Nakah's Community Dream Log Thread(Thing)

Started by Nakah, February 23, 2011, 11:05:41 PM

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Thought it would be interesting to start logging our dreams(what we can remember) for reflective purposes and for analyzing everyone else's dreams.

I'll let you all know how mine goes in the morning.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Last night, I dreamt I was on a family reunion, and we were in a very high skyscraper that was a hotel.  It had a 1950's style to it.  There was something going down at the building and we were forced back into our rooms.  I don't remember much.  Although in my dreams, I have crazy fascinations with bathrooms, and toilet stalls.  Like every good dream that's memorable, that I've had, has had craaaaazy toilet stalls in them.  Most of them have shower heads.


The other night, I dreamt that I sat with two friends at lunch, and then they had to take me home in this car.

However, it had no doors and I had to be hanging out of the door "frame" the whole time.

I fell out of the car and realized I had no cell phone, so I couldn't call anyone.

There was a creepy pedophilish person's house nearby but I didn't really feel like going in that--so I just waited for my parents' car to go by.

They came by after a long time, and got out.

It turns out the the sidewalk I was on was a "Salads-only Path" (don't ask me what the hell that is).

Apparently that meant we couldn't use our car, because everyone got out of the car (and other people came) and we started racing to the "finish line" (the road where our cars were waiting).

I won the race (hurrah) then I woke up--precisely at 5:45, but for some reason my alarm had not gone off yet (it goes off at 5:45).

I turned my alarm off before it went off and got up. xD
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


Usually I have very vivid dreams that I could write large reflections upon, although last night, I don''t recall much of a dream.

One thing's for sure, all the people in my dream were people I had never met before.


Last night I had a dream that I was with my father (not my real father, some random guy that I guess was my dad) and we were joking around and having a good time, then he started complaining about EVERYTHING. And for some reason it really upset me and he didn't seem to see it and kept complaining, so when we got in the car I started crying and kept thinking about how I just wanted to go home and hug my teddy bear. All he did was tell me to stop crying.

It was.. odd.



So I was at an archaeological conference, sitting in a folding chair in the last row and next to the aisle, listening to some professor talk about how to complete archaeological surveys (how to sketch/label/map areas of the site mostly). So this was under a tent or something apparently, since it was open at the upper left and I could see a tree/shrub outside.  For some reason I was only half paying attention to the professor and talking to someone next to me about how I found a woven basket in the site the other day.  And some pot fragments. Everyone was wearing safari-style outfits like that hunter from Jumanji and there was a huge bag of something behind me.

It sounds like it's from a movie. I mean...I don't even study archaeology. I also don't normally remember dreams.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


I was dreaming something in language arts... But as soon as I woke up, I forgot what it was.
It's dangerous to go alone, take me with you! [JUB has joined the party.]


Last night I had a dream where the concert band was playing one of my compositions but it was definitely a different arrangement. i noted later to someone that it sounded more grungey. for some reason it was played as if it was part of a drumline and I apparently was a saxophonist in it.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


I had a dream last night that I moved to this REALLY tiny town. I moved in with this weird family and their son was sleeping on the floor of my bedroom all the time. He never woke up! And I was miserable there! But there was a giant green alarm clock in the middle of the town, that was neat.


The terrible secret of Animal Crossing--Jordan Kitt style?
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.

