
Iron gates are a thing of the past! Now, you can access your yard with the all-new NinSheetMusic-brand Teleportation Technology!

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Made mah day.

Started by ETFROXX, April 14, 2011, 01:54:43 PM

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Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on July 31, 2013, 07:49:52 PMftfy

Also, you're missing some of the other first-party titles.  I believe they are Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, SiNG Party, Lego City Undercover, New Super Luigi U, and Game & Wario.  Those range from mediocre to great.  Especially Undercover.

Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge is an upgraded port of Ninja Gaiden 3, and is also multiplatform.  Weirdly enough it's published by Nintendo for the Wii U but Tecmo for the other consoles...

But it along with SiNG Party and Lego City are 2nd party developed, Super Luigi U is basically an expansion pack (which is/will be released separately), and Game & Wario is reviewed to be terrible.

The issue still remains, as everybody else has stated, that there is no solid 1st party lineup and most notable 3rd party devs are bailing as the console is flopping.  The fact that the PS4 and XBONE are x86 based, which makes it incredibly easy for a multiplatform PC, PS, XBOX game to be developed leads me to believe that we will not be seeing many if any at all solid 3rd party exclusive titles.

Of course, Nintendo could finally turn it around next year with a large release of solid first party titles towards the latter end of the year, finally pushing a strong expansion of the user base, but they'll be hard pressed with both major competitors being in their second holiday season, when competition will really kick up.

me irl


Nintendo is still lagging behind and with the lack of an extensive amount for 1st party titles. Unfortunately, Nintendo is just an old company that follows the old ways, however things are changing.

I was working on a company today that started up 2 years ago and is already more profitable and has a set plan for moving forward at the rate they are growing now. I expect their IPO soon! (Can't say who because of confidentiality).

I just wish Nintendo saw what the market is like (or actually take notice and do something) and realize that taking so long to develop something that is just a step ahead when it's announced and then falls behind.

This upcoming lineup is the determining factor on whether Nintendo will keep going its course or needs some direction changes. We shall see.

Also, in other news. Moto X.


Couldn't decide if this should go in the rant thread of here...

A bride-to-be flipped a bitch today.
Our restaurant was hosting the rehearsal dinner for her wedding, which was outside per request. There was some questionable weather earlier in the day but it passed. The guests showed up and we ended up hosting the dinner outside while also serving regular dinner service inside.
The bride began very vocally complaining about how cold it was outside, saying that she wanted to move everybody (40+ people) inside. We politely told her that the dining room was being used for regular dinner service and that we could get her some blankets and a heater if she wanted (which we did).

Not even 5 minutes go by, and she stands up, storms into the restaurant and screams at the manager in front of all the customers: "Get them [the customers] the fuck out of here! Do not serve them another fucking plate! I want them out! Tell them to get their stuff and leave!"
Meanwhile she's like sobbing and completely embarrassing both her groom and her party outside.... it was kind of bad.
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Currently using Finale 2012


So this happened a few weeks ago just before my trip when I was brainstorming episode ideas for my Alyos story...I am speechless, but I could not contain myself at the moment.

Party Hard!



I found Valve's Handbook. I didn't really read it, but the diagrams and glossary are awesome.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.



I'm so excited because my little cousins are coming to my house today and we're going to play Pokemon and drink juice and watch Ghibli movies for a whole week :D


Tutor them all for 50 dollars each!!!


Last night my mum got drunk and said, "Who invented semi-quavers(16th notes)? They're sooo stupid! Why on earth do we need semi-quavers? I hate semi-quavers!" It was the best xD

Waddle Bro

The two new Layton games made my day, week, month, year, decade, life. I think I'm going to cry. For two reasons. This, and the funeral I'll be hosting for my wallet.


Welcome back waddle bro!