited!!! *screams*


Okay. A couple things.

First off, this is me posting from my very own laptop!!! HUZZAH. My own up-to-date computer at last! It was a pain in the ass to find, though. Did you know that Apple has stopped producing computers with disk drives now?? Holy shit. I was pissed. I"m not going to waste money on a clunky attachment to plug into my already pricey computer when I could just get it all in one. Fuck the digital age. I'm old school.

Second, it was my 18th birthday last Saturday, as many of you wished me Happy Birthday :) Thanks guys. Anyways, I was completely surprised by shadowkirby, who bought me (with the help of my cousin and a mutual friend) the limited edition Wind Waker Zelda Wii U!!! (Of course, by surprised, I mean that I found out two weeks prior because he couldn't shut up about how excited he was about it.) I've discussed with him and my family about it, but I will not be bringing it with me to college due to lack of tv/roommate/homework/getting settled into the college atmosphere. Take your pick. Basically, my college life isn't ready to have that big of a distraction yet. In fact, I'm leaving in just under a week and a half, and we haven't even set it up yet, sooooo...We'll be lucky if I can set it up before I leave!

It's been a while since I've posted in this thread, but I'm still around! I read the forums every day. Maybe not as dutifully as I should, but I've never left. I just quietly observe :)
Party Hard!


why would someone be "afraid" of gays
the word homophobe makes no sense


Quote from: Kman96 on August 15, 2014, 04:18:31 PMSecond, it was my 18th birthday last Saturday, as many of you wished me Happy Birthday :) Thanks guys. Anyways, I was completely surprised by shadowkirby, who bought me (with the help of my cousin and a mutual friend) the limited edition Wind Waker Zelda Wii U!!! (Of course, by surprised, I mean that I found out two weeks prior because he couldn't shut up about how excited he was about it.)

I like food.

Waddle Bro

my life is currently so complete omfg


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 15, 2014, 09:20:52 PMwhy would someone be "afraid" of gays
the word homophobe makes no sense

There really isn't any other logical explanation to why certain people are so anti-gay, thus the term. You probably haven't experienced enough of the bigot hicks to know what a real homophobe is like ._.

me irl