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rating system for songs

Started by KINGOFTH3CASTLE, April 05, 2008, 03:43:35 PM

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i've been looking at the songs on this site but when i download them i find out some of them are to hard for me to play so i was thinking that we needed a rating system of how hard/easy a song is

1 to 5
1 the easiest and 5 the hardest
1- very easy song, no advance techniques, most notes are on beat. (ex. Clocktower LoZ:MM)
2- easy song, no advance techniques, notes can be on and off beat.(ex. Clocktown LoZ:MM)
3- medium song, some techniques can be added, notes can have jumps. (ex. Overworld SMB)
4- hard song, techniques will most likely be in this song, longer than most songs, sharps and flats in the song, may have key change
(ex. hyrule field LoZ:OoT)
5- the hardest songs, will have anything in these songs will be fast and furious, will have jumps and may have octave changes.
(ex. M64 medley)

my examples may be off but you get the idea.
you can maybe put it next to the song in the list.
please no negative comments.
state your opinion in a constructive way.
all hail the king of the castle


I remember someone asking for this once.

It would be nice to have it.

Last time the "uppers" said it would take a while, which I'm sure it would, but we do need improvements, don't we?


Might as well. Lets try not and use numbers though, why not colors?

Someone submits a song, and everyone else gives it a rating. You give it a rating too. Of course it would have to be approved first, but that way the rating could be of popular opinion. (or something :P)

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Now when I read this, I thought rating by how good the arrangement is, but this is good too.  We should probably have some voting system up next to the downloads to see what the general public thinks about the arrangements.

me irl


We've had it in the past, but I'm against it. Some people will complain that a certain song should be rated harder, while other claim it should be easier. Besides, when you know the original song, you can estimate it's difficulty a bit, right?


the is exactly the problem G-Han.

I do no many easy song and the only songs i know are the Mario and a little from the Zelda series.

i need to know what songs are easy and medium from the other series.
all hail the king of the castle


the rating all depends on the people.


very true... but after reading this i went and did ratings for the entire Final Fantasy Section on the website, dl some of the files and see if your reaction at the music matches the difficulty i placed on it... i also found a few problems with some sheets too lol...

I'm certain you'll find at least one song that you'll rank differently that what I did (thus proving what G-Han said)... but i don't mind doing this, it was actually kind of fun lol...

Note: These were done as objectively as possible, but I tried to skew the ratings more towards beginner players (because they have less of a gauge for a easy-difficult song); in any case, experienced players won't be playing/avoiding a piece just because they see a certain rating beside it. I intended these to be guidelines for newer players to help them avoid choosing something too difficult to start with.

Difficulty range:

Final Fantasy Arrangement Ratings:

Final Fantasy 1:

Chaos Shrine:
-easy song

Matoya’s Cave:
-medium song

Ocean Shrine:
-medium song

Final Fantasy 2:

Battle 1:
-medium-hard song

Battle 2:
-hard song

Battle 3:
-hard song

Castle Pandemonium:
-easy-medium song

-invalid file?
-wouldn’t dl for me.

Final Fantasy 3:

Battle 1:
-wrong song, file is the “Battle 1 Theme” from final fantasy 2

Eternal Wind:
-medium song

Sailing the Enterprise:
-medium-hard song

The Way to the Top:
-medium-hard song

Final Battle:
-hard song

Vegies of Geasal:
-medium song

Final Fantasy 4:

-needs to be simplified in order to be playable (bars 33-34 definitely, bar 2 maybe)
-hard song* (only if changes are made)

Dancing Calcobrena:

-medium song

Mount Ordeals:
-medium-hard song

The Dreadful Fight:
-needs to be simplified in order to be playable
-bars 12 and 14, bar 23, (bar 27 should have the bottom third played by the left hand)
-hard song*(only if changes are made)

Final Battle:
-invalid file?
-wouldn’t dl for me.

Kingdom of Baron:
-hard-hardest song

Theme of Love:
-playable (a lot of overlap with the left hand on the second page though...)
-hard song

Final Fantasy 5:

Ahead on our way:
-medium-hard song

-hard song

Battle with Gilgamesh:
-playable* (bars 1-11 and bars 45-46)
-hardest song

-medium song

Exdeath’s Castle:
-easy-medium song

Exdeath’s Theme:
-medium song

Hurry Hurry:
-file not found

Sealed Away:
-medium-hard song

Tenderness in the Air:
-hard song

The Ancient Library:
-medium song

The Decisive Battle:
-hardest song

The Dragon Spreads its Wings:
-easy difficulty

Victory Fanfare:
-easy-medium difficulty

Final Fantasy 6:

The Decisive Battle:
-wrong song, file is the “The Decisive Battle” from final fantasy 5

The Fierce Battle:
-hard song

Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles

Annual Festival:
-hard song

Moschet Manor:
-medium-hard song

Mount Vellenge:
-hard-hardest song

Promised Grace:
-hard-hardest song

River Belle Path:
-medium song

-hard song

Twilight in Dreamland:
-hard song

It's on a need-to-know basis that you don't need to know.


Me and Jamaha played with the idea, but figured it would be too hard, especially for a really efficient one...


Quote from: blah54 on April 10, 2008, 07:16:13 PMvery true... but after reading this i went and did ratings for the entire Final Fantasy Section on the website, dl some of the files and see if your reaction at the music matches the difficulty i placed on it... i also found a few problems with some sheets too lol...

Nice! I'm a noob, I think chaosshrine sounds possible, thx for the list.
Noob right here, any easy songs tell me, plz and thx.


i kinda like it but g han has a point... but what about like if each song wasn't a rating but saying what is *challenging* in it... like... for the tetris theme u could put that it has 2 parts for the treble hand... that way the player knows what's coming... but that would be annoying to do that for every single sheet....
Conversation on Shoddy Battle:
<death09>my girlfriend broke up with me and sent me pix of her and her new boyfriend in bed
<death09>yeah. i sent them to her dad

Before you post you might want to make sure you have a couple of these: ..!!??,,,

Feel free to place them wherever.

Composer #40

Blah just shot down two of my ff4 songs, which was some of my early work...with notepad. Luckily I went over them when the site was down and should be and improvement from the two impossible ones. At least he gave me what I wanted to hear: if it is playable or not.   

If you have a way to make the Gilgamesh song simpler, I'll be happy to hear it.

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