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15 Most Annoying Video Game Characters

Started by ZeldaFan, February 22, 2008, 08:41:52 PM

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this fairy is really annoying lets kill it, hey, get back here you, im gonna rip its wings off with a pair of tweezers
x = y + 1. Where x = current post count, and y = previous post count.


camera angles are the worst thing in every game.

worst than any character.  8)
all hail the king of the castle


Quote from: KINGOFTH3CASTLE on February 27, 2008, 12:42:59 PMcamera angles are the worst thing in every game.

worst than any character.  8)

that might have been true ten years ago, but now... not so much. (and there are a lot more FPSs these days, so idk how you could mess up that camera angle [although those haxors did do that in the Halo 3 beta and saw Master Chief's face...])

damn commies.

Shiny Boy

Dude, even the Galaxy camera tends to screw you over now and then.
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


yeah, well, Galaxy's a bad game, so i don't care. i don't play it anymore.

damn commies.


with the exception of resetti, none of these characters are actually annoying, just bizarre/weird/annoying if you have an OCD
x = y + 1. Where x = current post count, and y = previous post count.


Meh...  Although this list is pretty funny, it's total crap.   Why is poor Navi placed as #8?  All the ones I've read before #8 sound way worse.  I recently got done playing OoT again and seriously Navi hardly says a word (I actually welcome Navi's assistance, because OoT can get pretty tough.  To me it's one of the harder Zelda games).  If we're talking about characters from OoT who are annoying, then I'd rather pick Kaebora Gaebora (the owl) to be more annoying.  When you're trying to get through his dialog by rapidly pressing the A button, and then you finally notice you're just going through the same dialog over and over again, now that is annoying...  But not enough to be on a list like this!  I could easily find another game character to take poor Navi's place.  ;)


I think slippy toad should be #1! she (or he) is the most annoying character in SFX!


Quote from: B-Kpianist on February 22, 2008, 08:52:39 PMThe most annoying thing is when i'm battling a boss in SF64, and I hear, "WATCH OUT FOX!" or, "FOX! Are you Okay?!" Or the most annoying, "Fox, GET THIS GUY OFF ME!" UGGGHHHH, I cant stand that about her (it's a she right? Cuz in SFA, "It" Sounded like a guy lol

he really is a dude in star fox64 , he just doesnt sound like it


that's creepy. They must of used a really gay dude or a really annoying girl as the voice actor :P


What about the Marines of Halo (3, is the one I noticed it most.)

they jump in the way of my gun, then attack me when I accidentally shoot them
they shoot me "by accident"....

Shiny Boy

Oh, definitely.
"This is great in theory, but the marines have the unfortunate disposition of being pants-on-head retards."
  -Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw
Bow to me, for I am...Shiny Boy!


my list (top 5 worst!)
1 resseti
2 slippy
3 navi
4 Ashely
5 Waluigi i mean seriously an upside down L? i can see the M/W thing but not the L/Upsidown L i mean most gamers arent in russia!

David Hauffe

Quote from: Dude on February 23, 2008, 09:19:10 AMIn Picture #8 that's Tatl not Navi... ;D

WOWSorry, never saw someone so picky.


Im probably gonna get yelled at by die-hard FF fans. I have to say cloud, Vincent and sephiroth is in my top 10. For various reasons actually. First off, what makes Cloud annoying is how the Game portays him. He's supposed to be the tough, scarred, manly character. Too bad they gave him Super yellow, spiky hair and a purple jumpsuit. Way to give mixed impressions.
  Sephy is annoying because of why he wanted to destroy the world. It was portrayed as a uber traumatic experience of seeing the cruelty of Shinra. In all reality, all he saw was something that was supposed to be his mother (spoiler alert!!!!!!) even though it really wasn't, locked up in a tube. That whole game was pretty annoying actually. I enjoyed the game, its just that there were so many parts to it that made no sense what-so-ever.
  What annoyed me about Vincent is how he was portrayed after the game in Advent Children. How was Vincent portrayed in that weird movie? the wiseman who knew everything and the person you needed to turn to in the toughest of times. Hmm, that makes sense until you play the game again. I kid you not, vincent says no more than 50 words in the entire game and it is all in his own little parts. He says nothing in the main plot, he plays no major role, he's not even that good a character. Also, how can you be super wise to everything in the world when you've been asleep the past 20 years?